Meet The Leader

Chapter 406: low key

Huizhen has practiced the Demon Slaying Mercy Saber for over a hundred years. This type of saber technique is not too well-known in Daguang Temple.

But any kind of martial arts practiced for over a hundred years is extremely terrifying, and now Huizhen's Demon Slaying Mercy Sword is just like that.

The sword's momentum fell, and it was clear that this sword had a majestic and powerful power, but its core was killing mercy.

To kill to kill, to purify the world!

The moment Chu Xiu was stared at by the stance of the mercy knife, his figure began to retreat sharply.

The old monk Huizhen wanted to fight him, but Chu Xiu didn't want to fight Huizhen.

He came to solve the trouble, not to cause trouble. With Huizhen's current state, even if Chu Xiu ran for his life immediately, Huizhen, who had already burned his blood essence, would not be able to return to the Daguang Temple alive.

But obviously Huizhen doesn't think so, his killing intent has been decided, maybe in Huizhen's view, he is lucky to be able to fight to the death in the killing field with these demonic murderers, instead of on the bed, if he can still pull it up In front of this demonic murderer, it is great luck!

All the demonic suffocation around Chu Xiu gathered together and burst out, but they all disappeared under the sword.

The powerful force of this knife is somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's imagination, and this old monk's desperate blow is really terrifying to the extreme.

Do you want to restore your original identity?

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, and suddenly took a step forward. The Emperor's Wang Qi technique was displayed. In Chu Xiu's eyes, Huizhen's blade was like a dense thread, attacking him overwhelmingly.

The Emperor's Qi Technique has been performed to the extreme by Chu Xiu, and countless possible future trajectories have been deduced by Chu Xiu, but 99% of the time, the result is that he can't stop it!

The rest is that even if you can block it, the price you will pay will not be low.

There is no perfect practice in this world, but with Chu Xiu's current strength, he can't find a loophole in Huizhen, or even if he finds a loophole, he can't catch it.

Tianzi Wangqi is just an auxiliary type of exercise, it can tell you the future, but the one who really changes the future is yourself.

The cause and effect are in your hands, and it is up to you whether you can move it.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something. He suddenly raised his head, transmitted his inner power directly, and said in Huizhen's ear with his original tone: "You, the master, is much stronger than your apprentice. When you were an apprentice, you didn't waste any strength, but now you are able to push me to this level. It's not easy, it's not easy.

The moment she heard this voice, Huizhen's heart suddenly trembled, and she looked at Chu Xiu with a look of horror.

Although Huizhen didn't make a move during the competition in the ring before, he heard Chu Xiu's voice, so he thought of who this person was in front of him almost instantly.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Huizhen's mind, mixed with joy and anger.

The joy is that this time he can really kill Chu Xiu and avenge his apprentice, but the anger is that Chu Xiu is so bold, he turns out to be a person in the devil's way!

The righteous and the devil are immortal. If he knew that Chu Xiu was a man in the devil's way, how could he have suffered for so long and couldn't avenge his disciples?

Chu Xiu, the torture officer in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, killed Ming Chen and the demonic murderer Chu Xiu killed Ming Chen. If he had known Chu Xiu's identity earlier, even if Xu Yun personally interceded, Chu Xiu would die. Undoubted!

It's just that Huizhen didn't realize it. At the moment of the battle, he thought about so many things, which also caused a slight change in the posture of the knife in his hand, very subtle pauses and changes.

If it was placed before, Chu Xiu would never see such a subtle change.

However, when Chu Xiu used the Emperor Wangqi technique to fight against Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship, his own cultivation of the Emperor Qishu was a great improvement. At this time, the slight change had been caught by Chu Xiu. , Chu Xiu turned his palm into a knife in an instant, the power of qi and blood permeated and burned, intertwined with demonic energy, turned into a dazzling magic knife and slammed down!

Chu Xiu rarely does things like burning qi and blood. He is a person who dares to fight wildly in times of crisis, but he is also a very rational person. Burning qi and blood will not only cause dark wounds and damage the foundation, but also Let your strength drop to an extreme in a short period of time.

But now facing the old monk Huizhen, Chu Xiu had to burn his blood essence in order to be safe.

That slight loophole was caught by Chu Xiu. Under the surging magic knife, blood and blood mixed with demonic energy ripped apart Huizhen's blade, smashed his mercy knife, and the demonic energy entered the body. A hideous knife mark was left on the chest, and it was directly cut off.

There was a loud bang, and Huizhen fell to the ground, with a look of unwillingness and relief in her eyes, and finally died.

As a master, he failed to avenge his apprentice until the last moment of his life, which was Hui Zhen's unwillingness.

But for Huizhen himself, he had fought and fought all his life for the Daguang Temple, eliminating demons and defending the road. At this time, he died on the battlefield of the battle between the righteous and the demons, but his merits and virtues were completed. , is also relieved.

At this time, Huizhen's death also aroused the idea of ​​many people present.

The disciples of the Daguang Temple are all fiercely fighting with the demon warriors present. Except for the five sword sects, they are the ones who kill the most vigorously. Those who don’t know it think that this battle between the demons was provoked by them. .

When Huizhen died, neither the false words nor the false duo paid attention. At this time, they were all fighting fiercely with the demon master in front of them. The Xiahou Town of the general, spared no effort to release water, so they did not pay attention to the things in front of them.

But only after the other warriors of Daguang Temple shouted, they realized that Huizhen had died here!

There was a hint of anger in Xuyan's eyes. Although Huizhen was a generation lower than him, he took care of himself quite a bit when he was young. He brought Huizhen in order to let him relax and forget Mingchen. Death, I didn't expect Huizhen to die on Fuyu Mountain like this this time!

This made Xuyan feel that Huizhen's death was caused by himself, so Xuyan even wanted to kill Chu Xiu immediately.

It's just that his opponent is the martial arts master of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect. The strength of the warriors of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect may be weaker in frontal shots, but with their strange methods, it is very entangled and makes people helpless. .

Just look at the fight between Shen Baochen and the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect's suzerain Yi Bo Xun, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shen Baochen's strength is actually far from Yi Bo Xun, but he was entangled by Yi Bo Xun for so long. One can imagine how difficult the sixth day Demon Sect was in this regard.

Xu Yan was about to break free, but he was instantly left behind by the martial arts master of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, which made him furious and helpless at the same time.

On the other side, Chu Xiu also hurt some vitality after beheading Huizhen. At the same time, he also felt a powerful coercion and murderous intent falling on him.

It doesn't feel so good to be stared at by a martial arts master-level powerhouse. Chu Xiu also has a hunch that he should keep a low profile.

So Chu Xiu turned around and ran away. He said hello to Mr. 6, and asked the people from the Wuxiang Demon Sect to cover him. He fled to the edge, changed his clothes, took off his mask, and became Guanzhong again. Chu Xiu in the punishment hall was just a little paler than before.

Chu Xiu, who had returned to his original identity, did not continue to take action, but leaned towards Tianxiameng and others.

The entire Fuyu Mountain was united, and only a few sects, such as the Tianxia Alliance, or well-known loose cultivators had always wanted to remain neutral, so they didn't make a move, and neither the righteous nor the devil made it difficult for them.

The people of the five major sword factions want to pull people into the water, and there are enough righteous sects to participate now, and they don't care about their people.

And the magic line is not an idiot, it really provokes everyone.

This time, the warriors of the demonic lineage are only here to create the Heavenly Demon Flag. Since the World Alliance and others are not ready to take they will provoke them when they are full.

So now the entire Fuyu Mountain, there is only such a small place that is peaceful.

Seeing Chu Xiu coming over at this time, his face was still a little pale, as if he was over-exhausted, Xie Xiaolou was surprised, and was about to ask, but he held back the words he just said.

Xie Xiaolou didn't say much, and he was also a discerning person who knew what to ask and what not to ask.

Right now, the battle between the demons is a mess, who knows who Chu Xiu is going to kill? Naturally, Chu Xiu didn't call him, so he shouldn't talk too much.

So the inquiries that were about to open turned into small talk.

Brother Chu, Zhengmo has dispatched so many strong men, who do you think will be the final winner?

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said: There is no winner, both sides are losers.

Xie Xiaolou was stunned, not understanding why Chu Xiu said that.

Either win, lose, or draw, but Chu Xiu said that both sides lost, what does this mean?

But before Xie Xiaolou could ask questions, Chu Xiu said, "Look, it's almost over, and the result will naturally be known by then.

The result of this righteous demon battle was not what Chu Xiu said, but was destined to happen.

The arrival of Chu Xiu made a little change in the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, or the person who deserved to be alive did not die, but the person who deserved to live was dead. The people who should come have not come, but there are a lot of people who shouldn't come.

But Chu Xiu's butterfly effect is limited. What he can influence is only a small number of people. Chu Xiu, who is in the real fire refining spirit realm like Dong Huang Taiyi, will definitely not be affected. The ratio has not changed, so the final result should be no change.


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