Meet The Leader

Chapter 407: The horror of the East Emperor 1

Not long after Chu Xiu finished talking to Xie Xiaolou, the battle situation in the field had already changed, and this change started from Donghuang Taiyi's side. &1t;/

In fact, Donghuang Taiyi has made very few shots on the rivers and lakes. The most recent shot was the battle with Daguang Temple more than 20 years ago, so his ranking on the Dragon Tiger List has even been erased by Fengmanlou. . &1t;/

Many people in the arena know that this generation of Donghuang Taiyi is very strong, but no one knows how strong Donghuang Taiyi is. &1t;/

In addition, the current leader of the Moon Worship Cult, Ye Shaonan, is really too strong. The Moon Worship Cult is already the number one faction in the Devil's Way, and Ye Shaonan is naturally the number one in the Devil's Way. &1t;/

Under the shadow of a powerhouse of this level, no matter what Donghuang Taiyi does, it will not be conspicuous at all, no matter how much he has aura, it will be covered up by Ye Shaonan. &1t;/

And until now, no one knows why Donghuang Taiyi is called the strongest Donghuang Taiyi in all dynasties. &1t;/

More than 200 years ago, Duguli, the famous 'Jiannan King', was suppressed to the extreme by Donghuang Taiyi, and there was almost no power to fight back. &1t;/

After that, Fengyun Sword Tomb even invited the famous fierce soldier Jueyuan. The previous generation Fengyun Sword Tomb Sect Master, the direct disciple of the old sword **** Guo Mo, Yan Zhi, was driven by blood to join forces to kill Dong Huang Taiyi, but the same can only be done. Barely stalemate. &1t;/

But now, the stalemate was broken by Emperor Taiyi. &1t;/

Perhaps it was because Dong Huangtai was impatient because of the stalemate, and he finally used his trump card. &1t;/

In the powerful sword energy of Duguli and Jueyuanjian, Dong Huangtai's large sleeve robes closed, and as his figure slowly turned, what was thrown out from the large sleeve robes were black demons. flame. &1t;/

That demonic flame burns the sky and devours the earth, and can use everything as nourishment, whether it is the vitality of heaven and earth, or the sword energy that comes from Duguli, everything can be swallowed up by that demonic flame. &1t;/

In the end, the overwhelming demonic flames had even enveloped most of the Floating Jade Mountain, as if the sun was falling. &1t;/

Donghuang Taiyi stood in the center of the magic flame, and everyone could only see a black shadow controlling the burning magic flame, like a **** and a devil! &1t;/

The boundless demonic flames swallowed up Duguli's sword qi and enveloped him in it. Even the power of the fierce soldier Jueyuan was swallowed up and wrapped by the demonic flames, and even the sword body had some traces of melting. ! &1t;/

Yan Zhi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale. &1t;/

In front of that terrifying magic flame, the connection between him and Jueyuan Sword was completely cut off! &1t;/

"What kind of martial arts is this!?" Duguli couldn't help shouting out in horror. &1t;/

The faces of the five sword factions and the warriors of the righteous path showed horror. It was not that they were making a fuss, but that they had never really seen or even heard of the martial arts displayed by Donghuang Taiyi. &1t;/

Donghuang Taiyi stood in the middle of the boundless demonic flames, and said lightly: "The sect master's "Heavenly Patching Heart Sutra" shocked the world and made ghosts and gods cry. How about my "Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror" now?&1t;/

Although a certain person was not as stunning as the leader, this Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror was also the result of a hundred years of painstaking research on the martial arts of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Moon Worship Cult and countless ancient books, and it was not until a few years ago that it was finally completed. &1t;/

Duguli, and the little doll who manipulated Jueyuan, you can be proud of yourself, because you are the first people in the entire Jianghu to experience the power of Fen Tianbaojian. ”&1t;/

Upon hearing this, everyone present fell silent. &1t;/

The trend of worshiping the moon has become a reality! &1t;/

The strength of a sect is never because of one person, but because of a group of people. &1t;/

In the past, Dugu and I was invincible in the world, but it cannot be ignored that without Dugu and I, the Kunlun Demon Sect fought the power and terror of the entire river and lake by itself. &1t;/

Now everyone knows that Ye Shaonan, the leader of worshiping the moon, is extremely powerful. He even defeated countless masters of the Daguang Temple in a battle against the Daguang Temple 20 years ago. The power of the Moon Worship Cult also has other people's credit. &1t;/

Ye Shaonan's Heart Sutra was not handed down from the ancient times by the Moon Worship Cult, but was continuously researched and supplemented by the sect masters of the past dynasties. Finally, in Ye Shaonan's generation, it was finally perfected and successfully cultivated. Heaven, the shocking power of reversing the universe. &1t;/

And now Donghuang Taiyi's Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror is obviously the same. It was created by him based on the exercises and some classics of Donghuang Taiyi in the past. Its power is extremely powerful. . &1t;/

Creating exercises is very simple, let alone a martial arts master, even an ordinary martial artist can occasionally combine inspiration and create some moves. &1t;/

The predecessors are not necessarily stronger than today's people, and the ancient exercises are not necessarily stronger than the exercises created and researched by today's warriors, but the exercises that can be handed down from ancient times are only fine products. &1t;/

However, no matter in ancient times or now, the martial artist who can create a powerful martial art by himself must be a martial arts master with amazing talent. &1t;/

Ye Shaonan is such an existence, so is Donghuang Taiyi. &1t;/

The nine gods and witches of the first class of Donghuangtai are all named after the nine gods in the legend of Chu. In the legend, Donghuangtaiyi originally meant the sun god, the emperor who controls the sun, etc., so now Donghuangtaiyi created it. It can be said that this Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror was specially created for the gods and witches of Donghuang Taiyi's lineage. &1t;/

Even if Donghuang Taiyi dies, the next generation who succeeds Donghuang Taiyi can still practice this Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror. It can be said that Donghuang Taiyi alone has raised the strength of all Donghuang Taiyi who worship the moon in later generations. &1t;/

For these orthodox sects, they don't know that the rise of the devil has not risen, but the strength of the Moon Worship Cult is far beyond their imagination. &1t;/

But just when everyone was still in shock, Dong Huangtai was in the air, and the burning flames around his body condensed at one point, bursting with a bang. Flying, vomiting blood, and looking white. &1t;/

His Burning Heaven Sword Art is equally powerful, but it is also a flame. Now, the Burning Heaven Sword Art has been suppressed to the extreme by Dong Huang Taiyi's Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror. There may be a reason for this, but the most fundamental reason is Still people. &1t;/

The same is true fire refining God, but he is alone, not as good as Donghuang Taiyi! &1t;/

At this time, the Jueyuan Sword was still flying around because it was no longer under the control of Yan Zhi. Dong Huangtai snorted coldly. It actually completely melted the Abyss Sword! &1t;/

With a wave of one hand, the Jueyuan Sword, which had become a mass of molten iron, was reshaped. A long sword full of black flames was born from the magic flame. It was grabbed by Donghuang Taiyi and exploded in an instant. A fierce air came. &1t;/

In the hands of Fen Tian Moyan of the East Emperor Taiyi, this sword of Jueyuan, which even a master swordsmith could not smelt in the past, was completely melted, and even reshaped. &1t;/

Donghuang Taiyi said lightly: "This Jueyuan is not bad, you have kept the Sword Tomb of Fengyun for so many years and have not understood it, and now it is time to change the owner.&1t;/

From now on, there will be no Jueyuan Sword, only the Burning Heaven Sword! ”&1t;/

The people on the righteous path are all gray and defeated, especially the five sword sects. &1t;/

This time they were defeated, completely and completely. &1t;/

Duguli was hit hard, Fengyun Jianzhong also lost the fierce soldier Jueyuan, and the one who lost was a miserable one. &1t;/

But at this moment, Shen Baochen, who had been fighting with Yiboxun of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, suddenly exploded. &1t;/

Shen Baochen was already very impatient with Yi Bo Xun, and Du Guli was defeated, so he had to use his trump card. &1t;/

Shen Baochen had his sword and a bamboo flute hanging on his body all the year round. Everyone thought that the bamboo flute was just something Shen Baochen used to play with, but now Shen Baochen took the bamboo flute in his hand and played it. &1t;/

The moment the voice sounded, Yi Bo Xun's complexion suddenly changed, because what Shen Baochen played was not a pleasant flute, but a series of murderous sword dances! &1t;/

The sound of the flute turned into countless hazy phantoms, these phantoms hovering between the heavens and the earth, with the power of the heavens and the earth to inspire the swords to dance, thousands of swordsmanships unite, the sword dance of the common people! &1t;/

Under the sword dance of the common people, Yibo Xun's desire world was completely shattered for six days. The sword dance of the common people contained and strangled everything, and Yi Bo Xun's means could not be defended at all. During the sword dance, Yi Bo Xun retreated step by step, The worlds in front of them evolved and collapsed, but they still vomited blood and retreated from being strangled. &1t;/

His strength was not as good as Shen just now he was just fighting and stalemate, but now that Shen Baochen suddenly became powerful, he couldn't hold on any longer. &1t;/

The Burning Heaven Demonic Flame fell, and the pitch-black Demonic Flame collided with the sword dance of the common people. The Demonic Flame Burning Heaven finally blocked the strangling momentum of the Sword Dance, but the Burning Heaven Demonic Flame, which could melt everything, could not melt the common life of Shen Baochen. Sword dance. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai squinted his eyes and looked at Shen Baochen: "This is the imprint of the mind and the sword intent left by the strong men of the past dynasties in the sword house? Cangsheng Jianwu, huh, it's just a foreign object, they are all dead, and in the end they You have to work hard for your unworthy descendants, you righteous sects, but what you do is crueler than mine."&1t;/

Shen Baochen held the bamboo flute in his hands, and said lightly, "My ancestors in Zowangjianlu left this sword dance for the common people originally to protect the common people. They have the common people in their hearts, so they can be obsessed with letting them stay in the ancestral hall. To be covered in dust is a great disrespect to our ancestors."&1t;/

Dong Huangtai raised his eyebrows, and he was just sarcastic, but he also knew that this was originally a hole card left by the ancestors of Zuowangjianlu, and in the whole Zuowangjianlu, it is estimated that no one except Shen Baochen could use it. thing. &1t;/

To inspire the thoughts and sword intents left by all the masters of the Sword House in the past, you must have a strong swordsmanship and a clear sword heart that integrates all swordsmanship. Otherwise, once one of the swordsmanship conflicts with you, it is not only It will devour itself, and it will also destroy the hole cards left by the ancestors of the Zuowangjianlu. &1t;/


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