Meet The Leader

Chapter 408: end

ps: Thanks to the book friends for blowing away the reward of 10,000 starting coins from Yundui&1t;/

There is a battle between the righteous and the devil, and it is almost the end of the battle. &1t;/

Duguli was seriously injured by Donghuang Taiyi, and Yibo Xun was injured by Shen Baochen. On the surface, the damage on both sides was almost the same. &1t;/

And the martial arts masters on the two sides below have even suffered damage, and other martial artists such as the unity of heaven and man or the five qi Chaoyuan realm have suffered countless casualties and are extremely tragic. &1t;/

In this situation, continuing to fight is still a lose-lose situation. In the end, it is estimated that both sides will need to add various strengths. &1t;/

Ye Shaonan hadn't made a move yet, and the few old monsters in the Hidden Demon lineage didn't make a move either. &1t;/

Similarly, on the other side of the five sword factions, Fengyun Jianzhong and other sects also have their strengths and not all of them are used. Moreover, by that time, it will not be the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, but the battle between the righteous and the demons in the world. &1t;/

Neither the demon line nor the right line want to repeat this kind of catastrophe, so both sides agreed to temporarily stop. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai stood with his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "If you have fought enough, hand over the Good Fortune Heavenly Demon Flag. If you have not fought enough, then that's fine, I will continue to accompany you to the end!"&1t;/

Shen Baochen was silent for a moment, and just when everyone thought he would say something, Shen Baochen waved his hand and threw the Heavenly Demon Banner to Donghuang Taiyi. &1t;/

"You have already got what you want, leave Fuyu Mountain, otherwise my five sword factions will also accompany them to the end!"&1t;/

Everyone present was a little puzzled. Shen Baochen was a little too straightforward. He didn't even say a word of cruelty and gave the demon flag of creation to the devil. Is this a confession? &1t;/

However, some knowledgeable warriors agree with Shen Baochen's approach. In this situation, it is meaningless to delay handing over the Heavenly Demon Banner. The righteous path has already lost. Since they do not want to fight to the end with the devil, then There is no benefit to entanglement, it will only increase casualties and jokes, so simply say, hello, hello, everyone. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai took over the Good Fortune Heavenly Demon Banner, but there was no joy on his face. Flicking the banner, the demonic energy on the Floating Jade Mountain instantly surged into the sky, and countless demon warriors looked towards Dong Huangtai. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai directly threw the Good Fortune Heavenly Demon Banner, and withdrew from Fuyu Mountain like a tide with countless magic practitioners. &1t;/

This time, although the magic road won on the surface, but in fact the magic road also lost, so there is no winner between the two sides, it is a lose-lose situation. &1t;/

This time, the five major sword factions wanted to seduce the devil's way with the flag of good fortune, and they took the opportunity to stand up and compete for the position of the five major sword factions. &1t;/

As a result, the five sword factions have not yet been separated, but the prestige has been established, but it was not established by them to the devil, but the devil established to them. &1t;/

And it seems that the Demon Dao lineage that is in the limelight has successfully obtained the Heavenly Demon Banner, but it is not a good thing for the Moon Worship Cult or the entire Demon Dao Lineage. &1t;/

Since the Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed, they have been hiding their strength in a low-key manner. &1t;/

As a result, in the battle of Fuyu Mountain, a large part of the strength of the demon lineage has been revealed, which will definitely be vigilant and even hostile to the righteous warriors. &1t;/

At that time, the current line of magic will not be as easy as it is now. &1t;/

After all, although the demon lineage at that time still looked easy to bully, it was restrained and had enough confidence in itself. &1t;/

But now the sect of the righteous way will not continue to let the demons show as before, there are suppression or restrictions. After the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, everyone can be sure that the contradiction between the two is bound to intensify. On the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful again! &1t;/

Of course, this doesn't matter to the warriors of the small sects or the warriors of the scattered cultivators present. The warriors who are at the bottom of the rivers and lakes can't see that far. As long as the benefits in front of them are enough, it will be enough. . &1t;/

At this time, the magic path has receded, and the five sword factions should also express their expressions. &1t;/

You must know that this game was set up by the five major sword factions, but in the end, it evolved into a war of true demons. &1t;/

The righteous and the devil are at odds, and everyone can help you, but because of this, many people have been killed and wounded. If your five swordsmen do not express it, is it a bit too much? &1t;/

Of course, if the five major sword sects are thick-skinned, they can really not express it, but if the five major sword sects do this kind of thing, do they need their reputation? &1t;/

Therefore, after Shen Baochen and other experts in the realm of real fire refining the spirit left, Han Tingyi cupped his hands at everyone present and said, "This time, all of you have helped my five sword sects fight against the devil's way, and my five sword sects are very grateful.&1t ;/

My five sword factions will give gifts to all the warriors who take action in this battle against the demons of Fuyu Mountain. My five sword factions will also give gifts to those who successfully kill the demon warriors! ”&1t;/

The background of the five major sword sects is not weak, and it is worth taking out some things as gifts. The most important thing is an attitude. &1t;/

Moreover, for a sect of the level of Daguang Temple, they don't care what the five swords send, as long as the attitude of the five swords is sincere, this is enough. &1t;/

However, for those who are loose cultivators or those who are small sects, even if the five major sword sects take out a little thing at will, they will be regarded as treasures by them, so these people are very excited. &1t;/

Han Tingyi arranged for someone to pick up the things, and he personally brought the precious and strange treasures prepared in advance and handed them over to the warriors of the major factions, and distributed them according to how many enemies they killed. &1t;/

Han Ting is not afraid that these people will take military exploits or something. Most of the warriors from the big faction are still shameful. &1t;/

Moreover, this Floating Jade Mountain is so big, and most of the people who killed who killed it are basically impossible to pretend to be the leader. &1t;/

Han Tingyi took out a few secret boxes and handed them over to Daguang Temple's false words, and said: "Daguang Temple's righteous action this time, my five swordsmen are grateful!"&1t;/

What Han Tingyi said was sincere. In this battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Daguang Temple was the one who took the most action. &1t;/

In terms of eliminating demons and guarding the way, the Daguang Temple really does not have any hidden secrets. &1t;/

However, the loss here at the Daguang Temple is also not small. &1t;/

In addition to Huizhen who was killed by Chu Xiu, a martial artist from the unity of heaven and man also died here in Daguang Temple, as well as several warriors from the Five Qi Chaoyuan and Three Flowers Gathering. &1t;/

Xu Yan put his hands together, and said with a solemn expression: "My Daguang Temple shot is not because of the so-called loyalty, but only to eliminate demons and defend the way.&1t;/

This time, even if it is not your five swordsmen presiding over, if it is replaced by the Daomen line, my Daguang Temple will unreservedly kill those demonic murderers. ”&1t;/

Han Tingyi's words made Han Tingyi a little embarrassed, and Xudu laughed aside and said, "I said, junior brother, you are so honest, but it will make people uncomfortable."&1t;/

Xu Yan cast a glance at him and said, "Monks don't lie. People from Daguang Temple have always been so straight-forward. I can't say the kind of polite words that are false."&1t;/

When Xudu interrupted like this, Han Tingyi was even more embarrassed, so he had to drop two polite words and immediately turned to the others. &1t;/

When it was Chu Xiu's turn, his reward was also given by Han Tingyi himself. &1t;/

This time, Chu Xiu came on behalf of Guanzhong Xingtang, and he was naturally qualified to let Han Tingyi treat him like this. &1t;/

Looking at Chu Xiu, Han Tingyi's attitude was not bad, and he even let Chu Xiu choose the reward by himself. &1t;/

"Chu Xiaoyou, this time you won the second place in the arena, the reward of "Blood Transformation Sword" is what you deserved, and you also stood by my righteous path this time, beheading Qiu Xiangzi of the Five Poison Sect, After getting rid of this ruthless devil, are you going to ask for elixir or other things?"&1t;/

Han Ting's attitude towards Chu Xiu was naturally not because of his love for talent and looked at Chu Xiu differently, but because of Chu Xiu's previous attitude. &1t;/

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is neither a righteous way nor a demonic way, but Chu Xiu was on their side before and killed Qiu Xiangzi, who was not weak in the Five Poison Religion. In Han Tingyi's view, this Chu Xiu was But a young chivalrous man with a righteous heart, although his actions are a little extreme, he still has a clear distinction in morality. &1t;/

Han Ting is a martial arts master. Of course, he will not learn more about the juniors like Chu Xiu, so it is just hearsay. &1t;/

There are rumors in Jianghu that Chu Xiu is ruthless and decisive, but now Chu Xiu's impression in Han Ting's eyes is reversed. &1t;/

It's okay to be ruthless and to act extreme, that young man is not angry? Isn't what Jianghu people pursue is a kind of pleasure and hatred, as long as they can stand in the right direction in terms of righteousness, there will be no problem. &1t;/

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you senior Han, since my reward is the blood-turning sword, why don't senior Han give me the magic blood magic that goes with the blood-turning ”&1t;/

Han Tingyi frowned and said: "You want the magic blood? It's not that my five sword factions are stingy and don't want to give it to you, but the magic blood is very evil. During the battle, it relies on the absorption of the opponent's blood and magic to enhance its own strength. Unlimited use of the blood-turning sword.&1t;/

This kind of martial arts also belongs to the extremely evil ways in the magic way. I gave it to you. One is to hurt the heavens, and the other is also afraid that you will fall into the magic way. ”&1t;/

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Senior Han, I have also learned a lot of magic arts. In my opinion, people have good and evil, but martial arts have no good and evil. Even if I practice magic, I use it in Above the right path, if it is used to kill the devil, then it is the right path martial arts, and there are many people in the right path who practice the magic power.&1t;/

And senior Han also [31 Novel Network] Don't worry about me falling into the devil's way, I have practiced magic before, isn't it just as good now? As a martial artist, if he is affected by the practice, his will is too bad. ”&1t;/

People present, like Nie Dongliu, who were familiar with Chu Xiu's character, felt awkward when they heard what Chu Xiu said, and sneered in their hearts. &1t;/

You, Chu Xiu, have walked all the way, but you have not walked the right path! &1t;/

It's just that at this time, no one went to dismantle Chu Xiu, because that would only offend Han Tingyi and the five major sword factions, and it would be easy for Chu Xiu to bite back and slander him. &1t;/


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