Meet The Leader

Chapter 412: Nie Dongliu's calculations

Mei Qinglian didn't know Lu Fengxian, but she knew that Chu Xiu was a person who would never suffer losses, and he was very accurate in seeing people. Since Chu Xiu said that going to save Lu Fengxian would not suffer, then he would definitely not suffer.

Moreover, Mei Qinglian was curious about what kind of person Chu Xiu admired and admired.

After all, although Chu Xiu doesn't look so arrogant on the outside, in fact, Mei Qinglian knows that this guy doesn't pay much attention to young powerhouses like Zhang Chengzhen or Zong Xuan.

Mei Qinglian thought for a while and said, "Before you take action, you should think clearly, Juyi Village is not easy to mess with.

Although Juyi Village only has a martial arts master like Nie Renlong, what really makes people dreaded in Juyi Village is not Nie Renlong's strength, but Juyi Village's connections and reputation.

In other places, these connections and reputation may not work, but in Beiyan, there is the site of Juyi Village. Juyi Village does not say that it has a lot of responses, but at least it can create a lot of reputation locally. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "I know, that's why I want to take care of you, Lady Saint, borrowing something."

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "For what?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "People!"


Chu Xiu nodded and said: "It's just people, in the hidden demon lineage, there must be many masters of the master level hidden in the open, just like you and me, and it's people like you who want to borrow.

I will not let these people help me deal with Juyi Village directly, I will deal with the other Juyi Village people, I just hope that if Nie Renlong really disregards his reputation and wants to bully me, this person will come forward to help me Nie Renlong who carried it. "

Mei Qinglian nodded and said, "It turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, then there are quite a few people like this. Leave it to me."

The last time when the Demon Dao was in the alliance, Chu Xiu had already seen the power of the hidden demon lineage and Mei Qinglian's face.

The status of this lady saint in the hidden demon lineage is really not low. Mr. 6 and other people from the phantom demon sect want to give her face, even the old monsters like Wei Shuya recognize her.

So this time Chu Xiu believed that Mei Qinglian's network was far more than that simple, and the martial arts master of the hidden demon lineage in Beiyan should also give her a face, which now seems to be the case.

Mei Qinglian agreed lightly, and didn't ask Chu Xiu to take out anything in exchange, as if she really just said something casually.

"Thank you, Lady Saint."

Chu Xiu cupped his hands at Mei Qinglian. He didn't stay here much at Mei Qinglian. After a few polite words, he turned around and left.


Beiyan Leping County, in Juyi Village.

Nie Dongliu was called to the study by Nie Renlong, but Nie Renlong in front of him was just processing some official documents from Juyi Village in the study, and he ignored Nie Dongliu who was called by him, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Nie Dongliu knew that he must have done something wrong, which made Nie Renlong angry.

It's just that Nie Dongliu has always been more ambitious, and even exceeded Nie Renlong's expectations in some aspects, so Nie Renlong rarely blames Nie Dongliu, and this kind of thing rarely happens.

As for why Nie Renlong was angry, Nie Dongliu roughly guessed something, and he even thought of an excuse, so although the atmosphere at this time was depressed, he seemed calm.

After half an hour, Nie Renlong finished dealing with the things in front of him, looked at Nie Dongliu, and said with a blank expression, "Looking at your calm and relaxed appearance, you should know why I called you here, right? "

Nie Dongliu nodded and said, "I know, it must be because I mobilized the experts from Juyi Village and instigated Beiyan Wulin to hunt down Lu Fengxian."

Nie Renlong snorted coldly: "Since you know, why do you do this?

I know you were angry when you lost to Chu Xiu at the World Sword Sect Conference, but you were not so angry!

You have lost to Chu Xiu now, it doesn't matter, the road ahead is still long, I have taught you countless times, you have to look farther, don't care about temporary gains and losses, the winner is the one who can reach the end. And you! ?

Just because Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu are good friends, you framed him for participating in the massacre, and you even tried to kill Lu Fengxian even at the expense of gathering the strength of Juyi Village. Is this kind of thing beneficial to my Juyi Village?

To take revenge by such naive means, apart from lowering your own realm and wasting Juyi Village's power in vain, you won't get any benefits at all! "

Nie Renlong is not against Nie Dongliu's revenge, but even if he wants to take revenge, it is best to use some effective methods, instead of making small troubles to disgust Chu Xiu like now, and only dare to treat Chu Xiu's side People start.

Nie Dongliu said solemnly, "Father, don't you believe me? I won't do things that hurt others but don't benefit myself. The reason why I pursued Lu Fengxian desperately is not to make me sick. Chu Xiu, but to eradicate a threat, a huge threat!

Compared to Chu Xiu, although Lu Fengxian is not so well-known in the arena, he is a hidden dragon! As long as there is a chance, it will soar to the sky!

His own strength and potential are not inferior to Chu Xiu. At the beginning, he and Chu Xiu were hunted out of Beiyan, one went to Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and the other went to Western Chu.

Although what Lu Fengxian did in the land of Western Chu was not as much as that of Chu Xiu, he was appreciated by Emperor Chen Qing of the Tianxia Alliance, and even Chen Qingdi personally asked to accept him into the Tianxia Alliance, but Lu Fengxian refused.

Dad, how can a person who can be so valued by Chen Qingdi, the leader of the World Alliance, be easy to follow?

Then Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu have a good relationship with each other. In the future, I will deal with Chu Xiu. Lu Fengxian is definitely a great enemy! My shot at him now is to eradicate a big threat for the future! "

After listening to Nie Dongliu's words, Nie Renlong's expression changed slightly.

He naturally knows Chen Qingdi of the World Alliance, and he also knows what kind of existence Chen Qingdi is.

Although the World Alliance is in Western Chu and Juyi Village is in Beiyan, Nie Renlong and Chen Qingdi have great similarities, so Nie Renlong has also carefully studied Chen Qingdi. They are very similar, but but not similar.

If Juyi Village relied on Nie Renlong's cooperation to build a network of people and spread it step by step to the present, the next day's alliance relies on Chen Qingdi's pair of iron fists to conquer thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

Compared with Nie Renlong's various conspiracies and calculations when he exhibited Juyi Village, Chen Qingdi's method was very simple, even to the point of being outrageous.

If you don't accept it, you will fight. If you are hit, you kneel down and call Daddy, admit defeat and surrender, and from now on, you will respect the world alliance. If you don't want to kneel, you can just beat him to death. It's extremely simple and rude.

For this kind of method, Nie Renlong's character is of course not acceptable, but he also has to be convinced of Chen Qingdi, at least if it is replaced by him, Nie Renlong can't be as domineering as Chen Qingdi.

And now that Lu Fengxian was so valued by Emperor Chen Qing, no wonder Nie Dongliu was so jealous of him.

Nie Renlong's complexion looked better, as long as Nie Dongliu didn't waste Juyizhuang's power in vain because of his useless jealousy and hatred to take revenge.

However, Nie Renlong said with a solemn expression, "Since you know that Lu Fengxian is a future threat, you still haven't paid him enough attention.

Did you ask Meng Yuanlong to take some of the guests from Juyi Village to hunt down Lu Fengxian? "

Nie Dongliu hesitated for a while, but nodded anyway.

'Jiuhua Qingfeng' Meng Yuanlong was the chief guest officer of Juyi Village, and also Nie Renlong's sworn brother, so after Nie Dongliu begged Meng Yuanlong to take action, Meng Yuanlong did not refuse, and went after Lu Fengxian with him.

Nie Renlong said expressionlessly: "Just now, there was news from Yanxi that Meng Yuanlong was dead and was killed by that Lu Fengxian with a halberd!"


Nie Dongliu's eyes narrowed, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

He knew what Meng Yuanlong's strength was. Even among so many masters in Juyizhuang who were in the realm of harmony between man and nature, Meng Yuanlong could definitely be regarded as a master.

In the end, Nie Renlong said that Lu Fengxian crossed a realm to kill Meng Yuanlong. He thought that he had enough high regard for Lu Fengxian, but he did not expect that he looked down on him!

Meng Yuanlong is Nie Renlong's sworn brother. In the past, Corporal Nie Renlong was a waste of a lot of effort to recruit Meng Yuanlong to Juyi Village. As a result, when Nie Renlong talked about Meng Yuanlong's death, there was no trace of sadness or anger in his expression. And know what kind of person Nie Renlong is.

The same is true for Nie Dongliu. Obviously, he knew what his father's character was, including him. Nie Dongliu was only shocked by this incident, but also had no emotions such as sadness and anger.

After a long silence, Nie Dongliu hesitated, "Then what should we do now?"

Nie Renlong snorted coldly and said, "What should I do? If Meng Yuanlong is not killed, it's just a matter between you juniors. There will naturally be many means to get rid of that Lu But now Meng Yuanlong is killed. , if I still don't take action, how should Beiyan Wulin treat me, Juyi Village, weak and incompetent?"

Nie Dongliu frowned and said, "But I'm afraid that the Jianghu people will say that Father, you are in violation of the rules and morals of the younger generation of Jianghu."

Some people rely on strength to conquer the world, such as Chen Qingdi. Some people want fame to support the scene, that is Nie Renlong.

In the land of Beiyan, Nie Renlong has a very good reputation. He has a wide range of contacts, hates evil like hatred, loves goodness and justice, and Bo Yuntian. These praise words can be placed on Nie Renlong. Half of the entire Juyi Village is supported by Nie Renlong's reputation.

Therefore, Nie Renlong's reputation should not be stigmatized at all, and the dignified martial arts master shot at the juniors, which is hard to say or not.

Nie Renlong squinted his eyes and said, "There is one thing you did right, and that is to put the name of the Liu family massacre on Lu Fengxian.

My shot is not to bully the small, but to hunt down the villainous thieves who destroyed the Liu family, and to eliminate harm for the entire river and lake!

Dongliu, remember, some things in this arena are not important in the process, but only in the result.

To do things, sometimes you only need a name. The teacher is famous, it's that simple. As for whether the name is true or not, who cares? "

ps: Although the update is late, it is here. In addition, the author has not been raped. I am a serious person~

And in July, I really feel old. I remember that last year I could drink with my friends all night, get up the next day and go to work. This year, I started running to the toilet after a few bottles of beer~

When people reach middle age, they have no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup. If it goes on like this, I suspect that I will use beer to soak wolfberry when I drink next year~

Finally, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival~


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