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Chapter 413: The plight of Lu Fengxian

In a desolate mountain and a ruined temple in the land of Yanxi, Lu Fengxian was sitting on the side recovering from his wounds.

Several young warriors surrounded Lu Fengxian, and they were guarding the law with a vigilant look.

After a while, Lu Fengxian opened his eyes, and those people hurriedly asked, "Brother Lu, how are you?"

Lu Fengxian smiled and waved his hand: "It's better now, but some internal injuries are still not so easy to heal. After all, the opponent is the head of the guest secretary of Juyi Village 'Jiuhua Qingfeng' Meng Yuanlong. Although I killed him, don't even think about it. No damage."

The surrounding warriors looked at Lu Fengxian with a look of reverence. They were all friends of Lu Fengxian, or they were warriors who admired Lu Fengxian as a person, and they were willing to stand by his side when chasing and killing Lu Fengxian in Juyi Village.

This is also the difference between Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian. If Chu Xiu was chased and killed by the people of Juyi Village like this, Chu Xiu would probably only be a loner and fight the enemy by himself.

And Lu Fengxian's popularity is not generally good, even if he knows that his opponent is Juyi Village, there are still so many people willing to help him.

These people are all friends that Lu Fengxian met in Yanxi in the past. Even though Lu Fengxian has been away from Beiyan for several years, as long as Lu Fengxian comes back, these people are still willing to help at such a critical juncture. And know how strong Lu Fengxian's personal charm is.

Moreover, this group of people really admired Lu Fengxian, not only the person of Lu Fengxian, but also the strength of Lu Fengxian.

The opponent was the chief guest officer of Juyi Village, Meng Yuanlong, who was famous in Yandong, but was beheaded by Lu Fengxian across a great realm. For them, such strength was unimaginable. .

One of the warriors said angrily: "I thought that the people in Juyi Village were all chivalrous people, but I didn't expect them to do such filthy things now!

Big Brother Lu did not know the people of the Liu family. It was just because Liu Xinli from the Liu family admired Big Brother Lu for his behavior and invited Big Brother Lu to a banquet for dinner. As a result, the Liu family was destroyed three days later, but they said Brother Lu is the murderer, what is this? It is clear that it is framed! "

The others were also filled with righteous indignation. As Lu Fengxian's friends, they were really holding grievances for Lu Fengxian, and they were also full of disgust for Juyi Village.

Someone said helplessly: "Juyizhuang has such a good reputation in the land of Beiyan, people in Jianghu will definitely believe Juyizhuang's words, but not our words.

Now Big Brother Lu even killed Meng Yuanlong of Juyi Village. I believe that Juyi Village will send more people to chase and kill Big Brother Lu. What should we do now? "

Even in such a predicament, Lu Fengxian smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, there is no way out, I have asked Chen Sheng to help me go to the Guanzhong torture hall to find Chu Xiu for help."

The martial artist who spoke before hesitantly said: "Chu Xiu? But I heard that Chu Xiu's reputation in the arena is not very good, and he is only the Guanxi officer in charge of the punishment hall in Guanzhong, and his strength is even more. No, what can you use to resist Juyi Village?"

Lu Fengxian just smiled lightly and said: "Brother Chu and I have a life-long friendship, we were also chased and killed by Juyi Village in the past, and at that time we were just penniless little people.

We survived even then, let alone now.

Brother Chu once said that I have always been inaccurate when looking at people, but I believe that I have not mistaken the person of Brother Chu, and he will come. "

Hearing what Lu Fengxian said, the surrounding warriors had to nod their heads, but their crisis was still unresolved.

Juyizhuang is one of the six gangs of people and people. It is not a problem if there are many gangs. Juyizhuang has countless contacts in Beiyan. It can be said that in addition to Juyizhuang, there are countless people who want to kill them. Attached to or bewitched by Juyi Village's martial arts sect.

At this moment, one of the warriors suddenly said: "Brother Lu, why don't we go to Qingfeng Villa to stay temporarily. The owner of Qingfeng Villa, Liu Qingfeng, is my uncle according to his seniority, so we are hiding there. , it's just right to leave when Big Brother Lu recovers from his injury."

Someone hesitated and said, "Sun Changchao, it's not that we suspect you, but that Juyi Village has too many contacts in Beiyan. Can your uncle be reliable? What if he is also related to Juyi Village?"

The martial artist named Sun Changchao snorted coldly when he heard the words: "What are you talking about? Can he still cover the sky at Juyi Village in Beiyan?

My master and my uncle Liu Qingfeng used to study martial arts under the command of Feng Yuan, the "Qishan Qijue", but my master likes stability by nature.

My uncle, on the other hand, had great ambitions, and Yicheng began to go to the rivers and lakes. Later, he worshipped several masters, but he also did not forget the kindness of the teacher's teaching. He would come every year on the teacher's birthday, and I Master's strength is far inferior to my uncle, but my uncle is still very polite to my master.

By the way, my uncle also went to Yannan Shenwumen to learn art, and he was regarded as a registered disciple of Shenwumen. In Beiyan, others were afraid of Juyi Village, but Shenwumen was definitely not afraid. "

Hearing what Sun Changchao said so eloquently, everyone looked at Lu Fengxian. As long as Lu Fengxian nodded, they would go. After all, they were all led by Lu Fengxian.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "Since Brother Sun said so, then let's go to Qingfeng Villa."

This is Lu Fengxian's character. Although it is easy to be credulous, it gives people a very sincere feeling, which also moved Sun Changchao who made the suggestion.

If Chu Xiu was replaced, he would definitely be suspicious, and then he would make a side-by-side attack, and he would agree only after he felt that there was no problem.

As a result, the group went directly to Qingfeng Villa under the leadership of Sun Changchao.

Qingfeng Villa is located near Pingyang Mansion in Yanxi, next to a hill with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Speaking of which, Liu Qingfeng, the owner of the village, is considered the number one person around this Heyang Mansion.

In his early years, he followed Sun Changchao's master to apprentice 'Qishan Qijue' Feng Yuan. Feng Yuan was a well-known loose cultivator in Qishan, Yanxi. For the seven absolutes.

Sun Changchao's master had only learned four martial arts, and his talent was limited, so he could only make a living by opening a martial arts hall safely.

Liu Qingfeng, on the other hand, learned all seven martial arts within three years, and then began to travel around the world, learning a lot of martial arts.

A few years ago, Liu Qingfeng had already reached the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, and his strength had even surpassed his master.

And Liu Qingfeng may be a little old, so he didn't dabble in the rivers and lakes, but established Qingfeng Villa with his family. Because of his own strength and connections in the rivers and lakes, the development of Qingfeng Villa is not bad. .

As Liu Qingfeng's nephew, Sun Changchao did not come to Qingfeng Villa once or twice. The gatekeepers also knew Sun Changchao, so there was no need to inform them, so they let Sun Changchao and others in, and went to inform Liu Qingfeng.

After a long while, Liu Qingfeng walked into the living room, with a square appearance, wearing a black brocade robe, with three long beards under his jaw, looking at him with extraordinary bearing.

"Uncle Shi!" Sun Changchao quickly got up and saluted.

Seeing that there were so many people present besides Sun Changchao, Liu Qingfeng couldn't help but wonder: "Changchao, who are these?"

Sun Changchao hurriedly said: "That's right, this is 'Little Wenhou' Lu Fengxian, you must have heard about his uncle, but that Juyi Village deliberately framed it!

Right now, we have no choice but to be hunted down, so I'm going to bring someone to trouble you, Shishu. We will leave after Brother Lu's injuries are healed. "

Hearing that the other party turned out to be Lu Fengxian, Liu Qingfeng's eyes couldn't help showing a strange color.

He naturally knew about the murder of Meng Yuanlong, the head of Juyi Zhuang Keqing, but he never imagined that the murderer would be such a handsome young man who looked a little weak.

Lu Fengxian's face was pale, but he still stood up and cupped his hands: "If it is inconvenient for Villa Master Liu, we will leave immediately, and we will definitely not cause you trouble, Villa Master Liu."

Liu Qingfeng laughed and waved his hand: "What is Lu Xiaoyou talking about? Since you are Chang Chao's, they are my friends. Others are afraid of him at Juyi Village, but my Qingfeng Villa is not. Are not afraid!

This is Yanxi, not the Yandong place of his Juyi Village. You can rest assured that even though you live here, the people of Juyi Village will not be able to come here! "

Hearing Liu Qingfeng say this, everyone present nodded. It seems that the uncle Sun Changchao really didn't say anything, which is quite interesting.

Arranged people to take Lu Fengxian down to rest, and Liu Qingfeng specially ordered people to wash and rest for them. It can be said that they took care of me in every possible way. This also made Lu Fengxian and others say that Liu Qingfeng is interesting. spectrum.

In the evening, Liu Qingfeng began to hold a banquet to invite everyone to dinner.

In fact, after being hunted down for so long, now everyone refuses to eat, they just want to rest.

But since Liu Qingfeng said it deliberately, of course they had to give him face, after all Liu Qingfeng was really good to them.

In the center of the hall, plates of delicious delicacies were served, Liu Qingfeng asked people to pour a glass of wine for everyone, and said to everyone: "Chang Chao is my nephew, his master rarely sets foot in the rivers and lakes. 's helper.

And this time, I am very honored to meet Lv Xiaoyou. Although Juyi Village is famous, in my opinion it is hypocritical. Meng Yuanlong is bullying the weak because of his identity as Juyi Village, and now he is beheaded by Lu Xiaoyou. Killing is very pleasing!

Come, this cup of wine, the old man respects all of you, and also asks Xiaoyou Lu and all of you to give this old man this face. "

With that said, Liu Qingfeng took the initiative to hold the wine glass.

Lu Fengxian and the others also raised their glasses subconsciously, but at this moment, someone suddenly stood up and shouted, "Wait! The wine is poisonous!"


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