Meet The Leader

Chapter 415: Just right

"Blood Ghost Sword" Han Fang is not as strong as Meng Yuanlong.

Meng Yuanlong is the chief guest officer of Juyi Village, and he is also the sworn brother of Nie Renlong. No matter in terms of power or strength, he is stronger than Han Fang.

If Lu Fengxian can kill Meng Yuanlong, he can kill Han Fang.

But unfortunately, the current Lu Fengxian has been seriously injured. Han Fang, who is in a state of harmony between man and nature, is more terrifying to the current Lu Fengxian than Meng Yuanlong at his peak!

In the darkness of the night, the **** decapitation knife in Han Fang's hand burst out with an evil red glow, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Han Fang would also like to thank Lu Fengxian.

Because when Meng Yuanlong was in Juyi Village, he had been pressing his head firmly, so that he never had a chance to come forward.

In terms of relationship, Meng Yuanlong is the sworn brother of the village owner.

In terms of strength, he has fought against Meng Yuanlong countless times, but he has never beaten him even once.

Therefore, as long as Meng Yuanlong was around for one day, this guest secretary would not be able to take the job.

But now that Meng Yuanlong is dead, it is his turn to take this position, so to some extent, he has to thank Lu Fengxian for it.

But thanks to thank you, Lu Fengxian still wants to kill him.

Killing Lu Fengxian and taking the credit back to Juyi Village to receive the reward, so that he can be justifiably the new chief executive of the guest secretary!

So Han Fang didn't say a word here, and took the person directly and shot, he was also afraid that it would change if it was too late.

The ferocious decapitation knife fell with a suffocating red glow, and a terrifying and powerful aura erupted.

"They're coming for me, I'll stop! You go first!"

With a loud shout, Fang Tianhua halberd fell from Lu Fengxian's hand, and the red qi was as bright as a blood moon.

Although Lu Fengxian didn't know why Nie Dongliu wanted to attack him, Lu Fengxian knew that Nie Dongliu was targeting him, and these people were all aimed at him, and had nothing to do with others.

These people were his best friends, and Lu Fengxian felt very guilty for getting involved in this matter for him, but now at the time of crisis, Lu Fengxian couldn't bear them to die with him.

Han Fang sneered: "Go? None of you can leave today!"

As soon as the words fell, Han Fang's decapitation knife collided with Lu Fengxian's Fang Tianhuaji. Between the burst of qi, Han Fang suddenly felt a huge force attack, which made him unable to help but take a few steps back. A look of astonishment came.

No wonder this Lu Fengxian was able to kill Meng Yuanlong. This powerful man is simply terrifying. After crossing a realm, he even felt that he was not an opponent.

But at this moment, Lu Fengxian suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, looking pale and frightening.

At this time, he was already at the end of the fight, not to mention a master of the unity of heaven and man like Han Fang, even a not very strong Five Qi Dynasty Yuanjing warrior would be able to kill him.

Seeing this, Han Fang couldn't help laughing twice, this credit must be his!

Wang Shuangdong and the others hurriedly surrounded them and shouted anxiously, "Brother Lu!"

Although Lu Fengxian asked them to leave, none of them left.

With the character of Lu Fengxian in the past, he made a lot of friends in the land of Yanxi, including three religions and nine styles, right and wrong, and loose martial artists, and this time he returned to Beiyan and made a lot of friends.

Now that something has happened to him, naturally not everyone has the courage to follow Lu Fengxian to fight Juyizhuang's pursuit for loyalty, so there are actually many people who have left.

But now they are all loyal people who are willing to accompany Lu Fengxian to death. They didn't leave at the beginning, and they won't leave now.

Looking at these people present, Han Fang couldn't help shaking his head and sneered: "You are loyal, that's just right, I will kill you all this time, which can be regarded as fulfilling your loyalty."

Saying that, Han Fang waved his hand directly, and the warriors of Juyi Village immediately prepared to rush over. He also slashed towards Lu Fengxian again. It looked terrifying.

Just when Lu Fengxian was about to use his last strength to fight for his life, and Wang Shuangdong and the others were also preparing to die with Lu Fengxian, a more powerful magic sword light fell from the sky!

That sword radiance demonic energy rushed into the sky and slashed out, as if there were ghosts and gods crying, the surging demonic energy was like being cut out from hell, and there was a hint of majestic divinity in the evil.

The two knives collided, and Han Fang's blood-colored knife gang shattered.

Seeing this knife, Lu Fengxian's eyes suddenly lit up, and a voice came from behind him: "I'm sorry Brother Lu, I'm a little late."

Chu Xiu, dressed in black, walked out of the night, and the demonic energy above the demon dance in his hand was terrifying, but in the eyes of Wang Shuangdong and others, he did not feel terror, but felt hope!

Lu Fengxian knew that Chu Xiu would definitely come to save him when he received the news, so Lu Fengxian was not surprised. He just smiled and said, "It's not too late, it's just right."

At this time, Wang Shuangdong and others were also looking at Chu Xiu, with a strange look in their eyes.

They didn't know Chu Xiu, but they had heard Chu Xiu's name many times from Lu Fengxian's mouth.

In terms of fame, Chu Xiu, as a loose cultivator who went out from Beiyan, was able to step by step to sixth on the Dragon and Tiger List, and even sat in the position of Guanxi's torture officer. like a legend.

Of course, this is just hearsay. For those who have never been in contact with Chu Xiu, they are somewhat indifferent.

It's just that they knew about Lu Fengxian's strength. These people admired Lu Fengxian very much. They were able to accompany Lu Fengxian until now because of their loyalty and because of Lu Fengxian's personality.

But at the same time, they also admired Lu Fengxian's strength, which is definitely the level of the top ten on the Dragon and Tiger list.

As a result, Chu Xiu gave them a shock as soon as he shot.

As a Five Qi Dynasty Yuanjing, Chu Xiu actually hit Han Fang with a single knife, and he vomited blood. The strength of the two seemed to be reversed, as if Han Fang was the Five Qi Chaoyuanjing, and Chu Xiu is the unity of heaven and man.

You must know that although Lu Fengxian beheaded Meng Yuanlong, they themselves were seriously injured, but they were not as easy as Chu Xiu.

Of course, with the eyesight of these people, they can't see the direct difference between Meng Yuanlong and Han Fang. Anyway, to them, whether it is Meng Yuanlong or Han Fang, they are both masters of the unity of nature and man. Anyway, they are very strong and very strong. Strong is right.

Looking at Han Fang, a cold look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes. With a wave of his hand, Tang Ya and the others gathered around him, suffocating, and although there were only a few dozen people, there were not as many people in Juyi Village. But the murderous aura is stronger than the opponent.

The people that Chu Xiu brought were all killers from the Qinglong Club in the past, and they were not easy to match.

After joining Chu Xiu's command, these assassins of the Azure Dragon Society don't have to be busy doing tasks to kill every day, but have enough time to cultivate and improve their cultivation, so the realm of strength of these people is a step further, Chu Xiu These people brought, the weakest among them all have the cultivation of the inner astral realm.

"You people in Juyi Village are becoming more and more shameless now, and you can do things like frame up and frame up openly.

Even your virtuous group is too embarrassed to be called Juyi? I haven't seen true loyalty, but I have seen a lot of filth. "

Han Fang looked at Chu Xiu and the surrounding warriors in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He snorted coldly, "The Guanzhong Punishment Hall is still here to take care of my affairs in Juyi Village. You really treat yourself as a dish!"

Although Han Fang said so, but facing Chu Xiu, he still had no idea in his heart.

It's true that he is in the unity of nature and man, but it is precisely because of his strength that he knows how terrifying Chu Xiu, who can rank in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, is.

There are not one or two warriors who died in the hands of Chu Xiu. The knife that he just fought against was enchanted and he was slightly injured. He really didn't know that he could be in Chu Xiu's hands. How many strokes to support!

Just when Han Fang was about to think of a plan to temporarily evacuate, but he couldn't completely let Lu Fengxian and the others go, and was about to drag them until Nie Renlong brought them, Chu Xiu didn't want to talk nonsense with them, he waved his hand and said coldly. Said: "Kill!"

In the past, he was chased out of Beiyan by the people from Juyi Now the feud between him and Nie Dongliu can't be resolved. Since this is the case, what nonsense are the two sides talking about? Just shoot and kill.

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, Tang Ya and the others immediately rushed over with people, Chu Xiu also slashed out with one sword, the surging demonic energy surged into the sky, and the three swords of Abi Dao merged into one, which can be called negative emotions condensed The ultimate sword intent fell, Han released the sword to resist, the first sword vomited blood, the second sword retreated, and at the third sword, the decapitation sword in Han Fang's hand had been completely smashed by Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance!

Before, Han Fang was still thinking about how many moves he could support in Chu Xiu's hands, but now the result has been obtained, and the answer is that there are only three moves!

Han Fang is so embarrassed, and other martial artists in Juyi Village are not much better.

The warriors from Juyi Village are not weak, and most of them can be admitted to the door of Juyi Village. Although most of them are from loose cultivators, they are also the elite among the loose cultivators.

But the killers from the Qinglong Club are different. That is the real one in a hundred. They practice killing methods. Of course, their strength is stronger than the people in Juyi Village.

Just when Juyi Village was in jeopardy, a majestic shout suddenly came from a distance: "Stop!"

Han Fang, who had already vomited blood by Chu Xiu's beheading, showed a bright color in his eyes, and Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed. Not only did he not stop, but he formed a seal with one hand. The surging demonic energy rushed towards Han Fang, arousing Han Fang's body. The injury caused the blood from his already injured internal organs to flow out continuously, and Chu Xiu extracted it along the magic energy.

In an instant, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be out of control, rushing towards Chu Xiu.

This is the secret magic art of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the magic blood!


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