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Chapter 416: Nie Renlong

With the strength of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past, none of the esoteric exercises in the direct line of the Kunlun Demon Sect are weak.

In the past, this devil blood Dafa was even prepared to be banned by the people sitting in the Forgotten Sword Lodge, so one can imagine its true power.

Using powerful demonic energy to mobilize the blood in the opponent's body is an incomparably evil way in itself, and if the opponent is injured, this demonic blood technique can multiply its power, making it even more injured.

No wonder Han Tingyi, who was sitting in the Forgotten Sword Lodge, didn't want to hand it over to Chu Xiu. It was true that this kind of magic skill was enough to rank in the forefront even in the magic way.

At this time, the voice in the distance saw that Chu Xiu hadn't stopped, and he couldn't help but shouted angrily again, a powerful qi attacked, and the wind whistled instantly, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

But at this moment, the qi and blood absorbed by Chu Xiu's magic blood method was not taken into the body by Chu Xiu, but directly condensed a blood-colored long knife made of blood and slashed towards Han Fang. .

Han Fang shouted angrily, all the qi in his body gathered into one point, and wanted to intercept the knife, but the most strange thing was that the blood-colored long knife ignored the defense of the qi and directly pierced Han Fang!

After piercing Han Fang's heart, the blood-colored long knife turned into blood again and sprinkled on Han Fang's body, dyeing his whole body red.

This is the horror of the blood-turning sword!

If this type of martial arts uses one's own blood and energy, it is a life-threatening ultimate move.

But if this martial skill uses the opponent's qi and blood to display, it can ignore any of the opponent's qi defense, which is extremely strange.

The qi and blood drawn by the Demon Blood Dafa was originally an existence of the same origin as the opponent, and now even if it condenses into a knife, it is still a part of the opponent's body.

Gang Qi can defend against the opponent's attack, can it be possible to defend against a part of your own body?

Therefore, the strangeness of the blood-changing sword can be said to be hard to guard against. It should be said that in the face of the blood-turning sword, one can only forcibly attack and defeat the blood-qi sword, rather than choose defense.

Han Fang was killed, and the person who spoke out before was extremely angry. The powerful palm print of Gang Qi fell like the top of Mount Tai.

At that moment, Chu Xiu already knew who the shot was, so he immediately started to retreat, and quickly retreated!

Don't look at how he can easily kill ordinary warriors of the unity of heaven and man, but compared with the masters of martial arts, the gap between the two sides is still very different.

But the area covered by that palm is really too large, and the power of that palm seems to be in control of the universe, blocking all the surrounding space, making the vitality of heaven and earth seem to become extremely sticky.

You almost don't need to look at Chu Xiu to know that this is Nie Renlong's Qiankun Lingyun hand.

There was no way to avoid it, Chu Xiu's eyes were red, and he instantly stepped into the ecstasy killing realm. The demonic energy around his body was condensed, and the power of blood evil was intertwined with the demonic energy. Brilliant majesty.

This knife is enough to hit the ordinary martial artist of the unity of heaven and man, but in the hands of a martial arts master like Nie Renlong, it is easily annihilated by his Qiankun Lingyun hand.

Chu Xiu didn't stop, squeezed the fist mark of wisdom in his hand, and instantly released the realm of Astral Qi, and set up a net of heaven and earth to resist this palm.

But the realm of Astral Qi that covers ten directions of the Wisdom Fist Seal shattered without even holding a breath!

Chu Xiu's complexion remained unchanged, and the Dugu Seal was displayed. For a moment, Chu Xiu's whole body was as imposing as a mountain, and the inner strength of Donkey Kong's divine power was also exerted to the extreme by him, making Chu Xiu's whole body shimmering with a golden glow.

A loud bang came, Qiankun Lingyun's hand fell, and the qi defense laid by Chu Xiu Duguyin was directly smashed, and his whole person was pressed into the ground and flew out more than ten feet away.

Jumping out of the big pit in the ground, Chu Xiu's face was a little pale, but he was not injured.

Of course this is not a glorious thing.

This is the first time that Chu Xiu has faced a martial arts master level powerhouse head-on. As a result, after one move, he tried his best to block the opponent's palm. One can imagine the martial arts master, or Nie Renlong himself. How strong is it.

Over at Juyi Village, Nie Renlong walked over with a gloomy expression, followed by Nie Dongliu and several experts from Juyi Village.

Seeing Han Fang's body on the ground, Nie Renlong's complexion was so black that water dripped.

In fact, Nie Renlong has always been a person who is neither happy nor angry, but this time, the loss of their Juyi Village is really too big.

Meng Yuanlong is his sworn brother and the chief guest officer of his Juyi Village.

In fact, Nie Renlong really doesn't care about the so-called sworn brothers. He has many brothers, living and dead. Nie Renlong only cares about the brothers who can bring him benefits, not the brothers who stand in his way.

There is no doubt that Meng Yuanlong is the latter. Meng Yuanlong's own strength is not weak. More importantly, Meng Yuanlong is the chief guest officer of his Juyi Village. He has managed so many guests and guests in Juyi Village for so many years. Now that Meng Yuanlong is dead, who can replace this position in a short time?

And Han Fang is also a well-known master in their Juyi Village, and this time he actually died here, losing two great masters of the unity of heaven and man one after another, which is already hurting for Juyi Village. boned.

Nie Renlong looked at Chu Xiu, looked up and down, and after a while he spat out a sentence: "Chu Xiu, you are so bold!"

Nie Renlong knew what his son's strength and temperament was. This Chu Xiu was able to deflate Nie Dongliu again and again, and even suppress Nie Dongliu. Nie Renlong had to admit that this son was indeed one of the younger generation of Jianghu. a character.

While Nie Renlong was looking at Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu was also looking at Nie Renlong, the martial arts master, unceremoniously.

In terms of appearance, Nie Renlong has a square and masculine appearance. He wears a golden brocade robe and has a short beard under his jaw.

It's just that things like appearance can't be used to evaluate a person. The theory that the relationship is born from the heart is somewhat reliable, but some are not accurate.

In this arena, there are very few real chivalrous men like Chu Kuangge, but there are many hypocrites.

Nie Renlong is a hypocrite, a hypocrite who pretends to the extreme, and even really considers himself a chivalrous person.

In the past, five people gathered in Juyi Village, but now there is only Nie Renlong left. The descendants of the other people don't even know where they have gone. These things can't stand scrutiny.

But over the years, Juyi Village has gained a great reputation in the land of Beiyan, helping loose cultivators who pass by without asking for anything in return, and has really helped a lot of people, but what Nie Renlong did in the dark was another Does anyone know?

Chu Xiu squinted at Nie Renlong, then at Nie Dongliu, and said lightly, "It's not that I'm brave, but that some people don't want me to live in peace.

Nie Dongliu, I gave you the chance to defeat me at the Sword Sect of the World, but unfortunately you didn't grasp it, and you still only play these ghosts in secret.

You can't beat me head-on, let alone Brother Lu. A guy who only knows how to play these conspiracies secretly can't make a big deal. "

Of course, Nie Dongliu would not lose his composure because of Chu Xiu's sarcasm. Hearing this, he just smiled and said, "Chu Xiu, this time I want to hunt down Lu Fengxian in Juyi Village is a public outrage, and has nothing to do with personal grievances.

This man was insane, and the people of the Liu family treated him politely, but he ended up destroying the whole family of the Liu family. This kind of thing happened to me in Beiyan, and I could not ignore it at Juyi Village. "

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Brother Lu destroyed the Liu family's family? It's ridiculous! You, Juyizhuang, dare to say this with your mouth? My Guanzhong Xingtang is the best at detecting such cases. Let me Guanzhong Punishment Hall intervene in this matter?"

Nie Dongliu said indifferently: "Don't forget one thing, you Guanzhong Punishment Hall is only responsible for investigating cases, not for trial. When you are used, you are the Jianghu arresters of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and you are not needed. You are nothing. You are not qualified to intervene in Beiyan's matter now that you are in the punishment hall!"

Nie Renlong on the side waved his hand and said lightly: "It's Don't talk nonsense with them, just do it."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Master Nie, you are a dignified martial arts master, but now you are openly attacking a junior martial artist like me. Isn't this a bit too much? Aren't you afraid that someone will say that you are bullying the younger? ?

And if you dare to touch me, you are not afraid of the punishment from the Guanzhong Court? "

Nie Renlong stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "Bullying the small with the big? The only ones I caught were the madmen who dared to kill my disciples in Juyi Village, who would dare to say that I bullied the small with the big?

As for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, if Chu Kuangge is still there, I would give Chu Daxia some face, but Guan Siyu is not worthy of me giving him such a big face!

If you honestly stay in the center, no one will be able to move you.

But now you are taking the initiative to jump out and kill the people in my Juyi Village in my Beiyan, but this is courting death!

Today I shot you, but I want to see if he, Guan Siyu, dares to come to my Juyi Village to speak! "

Nie Renlong was born in the grass, and it took decades to build the country of Juyi Village, relying on his methods and also on his strength.

If facing Shen Baochen, Duguli, and other powerhouses in the realm of real fire, Nie Dongliu might still be concerned about their face, and would not dare to do anything to Chu Xiu.

But now what he is facing is just a punishment hall in Guanzhong. To put it in a bad way, Guan Siyu has not given enough face to Nie Renlong.

Standing beside Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian said with a solemn expression, "Brother Chu, I seem to have implicated you."

Before Lu Fengxian asked Chu Xiu for help, he never thought that he would attract Nie Renlong, a martial arts master.

If he knew this, then with Lu Fengxian's character, he would rather force himself than ask Chu Xiu for help.


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