Meet The Leader

Chapter 417: backhand

For most of the martial artists in the arena, the martial arts master is an unattainable existence.

In the face of the martial artist in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Lu Fengxian dared to give it a shot, and he also had the courage to give it a shot, but now they are facing a master of martial arts master level, even with Lu Fengxian's temperament, he is also at this time. Couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But at this time, Chu Xiu was very calm, with a confident attitude.

Just when Nie Renlong was just about to start, a slightly old voice suddenly came: "Guan Siyu is not worthy of the face you gave you, does the old man deserve it?"

Everyone looked at the direction where the voice came from, and saw an old man wearing a black robe and a long black sword hanging from his waist, striding forward. He stepped more than ten feet away in one step. of the strong.

And behind the old man is a young man in his twenties. Although he only has the strength of the Outer Astral Realm, he has an extraordinary bearing, and it is not easy to match.

Lu Fengxian was stunned for a moment, looked at Chu Xiu, and said doubtfully, "Brother Chu, are you looking for this?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Never overestimate the lower limit of your opponent. The so-called "can't be bullied by the big" in the arena is just casual talk. In the face of absolute strength, even if you are really bullying the small, What can others do to you?

I estimated that Nie Renlong would make a move this time, so I made some preparations in advance, and now it really works. "

Lu Fengxian nodded, not knowing if he had listened.

But others could see that although this Master Chu and Lu Fengxian were good friends, they were two completely different personalities. God knows how they became friends.

Some of Lu Fengxian's characters are pleasant and casual, while others are impulsive and simple.

Even in the midst of escaping for his life, Lu Fengxian didn't actually have any plans. He just relied on his own strength to kill him abruptly. He fled wherever he thought of it. Although he seemed brave and powerful, he had no rules to speak of.

And Chu Xiu's character is very obvious, he thinks and then moves, Chu Xiu is obviously stronger than Lu Fengxian when it comes to using his brain.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian teamed up quite well. Chu Xiu planned the overall situation and Lu Fengxian took action, so the two sides were able to cooperate well.

At this time, Nie Renlong frowned when he saw the person who came, and said doubtfully: "'Jiuli Sword' Sheng Tianyao! Why are you here to join in the fun? As far as I know, you have nothing to do with Guanzhong Punishment Hall and Chu Xiu! "

The person in front of him was Sheng Tianyao, a well-known scattered cultivator in Beiyan. Nie Renlong had heard the name of the other party, but he had not dealt with it much.

But the main thing is that if the other party is really just a simple loose cultivator, Nie Renlong is not afraid of the other party at all.

How could he be afraid of a loose cultivator? He didn't want to give Guan Siyu's face, let alone a Sheng Tianyao.

But the crux of the problem is that Sheng Tianyao's background is not as simple as that of a loose cultivator. Sheng Tianyao is worshipped by the royal family of Beiyan. , is backed by the entire Beiyan court!

A Guanzhong torture hall Nie Renlong can not care, but the Beiyan royal family, the Beiyan court, Nie Renlong can not care.

From ancient times to the present, the rivers and lakes and the imperial court have been antagonistic existences. The people of the rivers and lakes do not want to be bound by the rules of the imperial court, and the court also does not want to have the existence of the people of the rivers and lakes that are not within the constraints.

But unfortunately, neither of the two sides can do anything about the other, so now Jianghu Chaotang has reached a balanced tacit understanding.

As long as these Jianghu sects do not develop too arrogantly and do not challenge the majesty of the imperial court, the imperial court will generally not take action against the Jianghu people.

As long as the imperial court did not want to slaughter Buddha and destroy Taoism and completely eradicate the people in the martial arts, most of the people in Jianghu would also obey the rules and would not break such rules.

So now many Jianghu people actually control their strength when they are in the state capital. It doesn't matter if they break things, but if it really affects and hurts innocent people, it is a broken rule and it is easy to attract the court to intervene.

Although the imperial court and the rivers and lakes are opposed, the two sides are also mutually united.

For example, in the past, the Eastern Qi was extremely powerful, occupying the fertile land in the Central Plains, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and even went to war with Beiyan and Western Chu at the same time.

The reason why Beiyan was able to defeat the Eastern Qi and destroy the small country Wei, which was attached to the Eastern Qi, and became the Wei County of Beiyan, was because of the old emperor Beiyan. Dong Qi made his move, and this was how he won the battle.

So since then, Beiyan can be said to be the country with the closest relationship with the people of Jianghu among the three kingdoms in the world at present, and it has almost become a clear rule to recruit guests to enshrine them.

Sheng Tianyao was worshipped by the royal family, and he joined the Beiyan royal family as a worshiper for more than ten years. He has a deep network of contacts. In the land of Beiyan, Sheng Tianyao's face is indeed greater than that of Guan Siyu.

Of course, this is only Sheng Tianyao's official identity. According to the news from Mei Qinglian, this Sheng Tianyao is a martial arts master of the Hidden Demon lineage, and the only descendant of the Nine Demon Sword Sect of the Great Demon Sect in the past.

Therefore, his identity is not just Sheng Tianyao, the 'Jiu Li Jian', to be more precise, it should be the Jiu Mo Jian.

Sheng Tianyao sneered: "Although I have nothing to do with Chu Xiu, I have a relationship with Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

In the past, I was young and vigorous, and I offended people I shouldn't have offended. If it wasn't for Chu Kuangge and Chu Juxia to rescue me, I wouldn't have the strength I am today.

Now that the power of Guanzhong Punishment Hall has stabilized, I can't find the opportunity to repay the kindness of Chu Juxia in the past. Now that I finally found an opportunity, how can I ignore Junjie of the younger generation of Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

Nie Renlong, I know who you are, and I also know about the **** you did in the past, but I didn't expect that now you are more and more mixed up, and you are doing things like bullying the small. So righteous.

Anyway, in a word, I am here today, and you can't move a single person in Guanzhong Punishment Hall! "

Nie Renlong frowned, he never imagined that Sheng Tianyao would be attracted to this incident.

Nie Renlong had no doubts about Sheng Tianyao's words. After all, in the past, when Chu Kuangge was roaming around in the rivers and lakes, there were too many warriors who owed other people's favors, even too many to count.

Even if only one-tenth of them still remember Chu Kuangge's kindness, this is also a very terrifying thing. Just like now, Nie Renlong has counted everything, but Sheng Tianyao has never been able to intervene.

At this moment, the young man behind Sheng Tianyao smiled and said: "Master Nie, you have to forgive others and forgive them, and if you do everything, everyone's face is not good-looking, isn't it?"

This young man only has the strength of the outer astral realm, but the tone of his speech has a hint of lofty mood, even in the face of Nie Renlong, the owner of the Juyi Village.

Nie Renlong frowned and said, "Who is Your Excellency?"

A martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm dared to speak to him in such a tone, even in the most stupid way, he knew that either the other party was an idiot or he had confidence.

The young man smiled and said, "Well, my name is Xiang Chong, and the master of Nie Zhuang should have heard of my name."

Nie Renlong's eyes narrowed, of course he knew the name!

The Thirteenth Prince of His Majesty today is also His Majesty's most beloved son, the Thirteenth Prince Xiang Chong!

At present, the Northern Yan Emperor Xiang Long is old, but his body is still tough, and there are many descendants.

The previous prince of Beiyan died unexpectedly a few years ago, and Xiang Long did not know what to think about it. He has never established another prince, which also gave his descendants a chance to spy on the treasure.

Right now, the thirteenth prince is a popular candidate for the crown prince. Although he is very young and has not accumulated enough in the Beiyan court, Xiang Chong's only advantage is that his appearance is very similar to Xiang Long's when he was young. Ninety percent alike, so he is also the most favored by Xiang Long among the many princes.

At this time, Xiang Chong stood on Sheng Tianyao's side to put pressure on I am afraid that the prince wanted to win over Sheng Tianyao.

After all, Xiang Chong has a weak background in the court, and he doesn't have much strength whether it is the military, the civil servants, or the imperial family, so it is a good idea to make his idea to the royal family enshrined there.

Nie Renlong almost guessed the cause and effect of these things at a glance, but Nie Renlong didn't want to be an enemy of a prince.

If you offend Xiang Chong, although the other party is not yet the prince, he still has various ways to trouble you.

Although a prince can't influence His Majesty's decision and let him go all out to destroy Juyi Village, at least it can be done to find some trouble for Juyi Village.

But at this moment, a voice came with a sneer: "I said thirteenth brother, your hand is long enough to stretch your hand into the rivers and lakes, are you not afraid of being scolded by the father?

You don't have to be afraid, Lord Nie, my thirteenth brother is just a fox and a tiger. He doesn't have much power in the court. Just relying on the favor of the father, let the father deal with Juyi Village, one of the six gangs, and the father also Not so stupid. "

Another group of people came from a distance, the leader of which was a young man in his thirties, wearing a golden yellow python robe, with two mustaches, and he was very imposing. There were several eunuchs behind him. The entourage and a few maids were much bigger than Xiang Chong.

This time, Nie Renlong didn't need to hear his name to find out. This man's background was not small, but he was the second prince, Xiang Li.

Since ancient times, the imperial court has established the elder rather than the younger, and passed down the line to the descendants instead of the descendants.

The prince died, and his second-ranked prince was the one with the greatest hope. Therefore, Xiang Li had many supporters in the court. Except that Xiang Chong was not favored, others were stronger than Xiang Chong.


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