Meet The Leader

Chapter 418: Beiyan royal family battle

The thirteenth prince Xiang Chong and the second prince Xiang Li also appeared here, which was not expected by everyone present, even Chu Xiu.

This was originally a grievance between him and Juyizhuang, how could the two princes be involved?

In fact, Xiang Chong appeared here for a very simple reason.

Xiang Chong wanted to win over Sheng Tianyao, but Sheng Tianyao's own identity was a ghost, how could he agree to Xiang Chong so easily?

Therefore, in the face of Xiang Chong's solicitation, Sheng Tianyao did not directly agree but did not directly refuse.

This time Xiang Chong heard that Sheng Tianyao was about to take action, and he followed quickly, just to give Sheng Tianyao a favor, so that he could see his own corporal, so that he could devote himself to his command.

It was even easier for Xiang Li to appear here. He just listened to someone reporting Xiang Chong's movements and came to trouble him.

With so many princes in Beiyan, the prince is already dead. As the second prince, Xiang Li's own abilities and his underlying strength are not bad. It stands to reason that he should be the most popular heir to the prince, and even Beiyan's imperial court is the most popular. Part of the power is also in favor of him.

But don't forget that Xiang Long, the emperor of Beiyan, is still there. Among the emperors of the previous dynasties of Beiyan, Xiang Long is not the founding father of the country, but it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of ZTE.

When the Eastern Qi Dynasty was the most powerful, Xiang Long joined forces with Beiyan Wulin and Western Chu to fight against the Eastern Qi, and abruptly interrupted the hegemony of the Eastern Qi. is unique.

Therefore, in the Beiyan court, Xiang Long's prestige is definitely the same.

He did not express his opinion, that Xiang Li was a popular candidate to succeed the crown prince.

But as long as Xiang Long opened his mouth and wanted to establish Xiang Chong as the prince, the entire Beiyan would not be able to find anyone who dared to oppose.

So over the years, Xiang Li has worked hard to suppress Xiang Chong, just so that he has no room to turn around!

As long as it was done by Xiang Chong, he would destroy and target it, as it is now, although he has nothing to do with Juyi Village, but just because Xiang Chong stood on the opposite side of Juyi Village, he would stand in Juyi Village. Yizhuang here.

Xiang Chong looked at Xiang Li with a look of anger in his eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, he was targeted and suppressed by Xiang Li.

In fact, Xiang Chong didn't have much ambition at the beginning. He ranked thirteenth, with so many older brothers in front of him, the position of the prince could never be his turn.

But it is because he looks most like his father, so he was bullied and targeted by Xiang Li since he was a child, so after growing up, Xiang Chong's mentality has also undergone some changes.

Aren't you worried that I will take away the crown prince? Well, I didn't want this position at first, but since you are all afraid that I will get it, then I will really fight for this position!

It was from this time that Xiang Chong was ready to compete for the crown prince, but at the same time he had to face even more severe pressure from Xiang Li.

Looking at Xiang Li, the anger at the corner of Xiang Chong's mouth disappeared, and he just sneered: "Second brother, you pay a lot of attention to me. You follow my **** all day long, like a follower. Are you tired?"

A playful look appeared on Xiang Li's face and said: "Why, are you angry? To be honest, I didn't pay too much attention to you, but I have people around you, believe it or not, don't say you went. Where, no matter what you ate that night or which woman you slept with, someone will report to me in detail."

There was a look of horror on Xiang Chong's face, but he calmed down after that, just snorted coldly: "Useless provocation!"

Although Xiang Chong is young, he is not an idiot. If he is provoked by Xiang Li, he will go back and investigate the people around him with great fanfare.

Xiang Li Shi said: "It's useful or not, you know in your heart."

With that said, Xiang Li turned his gaze to Nie Renlong and said with a smile, "Master Nie, the affairs of the rivers and lakes are over, and the people of the court will not easily interfere in the affairs of the rivers and lakes, otherwise, the rules will be broken.

Don't worry, no one will embarrass you, and no one will dare to embarrass you. "

A smile appeared on the corner of Nie Renlong's mouth, and he said lightly, "Then I would like to thank the second prince."

Since Xiang Li said this, Nie Renlong no longer has to be afraid of the Beiyan royal family.

Nie Renlong looked directly at Sheng Tianyao, and said solemnly, "Sheng Tianyao, this is my Juyi Village business, it has nothing to do with you, you want to repay Chu Kuangge's kindness, there will be opportunities in the future, but if you want to intervene in this matter, Then don't blame me for being rude."

In Nie Renlong's view, Sheng Tianyao just wanted to find an opportunity to repay Chu Kuangge's kindness, and his goal of repaying his kindness was only about the punishment hall, not Chu Xiu.

Now that he has a tough attitude and wants to take action, Sheng Tianyao will probably give in, and find another opportunity to repay the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. There is no need to fight Juyizhuang to the end.

But Nie Renlong didn't know that Sheng Tianyao's real gaze was either the Guanzhong Punishment Hall or Chu Xiu!

Sheng Tianyao didn't take part in the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, because at that time, as the royal enshrined of Beiyan, he just had a mission and didn't have enough time.

However, Mr. Lu sent someone to tell him about the details of the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain. His lineage is also very close to the Wuxiang Demon Sect, so he naturally knew the true identity of Chu Xiu.

This is the most outstanding young hero in their hidden demon lineage, just for this, Sheng Tianyao also wants to protect Chu Xiu.

Moreover, there was also news from Mei Qinglian, asking him to help Chu Xiu, the two were one, Sheng Tianyao would not give in so easily.

Looking at Nie Renlong, Sheng Tianyao said coldly, "Don't talk about sympathy? I didn't let you talk about sympathy today!

If I saw that the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation in Guanzhong Punishment Hall had an accident in front of my eyes, what face would I have to meet Chu Juxia?

Anyway, as long as I'm here today, don't try to touch Chu Xiu and the others at Juyi Village! "

As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in Sheng Tianyao's hand was already unsheathed, and the cold light was terrifying.

Nie Renlong frowned, Sheng Tianyao's stubbornness was somewhat beyond his imagination.

In the past, Nie Renlong had never dealt with Sheng Tianyao, but he had heard of Sheng Tianyao's reputation. In his impression, Sheng Tianyao was a relatively smooth person, but today he went to Juyi Village with him for the kindness of a dead man. Fighting hard to the end, is Chu Kuangge so attractive?

Shaking his head, Nie Renlong sighed, and also took a step forward, his whole body soaring.

In fact, Nie Renlong doesn't like to use such tough methods to solve problems. For him, it is better not to take action if he can.

But looking at the current state, today's battle is inevitable.

Although Nie Renlong didn't like this kind of inexplicable fight, he wasn't afraid to fight people.

When Juyi Village was just established in the past, there were a lot of warriors who died under the hands of his Qiankun Lingyun!

"Sheng Tianyao, since you are stubborn, don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Today, I want to see how powerful your Jiuli Sword is, and how qualified you are to be recruited by Beiyan as an offering to the royal family!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nie Renlong slammed out a palm, and the powerful astral energy in the air condensed into a huge palm print of several tens of feet and fell, covering the universe with one hand, covering the sky with one hand!

There was a cold look in Sheng Tianyao's eyes. The ink-colored long sword in his hand was unsheathed. The scabbard was ink-colored, and the blade was as black as ink.

As his sword stabbed out, the surrounding night seemed to merge into his sword, and the sword broke out and ripped apart the sky!

The sword qi collided with the Qiankun Lingyun hand, and there was a loud noise. The powerful sword qi tore the Qiankun Lingyun hand, but as Nie Renlong's hands connected and danced, the power of heaven and earth around him was constantly circling and condensing. , completely wrapping Sheng Tianyao in the middle, twisting and strangling him.

Sheng Tianyao snorted coldly, a black mist erupted from his sword body, the sword was unsheathed, and there was a faint howl of ghosts and gods, and countless sword qi burst out from the black mist, tearing the Gang Qi, again condensed into a huge sword Gang, killing Nie Renlong!

Sheng Tianyao's true identity is the descendant of the Nine Demons Sword Sect of the Demonic Dao Sect, but his luck is not bad. He once accidentally acquired several ancient swordsmanships, integrated them, and finally condensed nine powerful swordsmanships. The changes are endless. , This is also the origin of his nickname Jiu Li So even if Sheng Tianyao does not use the magic sword at the bottom of the box, he can still exert 90% of his strength.

Nie Renlong held the universe in his hand, and a powerful force grabbed Sheng Tianyao's sword gang, melted and tore it apart, but strange and unpredictable forces came towards Sheng Tianyao along the trajectory of the sword gang, but Sheng Tianyao immediately pulled back, The long sword in his hand evolved countless sword qi, and it strangled from all directions.

The fight between the two masters of the martial arts master level was indistinguishable, but the more they beat Nie Renlong, the deeper the frown became.

As a well-known figure in the arena, Nie Renlong has confidence in his own strength. If he shows his trump card and makes a full shot, he has a certain degree of confidence to beat Sheng Tianyao.

But the problem is that now this Sheng Tianyao seems to be a madman, he is going all out to deal with him, and he looks like he is desperately trying to keep Chu Xiu.

Therefore, even if Nie Renlong tried his best to take action, facing Sheng Tianyao in this state, he was not sure that he would retreat.

He is the owner of Juyi Village and the only martial arts master in the entire Juyi Village. If he suffers any damage, he needs to retreat for a period of time. Maybe Juyi Village will look like, and if the news spreads out , Nie Renlong can't guarantee whether he will have his own enemies come down.

So now Nie Renlong is also struggling, should he try his best to get rid of Sheng Tianyao at the cost of injury, and then go to kill Chu Xiu, or just let it go?

After a quarter of an hour of fierce fighting, Nie Renlong took the initiative to retreat more than ten feet, and said with a gloomy gaze: "Sheng Tianyao, how much kindness did you have in the past to inherit Chu Kuangge, it is worth you now for a junior martial artist in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Desperate to make a move?"


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