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Chapter 420: Lu Fengxian's luck

PS: This chapter is made up for the villain's lord, your close book friend Sean.

After parting with Sheng Tianyao and others, Chu Xiu directly took Lu Fengxian back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

If Beiyan stayed here any longer, it would be courting death.

Lu Fengxian killed Nie Yuanlong and Chu Xiu killed Han Fang. The two of them can be said to have completely offended Juyi Village.

This time, Sheng Tianyao took the shot, and Nie Renlong just retreated. If it was another time, it is estimated that Nie Renlong would definitely not be concerned about bullying the small. As long as he found an opportunity, he would definitely get rid of Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian.

Lu Fengxian's injuries were not minor, and it was not until he was raised in the Guanzhong torture hall for nearly a month that he almost recovered, and even had some damage to the foundation.

Originally, after he beheaded Meng Yuanlong, he was already seriously injured, but at that time Lu Fengxian could still recover easily, but in the end, he forcibly killed Liu Qingfeng when he was seriously injured, which also caused Lu Fengxian's injury to worsen. This time, it was a little too serious. Even if Chu Xiu was not short of medicinal herbs, it would damage Lu Fengxian's foundation. Fortunately, it was not too serious.

In the future, if Lu Fengxian discovers some panacea, or if he makes a breakthrough in the cultivation of the physique, causing his physical strength to soar, this level of damage can also be compensated for.

After recovering from the injury, Lu Fengxian deliberately bowed to Chu Xiu and said, "Brother Chu, thank you very much this time. If you didn't take action, I'm afraid I really would have stayed in Beiyan forever this time."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "There is no need to say thank you between you and me, and it is me who caused this matter."

Lu Fengxian said strangely, "Oh? How do you say it?"

After Chu Xiu recounted all the grievances between him and Nie Dongliu during the battle between Fuyushan and Nie Dongliu, he said, "Nie Dongliu didn't take any action against you when you returned to Beiyan for so long. After the war, he immediately began to frame and frame you, and then quickly called up people to strangle you. The actions were so coherent that everyone understood what was going on.

It is because he knows that you are my friend, and you have shown such a powerful talent and strength that Nie Dongliu wanted to take action against you and kill one of my helpers in advance. "

After listening to this, Lu Fengxian couldn't help but feel a little sigh. Playing with this group of people, she was still too tender.

After being chased and killed all the way, Lu Fengxian himself was in a daze. He couldn't understand how he suddenly became the killer of the Liu family, and was chased and killed by the people of Juyi Village.

It was only now that Lu Fengxian realized that this was the reason.

Lu Fengxian couldn't help shaking his head and said, "When I was in Beiyan in the past, my impression of Nie Dongliu was pretty good, even if we were chased out of Beiyan by Juyi Village, it was just a battle of interests, but I didn't. Thinking that Nie Dongliu's heart would be so narrow, he wanted to deal with you, Brother Chu, but now he turned his head and shot at me. Such behavior is a bit too arrogant and goes against him. identity of."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "For someone like Nie Dongliu, the so-called reputation is just a fig leaf, as long as the goal is achieved, the process is not important.

Brother Lu, you've been hanging out on the rivers and lakes for so long, are you still not used to these things? "

Lu Fengxian shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's okay if someone wants to kill me, it's easy for me to kill someone, but I'm still a little unacceptable to be killed for such an inexplicable reason."

After complaining a few words, Lu Fengxian said to Chu Xiu, "By the way, Brother Chu, do you still need someone in the punishment hall?"

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Why, you also want to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? If you are willing to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, I believe that Hall Master Guan will welcome it very much. After all, you are now ranked in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. Among them are two young heroes who are in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, I believe Hall Master Guan will welcome you to join us."

After beheading Meng Yuanlong, Lu Fengxian was already ranked ninth on the Dragon and Tiger List, and he was definitely regarded as a well-known young hero in the arena.

If such a person, Guan Siyu, is not welcome, then there is a problem.

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "It's not me, but my friends.

They are all from Beiyan Sanxiu, and their own strengths are not weak. I feel that they are qualified enough to join your Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The main reason is that this time they helped me resist the pursuit of Juyi Village, and they have seriously offended the people of Juyi Village. Beiyan's side is afraid that they will not be able to go back for the time being.

This matter started because of me, so I'm going to help them find a way out temporarily, but my contacts are limited, so I can only trouble you, Brother Chu. "

Chu Xiu said without thinking: "Of course there's no problem, I'll let someone arrange it."

The strengths of Lu Fengxian's friends ranged from the Inner Gang to the Three Flowers Gathering Realm. Although there were strong and weak ones, none of them were mediocre.

Having said that, how many of those who can be seen by Lu Fengxian and become friends are mediocre?

Their mediocrity is only compared to Lu Fengxian, Chu Xiu and others, and compared to most of the military commanders in the arena, their strength is still very strong.

And even if these people are really mediocre, just because they are willing to accompany Lu Fengxian to be chased and killed all the way, they are also worthy of income, because such people will not betray.

Moreover, these people are not weak in strength and ability. Among them, there are three religions and nine streams. For example, Wang Shuangdong is the direct disciple of Du Bujiao, a famous poison master in Beiyan. But very strong.

After Lu Fengxian called Wang Shuangdong and the others over, he pointed at Chu Xiu and said, "Everyone, this time I have troubled you all. Now I have offended Juyi Village. I'm afraid that I won't be able to stay in Beiyan anymore, so you will too. He was angered by Juyi Village and could not go back to Beiyan for the time being.

So I recommended you to Brother Chu. If you are willing to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Brother Chu will definitely not let you down. If you are not willing, I will find another way out for you. "

Wang Shuangdong and the others looked at each other, nodded and said, "Since Brother Lu said so, then we will do it."

What Wang Shuangdong and others believed was not Chu Xiu, but Lu Fengxian. They simply believed that Lu Fengxian would not harm them.

Besides, they have also seen Chu Xiu's strength and power. The criminal officer in the Kansai region is also the sixth young man on the Dragon Tiger List. Following Chu Xiu is not a humiliation to them.

Wang Shuangdong and the others bowed their hands to Chu Xiu in unison: "I have seen Master Chu!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be too polite, you are all good friends of Brother Lu, and of course they are also my brothers of Chu Xiu. I can't say how much future I can give you, at least it won't humiliate you."

Having said that, Chu Xiu called the Ghost Hand King and asked them to take Wang Shuangdong and others down to make arrangements.

After all the people were arranged, Lu Fengxian said: "Brother Chu, since everything has been arranged neatly here, I am also going to leave for Xichu."

Chu Xiu wondered: "You haven't fully recovered from your injury yet. What are you going to do with Xichu? Your foundation is damaged. It is best to cultivate carefully during this period to see if you can make up for your foundation when you break through the realm."

Lu Fengxian said: "I'm going to Xichu to formally prepare to treat my damaged foundation.

When I was in Western Chu before, I had met the **** of the rivers and lakes, 'Angry Yama', Feng Jiu Ping. I helped him a little, and the wind doctor was also good to me. As long as I needed it, he would give me priority to heal me.

Now that my foundation is damaged, other people can't do anything. Feng Shenyi should be able to do it, so I also want to go to him and give it a try. "

Hearing Lu Fengxian say this, Chu Xiu was immediately speechless.

In fact, Lu Fengxian's biggest advantage is not his potential, nor his appearance, but his extraordinary luck.

Lu Fengxian's luck has always been good, Chu Xiu knows this, and now it looks like that.

'Angry Yama' Feng Buping has a great reputation on the rivers and lakes. He is known as a genius doctor in the rivers and lakes. He can treat all kinds of incurable diseases. Even if you have half your foot in the gate of hell, Feng Buping can pull you back. So his nickname is Angry Yama.

However, although the same medical skills are superb, they are very greedy. If you want to find him for treatment, it is light for ordinary warriors to go bankrupt. Even if the disciples of the big sects come, they will also bleed a lot. Fan.

Even in the end, even if you want to let Feng Buping treat him once Buping may not have time, because there are too many people looking for him for treatment.

So at this time, he made a rule that only the people he liked were eligible to bleed heavily, and the ones he disliked, even if they died.

However, the more rules Feng Buping sets, the more Jianghu people seek him for treatment, as if he is truly a genius doctor who can live and die.

This kind of ordinary person is a genius doctor who can't even see a major hemorrhage, but it turns out that he has friendship with Lu Fengxian and made a promise of this level. Is this not luck?

"Since this is the case, then I will leave. Brother Chu, if you are going to move to Juyi Village, don't forget to call me, I can do it anytime."

After chatting a few words with Lu Fengxian and escorting him out of the torture hall, Chu Xiu was ready to go into seclusion again.

However, before Chu Xiu was ready, someone sent a letter asking Chu Xiu to go to the Guanzhong torture hall to meet Mei Qinglian.

Chu Xiu was a little strange, this was the first time Mei Qinglian didn't say hello, and suddenly came to him.

In fact, when he just returned to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu had already gone to see Guan Siyu and Mei Qinglian, and told Mei Qinglian all about Beiyan, but Mei Qinglian still disliked Chu Xiu. is too long, so I only asked the result.

But in the end, Mei Qinglian suddenly sent someone to look for him, looking very anxious, which made Chu Xiu a little puzzled.

After Chu Xiu came to the headquarters of the punishment hall, it was just before nightfall. Before Chu Xiu could find Mei Qinglian in person, Mei Qinglian had already turned into a demonic energy and appeared in front of Chu Xiu in an upright manner.

This time Mei Qinglian didn't tease Chu Xiu, she just looked at Chu Xiu with a serious look, and said coldly, "Who are you?"


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