Meet The Leader

Chapter 421: The accidental and expansive Chu Xiu

PS: This chapter is for the villain's main sword → Yan Yu to make up for it.

Mei Qinglian's attitude made Chu Xiu's heart jump, but his face was extremely calm, and he asked with a smile: "I am me, who else can I be?"

Mei Qinglian approached Chu Xiu step by step, and the rich but not greasy fragrance rushed to her face, until Mei Qinglian's beautiful face was less than three fingers away from Chu Xiu, and then she stopped.

However, at this time, Chu Xiu did not feel the fragrance, but instead felt a strong pressure coming towards his face, it was the coercion of a strong man belonging to the martial arts master!

Mei Qinglian said in a low voice, "I always thought I had seen you thoroughly before, but only now did I realize that from the beginning, you didn't seem to be telling the truth to me.

Someone from the Hidden Demon Lineage sent me news that there was a rookie in the magic way in Dongqi, who used authentic magic arts, claimed to be the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and the descendant of Nangong Wuming, the head of the Demon Heart Hall. .

Since he is the reincarnation of Nangong Wuming, who are you? "

Hearing Mei Qinglian's words, Chu Xiu's mind vibrated, but his face was strong, maintaining a calm posture, but in fact, his heart was already set off at this time.

Chu Xiu is not afraid that someone will find out about Chu Xiu pretending to be a descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, because Chu Xiu knows that the authentic descendant of the Demon Heart Church will not appear for a few years, and he will find a chance to solve it by himself. became real.

But now, I don't know what happened, which caused the inheritance of Nangong Wuming to be acquired in advance. In this way, there are two descendants of Nangong Wuming on the rivers and lakes, even idiots know it. , there's something wrong with this!

Looking at Mei Qinglian who was close at hand, Chu Xiu knew that once his answer was wrong, the beautiful face in front of him would immediately become infinitely murderous.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "In Dongqi, I joined forces with Mr. Lu to solve the King of Anle Jiang Wenyuan, and in the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, I represented the hidden demons and promoted the magic way.

Everyone in the Hidden Demon lineage knows that I, Chu Xiu, are the direct descendants of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

As for that guy, he's just a nameless cat and a dog on the rivers and lakes, he can't say anything, it's what he is. "

Chu Xiu did not answer whether his identity was true or false, but he believed that Mei Qinglian could understand the meaning.

Regardless of whether Chu Xiu's identity is true or false, he has been wearing the identity of the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect for so long, and he has even been considered by the entire Hidden Demon lineage that he is a rookie of the Demon Dao and is theirs. The future hope of the hidden demons.

Mei Qinglian thinks so, Phaseless Demon Sect thinks so, even Wei Shuya, an old monster of the magical way, thinks so.

If it is revealed that Chu Xiu's identity is fake at this time, it will be a huge blow to the hidden demon lineage, and it will even make people of the Ming demon lineage ridicule them for being blind.

As Chu Xiu said, since Chu Xiu has been wearing this identity for so long, it used to be, as long as it remains the same in the future, there will be no problem.

And who is the guy who claims to be the descendant of Demon Heart Hall? A nameless cat and dog on the rivers and lakes.

On the other hand, Chu Xiu was a young hero with a splendid reputation in the rivers and lakes, ranking sixth on the Dragon and Tiger List, which was enough to represent the devil's way and compete with all the righteous heroes.

The difference in identities between the two is already so obvious, do they want an unknown cat and dog to be their future hope for the hidden demons, or do they want a young hero like Chu Xiu, who is sixth in the dragon and tiger list, on their side , this multiple-choice question is easy to do.

At a time like this, it doesn't matter what the truth is, what matters is which one is true or false is in the interests of Mei Qinglian, or in the interests of the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

After Chu Xiu finished saying these words, Mei Qinglian's expression was a little uncertain, after a while she took a step back and snorted: "Only I know about this matter for the time being, and the news should not have reached the Phaseless Demon Sect yet. There.

You still have some time to wipe your **** clean, otherwise I won't be able to save you if things get bigger.

In addition, you also reminded me that this kind of thing I can tolerate you once, but this is also the last time! "

After speaking, Mei Qinglian's body shone with black mist, and her figure disappeared into the room again.

Chu Xiu stood still, and sat back on the chair after a long while. He let out a long sigh, but a layer of cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

This time, it was indeed Chu Xiu who miscalculated, and it could be regarded as a profound lesson for Chu Xiu.

The butterfly effect sounds simple, but it is the most elusive.

Although he pretended to be a descendant of Moxintang, he only spread it in a small area, and only a limited number of people knew about it, such as Mei Qinglian and Mr. Lu. He couldn't figure it out at all. Why did the descendants of the authentic Demon Heart Hall appear in the rivers and lakes so early?

Just now, Chu Xiu can be said to have really walked through the gate of hell, which is not false at all.

Even though Mei Qinglian's attitude towards Chu Xiu is not bad on weekdays, she occasionally teases Chu Xiu. She also generously agrees to Chu Xiu's request, but it is all based on the premise that Chu Xiu is her own. .

But actually? Mei Qinglian is still a sinister Yin Demon Sect saint in her bones, and a martial arts master of the hidden demon lineage. If Mei Qinglian believes that Chu Xiu is lying to her, then Chu Xiu will not be sure to escape in Mei Qinglian's hands. Not to mention ten deaths and no life, at least nine deaths.

But fortunately, Mei Qinglian is still reasonable. Chu Xiu also showed his value during this time. To be precise, it should be his value in the hidden demon lineage. Only in this way can he convince Mei Qinglian to put the fake It can be said to be a bit of a fluke.

Sitting on the spot for a while, Chu Xiu spit out four words lightly: "Walking on thin ice!"

Chu Xiu has changed his identity back and forth between the real and the demons, and even the hidden demons. It seems unpredictable, but it is not impeccable. At this time, all he has to do is four words, like walking on thin ice!

It's just that Chu Xiu's life has been a bit too smooth. He killed everyone he wanted to kill, and got everything he wanted. This also caused Chu Xiu to involuntarily give birth to a sense of arrogance. Laziness comes.

To put it simply, in one sentence, he Chu Xiu has swelled.

This is a very terrifying emotion, which is affecting Chu Xiu unknowingly, and even he is not aware of it. If this incident that suddenly appeared had not completely awakened Chu Xiu, I am afraid he would still be immersed in it. Among such emotions, maybe one day he will be killed if he is not careful.

Chu Xiu is a human being, not a god. If he is human, he will have various emotions, which will affect his judgment and behavior.

However, Chu Xiu has a rare advantage, that is, he has self-knowledge and will examine himself.

If you make a mistake, then find a way to make up for it, remember it in the future, and don't make it again.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu couldn't help showing a cold light in his eyes.

What Chu Xiu has to do now is to make up for the mistakes he made. people perceive.

The descendant of Moxintang that suddenly appeared in Dongqi, Chu Xiu just sent someone to report to Guan Siyu, and then took them directly to Dongqi.

Except for Yin Botong, the other torture officers had no problem with Chu Xiu running out all day long, and Yin Botong had no opinion. Chu Xiu had already arranged and managed the entire Kansai region properly. What can he say?

And this time, Chu Xiu didn't pay much attention to it. He directly took out his masters, Wang Shuangdong and others who joined him, leaving only 30% of the people in Kansai to maintain order.

The place in Dongqi is too big, and Chu Xiu doesn't know where the so-called descendant of Demon Heart Hall is.

It's just that as long as you are in this river and lake, it's still very easy to find someone, someone who does this kind of thing specially, that is Fengmanlou.

In the past, when Chu Xiu was hunted down by Juyi Village and Piaoxuecheng, the two factions used the power of Feng Manlou to investigate his It was indeed for Chu Xiu at the beginning. There has been a lot of trouble, but Chu Xiu has no hatred for Feng Manlou.

Fengmanlou is just a simple wind media organization. If you come to buy information, I will sell it, and if he comes to buy information, I will also sell it. In short, Fengmanlou is just a tool. Even if Chu Xiu wants to take revenge, he will only Get revenge on those who have the tools, not the tools themselves.

Fengmanlou has numerous branches in the rivers and lakes. There are branches in Beiyan and Xichu, and its headquarters is in Nanliang City in Eastern Qi.

There are two big cities in the Eastern Qi that are the most prosperous, one is naturally the capital city Daliang City, and the other is the former capital city Nanliang City.

The matter of moving the capital is very serious, but hundreds of years ago, the Eastern Qi royal family did not know why they were crazy, and they successively invited the Taoist masters of Zhenwu Sect, Chunyang Daomen, and Tianshifu of Longhu Mountain to the Dongqi royal family. After testing the feng shui, I came to the conclusion that the feng shui of Nanliang City was not good, so I hurriedly moved the capital to Daliang City.

Can the masters of Sandaomen see that Feng Shui comes from not to mention, Dong Qi has been established in Nanliang City for so long, and it is only now that Feng Shui is not good. Who looked at Feng Shui when the capital was built?

In short, for this matter, people in Dongqi thought it was the Dongqi royal family who was out of breath, but the capital has been moved, and now people in Dongqi are used to it.

As for the original capital, Nanliang City, it has not declined, it is still prosperous, and it can even be compared with Daliang City.

The headquarters of Fengmanlou is located in Henanliang City. Every day, countless information from the rivers and lakes are sent to Nanliang City. Of course, most people would not buy such boring information.


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