Meet The Leader

Chapter 422: full of wind

ps: This chapter is a reward for the salted fish who love to eat hot pot.

In Nanliang City, Chu Xiu brought Tang Ya and Yan Bugui into the city and went straight to Fengmanlou headquarters.

After all, Dongqi is not Chu Xiu's territory. He has hundreds of people under his command. It is better for these people to be scattered. If they enter Nanliang City collectively, it will be too dazzling.

The headquarters of Fengmanlou is located in the south of Nanliang City, and the people around are almost all Jianghu people. Of course, there are only two kinds of people, one is Jianghu wind media who sells news, and the other is Jianghu people who come to buy news.

The headquarters of Fengmanlou was built very spectacularly. It was a nine-story building.

In fact, the nine-story high-rise building in Jianghu is not so tall, but the nine-story high-rise building in Fengmanlou is taller than the usual ten-story high-rise building, and the space on each floor is terrifyingly spacious.

The entire Fengmanlou is not made of wood, but is made of a kind of stone that looks like white jade. It is engraved with countless patterns such as astrological numbers, and it looks very mysterious.

As soon as Chu Xiu stepped into Fengmanlou, a martial artist from Fengmanlou immediately appeared to Chu Xiu. After a short pause, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he greeted him and said, "It turned out to be Guanzhong Punishment. Master Chu Xiu Chu, what news does Master Chu want to buy? Please go upstairs."

These disciples who greet guests in Fengmanlou are notoriously clever. For them, recognizing the appearance and identities of the Dragon Tiger Ranking and Fengyun Ranking within ten breaths can only be said to be basic skills.

Some people can even judge your origin from your strength, appearance, clothing and speaking habits at a glance, which is very terrifying.

Taking Chu Xiu all the way to a guest room on the sixth floor, the disciple who greeted the guest respectfully asked, "Dare to ask what kind of information Mr. Chu wants to buy? Is it about sect forces or individuals?

Master Chu, please rest assured to say that although our people who are full of wind have the most secrets in their mouths, they also have professional ethics.

Those secrets are sold to us, not from the mouths of the guests. "

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "I want to find news about a person, a little guy who just appeared in Dongqi, everything about him and his detailed location."

The warrior who greeted the guest nodded and said, "Please wait a moment, Master Chu, and I'll bring someone here."

Saying that, the warrior who greeted the guests pushed the door and walked out.

However, as soon as he walked out, he ran into a middle-aged warrior in his fifties and dressed in black.

The middle-aged warrior has a square appearance, but there is a slender red mark between his eyebrows, which looks like a third eye, which is very strange.

Seeing that person, the warrior who greeted the guest quickly said, "I have seen Master Qi."

This martial artist was officially the deputy owner of Fengmanlou in Beiyan, the 'Three Eyed God' Qi Yuanli.

He was the one who put Chu Xiu'an into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking against the odds.

Qi Yuanli was a little lazy when he was in Beiyan, and he believed in inaction to rule. I didn't expect Fengmanlou's branch in Beiyan to be doing well, so Qi Yuanli was promoted, and he was transferred from Beiyan branch to Dongqi. Headquarters as the deputy owner.

Although the position has not changed, but one is in Beiyan, and now it is in the Eastern Qi headquarters, Qi Yuanli's own power has risen by more than one level.

Qi Yuanli nodded and asked subconsciously, "Which person came to buy the news if I could be brought to the sixth floor?"

Fengmanlou is also divided into levels. If you want to buy some popular intelligence, you can go directly to the public trading on the lower three floors.

The fourth, fifth and sixth floors will only be open to some famous people in the world, and there are special guest rooms for guests to keep secret.

The martial artist who greeted the guest said: "It's Chu Xiu, the Guanxi execution officer in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. I want to check the details and information of a person."

With Qi Yuanli's lazy personality, he originally planned to ask and leave, but the person he didn't expect was Chu Xiu, which made Qi Yuanli suddenly a little interested, because Chu Xiu was the one he personally clicked in at the beginning. In the Dragon Tiger List, Chu Xiu's growth is now somewhat beyond his expectations.

In fact, Qi Yuanli included Chu Xiu on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, and it was a coincidence that he was ranked above Bai Wuji in the snow city in the extreme north. Part of the purpose was to disgust the snow city in the north.

After all, at that time, Ji Bei Piao Xue City made things difficult for them to collect information from Feng Manlou. Qi Yuanli was actually a little cautious. Feng Man Lou was not good at fighting, so he could only disgust Ji Bei Piao Xue City in this regard. people.

After all, things like the list can’t be very rigorous in the first place. It’s okay to say that the Fengyun list is full of famous people. The thing about moving lips.

Now that Chu Xiu happened to be in Fengman Building, Qi Yuanli was quite curious about it. He directly said to the warrior who welcomed the guest: "Okay, you don't need to worry about it. I will deal with this guest in person."

Although the martial artist who greeted the guests was a little strange why Qi Yuanli suddenly came to greet the guests today, he didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and left.

Qi Yuanli pushed open the door and entered, Chu Xiu looked up, and was immediately stunned.

The person in front of him did not hide his aura. This is a martial arts master level powerhouse. Is his status already so high that he deserves to be entertained by a martial arts master level powerhouse?

Qi Yuanli smiled and said, "My name is Qi Yuanli, and I am the deputy owner of Fengmanlou Dongqi headquarters. Speaking of which, I have a long-term relationship with you, Chu Xiaoyou. The first time you entered the Dragon and Tiger Ranking in the past was I personally nominated and recommended it when I was the deputy owner of the Beiyan branch."

Hearing this, Chu Xiu immediately stood up and cupped his hands: "It turns out that there is such a thing in the past, and I would like to thank the landlord Qi for his support at that time, otherwise I would not have the reputation of Chu Xiu in the arena today."

Hearing this, Qi Yuanli smiled and waved his hand: "Secret, vice, there is only one owner of Fengmanlou, not me.

And Chu Xiaoyou, you don't have to be too modest. The edge of the sword will not be hidden in the sheath forever. If you have the strength, I will recommend you to the Dragon Tiger List.

On the contrary, if you don’t have the strength, even if Fengmanlou lets you on the list, you won’t stay on the list for long, so now all this is done by you, Chu Xiaoyou, and I will only guarantee fairness. Just fair.

By the way, little friend Chu, what information are you going to buy this time? "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "That's right, someone in Dongqi recently announced that he is the descendant of the Demon Heart Hall, the direct line of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and just after the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, someone was jumping around here like a clown jumping on a beam. , it's really nasty.

Although I don’t belong to the righteous way, I don’t want the rivers and lakes to be ruled by demons, so I think I will do my part to exterminate the demons, so I brought people here this time to kill this demon. jumping beam clown. "

Qi Yuanli smiled. He had been in Fengmanlou all his life, but he was a person like a man. What did he not see before? It's normal to find a high-sounding reason for doing things like Chu Xiu does.

So Qi Yuanli didn't point it out, but called a warrior directly and asked the other party to bring all the information.

A moment later, a warrior brought a jade book and handed it to Qi Yuanli.

This jade book is really made of jade, and it is full of dense runes engraved on it. The number of pages is not many, only less than ten pages.

As Qi Yuanli infiltrated his spiritual power into the jade book, countless news flooded into his mind.

There was too much news about Feng Manlou, even to the extent that some miscellaneous news could not be recorded in words at all.

Therefore, Feng Manlou finally understood that this jade book has the same principle as that of the jade slips, but the content that can be contained in it is a hundred times and a thousand times that of the jade slips.

It's just that the impact of this thing on mental power is not ordinary. In Fengmanlou, only warriors above the level of harmony between man and nature are qualified to use and read.

After a long while, Qi Yuanli closed the jade book and said solemnly: "The news you want has been found, which is very interesting.

The guy who claimed to be the descendant of Demon Heart Hall was named Zhang Chufan. He was a loose cultivator in Leyang County, Eastern Qi.

However, the Anle Palace was later destroyed by the Eastern Qi royal Zhang Chu Fan also fled the palace, but he disappeared.

Two months ago, this guy appeared out of nowhere, and after acquiring a strong magic skill, he claimed to be the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, but everyone didn't take it seriously.

But this guy's strength has soared for sure. As soon as he came out, he has the strength of Sanhua Judingjie. He has successively sought revenge for several enemies he has had grievances before, but his temperament will be revenge.

The latest news is that this kid is going to find a backer now. I heard that he did not know how to get in touch with the people of Xie Ji Sect. It seems that he is going to join Xie Ji Sect. "

After hearing what Qi Yuanli said, Chu Xiu let out a long breath.

Compared with the original plot, things have changed a lot, because the guy in the original plot who got the inheritance of Moxintang is not Zhang Chufan.

And that person has cultivated the cultivation realm of the unity of heaven and man as soon as he was born, not only in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm.

Now Chu Xiu can be sure that it is indeed because of his own influence that the inheritance of Demon Heart Hall was born ahead of schedule.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's intervention, King Anle Jiang Wenyuan would not have died so early, and now Zhang Chufan must still be his guest in the Anle King's Mansion.

As a result, now that the people of Anle Wangfu went to the building, Zhang Zhang, Chu Fan, didn't know what luck he had, but he even got the inheritance of this Demon Heart Hall.

But this guy is not far from death, because he is too high-profile.

Zhang Zhang, Chu Fan, was only a loose cultivator. He didn't know the taboos and horrors of the Kunlun Demon Sect. He even dared to publicize that he was the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect. It will also lead to murder.


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