Meet The Leader

Chapter 344: chase

ps: This chapter is made up for the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0.

Seeing the suffocated look on his face, the head of the Lin family who dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, Zhang Chufan's heart was full of joy.

Standing out among the gang of loose cultivators when he was young, and successfully joining the Anle Palace as a worshiper, Zhang Chufan knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person. There is a day to come!

Now this opportunity has come, he Zhang Chufan is really a person with great luck!

As Chu Xiu had guessed, Zhang Chufan had only heard of some legends about the Kunlun Demon Sect, but he did not know the details of the previous battle and the various taboos of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

So until now, Zhang Chufan thought that he had become the reincarnation of the Kunlun Demon Sect, just like some protagonists in the legends of the rivers and lakes, who accidentally jumped off a cliff and obtained the inheritance of the magic. Supreme.

This kind of inflated mentality also made Zhang Chufan feel a little high, so during this time he was showing off his might in Leping County, and waiting for the arrival of the people from the Evil Supreme Sect.

Qi Yuanli's information said that Xie Jizong had contact with him, but in fact it was not the Xie Jizong he contacted actively, but the Xie Jizong who actively contacted him, ready to accept him into the Xie Jizong.

Zhang Chufan thought it was his own identity that made Xie Jizong want to take him as the young master and train him with all his strength. After all, in the legends of the rivers and lakes, the Kunlun Demon Sect used to dominate the world, and sects such as Xie Jizong used to be Kunlun. The use of magic.

But Zhang Chufan didn't know that in the battle that destroyed the Kunlun Demon Sect, Xie Jizong became a traitor.

Moreover, Xie Jizong has a genius like Ye Tianxie who has successfully cultivated the Blood Flood Heart Sutra in person, not to mention that Zhang Chufan is just a descendant of the Demon Heart Hall, even if he is a descendant of Dugu Yume, it is useless.

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise outside. More than a dozen warriors broke into the Lin family. They were so powerful that they couldn't resist.

The first young warrior was carrying a heavy sword, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes did not seem to have the slightest focus, but his strength in the Three Flowers Gathering Dingjing was unusually solid, which brought a dignified pressure to Zhang Chufan.

This young warrior is Yan Bugui.

Chu Xiu and his warriors divided into several groups, and started searching and strangling around Leping County. The luck of the wild goose was not bad. Zhang Chufan's Lin family was in the direction he was searching for, and Zhang Chufan did not hide it. Wherever he went, Yan Bugui soon found out where Zhang Chufan was.

Leping County is not a big county in the Eastern Qi, so the strength of a county is limited, and the Three Flowers Gathering Realm is already a master in Leping County, otherwise Zhang Chufan would not be able to be arrogant here for so long.

But Zhang Chufan, the person in front of him, had never seen or even heard of it. Zhang Chufan could not help frowning and said, "Who are you? You came to trouble the Lin family."

Yan Bugui appeared here with someone, Zhang Chufan subconsciously thought that the other party was here to trouble the Lin family, not him.

At this time, Yan Bugui looked at Zhang Chufan expressionlessly and said, "Are you Zhang Chufan?"

Zhang Chufan nodded subconsciously and said, "I am, are you here to find me?"

But before Zhang Chufan could react, the Yan Bugui in front of him had already put his hand on the epee hilt behind him!

In an instant, the violent Gangqi strong wind whistled, and the power of that sword was as terrifying as the top of Mount Tai, pressing Zhang Chufan out of breath!

At the critical moment, Zhang Chufan roared angrily, his hands danced, and the cold demonic energy condensed countless threads, like strings of a violin lying in front of him, as his hands flicked, instantly pitch-black demonic energy ripples roared out. , vibrating the sword stance of the wild goose, although he successfully neutralized more than half of the power of his sword, but he himself was smashed by this sword and took a few steps back, and a trace of oozing directly appeared at the corner of his mouth. Blood comes.

Although the inheritance of exercises is important, the more important thing is the martial artist himself. Otherwise, even if a waste person holds magic, he will not be able to practice magic.

Zhang Chufan was in the inner realm before. With some treasures in the inheritance of the Demon Heart Hall, his strength quickly soared to the top of the three flowers, which is equivalent to directly crossing a realm, which also caused his foundation to be unstable, and he followed Yan Yan. Not returning is simply incomparable, even if he possesses the secret exercises of the old Kunlun Demon Sect, he cannot stop Yan from not returning.

Seeing the wild goose in front of him not returning, Zhang Chufan seemed to be still in a state of confusion. He shouted, "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

However, Yan Bugui didn't answer him, but was followed by a powerful and powerful sword that was powerful and powerful, and it came directly to take Zhang Chufan's life!

Chu Xiu's request is that it is best to live, of course, it is also possible to die.

But for Yan Bugui, he simply ignored the first half of the sentence, he only knew that killing people would be fine, so Yan Bugui's shot was a killer move, and he didn't give Zhang Chufan a chance to speak at all.

Seeing that Yan Bugui's sword strikes again, Zhang Chufan directly shouted, "Flee!"

In fact, before he was ready to escape, his subordinates were already frightened, and they were ready to leave first.

Zhang Chufan was a lonely man before, and it wasn't until he got the chance that he recruited his old friends and friends to be his subordinates. It's okay for these people to follow him behind him, but it's okay to talk about sharing weal and woe.

Zhang Chufan squeezed the seal in his hand, and the surging demonic energy burst out, but it was directly smashed by Yan Bugui's sword.

But at this moment, a piercing roar of ghosts and gods suddenly sounded in Yan Bugui's ears, causing him to stop, and the giant sword in his hand slashed directly.

When Yanbugui returned to normal, Zhang Chufan and the others had already escaped quickly from the back door.

Yan Bugui rubbed his head and said with a cold look in his eyes, "Chase!"


On a hill outside Baishan Mansion, Zhang Chufan's face was full of horror. Obviously, the two swords of Fang Caiyan's failure to return gave him a great psychological shadow, which also caused Zhang Chufan to swell after he got the inheritance. A pot of cold water was poured into his heart, which also let him know what kind of strength he was.

"Have you heard, who is that guy? Why did he kill me?" Zhang Chufan asked his subordinates?

His subordinates all shook their heads, and one of them said: "This person is so powerful, and the heavy sword is even more conspicuous. If he is from Leping County, we have no reason not to know, it should be somewhere else. Man, is he invited by someone to deal with you, Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Chufan thought about it, he seemed to have really offended a lot of people in Leping County during this period of time, and some of them were quite ruthless. These people seemed to have reasons to invite someone to kill him. I really can't think of who is going to take a shot at him.

Zhang Chufan squeezed his fist and said viciously: "Don't let me know who this person is, or I will break his head!"

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" someone asked.

Zhang Chufan thought for a while and said, "Change the direction, cover up the traces, go to Kaiping Mansion to find all the brothers, there are so many people, if the guy with the heavy sword dares to come, I will let him come and go!"

Although Zhang Chufan is a bit of a villain, he is really good to his old friends.

He is now developed, and the fox friends and dog friends who followed him in the past naturally followed the chickens and dogs to the sky, showing off their power in Leping County.

Kaiping Mansion is Zhang Chufan's hometown, and the people under him and the various property and resources he extorted during this period were also placed in Kaiping Mansion by him.

Taking people all the way to Kaiping Mansion, Zhang Chufan felt a little strange.

His subordinates have hundreds of people in Kaiping Mansion, why hasn't anyone seen in the state mansion now?

Moreover, after seeing Zhang Chufan, the other warriors in Kaiping Mansion also had strange expressions on their faces. Seeing him, they seemed to have seen some kind of plague god, and they all avoided him.

Zhang Chufan frowned and came all the way to his house. It was his mansion. It used to belong to the Wang family of the Kaiping mansion, but he was also bullied by the Wang family when he was At this time, he forced the Wang family. He handed over his family wealth and mansion, and even drove the Wang family out of Kaiping Mansion.

Zhang Chufan felt that something was wrong when he just came to the door, but he opened the door subconsciously, and the pungent smell of blood rushed to his face in an instant!

I saw that in the courtyard, those people under his command were all killed, the corpses were neatly placed in the shape of the word "mouth" in the courtyard, and the blood had dyed the entire courtyard red!

More than a dozen black-clothed warriors stood beside them. In the center was a young man in a golden robe with a gentle smile on his face. He was still playing with an exquisite dragon-tailed soul dart. Saying hello: "Are you back?"

Tang Ya's tone was extremely gentle, as if an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time was greeting him, but coupled with the current scene, Zhang Chufan felt a chill in his heart.

Tang Ya is much smarter than Yan Bugui. He is not like Yan Bugui, he just sent people to look for him. Tang Ya directly found out where Zhang Chufan's lair was, and then brought people to slaughter. Zhang Chufan's old nest is waiting here.

Although it is waiting for the rabbit, the opportunity to wait is still very large, and it seems that it is true now.

Of course, Tang Ya's actions seemed to those under him purely because their adults were lazy and didn't bother to run back and forth to find someone.

Tang Ya and his subordinates slaughtered hundreds of people one after another. In broad daylight, it is impossible for the people in Kaiping House to not notice, but they did not even give Zhang Chufan a tip. It is conceivable that Zhang Chufan is in his own hands How bad is the reputation of the hometown, of course, it is also possible that these people were frightened by Tang Ya's methods and did not dare to tip off.


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