Meet The Leader

Chapter 445: escape

ps: This chapter is for book friends to blow up the cloud stack and make up for it.

Seeing all his subordinates being slaughtered, Zhang Chufan felt anger, fear and other emotions in his heart, and the five flavors were mixed.

But now what Zhang Chufan wants to know most is who these people are, and why are people chasing him everywhere!

"Who sent you? Why did you kill me!" Zhang Chufan shouted at Tang Ya.

Tang Ya shook his head and said, "Being a human being, it's rare to be confused, why do you have to know so much?

How about you and I make a deal? If you are obedient, you will be captured. If I don't kill the people around you, I can make you suffer less. What do you think? "

Unlike Yan Bugui's simple and rude resignation, although Tang Ya seems to be lazy on weekdays, as long as Chu Xiu sets the task, he can complete it perfectly.

For example, this time, although Chu Xiu said that it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, but he said that it is better to live, then Tang Ya is ready to catch the alive and complete the task perfectly.

Zhang Chufan gritted his teeth and quickly fled outside. Seeing this scene, Tang Ya shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, it seems that you still made a wrong choice."

The voice fell, and the countless hidden weapons in Tang Ya's hands attacked Zhang Chufan like pear blossoms in a torrential rain, but those hidden weapons were not aimed at Zhang Chufan's vital points under the control of Tang Ya's astral qi. After all, he was going to arrest him. Live.

Zhang Chufan didn't have to look back to feel the horror of the overwhelming hidden weapon behind him.

A seal was formed in his hand, and the boundless demonic energy shrouded him behind him in an instant. He only heard a loud explosion. No matter how much demonic energy he had, his strength was not as good as that of Tang Ya, and he was still completely shattered by it.

The two scimitars in Tang Ya's hands merged into one, circling like a moon wheel and popping out with a bang.

The whistling wind came, Zhang Chufan gritted his teeth, he suddenly moved, and several palms fell, but he did not shoot at Tang Ya, but at the few people around him!

Zhang Chufan's subordinates never thought that Zhang Chufan would suddenly attack him. After all, Zhang Chufan has been really good to them all along.

Without checking for a while, several of them were pushed back together, and were directly cut off by Tang Ya's moon wheel, becoming two pieces!

Zhang Chufan's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest. He is the kind of selfish person. At a critical juncture, he still has something to do with his brothers and the like. Of course, his life is the most important thing!

Seeing this scene, Tang Ya couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Tsk tsk, it's very neat to betray one's own people, like someone in the devil's way, but unfortunately, you are just resisting in vain."

The voice fell, Tang Ya's figure became like a catkin, coming towards the wind, his figure was light, but his speed was fast to the extreme, and he was about to catch up with Zhang Chufan in almost an instant.

Zhang Chufan was also taken aback by Tang Ya's series of changes. At this time, he couldn't care about anything else. He directly formed a seal with his hands. In an instant, a force of qi and blood mixed with demonic qi burned in his body, and the speed instantly rose to At the extreme, the figure is like a blood-colored rainbow, and it disappears in an instant.

Tang Ya's figure stopped in place, with a look of astonishment on his face.

What he is best at is speed and movement, so he was only preparing to catch him before, and he never thought about Zhang Chufan's escape.

Unexpectedly, he miscalculated this time, Zhang Chufan still has such a trump card, which is somewhat beyond Tang Ya's expectations.

But Tang Ya didn't care. At first glance, this kind of exercise requires burning blood or paying some kind of price to perform. After using it, Zhang Chufan will be seriously injured.

And Mr. Chu has already set up a net of heaven and earth in the whole Leping County, constantly strangling him, Zhang Chufan, he can't escape!

At this time, Zhang Chufan had appeared more than ten miles away. At this time, he looked extremely miserable, his face was pale, but he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured.

There are many exercises he has acquired from the inheritance of the magic path, but Zhang Chufan was still relatively cautious at that time. The escape effect is outstanding.

Of course, this consumption is not ordinary. The blood escape method is fueled by the power of qi and blood. The farther you escape, the greater the loss of your own qi and blood.

Zhang Chufan was frightened by Tang Ya, so he directly escaped for more than ten miles before putting away the blood escape technique, but at this time he was seriously injured.

After taking out a few pills and throwing them into his mouth to refine, Zhang Chufan's complexion improved a little.

These medicinal pills were also found by him from the inheritance of the magic path.

But at this time, Zhang Chufan was also thinking, who was killing him?

He is not an idiot, and he can naturally see that this makes the epee and the hidden weapon basically a group of people, all of them coming for him.

Zhang Chufan thought that these people had offended a certain force and were invited by them to kill him, but then Zhang Chufan felt something was wrong.

Because the forces he has sinned against are definitely not as strong as him, and they have been subdued under the pressure of Zhang Chufan. If these people have such a strong force and can invite such terrifying opponents, then I can't deal with them at the beginning. .

After thinking about it, Zhang Chufan didn't understand what was going on, but what he should think about most at this time was how to escape.

There are already two groups of people chasing him, and he is seriously injured, so Zhang Chufan must find a safe place. After thinking for a while, Zhang Chufan decides to go to Antai Mansion, the center of Leping County, to go to the Yang family of Antai Mansion for help. shelter.

The Yang family of Antai Mansion is the largest clan in Antai Mansion, and there are more than one martial artist in the clan.

Zhang Chufan had no grievances with the Yang family before, so this time, even if he got the chance, he didn't dare to offend the Yang family.

Besides, he is just a little inflated, and he is not an idiot. The Yang family has a martial artist in the unity of nature and man here, and the only person who offends the Yang family is courting death.

The most important thing is that Xie Jizong contacted him and asked him to join Xie Jizong, and the person who spread the letter was this Yang family.

It is said that although the Yang family is not considered a demon, there is a disciple of the Yang family who has become an inner disciple of the Xie Jizong.

From Zhang Chufan's point of view, he is already ready to join the Xieji Sect, and the people of the Yang family will naturally give him a face, and with the strength of the Yang family, so many warriors in the realm of the unity of heaven and man can keep him. .

After making the decision, Zhang Chufan immediately began to cover up the traces and fled in the direction of the Antai Mansion.

Thanks to Zhang Chufan's high-profile behavior in Le'an County during this period, there are many people who know him in Le'an County. Chu Xiu's subordinates are divided into more than ten groups, and almost half of them have found his trace. And began to hunt and strangle.

However, this piece of Chu Fan is still a bit of a Taoist, such as the wolf king and Huo Nu, who also found his trace, but he used various means to hide it.

Of course, this credit is mainly due to the inheritance that Zhang Chufan got, which is the inheritance left by a former hall master of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Among them, there are many strange things, and there are some foreign objects and trump cards, or else Zhang Chufan probably won't survive Antai Mansion either.

In a small town more than ten miles away from Antai Mansion, Zhang Chufan wore a black turban and mask on his face, but his face below was pale and scary.

Seeing that Antai Mansion was about to arrive, Zhang Chufan was also relieved.

Zhang Chufan has not had a good rest these days. He is about to arrive at the Antai Mansion. Naturally, Zhang Chufan cannot slack off. He is just going to buy some dry food to pad his stomach first, and he will go on the road immediately.

For Zhang Chufan, this pursuit is not without merit.

Although Zhang Chufan came from a loose cultivator, his experience was relatively smooth.

When he was young, he showed a talent that far surpassed that of scattered cultivators of the same age. Although he was not as good as those who came from a large family, he was successfully selected into the Anle Palace to become a disciple.

Later, the Anle Palace was destroyed. Although he fled in a hurry, he also accidentally obtained the inheritance of the Kunlun Demon Sect Demon Heart Hall. As long as he does not die, he will also have a place in the rivers and lakes in the future.

However, he was always a small man with limited vision, so as soon as he achieved a little success, he began to become arrogant, and even dared to publicly declare that he was the reincarnation of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

But this series of chases also poured cold water on Zhang Chufan one after another, so that he finally came to his Knowing what kind of strength he really is, and what it means to be someone else, there is a sky outside the sky.

Even Zhang Chufan had already sworn in his heart that when he came to Antai Mansion and obtained the protection of the Yang family, he would definitely have to keep a low profile for a while after joining the Evil Supreme Sect, and concentrate on digesting all the inheritance he had gained before leaving the country and doing things in the future. You can't be so flamboyant anymore, you have to be careful like walking on thin ice.

Thinking like this, Zhang Chufan walked to the only stall on the street selling steamed buns, and said in a hoarse voice, "Give me ten steamed buns."

The young peddler who sold the steamed buns smiled and said, "Guest officer, do you want the element steamed buns or the meat steamed buns?"

Zhang Chufan whispered: "Flesh."

The peddler quickly picked up ten meat buns for Zhang Chufan, wrapped them in straw paper and handed them over. Zhang Chufan directly threw out a piece of silver and said, "The rest is a reward, no need to look for it."

The hawker quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, son."

Zhang Chufan subconsciously picked up the meat buns and prepared to eat while on the road, but then he felt something was wrong.

Being hunted down for many days has made Zhang Chufan develop a suspicious and cautious character.

The hawker who sells steamed buns only sells three cents for a meat bun, and he can buy all the meat buns in his stall with a single piece of silver. As a result, this guy doesn't care about the money after he takes it. Just throw it in the box, but have been paying attention to yourself.

Zhang Chufan's complexion changed slightly, but the meat buns that were about to be delivered to his mouth were put down involuntarily.

But the smile on the face of the hawker who had been looking at him gradually disappeared, and the expression on his face became strange: "Why doesn't Zhang Gongzi eat it? Could it be that my meat buns are not delicious?"


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