Meet The Leader

Chapter 446: Devil's Remnant

ps: This chapter is made up for the sake of book love too beautiful.

After several days of chasing and killing, Zhang Chufan's nerves have become extremely sensitive. The moment the hawker showed a weird smile, he directly threw the meat steamed bun at the hawker with his inner strength.

It was just at this moment that more than ten warriors on the long street emerged from the crowd, holding their weapons and attacking Zhang Chufan again.

Although the current Zhang Chufan is already at the end of the fight, there are no warriors from the Three Flowers Gathering Realm in this group of people, so Zhang Chufan escaped in a desperate fight.

"I said Wang Shuangdong, you can't do this, is it because your poison was too obvious, so that kid found out?"

Sun Changchao walked over with a long sword and said with a look of contempt.

The person dressed as a hawker was Wang Shuangdong, who had just joined Chu Xiu. The people who ambushed Zhang Chufan and the others were also friends of Lu Fengxian in the past. Now Wang Shuangdong and the others who joined Chu Xiu.

Taking off his hat, Wang Shuangdong snorted coldly: "You fart! Lao Tzu's poison is colorless and tasteless, and it is impossible to be discovered. You must have accidentally revealed murderous aura when you were in ambush. ."

A few days ago, Wang Shuangdong and others had just joined Chu Xiu's command, and this time they naturally wanted to do well.

Most of Wang Shuangdong and the others were from loose cultivators. Compared with some martial artists from aristocratic sects, they were very reasonable.

Lu Fengxian was their friend, but Chu Xiu was not their friend.

If they want to mess around under Chu Xiu's command, then Chu Xiu won't embarrass them because of Lu Fengxian's relationship, but they can't get past their own level.

The shame they acted was not only their own face, but also Lu Fengxian's face.

So they were brought out by Chu Xiu this time, but they tried their best to make some achievements. I didn't expect that after calculating for so long, they were still escaped by that guy.

Others came over to smooth things out and said, "That kid isn't the same generation, otherwise, Master Chu wouldn't take him so seriously.

However, this guy has been seriously injured by several groups of people before, and now Lord Chu is coming, this guy can't escape. "

Everyone nodded and immediately chased after Antai Mansion.

At this time, in front of the Yang family's door in Antai Mansion, Zhang Chufan's appearance can be described as extremely miserable, covered in blood and dust, as if he had escaped from the battlefield.

At the gate of the Yang family, the two Yang family disciples who were guarding the gate saw Zhang Chufan's appearance, and even if they were rude, they reprimanded: "Where are the beggars settling down? This is where you are qualified to come? Go away!"

Zhang Chufan didn't have the strength to talk nonsense with them at this time, he said directly: "Go and report to your master, just say that I am here, Zhang Chufan. If something happens, you can't afford it!"

The two guarding warriors actually recognized Zhang Chufan. After all, Zhang Chufan was politely welcomed into the Yang family by the Yang family before, talking about the things that Xie Jizong had recruited to him.

Hearing what Zhang Chufan said, they took a closer look, and the guy in front of him who looked so miserable and looked like a beggar seemed to be really Zhang Chufan who looked so beautiful before.

The two were taken aback, and quickly helped Zhang Chufan in, and went to notify their master to come.

Yang Kaitai, the head of the Yang family, is more than fifty years old this year, and has the cultivation of the unity of heaven and human. Words from the Yang family.

Seeing Zhang Chufan's appearance, Yang Kaitai was shocked.

"Zhang Xiaoyou, how did you become like this? What happened?"

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Chufan's face and said, "If I say I don't know, do you believe Yang Patriarch?

Just a few days ago, a few people who didn't know the details began to chase and kill me, some wanted to kill me, and some wanted to capture me alive.

I didn't even know where they came from, and I didn't even know who was behind the other party, so it became like this. "

Yang Kaitai couldn't help frowning when he heard this, but he didn't take it seriously.

To be honest, Yang Kaitai doesn't really like Zhang Chufan, because this person is a little too arrogant.

As soon as he got a chance, he thought that he was invincible in the world. The last time he recruited him on behalf of Xie Ji Zong, Zhang Chu Fan was so arrogant that he thought he could let Xie Ji Zong train him.

Based on the relationship between the Yang family and Xie Jizong, Yang Kaitai certainly knew the details of Xie Jizong.

Although the strength of the Xieji Sect in the Demon Dao is not weak, it is definitely not too strong, so the entire Xiejizong can only cultivate one person, that is, Ye Tianxie, who has successfully cultivated the Heart Sutra of Blood Flood Dragon.

Therefore, even if Zhang Chufan joins the Xie Ji Sect, his ranking must be below Ye Tianxie.

Of course, the Xieji Sect can be personally recruited. As long as Zhang Chufan joins the Xiejizong, the name of an inner sect elite disciple cannot escape, so Yang Kaitai does not want to be evil with the other party.

Yang Kaitai has also heard of what Zhang Chufan has done in Le'an County during this period of time. This guy is a bit of a villain. He has offended a lot of people during this time. Now someone wants to kill him. strangeness.

Yang Kaitai just patted Zhang Chufan on the shoulder and said, "Don't panic, Zhang Xiaoyou, you can be said to be absolutely safe in my Yang family. After a while, you will also enter the Xie Jizong to practice, and then you will have the protection of the Xiejizong. , even if more people kill you, you don't have to be afraid.

By the way, there are also people in my Yang family who are practicing in the Xie Ji Sect. After you join the Xie Ji Sect, Zhang Xiaoyou, please take care of them. "

Hearing this, Zhang Chufan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I also ask Patriarch Yang to rest assured. I, Zhang Chufan, have revenge for revenge, and I will definitely repay my kindness. I will never forget Patriarch Yang's help today."

Yang Kaitai glanced at Zhang Chufan in surprise. Is this Chu Fan a modified child?

But at this moment, there were several Yang family warriors running in in a panic, shouting: "The master is not good! There are hundreds of people outside, surrounded our Yang family, and threatened me The Yang family handed over the remnants of the demon sect, if they dared to cover up, they would be regarded as the same party!"

Yang Kaitai was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Zhang Chufan and said, "Didn't you just say that there are only a dozen people chasing you? Why are so many people appearing now?"

Zhang Chufan said with a wry smile: "There are more than ten shares of each, but I have met more than ten shares of people who want to kill me along the way, and I don't know how many shares they have."

Yang Kaitai frowned. With the power of the Yang family in Le'an County, who would dare to provoke them? Since the other party dares to attack the Yang family, it proves that the other party should not be from the Le'an House, at least someone who is not afraid of the power of the Yang family.

However, Yang Kaitai was still a little confident, he said to Zhang Chufan: "Don't worry about Zhang Xiaoyou, my Yang family has been operating in Le'an County for so many years, and I have a good reputation. When you come to Antai Mansion, dare you not give me Yang Family face?"

Just when Yang Kaitai's voice just fell, he heard a loud noise, as if something shattered, and several Yang family's warriors rushed in and shouted: "Patriarch is not good! The people outside Call in!"

Yang Kaitai's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He also said just now that as long as someone came to the Antai Mansion, he would not dare to give him the Yang family's face, but now someone broke the door of the Yang family, which was a bit of a slap in the face.

Yang Kaitai snorted coldly and said: "Go and inform the ancestors to come, and also, go to call the other noble families in Antai Mansion and tell them that there are outsiders coming to my Antai Mansion to make trouble, and the rest will go out with me, but I want to see, Who is so daring to provoke the majesty of my Yang family in Antai Mansion!"

In the Yang family's house, the gate has been torn apart by Yan Bugui's sword, and there are several dead bodies of Yang family warriors on the ground. There are no scars on their bodies, only a bone-penetrating nail is accurately inserted into their foreheads.

This group of people are also courting death, Chu Xiu is only here for Zhang Chufan, but these few Yang family warriors who are guarding the door are not rude. Chu Xiu is too lazy to make excuses with them.

For other things, Chu Xiu may not be so strong, but Zhang Chu Fan's existence is related to his safety in the hidden demon lineage, so Zhang Chu Fan must die, and it is useless for anyone to stand in front of him.

That is to say, this piece of Chu Fan was lucky and did not meet Chu Xiu directly. Otherwise, he would not even have the chance to escape to the Antai In the center of the Yang family's house, Chu Xiu was standing in black with his hands behind his back. , surrounded by all the martial artists in the Guanzhong punishment hall wearing black or gray clothes, that murderous aura made all the martial artists present shudder.

In the entire Guanzhong execution hall, there are only two groups of people who are the most special.

One is from the Criminal Investigation Department. They are the real killers of the Guanzhong Criminal Court. What they are doing is not a detective case, but a means of killing.

The other one is Chu Xiu's subordinate.

Since Chu Xiu served as the inspector, his subordinates have followed him to destroy countless families, and some of his subordinates were born as killers of the Azure Dragon Society, so the murderous aura of this body is terrifying, even comparable to A martial artist from the Criminal Investigation Division.

The Yang family is a big family in Le'an County, and it is a well-deserved overlord in the entire Antai Mansion, but compared with the people under Chu Xiu, the Yang family's warriors are just like the newcomers in the Jianghu, and they are pitiful and weak in murderousness.

Yang Kaitai took Zhang Chufan out of the house and looked at the corpse on the ground. He couldn't help pointing at Chu Xiu and said coldly: "Who are you? How dare you come to my Yang family to be wild? What do you want to do?"

Chu Xiu said lightly, "I can only answer your first and last three questions.

My name is Chu Xiu, you should have heard my name.

As for what I'm going to do, it's very simple, hand over the person behind you, you should know what his identity is.

Protecting the remnants of the Demon Sect, your Yang family is the sinner of the martial arts. As for the fate of the sinner of the martial arts, you don't know, I can tell you, that is: the whole family died.

Don't think I'm joking, I don't like joking, if you don't believe me, you can try it. "


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