Meet The Leader

Chapter 447: face or die

Chu Xiu's words are also very arrogant, but in fact no one thinks he is arrogant, because there are indeed few people who have not heard his name in the whole arena.

There are more than 100 people on the Dragon and Tiger List, and the list of the Dragon and Tiger List changes several times every month or even every day, so except for people who are full of wind, most people can't remember what the Dragon and Tiger List actually has. whose name.

But if you can reach the top ten of the Dragon Tiger List, it will be enough to make the entire Jianghu remember. Yang Kaitai doesn't know Chu Xiu, but he dare not say that he has never heard of Chu Xiu.

Whether it was Chu Xiuguan's status as the judge in charge of the punishment hall, or Chu Xiu's sixth place on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, the terrifying record of beheading a martial artist in the unity of heaven and man was like searching for something from a bag, making Yang Kaitai extremely jealous.

But the only thing he didn't understand was why Chu Xiu had to kill Zhang Chufan? Even Zhang Chufan himself couldn't understand this.

He glared at Chu Xiu and roared, "Chu Xiu! I have no enmity with you, why do you have to kill me?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Evil demons are heretics, and everyone gets them and kills them. Don't you keep clamoring that you are a descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect? Well, today I'm here to eliminate demons and defend the Dao. Isn't this normal?"

Looking at Chu Xiu's hypocritical appearance, Yang Kaitai couldn't help but cursed in his heart, it's normal!

The Kunlun Demon Sect has been destroyed. In addition, the Demon Dao has been kept low-key over the years, so there are not too many conflicts between the righteous and the demons.

In addition to those hidden demon warriors who always like to do things, other demon sects can appear on the rivers and lakes with integrity.

And those martial arts sects on the rivers and lakes will naturally not be full to provoke those stable magic practitioners. Basically, except for the people from the Daguang Temple, they talk about the magic defense all day long and put them into practice. The battle of demons is actually quite rare.

Chu Xiu is a person from Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his ruthless and decisive actions are also very famous in the arena, but now he is talking about eliminating demons and defending Dao here, which is simply a joke!

Yang Kaitai frowned and said: "Chu Xiu, what do you want to do? Don't talk about so many useless things, Zhang Chufan's identity as a descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect is just to talk about, those sects of the right way didn't make a move, which round? It's your turn?"

"He said it, but I took it seriously, isn't it okay? I don't like to explain back and forth with people when I talk, because my patience is very limited, and now I ask you, man, who are you? To pay or not to pay?"

Chu Xiu stepped out in one step, and the killing intent around him was condensed to the extreme.

There is no grievance between him and Zhang Chufan, but it is a pity that the moment Zhang Chufan got the inheritance of the Demon Heart Hall, only one of them was destined to live.

So it doesn't matter who comes today!

Yang Kaitai frowned, a little hesitant, and his confidence was not as strong as before.

He had heard of Chu Xiu's reputation in the arena, and there were not one or two warriors who died in his hands.

Although Yang Kaitai has confidence in his own strength, he is still a little clueless in the face of Chu Xiu.

At this moment, an old voice came coldly: "Where is the junior in Jianghu, so arrogant!

Dare to come to my Yang family so presumptuous, do you really think that my Yang family in Leping County has no one?

Kaitai, I handed over the Yang family to you, but you disappointed me too much.

In the past, when my Yang family was in Leping County, it was almost the same, but today you have a junior blocking the door to threaten. What is the face of my Yang family, do you want your face? "

As this voice came, an old man with a sword came out of the inner hall. Although his appearance was aging, he still maintained the powerful strength of the unity of heaven and man.

Yang Kaitai is not only a martial artist in the unity of heaven and man, but the ancestor of the Yang family has already arrived at the unity of heaven and man, but he handed over the position of the head of the family after he was old and went to retreat and practice. , If you want to save your life, the warriors who are generally more afraid will actually do this.

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Yang family, Yang Kaitai suddenly secretly said something bad.

He hasn't decided whether to fight with Chu Xiu to the end, but their ancestors have already made the decision for him.

In fact, I can't blame the ancestor of the Yang family, because the ancestor of the Yang family didn't know who Chu Xiu was.

When Yang Kaitai sent someone to inform the ancestor of the Yang family, he hadn't seen Chu Xiu, and the ancestor of the Yang family had been in seclusion for more than ten years. How could a dying old man have the leisure to listen to the gossip and pay attention to these junior warriors movement? It is estimated that the ancestors of the Yang family have only heard of names like Zhang Chengzhen and Zongxuan.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Yang family, who had just left the customs, saw that a junior warrior dared to block in front of the door and threaten their Yang family.

But at this time, when he heard the words of the ancestor of the Yang family, Chu Xiu smiled and said coldly: "It turns out that your Yang family is shameless, so good, I will fulfill you!"

The words fell, and Chu Xiu's whole body was already murderous!

The ancestor of the Yang family snorted coldly, even if he was killing Chu Xiu with a long sword, the speed was so fast that even Yang Kaitai could not stop him.

The ancestor of the Yang family is also considered to be old and strong. When he shot, the sword gang burst, and when the sword qi came, it was extremely powerful, but it was not inferior to the young warriors.

But in Chu Xiu's eyes, the speed of the ancestors of the Yang family was slow to a certain level.

The emperor's Wang Qi technique was displayed, and the trajectory of the Yang family's ancestor's sword potential was in Chu Xiu's grasp.

For Chu Xiu's Heavenly Qi Technique, it is still difficult to see through some powerful warriors or complex martial arts, but at the level of the ancestor of the Yang family, it is still very easy.

Chu Xiu moved a few steps lightly, and before the sword gang attacked, he had avoided it.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the ancestor of the Yang family. The sword in his hand was reversed. Just as he was about to attack Chu Xiu again, he saw that Chu Xiu took a few steps again, just in the middle of the trajectory he was about to shoot. Going up, advancing and attacking, retreating and defending, as if he knew what he was thinking.

In fact, this is really the case. In the eyes of Chu Xiu's Heavenly Qi Technique, as long as the ancestor of the Yang family uses his true energy, Chu Xiu can already see the trajectory of his upcoming shot.

This ancestor of the Yang family has not made a move for a long time. The martial arts and exercises are very stylized and rigid. It can be said that he was restrained to the extreme by the emperor's qi technique.

But the ancestor of the Yang family didn't think so. He gritted his teeth and shot again, but was once again interrupted by Chu Xiu in advance of his offensive.

This feeling made the ancestor of the Yang family extremely depressed. He changed several sword stances one after another, but he couldn't escape the magic eye of the emperor's Wangqi technique, but at this time he didn't realize it, because the successive changes of sword stances caused his own meridians The breath had already begun to become disordered. At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly took a heavy step forward. The fluctuations brought by this step seemed to be resounding in the heart of the ancestor of the Yang family, completely arousing the aura of his chaotic meridians, making the ancestor of the Yang family suddenly A mouthful of blood spurted out!

The people present were stunned.

Of course, the people who are supernatural in the emperor's Wangqi technique can't see it, they can only see the weirdness.

Chu Xiu just took two steps at will, and then forced the ancestor of the Yang family to be unable to use the sword, and even caused himself to be injured by the disorder of the meridians. This kind of mistake that even innate warriors rarely make is actually in the ancestor of the Yang family. It is simply unbelievable that the great master who is famous for the unity of heaven and man has committed it.


Although Yang Kaitai didn't know what kind of ghost trick Chu Xiu used, he subconsciously wanted to rescue him.

At this time, an epee and a hidden weapon in the sky attacked him head-on, blocking his movements.

Tang Ya and Yan Bugui are not as strong as the former Chu Xiu. They can kill Heaven and Human Unity with the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top Realm, but they are all out to intercept Yang Kaitai for a while and it is not a problem. .

Chu Xiu lightly walked out towards the ancestor of the Yang family. The demonic energy around him was overwhelming. Between the hands and the seal, countless demonic energy surged out, and the ancestor of the Yang family suddenly let out a painful roar.

The blood in his whole body was boiling, as if he was out of his control, and he took the initiative to rush towards Chu Xiu!

Demon Blood Dafa!

Among the boundless demonic energy, Chu Xiu gently moved with one hand, and the blood and energy that Chu Xiu forcibly sucked out was several feet The ancestor of the Yang family was almost drawn by Chu Xiu. One person did it.

With the evil and terror of the Demon Blood Dafa, Han Fang of Juyi Village could not resist when he fought against Chu Xiu, let alone a martial artist like Yang's ancestor who had already lost his blood and entered the ageing stage.

With the wave of Chu Xiu's one hand, the power of Qi and blood that was several feet high condensed into a giant blade, which directly cut across the waist and cut the Yang family's ancestor directly here!

The sword force in Yang Kaitai's hand fell, sending Yan Bugui and Tang Ya flying, but he looked at the scene in disbelief.

In the hands of Chu Xiu, his ancestor was beheaded so easily, and the death was still so wicked. Is the strength of the top ten in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking really so terrifying?

But before Yang Kaitai could say anything, he saw that Chu Xiu's eyes were already moving towards him, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Yang Kaitai hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute! My Yang family is related to Xie Jizong, my Yang family's disciple is the inner disciple of Xiejizong, Zhang Chufan has also been favored by Xiejizong and is ready to be accepted as a disciple. , you don't care about my Yang family, don't you care about Xie Jizong?"

Yang Kaitai certainly wanted to take revenge when his ancestor was killed, but he was cautious, and even at this time, he was still sensible.

With the strength that Chu Xiu has shown now, even if he is only one person, it is enough to slaughter the entire Yang family!

"Evil Supreme Sect? Hehe, why don't you move the entire Kunlun Demon Sect out?"

Chu Xiu's voice hadn't fallen yet, but the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hands was already unsheathed.

A monstrous demonic qi lingered on the pitch-black blade, the Abi demon knife was cut out, and the demonic flames shot into the sky with murderous intent!

ps: The 9th update is over, and the plus update is over. Finally, I can confidently ask for a monthly ticket! ~


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