Meet The Leader

Chapter 448: There is no medicine for regret

ps: Thanks to Shuyou Ai Taimei for the reward of 20,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the thirteenth leader of this book ^_^

Thanks to the leader of the alliance for the reward of 20,000 starting coins for passing by, thanks to the book friend for not eating bamboo shoots for the reward of 20,000 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend gy Sanshengshi for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Facing Chu Xiu's powerful magic sword, Yang Kaitai felt extremely aggrieved at this time. In fact, his Yang family was the most aggrieved in this matter.

The Yang family has nothing to do with Zhang Chufan at all, they are just a messenger of the evil extreme sect.

If the ancestor of the Yang family hadn't acted recklessly, then maybe Yang Kaitai would have handed over Zhang Chufan under the threat of Chu Xiu.

The ancestor of the Yang family is shameless. Anyway, he is almost alive, but Yang Kaitai is terrible. After all, he is in his prime.

But it's a pity that everyone is mature and prudent, but the ancestor of the Yang family is good, but it is the opposite of the people of other noble families.

As a result, it doesn't matter that the ancestor of the Yang family is dead now, but they threw their entire Yang family into it.

The sword force in Yang Kaitai's hand was like tofu made of tofu under the three swords of Chu Xiu's nose.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Xiu had already stepped into the realm of self-absorbed killing, and he came to kill again.

When it comes to strength, Yang Kaitai can only be said to be mediocre among the warriors of the unity of heaven and man.

The exercises inherited by their Yang family are mediocre, and Yang Kaitai's strength is also mediocre. In the entire Antai Mansion or Leping County, the Yang family can show off their prestige, but in the entire Jianghu, the Yang family is nothing. .

In the past, the strength of Han Fang in Juyi Village was not weak, but Chu Xiu didn't block a few moves, but now Yang Kaitai is not even comparable to Han Fang.

Under Chu Xiu's fierce and wild blade, Yang Kaitai stepped back, and after a few knives, the long sword in his hand shattered!

Yang Kaitai was horrified and could no longer bother to talk to Chu Xiu about his backing, what his gains and losses were, and he shouted in horror: "Stop! I am willing to hand over Zhang Chufan! Please also ask Master Chu to let my Yang family survive! "

Yang Kaitai conceded defeat and surrendered, but the blade in Chu Xiu's hand did not stop at all.

"I gave you the opportunity to the Yang family before, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it.

Everything in this world can be bought, but only regret medicine cannot be bought.

It’s hard to get over the water, so today, go to die! "

The words fell, Chu Xiu's blade became more violent, and the demonic energy above the blade had almost condensed into the essence, as long as Yang Kaitai suffered such a knife, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!

A look of determination appeared in Yang Kaitai's eyes, the rabbit was biting in a hurry, let alone the head of his family.

Since Chu Xiu deceived people too much and wanted to force him to death, he also had the determination to fight to the death!

At this moment, Yang Kaitai's whole body was covered with blood mist, and he decisively chose to burn blood essence.

In fact, there are always a small number of people who do things like Chu Xiu in the arena.

Of course, it's not that those people are merciful and don't want to kill them all, but people usually burst out with unexpected power in desperation. Once they kill them all, they will also suffer a part of the impact and even risks. After all, a desperate person is still very scary. of.

But Chu Xiu is different. He would rather kill everyone when he has the chance, and he doesn't want to leave a few enemies behind. Although those people can't threaten him for the time being, maybe something will change in the future.

Now Yang Kaitai has already started to fight for his life, but seeing his actions, Chu Xiu's mouth showed a sneer.

In fact, the power of Demon Blood Dafa was not very effective at the beginning of the fierce battle, and even only played a harassing role.

In the heyday of the enemy, even using the magic blood technique can not actually pull all the opponent's qi and blood, but as long as the opponent's external meridians or internal organs are injured, it is equivalent to a crack in the barrel. Chu Xiu's magic blood technique You can follow the crack and mobilize all the blood in the opponent's body, and the power is terrifying.

And now the way Yang Kaitai uses to burn the blood is the roughest, that is, simply point the gas and blood with internal force, in exchange for the same value of power.

To deal with this kind of life-threatening secret technique, Chu Xiu did not choose to attract the power of qi and blood. Instead, he used the magic blood method to ignite Yang Kaitai's qi and blood more intensely.

At that moment, Yang Kaitai felt something was wrong.

The burning of Qi and blood also has to be gradual, and it is necessary to let the infuriating Qi completely ignite the Qi and blood, and the fusion of the two can exert the greatest effect.

But such a violent burning of qi and blood is no longer fighting for life, but suicide!

The blood of Yang Kaitai's body was burning wildly, those powers were no longer under his control, and even his reason had gradually disappeared.

However, Yang Kaitai's only obsession is to kill Chu Xiu, so all the power in his body has been condensed together, and the sword qi that turned into the sky slashed towards Chu Xiu, which was an instinctive attack.

But under Chu Xiu's Heavenly Prince's qi technique and his extremely fast inner binding seal, the powerful sword qi did not hurt Chu Xiu at all.

Qi and blood gradually dissipated, Yang Kaitai's eyes showed unwillingness, and finally fell to the ground.

To be precise, he was not killed by Chu Xiu, but he consumed himself to death.

At this time, when Yang Kaitai died, the rest of the Yang family seemed to be stunned, and then they scattered like birds and beasts, and began to flee.

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and a word faintly spit out from his mouth: "Kill!"

Obviously, Chu Xiu is ready to kill them all.

For example, Tang Ya and other old people who have followed Chu Xiu for so long have already understood Chu Xiu's style of behavior, so without saying a word, they directly bring people up.

However, Wang Shuangdong and other people who joined Chu Xiu's command not long ago were still a little bit unbearable, so they didn't act subconsciously.

It was enough to hunt down Zhang Chufan before, that was Chu Xiu's task after all, and Zhang Chufan also had some strength in him.

But now Chu Xiu's slaughter of the Yang family is nothing but a slaughter, which makes Wang Shuangdong and others resist a little, thinking that this slaughter is a loss of harmony.

Chu Xiu walked over to Wang Shuangdong and the others, and said lightly, "Why, I can't bear it anymore?

Righteous warriors convince people with virtue, and what people like us can do is stop killing with killing.

There is a saying that is good, don't do good for small things, and don't do evil for small things.

If you do good deeds and accumulate virtue, if you do a good deed, no one will call you a chivalrous person. On the contrary, if you do evil, no matter how small it is, you will be infamous.

Anyway, they are all being scolded. What is the difference between the lesser scolding and the more severe scolding?

It is very difficult to be a good person in this world, unless you can achieve the level of the former giant Chu Kangge.

Otherwise, let go of those indifferent bottom lines and rules in your heart! "

Wang Shuangdong and others were all shocked, and Chu Xiu's words still had some impact on their three views.

In fact, Wang Shuangdong and others are not really good people. They are all from loose cultivators. They have not done many good things, and they have killed many people.

For example, Wang Shuangdong himself was a disciple of the "Poison Master" Du Bujiao. He started killing people and practicing poisoning at a young age. Not many people died directly in his hands, but there were countless people who died indirectly in his hands.

But although they don't think they are good people, they never think they are bad people.

But now Chu Xiu is telling them that it's time to recognize himself. If you want to be a good person, then go to learn Chu Kuangge, leave now, and do good deeds to the extreme.

If you want to be a bad person, since you have already done all the bad things, then don’t think about being a **** and setting up an archway. Not everyone can be a hypocrite like Nie Renlong, or it’s easier to be a real villain. .

Wang Shuangdong and the others looked at each other and rushed forward with gritted teeth, but no one chose to leave, because they knew that they were not meant to be good people.

After a while, before the people of the Yang family were killed, Tang Ya carried Zhang Chufan to Chu Xiu.

The last time Tang Ya did not check, Zhang Chufan escaped, but this time Tang Ya will not let Zhang Chufan escape again.

Although he is a bit lazy, if he falls in the same place twice, then Tang Ya can't afford to lose And Zhang Chufan was captured by Tang Ya at this time, he is true Feeling scared and unwilling.

Some time ago, he was still dreaming of obtaining the inheritance of divine arts and becoming the supreme martial artist, but he didn't expect this dream to be shattered by now.

And the most embarrassing thing is that Zhang Chufan still doesn't know why Chu Xiu wants to kill him!

Although Chu Xiu kept saying that he wanted to eliminate demons and defend the Dao, Zhang Chufan, even an idiot, could see what kind of person this Chu Xiu was.

Who would believe that a guy who was so cruel, who would destroy the whole family at every turn, said that he wanted to eliminate demons and guard the way?

Moreover, Chu Xiu was from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and the righteous martial arts in Dongqi didn't say that they would come to kill him to eliminate the demons and guard the way. What was Chu Xiu in such a hurry?

Zhang Chufan still wants to struggle for the last time. He still has a great time, and he has not enjoyed a brilliant future. Of course, he does not want to die like this at this time.

So Zhang Chufan hurriedly shouted at Chu Xiu: "Master Chu..."

It's just that Zhang Chufan just shouted these three words, and he saw Chu Xiu put his right hand on his head, his eyes were like a deep pool, and the Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa was exerted to the extreme, and the powerful mental power was directly rude It penetrated into Zhang Chufan's mind, plundering the memory of the inheritance of Demon Heart Hall in his mind.

Zhang Chufan's body was twitching constantly. After Chu Xiu completely deprived his memory, Zhang Chufan was already bleeding from his seven orifices and fell to the ground, completely dead.

This kind of rough soul-searching method is better for people to turn into idiots after the event, and for the worse, just like now, they are directly impacted by mental power and die.

Of course, from the very beginning, Chu Xiu didn't want to let Zhang Chu Fan continue to live. From the moment he got the inheritance of the Demon Heart Hall, the two conveniences were destined to live only one.


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