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Chapter 449: false when true

There are many messy memories in Zhang Chufan's mind. Under Chu Xiu's mental power, those messy memories have been completely destroyed by Chu Xiu, leaving only the memory of the inheritance of Demon Heart Hall.

Soul-searching secret techniques are relatively simple and rude. While the mental power is crushing the opponent, theoretically, various things can be detected. However, if you want to give a practice method to the opponent's head, word for word. Digging it out, that level of spiritual power demand is very terrifying, at least the current Chu Xiu can't do it, and even a martial arts master who specializes in spiritual power can't do it.

Chu Xiu only knew from Zhang Chufan's mind how he got the inheritance and where those exercises were placed.

Speaking of which, this Chu Fan is really a person with good luck, and the way he obtained this inheritance is also mysterious enough.

In the original plot, the guy who got the inheritance of the Demon Heart Hall was very cautious, and he didn't reveal where he got the inheritance until he died.

Now Chu Xiu knew that the inheritance turned out to be in the sea, no wonder it hadn't been noticed for so long.

Nangong Wuming, the former head of the Demon Heart Hall, was chased and killed by the righteous people, and was forced to jump into the sea with serious injuries. In fact, he had reached a dead end.

So Nangong Wuming opened a hole under the sea surface, and sealed it with a formation method outside, isolating the sea water and also isolating the breath of the place, and he also left a mark of the Kunlun Demon Sect outside, I hope In the future, people from the Kunlun Demon Sect will discover this place.

It's just that hundreds of years later, the Kunlun Demon Sect has been destroyed, and even the marks he left have been erased.

In the past, Zhang Chufan, as a guest of the Anle Palace, fled in a panic after the Anle Palace was destroyed, for fear of being discovered by the court.

As a result, on the way to escape, Zhang Chufan accidentally provoked some gangsters and bandits. While fighting with each other, he accidentally fell into the sea on the sea cliff, but happened to discover the inheritance of Nangong Wuming.

Nangong Wuming not only left all his own exercises, but also left behind some secret treasures and medicinal pills that he carried with him in the past.

However, these consumables have been cleaned up by Zhang Chufan, and there is nothing left.

Some of the medicinal pills produced by the Kunlun Demon Sect also needed to be refined in a special way, but they were eaten by Zhang Chufan as if they were swallowing jujubes. But it is very wasteful.

Chu Xiu searched in Zhang Chufan's arms, and took out a jade slip of Gong Chuan, which recorded all the inheritance of Nangong Wuming's previous practice.

In fact, this kind of jade slip is mainly used to preserve the practice for inheritance. If you don't plan to pass down the practice, the safest way is to keep it in your head, and then directly put the jade slip. It's the safest way to destroy it.

There are too many people around right now, Chu Xiu just memorized it bluntly in his mind, and roughly checked the contents of the jade slip, which made Chu Xiu shake his head.

Zhang Chu Fan is really unsatisfactory, and the good inheritance of magic is actually used by him like this.

Nangong Wuming used to be the head of the Demon Heart Hall, and his position in the Kunlun Demon Sect was definitely not low.

When Chu Xiu chatted with Mr. Lu before, he also understood the composition of the Kunlun Demon Sect. In the Kunlun Demon Sect, in addition to Dugu and I, it was headed by the Four Great Demon Lords. Extremely powerful.

In addition to the four Demon Venerables, the Kunlun Demon Sect also has dozens of demon envoys. These envoys are titles. They may have subordinates, or they may be alone, but as long as they come out of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the representative will be It is the benefit and face of the entire Kunlun Demon Sect, and its status is the backbone of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

For example, Situ Li of the current Wuxiang Demon Sect, his line has always been the Yin Demon Envoy of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Although the Wuxiang Demon Sect is not a direct line of the Kunlun Demon Sect, it is because The teaching is extremely loyal, and the title of this magic envoy is regarded as a reward from the Kunlun Demon Sect to the Demon Sect.

Compared with the demon envoy, the hall master of the Kunlun Demon Sect is much more complicated.

At the peak of the Kunlun Demon Sect, there were dozens of halls under his command, and each hall had a different role. Some were in charge of fighting, some were in charge of alchemy, and some were in charge of messes and other things, so theoretically speaking, the status of the hall master It is the same as the Demon Envoy, but the combat power is different. Some can be compared with the Demon Envoy, but some are not known for their combat effectiveness.

However, Nangong Wuming's Demon Heart Hall is one of the halls in the Kunlun Demon Sect that is known for its combat effectiveness, and its exercises are still biased towards the spiritual type. In the eyes of Chu Xiu, the magic of the "Dharma of Inner Demons" and the "Nine Ways of Destroying the Soul", a strange practice that integrates spiritual power and magic, are not inferior to Xiahou's imperial god. technique.

It's just that Zhang Chufan is a bit unsatisfactory. Nangong Wuming's main exercises are these two, but he felt obscure and difficult to understand, so he didn't go to learn, but just learned a few other Kunlun magic sects. and martial arts.

Although these internal skills and martial skills are not weak, they are obviously incomparable with Nangong Wuming's bottom of the box.

While Chu Xiu was pondering the exercise, Tang Ya quietly walked to Chu Xiu's side, and said in a low voice, "Sir, people from other forces in Antai Mansion are here."

Chu Xiu nodded, suddenly stretched out his hand, and directly crushed the jade slip!

Zhang Chufan is already dead, and now the exercises are in his hands again. From now on, he Chu Xiu is the descendant of the Demon Heart Church, and the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect is a descendant of the real thing.

No, to be precise, Chu Xiu is real.

There are fakes before there are reals. Now that the fakes are gone, Chu Xiu will naturally become real.

Going out of the gate, there are many warriors gathered outside, there are hundreds of people, and the leading ones are not weak.

They are all local martial arts forces in Antai Prefecture, and they were summoned by the Yang family just now.

It's just that they didn't expect that the Yang family would be destroyed so quickly. How long did it take for the Yang family to be destroyed?

The warriors who had escaped from the Yang family to report the letter had already told them about Chu Xiu's identity and what happened, which also made everyone not know what to do.

It stands to reason that Chu Xiu is an outsider, and dare to be so arrogant in their Antai Mansion, even if he has more reasons, they should agree to the outside world.

But the crux of the problem is that the Yang family has already been destroyed, and even the speed of the Yang family being destroyed is faster than the speed at which they are on their way.

But if you don't say a word, doesn't it seem too spineless and too cowardly?

But before they could speak, Chu Xiu had already led Shi Shiran out and said lightly, "Zhang Chufan claims to be the reincarnation of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Its killing.

The Yang family, as a martial arts family, blatantly shielded the remnants of the demon sect and plotted evilly, and was also executed by me. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu walked out in front of everyone, as if the words he just said were just a routine notification to them.

In fact, this is indeed the case, Chu Xiu is informing them.

Whether you believe it or not, for this reason, I have already killed everyone anyway, so you can decide.

In the face of Chu Xiu's arrogant attitude, these warriors from Antai Mansion did not dare to say a word at all, and some even took the initiative to move out of the way.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's footsteps suddenly stopped, and with a wave of one hand, the sword light of Gang Qi burst out, directly beheading the two survivors of the Yang family hiding in the crowd on the spot.

These two people are the Yang family martial artists who just went to tip off the news. They thought they had escaped the disaster, but they just stepped into the gate of **** later.

This sudden knife made the people present unresponsive, and even splashed the blood of the people around, which made those people glared at Chu Xiu immediately. Living.

They had already held back before, and if they turned against Chu Xiu again, it would be truly unwise.

Seeing Chu Xiu and the others leaving, then someone said indignantly: "This Chu Xiu is really arrogant! This is my East Qi Antai Mansion, and it's not that he was locked in the punishment hall. Is there even a justice who presides over justice? All gone?"

Someone shook his head and said, "Justice? Chu Xiu came here to kill the remnants of the Demon Dao What kind of justice do you want? On the contrary, they still occupy the righteousness.

I say everyone, you don't need to think about these messy things. The Yang family is destroyed, and the Antai mansion is still the Antai mansion. This day, it can't be changed.

I heard that the Yang family has something to do with Xie Jizong, and Xie Jizong has to worry about this matter. We will treat it as deaf and blind for the time being, and we'll be fine without seeing anything. "

Everyone present also nodded. Although they respected the Yang family on weekdays, they would follow the Yang family's orders in most matters, but that was referring to the living Yang family, and now the Yang family has been arrested. Extinction, in this case, although they pretended to be deaf and dumb, they seemed to be a little cowardly, but they were definitely not in danger.

It's just that they didn't know that the people from Xie Jizong who they were discussing just now were outside the Antai Mansion, and they were all big people.

Outside the city gate of Antai Mansion, Ye Tianxie of Xie Jizong was carrying his long spear and blood dragon behind him. He was wearing a wide black robe and opened his chest, revealing his strong chest muscles and the blood dragon tattoo, which matched his masculine and handsome appearance. , but it really has a strange attraction of evil charm and madness.

There were also several warriors of the Evil Supreme Sect behind him, but what attracted more attention was a woman riding on a black panther beside him.

Her whole body was shrouded in black veil, and her face was also covered with black veil, but through the thin black veil, she could vaguely see her exquisite and graceful seductive figure. Attracted by the woman, ignoring the elegant and mysterious black panther mount under her.

This woman is exactly the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult who had shot on Fuyu Mountain in the past!


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