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Chapter 450: saintess of the moon

ps: Thanks to the book friend, Queen Yi Mengxi, for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

In front of the city gate of Antai Mansion, Ye Tianxie flipped his hair and said to the saintess of the Moon Worship Sect: "I said, Lady Saintess, what kind of guy who claims to be the descendant of the Demon Heart Church deserves our attention? In my opinion. It was just a grandstanding clown.

Although the guy named Lin Ye from the hidden demon lineage is a bit annoying, but his strength is there, and there are not many in the same rank who can take me a shot without defeat.

I believe that he is the reincarnation of the Kunlun Demon Sect, but what is Zhang Chufan's name? Why do I feel that he is a fake? "

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult spoke softly, her voice was as clear and moving as a mountain spring, but there was a contempt in her words.

"What do you know? In the past, your Evil Supreme Sect couldn't be ranked in front of the Kunlun Demon Sect at all. To put it in a bad way, when the Kunlun Demon Sect was at its strongest, your Evil Supreme Sect wanted to take the initiative to give to the Kunlun Demon Sect. Being a dog is not enough.

Therefore, the people of the Wuxiang Demon Sect are mixed with the name of a Yin Demon Envoy, while your Evil Supreme Sect has nothing.

In the past, my ancestors of the Moon Worship Sect had dealt with Moxintang and knew some details about Moxintang's exercises. Although this piece of Chu Fan did not show the old Nangong Wuming's signature martial arts, Heart Demon Wheel Dafa and Soul Destroyer Nine It's a big style, but the exercises he uses are also some secret exercises from Moxintang.

So this piece of Chu Fan might really be related to Moxintang. Although there is only a certain chance, if he can learn about the inheritance of Moxintang from his mouth, it is definitely worthwhile. "

In the past, Chu Xiu only revealed his identity as the orthodox inheritor of the Kunlun Demon Sect when he was in the Demon Dao Association, but he did not say that he was a member of the Demon Heart Hall.

If the Moon Worship Cult knew this, then it is estimated that they would be more suspicious of Chu Xiu's identity, just like Mei Qinglian.

Of course, the most miserable thing in this incident was actually Zhang Chufan.

He thought that Xie Ji Sect was the savior and backing, and even Yang Kaitai thought that Xie Ji Sect was going to train Zhang Chufan, but who knew that they all guessed wrong. From the very beginning, Xie Ji Sect never thought about training Zhang Chufan. .

The strength of Xie Jizong itself is not too strong. To cultivate a Ye Tianxie with all their strength, this is already their limit. How can it be possible to cultivate Zhang Chufan?

The reason why Xie Jizong contacted Zhang Chufan was purely the idea of ​​the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult.

After the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, the Hidden Demons chose to keep a low profile, on the contrary, the Moon Worship Cult was very high-profile, just like the first sect of demons.

Since then, the Five Poison Sect, which had previously been attached to the Moon Worship Cult, or the Evil Supreme Sect, which was not very strong, have all adopted the attitude of the Moon Worship Cult, only the Sixth Heavenly Demon. Zong and other powerful demon sects can still maintain their independence.

As a senior member of the Moon Worship Cult, the saint also brought people to Beiyan in person to recruit a group of disciples in the land of Beiyan. Naturally, the Evil Supreme Sect would welcome them respectfully, and the Moon Worship Cult saint was there. After accidentally learning about Zhang Chufan, he let Xie Jizong come forward and recruit Zhang Chufan in the name of Xie Jizong, but in fact, it was only for the exercises on him that were suspected to be the inheritance of Moxintang. .

Hearing that the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult looked down on the Xie Jizong, Ye Tianxie's eyes showed a anger, but he was later covered up by him, Ye Tianxie just smiled and said: "With the current Moon Worship Cult's Mighty, is there still a lack of cultivation techniques?"

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult said lightly: "Of course, the more things like exercises, the better, even if you can't learn all of them, it's good to integrate them.

Didn't the sect master's Heart Sutra of Repairing Heaven and Emperor Taiyi's Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror come from this way? "

Ye Tianxie suddenly approached the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult, with a hint of teasing and flirting in his tone: "Then I don't know if the Lady Saint is interested in my Blood Flood Dragon Heart Sutra? You must know that the human body can be cultivated in the rivers and lakes. I am the only one who exists in the Fierce Beast Cultivation Technique, if the Holy Maiden is interested, whether it is day or night, I will teach it to you willingly."

Having said that, Ye Tianxie also showed a self-righteous smile to the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, but the next moment, his smile was already stiff on his face.

A whip made entirely of demonic flames whipped towards him. The power of the demonic flames seemed to be able to devour any power. It was 80% similar to the Fen Tian Baojian of Dong Huang Taiyi, but its power and artistic conception. Not as powerful as the East Emperor.

Ye Tianxie was terrified and wanted to dodge quickly, but at this time, the two Gu worms whose bodies were like ice crystals did not know when they bit on his legs, not only freezing his physical meridians, but also almost Even his soul was frozen!


A loud and crisp sound came, and Ye Tianxie's physical strength comparable to that of a fierce beast was also directly swept away by the whip of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult, leaving a burnt black color on his face.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult sneered: "Ye Tianxie, put away your disgusting thoughts! You dare to tease me with your virtue, and you really think I'm one of those flowers in your evil extremist sect. Slutty disciple?

Even if you don't look at your own identity, you dare to speak rudely to me. Believe it or not, even if I abolish you now, the suzerain of your evil extremist sect would not dare to say a word?

Remember, be honest with me, don't think that if you have some achievements, you don't know the world, you really want me, if you kill Zhang Chengzhen or Zong Xuan now, I will give you this chance. "

Covering his face, Ye Tianxie looked at the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult with a strong murderous intent, and even his eyes turned into golden-yellow vertical pupils like snakes.

Anyone who is familiar with Ye Tianxie knows that once he has this kind of change, it will prove that Ye Tianxie is already angry, and he is still angry to the extreme.

The rest of the Xie Ji Zong warriors who followed Ye Tianxie quickly took action, and while helping Ye Tianxie up, they also madly sent a voice transmission to Ye Tianxie, asking him to start from the overall situation and not to cause anything else. Here comes the moth.

After being beaten with a whip, Ye Tianxie looked at the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult with hatred in his eyes, but he didn't dare to express too much.

Within the Xie Ji Sect, Ye Tianxie is indeed very outstanding.

He looks masculine and handsome, and with his blood dragon tattoo, it gives people a kind of evil and charming feeling.

Therefore, in the Xieji Sect, there are quite a few women who take the initiative to throw their arms around, and those who don't, as long as Ye Tianxie uses some means, those people will already take the initiative to lie on his bed.

And I don’t know if it’s because of the lustful nature of the dragon. After Ye Tianxie has refined the Blood Flood Dragon Inner Pill and practiced the Blood Flood Dragon Heart Sutra, his demand is also very strong, so whether it is to take the initiative to embrace Ye Tianxie could say that the disciple of Xie Jizong was another female disciple.

But those women were just vulgar fans. Until now, when facing the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult, Ye Tianxie didn't know what kind of person he was looking for.

Moreover, Ye Tianxie's confidence is quite high. In his opinion, how many young men of the devil's lineage are qualified to compete with him?

Then Lin Ye still has some strength, but he is a person of the hidden demon lineage.

It's just that this saint from the Moon Worship Cult did not give Ye Tianxie any face at all, and her attitude was extremely bad.

In fact, the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult did have the qualifications not to take Ye Tianxie seriously.

In the eyes of other magic practitioners, Ye Tianxie's identity is already very noble, but the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult is even more unattainable.

Although the saint of the Moon Worship Cult has not fully grown yet, she is destined to be one of the top four in the Moon Worship Cult. Teach the saints to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Even the suzerain of Xie Jizong, who is a martial master-level existence, but when facing the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, he has to look respectful and dare not be half-arrogant.

So at this time, Ye Tianxie was taught a lesson by the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult. Although he was angry in his heart, he was still rational, but he did not attack on the spot.

At this moment, Chu Xiu and his men just came out of the Antai Mansion, and had a face-to-face with Ye Tianxie and others, both of them were stunned for a moment.

Ye Tianxie was stunned because he did not expect Chu Xiu to come here, but Chu Xiu was stunned not because of the arrival of the Xie Ji Zong warrior, but because the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult came.

In the past in the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, this saint of the Moon Worship Sect was very was protected by several martial arts masters, and she used the Gu technique to die in her endless Gu. There are countless righteous warriors under the worm.

Ye Tianxie frowned: "Chu Xiu, you are from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, what are you doing here?"

Ye Tianxie has never dealt with Chu Xiu. To be precise, he has never dealt with the identity of 'Chu Xiu', but he knows Chu Xiu.

In the past, their Xie Jizong recruited Tong Kaitai, a new magician on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, just to let Ye Tianxie stand up for the Xie Jizong when he retreated. It didn't take long before Tong Kaitai died in the hands of Chu Xiu. .

But at that time, the Evil Supreme Sect needed to keep a low profile, so this matter was left alone, but he did not expect to meet Chu Xiu here again.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Joke, do I need to report to you, a person in the devil's way, that it's so hard for me to come here?"

Ye Tianxie frowned, he suddenly saw some of Chu Xiu's warriors stained with blood, and the murderous intentions on them that had not completely receded, Ye Tianxie's complexion couldn't help but change, and said in a low voice: "You take Zhang Chufan What's wrong?"

During this period of time in the entire Le'an County, except for Zhang Chufan, there was no major movement. Chu Xiu appeared here as if he had just killed someone. Except for Zhang Chufan, Ye Tianxie couldn't think of anything else.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xiu sneered: "What can I do to a guy who claims to be a remnant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, of course, kill him on the spot."

Ye Tianxie suddenly pulled out the blood dragon spear behind him, his pupils turned golden yellow, like a snake, and he directly killed Chu Xiu.

"You dare to move even the people that my Evil Supreme Sect is going to accept, Chu Xiu, you are courting death!"


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