Meet The Leader

Chapter 451: kicked the iron plate

Ye Tianxie's sudden action surprised the warriors of Xie Jizong.

Because don't look at Ye Tianxie, although he looks arrogant, impulsive and irritable on the outside, he is actually somewhat rational.

Now Ye Tianxie took action against Chu Xiu without saying a word. In fact, it stemmed from anger, extreme anger, but this anger was not directed at Chu Xiu, but at the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult.

From his cultivation to now, Ye Tianxie has always been regarded as the future heir of Xie Jizong, cultivated by the hope of the rise of Xie Jizong, and even the suzerain is polite to him.

As a result, the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult rejected him and rejected him, and even insulted him in public, which almost made Ye Tianxie dazzled by the anger, and he wanted to do it directly.

Fortunately, under the persuasion of other Xie Ji Zong warriors, Ye Tianxie still kept some reason and did not do anything.

But now he just happened to bump into Chu Xiu, and Chu Xiu's words turned out to be as if he didn't take him seriously, which made Ye Tianxie explode, and he directly killed Chu Xiu with a blood scorpion in his hand. In other words, he needs a fierce battle as a vent.

Otherwise, Zhang Chufan, who Ye Tianxie thinks is a liar, is not worth his fight.

Looking at Ye Tianxie who was facing him, Chu Xiu also frowned.

He has never dealt with this Ye Tianxie, but logically speaking, he just killed a Zhang Chufan, why is the other party angry as if he killed the other party's biological father? Is he cultivating the Heart Sutra of Blood Flood Dragon or the Heart Sutra of Angry Eyes?

It's just that since Ye Tianxie wanted to do it, Chu Xiu didn't mind to accompany him to the end.

Although killing that Zhang Chufan this time is very important to Chu Xiu, in fact, Chu Xiu really didn't do much. With so many people under his group strangling it, it was too easy to solve that Zhang Chufan, so now Chu Xiu Xio doesn't mind moving his muscles and bones.

In Chu Xiu's hands, the demon dance came out of its sheath, the pitch-black demonic energy condensed with Yin Hong's blood-like suffocating energy, and the saber intent of the three swords of Abi Dao condensed and slammed down, as if the gate of **** had opened, and the power was extremely violent.

There was a loud bang, Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance collided with Ye Tianxie's Blood Flood Dragon, and an extremely powerful wave suddenly erupted. After a few steps, the ground beneath both sides began to crack as they retreated!

have equal shares!

Ye Tianxie refined the Blood Flood Dragon Inner Pill, and practiced the Blood Flood Dragon Heart Meridian. In terms of physical strength, he is actually stronger than Chu Xiu. Even if Chu Xiu has the power of the Great King Kong, he is also an enemy in terms of physical strength. But Ye Tianxie.

But in terms of the quality of true qi, Chu Xiu is stronger than Ye Tianxie. He has a cultivation base that integrates the three schools of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons into one. Even most warriors who are in the unity of heaven and man are in the quality of true qi. , and don't even think about competing with Chu Xiu.

Therefore, the fight just now was still a close match.

However, Chu Xiu and Ye Tianxie's bodies moved again, and then they began to fight frantically.

Chu Xiu's blade was fierce and domineering to the extreme, while the blood dragon in Ye Tianxie's hands was even more sturdy. He was cultivating the martial arts of beasts. At this time, once he fought, it would be like a beast. .

Seeing the two of them fighting like this, the other warriors of Xie Jizong have the intention to help, but Tang Ya and others are watching intently, as long as they dare to take action, Tang Ya and others will also take action immediately. intercepted.

The only person present who is qualified to intervene in the fight between these two people is the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult. It stands to reason that she came with Ye Tianxie. She should be on Ye Tianxie's side. The Holy Maiden was sitting on top of the black panther, watching the fight between the two as if they were watching a play, without any intention of interfering.

Seeing the two of them hit a critical moment, she even stroked the silky hair on the top of the black panther's head under her, as if she was interested.

And the black panther under her was also squinting at this time, shaking her head to meet the touch of the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, not like a magical black panther, but like a coquettish cat.

At this time, Chu Xiu and Ye Tianxie fought back and forth for more than ten moves. , even if most of the masters of the unity of nature and man are fighting, they may not have the power of these two people.

At such a moment of fierce fighting, Ye Tianxie's anger in his heart vented a lot, and Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "It's over!"

Just as Ye Tianxie frowned, he saw Chu Xiu squeeze the inner binding seal, and the speed of his figure instantly soared to the extreme, and he appeared behind him almost in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tianxie snorted coldly. He is really not good at such things as movement speed, but Ye Tianxie's martial arts is to use force to break all methods. As long as the strength is exerted to the extreme, what is the use of speed?

The blood dragon in Ye Tianxie's hands swept out, the scarlet spear light lingered around him, and even let out a violent roar similar to a dragon's roar, the spear light was like a blood dragon wandering and flowing.

He believed that his defense was impeccable, and Chu Xiu was useless no matter where he attacked. Who would have thought that Chu Xiu was pinching the lion seal in his hand at this time. In an instant, the thunder and thunder of the Buddha sounded like a As it resounded in Ye Tianxie's ears, he groaned suddenly, and the gun in his hand couldn't help but collapse.

At the same time, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal of the perfect bottle in his hand, and in an instant, the light in his hand was brilliant, fulfilling the wishes of all beings, and blooming with supreme light!

This blow of the Perfect Vase Seal fell, directly smashing Ye Tianxie's spear to pieces!

Chu Xiu's strength has never been reflected in just one point.

In terms of strength, Chu Xiu could fight with Ye Tianxie to the point of being evenly matched, but Chu Xiu could completely switch to another way and defeat him from other places.

The series of fights against Ye Tianxie just now almost subconsciously thought that Chu Xiu was in the devil's way, but in a flash, this Chu Xiu displayed such a powerful and authentic Buddhist practice, but he directly hit him. Ye Tianxie was caught off guard.

Chu Xiu's figure didn't stop, and both hands formed a big diamond wheel mark and fell down, but now he had recovered a little, but Ye Tianxie shouted angrily, the spear in his hand was in front of him, and a decisive burst of energy erupted. The power smashed towards Chu Xiu.

There was a loud bang, and Chu Xiu's Great Vajra Wheel Seal slammed on the blood dragon, and a loud noise broke out, which made Ye Tianxie's hands go numb, and even the power of blood above the blood dragon was destroyed. Bombed some.

But before he could fight back, Chu Xiu, who was facing him, had undergone a strange change.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's eyes became like an abyss, and it was extremely dark.

The moment Ye Tianxie looked at Chu Xiu's eyes, his figure couldn't help trembling, and his mental power was instantly pulled into the abyss!

In such a sudden attack environment, almost no one can escape from Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa, and Ye Tianxie is the same.

However, Ye Tianxie still has an advantage, that is, his qi and blood are strong enough to stabilize his spirit.

Moreover, his current state is very strange. After refining the Blood Flood Dragon Inner Pill, there is a trace of blood Flood Dragon in his body.

At the moment when he was hit by the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, the blood dragon tattoo on Ye Tianxie's chest began to heat up, and a roar of dragon roared, breaking through Chu Xiu's Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, completely letting Ye Tian Evil woke up.

But at this time, two powerful Buddha lights were blooming in front of him, and two more powerful Great Vajra Wheel Seals fell!

At this time, Ye Tianxie could only resist in a hurry, but the blood dragon in his hand was directly blasted away by Chu Xiu's two great diamond wheel marks, and was inserted into the ground beside him.

Those warriors of Xie Jizong all frowned, and they were extremely nervous.

Since Ye Tianxie stepped out of the rivers and lakes to the present, this is the first time someone has directly blasted his weapon into the air!

And the holy girl of the Moon Worship Cult looked at Chu Xiu with a strange look, and it was very easy to switch between demons and Buddhas. This kind of person is very rare in the world, even if it is the sixth day demon sect, They are both demons and Buddhas, but in fact, the exercises practiced by the sixth day Demon Sect are all of the same nature, whether it is a demon or a majoring in spiritual power.

As for Chu Xiu, the spiritual power technique he used before was a magic technique, and the seal method he is using now is a Buddhist practice method. These two things are completely different existences, but now Chu Xiu can change so smoothly and freely, but it is rare in Jianghu.

At this time, Ye Tianxie's expression finally changed.

He took action against Chu Xiu in order to vent his anger at being humiliated by the Saintess of the Moon Worship Cult before, but now he realizes that although his anger is almost vented, he has kicked the iron plate. superior!

The weapon was blasted away, but Chu Xiu, who was on the opposite side, punched him.

He has no weapons, and neither does Chu Xiu. Of course, Ye Tianxie knows that this is not because Chu Xiu is deliberately showing fairness, but Chu Xiu's melee killing method is not inferior to his swordsmanship!

That fist condensed the boundless murderous aura, and even caused the surrounding heaven and earth to be stained with a scarlet color, and there was a faint sound of ghosts and gods crying in the fist!

Heaven and Earth Destroy Forget Me Killing Fist!

Ye Tianxie didn't have a gun in his hand, he also roared, and punched out with a straight punch, the qi burst out, and the phantom of a blood-colored flood dragon wrapped around his arm and roared out.

His arm is the gun, the gun that can pierce the sky!

There was a loud bang, and everything around was obscured by the endless blood-colored qi, making it impossible to see the scene.

But the next moment, a figure was blasted out, and he took more than ten steps back one after another, his face pale, and even the blood dragon tattoo on his chest was extremely dim at this time, as if he had lost his spirit.


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