Meet The Leader

Chapter 453: Martial arts recruit relatives

After Mr. Lu came once, Chu Xiu's crisis was really over.

Mr. Lu and Mei Qinglian can basically represent the attitude of most of the hidden demons towards him. In addition, they are the only people who know Chu Xiu's true identity. It can be said that as long as they are dealt with, everything can be solved. .

Taking the people all the way back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu arranged for the others to go back first, while he himself returned to the main hall, saying hello to Guan Siyu, and of course the more important thing was to say hello to Mei Qinglian.

Chu Xiu hadn't gone to Mei Qinglian yet, but after receiving the news of Chu Xiu's return, Mei Qinglian went straight to Chu Xiu's guest room to find Chu Xiu.

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Xiu said in amazement, "In broad daylight, Lady Saintess is not afraid of being seen coming to my place?"

Mei Qinglian said indifferently: "Don't worry, in the back house of the entire punishment hall headquarters, no one dares to talk too much. Talk about your affairs, and everything has been solved? Have your **** been wiped clean?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "That guy is dead and there are no scum left. Mr. Lu also came to me, and the matter has been completely resolved."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mei Qinglian was also relieved.

After all, she chose to stand on Chu Xiu's side at the time. If Chu Xiu's office smashed, and there was an accident, and her identity was exposed by the hidden demon lineage, then she would also be unlucky.

However, Mei Qinglian still sneered: "To tell the truth, this is the first time I have seen a daring guy like you, who dares to play this kind of trick in front of so many seniors and masters of my hidden demon lineage, you are really serious. Bold to no end!"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Sometimes the boundary between true and false is not important, but the result is the most important. Isn't this result bad now? The news from Dong Qi has already come over, you can inquire, Lady Saintess. What kind of virtue is that Zhang Chufan, let him be the successor of this Kunlun Demon Sect, the face of the hidden demon lineage, that would be a disaster."

Mei Qinglian nodded, but she admitted that, although she had never seen Zhang Chufan, she knew that there were indeed few young heroes who could be compared to Chu Xiu in this arena.

The Hidden Demon lineage was already on the decline. Without Chu Xiu, where would they go to find a warrior who could rank in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking?

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "By the way, this time, the Evil Supreme Sect also took action, and they also wanted to recruit Zhang Chufan, but they came a step late, and I was the first to go.

I had a battle with Ye Tianxie of Xie Jizong, but what surprised me the most was that the saint of the Moon Worship Sect was on the side of the Xie Jizong. to this point?

And my strength can be stronger than Ye Tianxie, but I still can't see through the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult.

The strength of the opponent is enough to rank in the top ten of the dragon and tiger list among the younger generation, and maybe even the top five. "

Mei Qinglian said disdainfully, "Even with the virtues of the Xie Ji Sect, is it worthy of being a brother to the Moon Worship Sect? It should be completely kneeling and licking, let alone a saint, even if it is a messenger, it is estimated that the Evil Sect is a sect. Be polite too.

And the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult are not to be provoked. After all, the saintess are saints. The exercises she inherits are secret exercises in the Moon Worship Cult. Even the sect master cannot practice them. Qualified to touch.

But you don't need to care about her too much. The saintess of the Moon Worship Sect are famous now, and they were nothing before. When the Kunlun Demon Sect was strong in the past, many demon sects had saintess, saints and so on. This is also related to The Kunlun Demon Sect teaches, since the Kunlun Demon Sect is already known as a holy religion, it is normal to have saints and saints.

It's just that the saints of the Moon Worship Cult are somewhat special, and the selection is the most stringent, and the status of the saints of each generation of the Moon Worship Cult is very high, but the saints of each generation are also short-lived, even if they have already stepped into the martial arts master. In the realm, no one can live past the age of fifty.

In my opinion, it is probably due to the flaws in the cultivation technique of the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult. Although it can create a strong person above the level of a martial arts master in a short period of time, it will seriously affect Shouyuan. of. "

In Mei Qinglian's tone, she was very disdainful of Xie Jizong, but she didn't have a good tone for the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult. Chu Xiu secretly guessed that Mei Qinglian was jealous? After all, everyone is a woman, and they are all saints of the devil's way, but now the one who worships the moon is not good for the time being, but his status is higher than that of Mei Qinglian. After all, one is lonely, and the other is backed worship the moon.

Of course, Chu Xiu also wondered if Mei Qinglian was jealous that the Saintess of the Moon Worship Cult was younger than her. Of course, Chu Xiu wouldn't say these words, otherwise he would really be an idiot.

Mei Qinglian snorted softly: "Okay, I won't say anything more to you, you've been back for so long, let's go and see Guan Siyu first."

After speaking, Mei Qinglian turned around and left.

In the past, when Chu Xiu returned to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to report the situation, Guan Siyu acted very indifferently.

As long as Chu Xiu has gained a reputation for Guanzhong Punishment Hall, that's enough. It should be rewarded and punished. The process is very simple.

But this time Guan Siyu didn't talk about rewards and punishments, but looked at Chu Xiu standing in front of him, frowned, and after a while he asked: "You said you went to Dongqi just to kill demons. Teach the remnants, and promote the prestige of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but in the end, why did you slaughter the Yang family of Antai Mansion, and even start with the people of Xie Jizong?"

Chu Xiu's expression remained unchanged: "Then the Yang family is the accomplice of the remnants of the Kunlun Demon Sect. If the Yang family is not destroyed, I can't kill anyone, and the other party can continue to trouble me. At that time, what I get is not the rivers and lakes. Praise, but ridicule.

As for Xie Jizong, it wasn't that I took the initiative to find them trouble, but that the people of Xie Jizong suddenly wanted to take action against me. "

Guan Siyu rubbed his brows and said: "Chu Xiu, don't look at me, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is now stable, and I'm considered the No. 1 role in the arena, but in fact I'm still not stable enough in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, I just sat in the crater. above.

Located in the gap between the Three Kingdoms, Guanzhong Xingtang is also trying to survive from the gap, and should develop steadily and act in a low-key manner.

It's a good thing that you show prestige to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but also the degree of this "prestige" must be well grasped.

This time, you went to Dongqi with great fanfare to destroy your family, and what you did is a little too much.

Remember, don't do this kind of thing again in the future, otherwise if something big happens, even I can't save you. "

Chu Xiu nodded when he heard the words, but did not refute anything.

Guan Siyu in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall said what he said, and he listened to it. As for whether to do it, it is not certain.

And this time Chu Xiu also discovered a character flaw in Guan Siyu, but it can't be said to be a flaw, it can only be said that his way of doing things is too conservative.

It’s true that Guanzhong is the place between the Three Kingdoms, but what the Guanzhong Punishment Hall should need right now is not stability, but jumping out of this crevice.

It can be said that the safety of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall is now in the hands of others, which is extremely dangerous.

Guan Siyu knew all these things, but he didn't want to solve it, which might have something to do with his character.

In the past, Chu Kuangge laid the foundation for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and Guan Siyu fully developed and stabilized the Guanzhong Punishment Hall on this foundation.

But it seems that he can only do this. Like Chu Kuangge, he has opened up the Guanzhong torture hall to a new situation again. Guan Siyu seems to be unable to do this.

But these are not the issues that Chu Xiu should worry about, and he is too lazy to worry about these things for Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

At this time, Guan Siyu suddenly said: "You came back a little early this time."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "It's early?"

Guan Siyu nodded and said: "There is something that requires you to go to Dongqi Wujun again. If you come back later, I will ask someone to bring you a letter, so you don't have to waste time and go back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. , and now you have to go to Dongqi again."

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "There is something wrong with the punishment hall. As a subordinate, I should do my best. I don't know what happened in Dongqi?"

Guan Siyu shook his head and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. The Luo family of Wu Jun, one of the nine great families, sent someone to send an invitation to invite me to Guanzhong Xingtang to watch the ceremony.

In the arena, these things like social entertainment are inevitable. I don't want to offend Wujun Luo's family in Guanzhong Xingtang, so of course I have to send someone to go there.

You have a good reputation in the arena, and you are also the Guanxi judge in charge of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so this kind of thing is still up to you. "

Speaking of which, Guan Siyu made a rare joke with Chu Xiu: "I heard that you are still friends with Luo Feihong of the Luo family in Wujun. Although that girl has a quirky temperament, her strength is not bad, and her appearance is also different. Poor, it's still the eldest miss of the Luo family in Wujun, this time it happens that the Luo family competes to recruit relatives, if you can marry Luo Feihong back, it will be a good talk."

Chu Xiu ignored Guan Siyu's joke, but the news shocked Chu Xiu.

Why did Luo Feihong suddenly start a martial arts competition? In the original plot, she should have been forced to marry the Xiahou family in the future.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu suddenly guessed something, it seems that this matter is really related to him.

Xiahou Wujiang all died in his hands in the battle between Fuyushan and the demons. Who could Luo Feihong marry?

Even if the Luo family in Wujun is not strong and needs to compliment the Xiahou clan, the Luo clan in Wujun is one of the nine great families. Luo Feihong is also the top ten young heroes on the Dragon Tiger List. Without Xiahou Wujiang, it can be said that there is no one in the Xiahou clan. Being worthy of Luo Feihong, Wu Jun's Luo family wouldn't be so idiotic as to marry Luo Feihong to an ordinary disciple of the Xiahou clan.

So from the moment Xiahou Wujiang died, the plot changed, but Chu Xiu still didn't understand. The Wu Jun Luo family could think of the **** routine of recruiting relatives by martial arts. They were really worried that Luo Feihong would not be able to marry. already?


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