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Chapter 454: The Luo family who sold their daughter

There are a lot of people who use the routine of martial arts recruiting relatives, but most of them are used by some small families.

There are also a lot of potential young people among the loose cultivators. Some children from small families are not up to the mark, but if they have a beautiful daughter, they will use martial arts to recruit relatives and choose a potential young warrior. Marrying a daughter also allows her to help her family in the future.

But are these things needed with the power of Wu Jun's Luo family and Luo Feihong's strength?

Chu Xiu couldn't help but wonder: "Wu Jun Luo's family also plays martial arts competitions? If a loose cultivator wins the competition, then Wu Jun Luo's family really dare to marry Luo Feihong to a loose cultivator?"

Guan Siyu shook his head and said: "Of course the Luo family can't do such an idiot thing. The suspicion of this so-called martial arts competition is still very high. At least the people invited by the Luo family are outstanding disciples of major families. , Where is the room for the loose cultivator to come forward?

However, I have heard a bit about it. I heard that Luo Feihong did something excessive, which made the Luo family boss angry, so I was ready to marry Luo Feihong as soon as possible.

And this time even if Luo Feihong doesn't marry, it's not enough. The strength of Wu Jun's Luo family has gradually declined in recent years. Not only is the old generation of warriors gradually aging, the younger generation is not only a woman, Luo Feihong, even a single person who is the leader is looking for it. Can't come out, that's why the Luo family is so anxious to get married.

In this competition, the Luo family of Wu County even invited the heir of Shang Shuiying's 'Wu Shuang' to win Bailu. According to the news, the Luo family has already been in contact with the winner. If there is no accident, this competition will recruit relatives. It was just a show. In the end, the winner would definitely win Bailu. This so-called martial arts competition became a marriage ceremony. Let Jianghu people see that the Luo family also had foreign aid, and it was a very strong foreign aid. "

Chu Xiu frowned slightly, the variables of the matter were a little too big, why did he provoke Shang Shuiying?

Among the nine great families, the Shang Shui Ying clan is the head of the current nine great clans, and it is also the one with the longest inheritance. Even before the ancient catastrophe, the Shang Shui Ying clan already existed, and its identity is indescribable.

Legend has it that the Shang Shui Ying clan even has the blood of the ancient royal family, but the Ying clan did not know why they set a clan rule that strictly forbids their disciples to have any connection with the imperial court.

It is said that for thousands of years, a collateral disciple of the Ying clan walked out of the Shangshui Ying clan and created a dynasty, but when he wanted to make the entire Shangshui Ying clan a royal family and the two sides supported each other, the Ying clan took this into account. The famous disciple expelled the Ying family tree and closed the family. It was not until the dynasty was overthrown that the Ying family reappeared in the arena.

The history of Shangshui Yingshi is too long, and there are countless trump cards. These legends are increasing the mystery of Shangshui Yingshi. As for whether it is true or not, then I don't know.

But there is no doubt that Shang Shui Ying's strength is really strong, and almost no one can match the position of the head of the nine great families for thousands of years.

Ying Bailu, the heir of Shangshui Ying's family, is also an amazing generation. It is said that when Ying Bailu was born, Bailu came to Ying's gate with seven-colored ganoderma in his mouth, and used the seven-colored ganoderma to build the foundation for Yingbailu. And Ying Bailu's name also came from it.

The white deer is an auspicious omen, and the existence of auspicious and auspicious omen in this kind of birth is definitely not an ordinary person.

Whether this matter is fictitious or real, no one except Shang Shui Yingshi himself knows, but it is undeniable that Ying Bailu is indeed a genius.

At the age of two, he could familiarize himself with poetry dictionaries. At the age of five, he could memorize their Ying clan's secret "Emperor's Treasure Records" like a fluent.

What is even more surprising is that Ying Bailu is not only accomplished in martial arts, but other things such as poems and songs, astrology, and tactics, etc. are simply incomparable.

Therefore, Ying Bailu's nickname is Unparalleled Young Master. In terms of comprehensiveness, Ying Bailu can be called unparalleled in the world.

Right now Ying Bailu ranks fifth on the Dragon Tiger list, just above Chu Xiu, but most people think Ying Bailu's ranking is a bit low because he has made too few shots, otherwise , Winning Bailu can completely rank in the top three.

And Ying Bailu spent most of his time studying those messy things, delaying his martial arts practice, otherwise, Ying Bailu might become a martial arts master now.

Of course, it's basically women who think so. In the arena, winning Bailu is still very popular, at least very popular with women.

In the previous life, Luo Feihong was forced to marry Xiahou Wujiang. It is estimated that in the eyes of the Luo family, Luo Feihong was only worthy of marrying Xiahou Wujiang at that time.

Although the status of the Shi Luo family has not changed, Luo Feihong's status has changed a bit.

At the beginning of the Sword Sect Conference, Luo Feihong teamed up with Xie Xiaolou and Mo Tianlin to fight Xiahou Wujiang. Luo Feihong can be said to be brilliant, so he successfully entered the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger List, and his own value has also risen.

At the beginning, Luo Feihong could only be worthy of the Xiahou clan, but now, in the eyes of the Luo family, Luo Feihong's achievements are almost worthy of the Shang Shuiying clan, and Xiahou Wujiang is also dead, so Luo Feihong's achievements are almost worthy of the Shang Shuiying clan. The family then clings to the winner of Shangshui.

This kind of action made Chu Xiu sneer in his heart. If the Luo family thought this way from top to bottom, except for Luo Feihong, then the Luo family was not far from complete decline and destruction.

If any aristocratic family has to use their own children to marry to ensure their status, it is really at the point of exhaustion.

In an aristocratic family, marriage is only a icing on the cake. The two parties use the relationship of marriage to join forces, and the martial artist bloodline of the family is not much worse, so it is also possible to marry with an aristocratic family of the same strength. Make sure your blood is strong.

But if some people regard such things as marriage as a necessary means of saving their lives, it would be a joke.

If his family is not good enough, he fantasizes that relying on marriage to solve the problem is simply wishful thinking.

Counting so many sect families in the arena, there is no sect family that is maintained by the marriage of women.

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't speak for a while, Guan Siyu said, "Why, are you really interested in that Luo Feihong?

If you are really interested, then you can do it yourself when you are recruiting relatives. You still have some chances to do it.

The Luo family of Wu Jun and the winner of Shangshui should have had initial contact, but they have not yet formally negotiated, so what should have gone wrong.

Otherwise, the Luo family of Wu Jun invited us to watch the ceremony this time, it would not be to watch a martial arts competition, but an engagement banquet of the two great families. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Luo Feihong and I are just friends. I don't think about it that much for the time being. Besides, even if I really get on stage, Wu Junluo's family will probably regret it."

Guan Siyu raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "That's true."

Guan Siyu understood what Chu Xiu meant. Since the people of the Luo family in Wujun wanted to rely on marriage to ensure the status of the Luo family, the object of this marriage had to be chosen.

Although Chu Xiu's strength is not weak, his reputation in the arena is not very good.

And the most important thing is that Chu Xiu was born in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

In theory, Guanzhong Xingtang is much stronger than Wujun Luojia, at least several times stronger.

However, Guanzhong Xingtang is far away in the middle of the Three Kingdoms, and its strength outside is not very strong, so if something happens to the Luo family in Wujun, the power of the Guanzhong Xingtang will definitely not help the Luo family.

But for aristocratic families like the Xiahou Clan or the Ying Clan, they are powerful in their own right, and they are also in Dongqi. The benefits of marrying them are obvious.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said: "In this case, then the subordinates will retire, and tomorrow I will go to the Luo family in Wujun."

Guan Siyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, this time it's just to watch the ceremony, and it's not a big deal."

Chu Xiu nodded, but he still chose to leave for Wujun Luo's house tomorrow.

With Luo Feihong's character, she doesn't need to say much about how she will face this competition. It is estimated that Luo Feihong will never let it go without letting things go.

On the bright side, Chu Xiu is Luo Feihong's friend, and the other party is also a member of his Jiufen Hall. Xie Xiaolou, Mo Tianlin and others are expected to come, so Chu Xiu can't ignore it. Discuss earlier.

Therefore, after leaving the headquarters of the punishment hall, Chu Xiu didn't even return to the land of Kansai, and directly sent a Jianghu head to report the news to the land of Kansai, while he went to Luo's house in Wujun alone.

He came here in name to watch the ceremony. If that's the case, it would be useless to bring his subordinates. It is impossible for Wu Junluo's family to let so many people into the family.

The location of Wujun is the southeastern part of the Eastern Qi Dynasty. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has beautiful scenery.

The Luo family in Wu County is the biggest force in the entire Wu County, and the reputation of one of the nine great families has spread all over the rivers and lakes. This time, the Luo family in Wu County attracted a lot of people to watch the fun.

Of course, they are just here to watch the fun, and it is estimated that few dare to enter the ring.

You must know that Luo Feihong used to be in the top ten of the Dragon Tiger list in the past, but only recently was the "Little Wenhou" Lu Fengxian who suddenly entered the top ten.

Therefore, a martial artist who can be worthy of Luo Feihong must also be qualified to be listed on the Dragon and Tiger List. What are other people doing here, humiliating themselves?

Luojiazhuang, where Luojia is located, is beside the Luohe River in the Dahe River passing through Wu County, with beautiful scenery and strong vitality of heaven and earth.

Looking at the Luo family's mansion and the warriors coming and going, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head.

The Luo family still looked brilliant, but in fact, from the Luo family martial artists who were ushered in, he could feel the Luo family's twilight.


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