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Chapter 458: The Luo family who is doomed to regret

Mo Yezi is willing to help Luo Feihong without any scruples, because he really treats Luo Feihong as a daughter. From the moment he made the red kite gun and gave it to Luo Feihong, his attitude towards Luo Feihong is more than his own son. fine.

Moreover, Mo Yezi's situation is exactly as he said. With his identity and personal connections, he is not afraid of the Luo family and the Shang Shui Ying family.

The same is true of Xie Xiaolou, the World Alliance is far away in Western Chu, and with Chen Qingdi's domineering, does he need to be afraid of others?

As for Chu Xiu, logically speaking, Luo Feihong is also his friend and a member of Jiufen Hall.

From the point of view of interests, Luo Feihong's future is definitely not an ordinary person. It is very difficult to create a palace and stand above the rivers and lakes as a woman. If you help her now, Chu Xiu will not suffer in the future.

And here Mo Tianlin has the most concerns, because the Mo family itself is not strong, and it is still in Dongqi.

Moreover, his position as the heir of the Mo family is not stable. There are many disciples in the Mo family who are a little dissatisfied with him, and they are always staring at his position.

Just when Mo Tianlin wanted to say something, Luo Feihong was the first to say: "Okay, Mo Tianlin, I know your situation, so don't be stubborn, don't get involved in this matter."

Hearing Luo Feihong's words, Mo Tianlin raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean by being brave? I'm obviously very strong, okay? Don't talk about this matter, I've really made up my mind."

Mo Tianlin is not the kind of person who is just like Lu Fengxian, but he is not the kind of cold-blooded person who can really sit back and watch what happens to his friend and ignore it.

Anyway, Mo Tianlin also thought about it, even if the matter was really serious, as the most outstanding young disciple of the Mo family, he would not be abolished in martial arts and severely punished, and he would just be scolded or punished. It was just punishment for facing the wall, and he could afford it, Mo Tianlin, as for other troubles, I'll talk about it later.

After Luo Feihong thanked him, he did not greet the crowd. At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside, Luo Tianyang led someone in and said, "Okay, see you soon, the arena for recruiting relatives is about to start. , you all go to the front."

Luo Tianyang looked at Luo Feihong, with a complicated look in his eyes, and said, "Feihong, you also go with me, remember, don't cause trouble again, or the ancestors get angry, and I can't keep you."

As a father, if Luo Tianyang had no feelings for Luo Feihong at all, it would not make sense.

It's just that Luo Feihong's status in his mind cannot be compared with Luo Feiyun at all.

Even Luo Tianyang was still thinking in his heart, why is it not Luo Feiyun but Luo Feihong's daughter who has such a powerful talent?

His own strength and talent are not good enough, so he hopes his son will become a dragon, so he has put all his strength on Luo Feiyun. Unfortunately, compared with other small martial artists or loose cultivators, Luo Feiyun is not bad, but it is not compared with the real Young Junjie from the big faction is better than Luo Feiyun, but they are not at the same level as them.

But even so, Luo Tianyang is very fond of Luo Feiyun, so after Luo Feihong abolished Luo Feiyun last time, he lost his mind in anger and severely injured Luo Feihong.

However, he also regretted it a little later. When Luo Jiunian and other Luo family elders were preparing to severely punish Luo Feihong, Luo Tianyang also helped her to say a few words, otherwise Luo Feihong would not be able to hang out here leisurely. I read Fengyue's novel with melon seeds.

Luo Feihong walked out without saying a word, which made Luo Tianyang stunned.

Previously, the Luo family did not let Chu Xiu and others go to see Luo Feihong, because they were afraid that she would cause some trouble because of her character, so they stopped her.

However, because of Mo Yezi's face, the Luo family has already let people in, so naturally there is no need to keep Luo Feihong locked up, but Luo Tianyang and others are also ready for Luo Feihong to cause trouble, but who will accept Luo Feihong? Thinking that Luo Feihong was so quiet this time, this made Luo Tianyang a little uncomfortable. Could it be that his daughter has already accepted her fate?

Luo Tianyang chased after him, and said bitterly beside Luo Feihong: "Daughter, it's not that you are cruel to your father, but what you did this time was too much. Feiyun is your brother, but you actually did this to him. Ruthless, how can you bear it?"

Luo Feihong glanced at him, and said in a voice without the slightest emotion: "He is going to sell me to the Shangshui Ying family, is this not too much?"

Luo Tianyang frowned and said, "The marriage of an aristocratic family, how can this be sold? Besides, you don't know who Ying Bailu is, he is the fifth-ranked hero on the Dragon and Tiger List, the heir of Shang Shui Ying's family, and he is destined in the future. To be able to become a giant in the arena, do you know how many women in the world want to marry Ying Bailu?

Now you don't cherish this opportunity, but even if it is this opportunity, it is all requested by my Luo family. "

Luo Feihong looked at Luo Tianyang coldly, and said lightly: "If I said, I will be stronger than Bailu in the future?"

Luo Tianyang smiled and did not speak.

What kind of existence is Jianghu Juqing? Those who can call on the other side and stir up the situation in the arena can only be called a giant in the arena.

Even among the nine great families, there are not many who can be called giants in the arena.

The ancestors of the Luo family were not counted, nor the ancestors of the Mo family. The ancestors of the Xiahou clan could barely be counted, and the owner of the Shang Shuiying clan was a real giant.

With the talent and potential that Ying Bailu has shown now, he is stronger than the previous patriarch of the Shang Shuiying clan, and his future achievements are almost predictable. What Luo Feihong said now, don't worry. Saying she is a woman, even if it is a man, is a fool's dream.

Chu Xiu on the side did not speak, because he knew how great Luo Feihong's achievements were in the future.

For the support of a Jianghu giant, the Luo family gave up the Jianghu giant with their own blood. This kind of thing is enough for Jianghu people to laugh at it for decades.

Of course, for the Luo family, they thought they had made a wise decision.

When I came to the courtyard of the Luo family, there were already thousands of warriors sitting in the courtyard, there were warriors from major forces who came to support, and some young heroes with some fame in the arena.

Of course, there are more warriors who come to watch the fun, but these people don't even have a place, they can only watch the fun on the edge of the courtyard or outside.

Seeing Luo Feihong come out, these people were still a little commotion.

In fact, in all fairness, Luo Feihong's appearance can be regarded as a stunning beauty on the rivers and lakes. If she puts on a woman's clothes and dresses up a little, sitting there is completely a beautiful posture of a quiet time, even if she goes to talk to Yan Fei The comparison of the four beauties in martial arts such as Yan is not inferior.

It's a pity that if she opens her mouth, coupled with her personality, it will directly destroy the mood and lose a lot of points. It is like a person like Mo Tianlin. He has known Luo Feihong for a long time, and he does not treat her as a woman at all.

Of course, from the point of view of people who have not had much contact with Luo Feihong, the eldest Miss Luo family is still very good. She must have good looks, strength and strength. .

After being seated, Luo Feihong naturally wanted to sit on the side of the Luo family, while Chu Xiu and others sat next.

Mo Tianlin looked around for a week, and said strangely, "The people from Shang Shui Ying's family haven't come yet?"

Xie Xiaolou, who was on the side, said lightly: "The big guys are often the last ones to appear, how shameless is it to come first? Besides, this time, the Luo family is rushing to marry the Ying family, and there is no definite trust in the matter, the Ying family is of course It doesn't seem so positive."

But at this time, Luo Jiunian, the ancestor of the Luo family, suddenly went out to welcome some people in, which made everyone present a little strange. Which big man came?

Although the Luo family has fallen, Luo Jiunian is a genuine martial arts master, and those who can let him go out in person to greet him are definitely not ordinary people.

There were more than ten people who were greeted by Luo Jiunian in person, but the two leading ones were very conspicuous.

One of them was a handsome young man in a white dress with a masculine face, a jade crown on his head, and a folding fan in his hand.

Next to him was an old **** wearing a purple with a white face and no beards. That old **** had the cultivation of the harmony between man and nature.

Chu Xiu asked Mo Tianlin, "Who are these? People from the Eastern Qi royal family?"

Mo Tianlin said in a low voice, "It's from Lu Longji, the Prince of Eastern Qi, and that young man is Li Yuan, the only son of Li Rang, Duke Lin Guo of Dong Qi. Duke Lin Guo has always supported the prince, so this Li Yuan has been with him since he was a child. Prince, can be regarded as the prince's confidant.

And that old **** is also Lu Longji's personal **** Chen Dou, and he is also his cronie.

Sending two of his confidants here one after another, Lu Longji is enough to give the Luo family face. "

Hearing Mo Tianlin introducing the two, a strange look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Among these two people, the old **** Chu Xiu had never heard of, but that Li Yuan would be a big figure in the Eastern Qi court in the future, the 'King of Heaven' Li Yuan!

This person was once the general of Zhenbei in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, and later was named the king of Zhenbei, whose status was higher than that of his father.

In the later period, when Dong Qi's national strength declined and was counterattacked by Bei Yan, it was Li Yuan who sat in the northern part of Dong Qi and fought against Bei Yan. He was definitely one of the top leaders of Dong Qi.

But that was more than 20 years later. At this time, Li Yuan was only a close friend of Lu Longji's subordinates. He had an idle position in the court of the Eastern Qi Dynasty.

Moreover, the background of Li Yuan's rise is also very interesting. He was originally a member of the court, but when he was in the upper reaches of the rivers and lakes, he was suddenly spotted by an eminent monk from the Western Regions. He gave Li Yuan the inheritance of his whole body, which caused Li Yuan to soar into the sky, from a seemingly inconspicuous aristocrat in the Eastern Qi Dynasty to a later important minister of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, the king of Zhenbei and the general who turned the tide.


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