Meet The Leader

Chapter 459: Heavenly King Li Yuan and Shang Shui Ying's

More than 20 years later, the famous 'King of Heaven' Li Yuan seems to be very ordinary at this time, but his strength is not weak at this time, and he also has the cultivation base of the Five Qi Dynasty, but he is slightly older. He must have been in his thirties.

His father, Prince Lin, was a hereditary prince, and by his generation, he had actually declined a bit.

Li Yuanzu has been a master of martial arts, but his father only cultivated to the level of harmony between man and nature at a young age, but Li Yuan has already shown a good talent at a young age, but even if he is a pro The Duke's Mansion did its best, but it was impossible for Li Yuan to compete with the heroes on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking.

The so-called Duke's Mansion sounds like a big name, but in fact, it has been in decline for so long, and its background is not as good as a small faction, so Lin Guogong let Li Yuan join the prince Lu Longji's command. , ready to use Conglong Gong to make their Linguo Gongfu brilliant again.

Mo Tianlin didn't know that Chu Xiu thought so much at this moment, he just sneered: "The Luo family is really hungry, what do they mean by inviting people from the court? The Luo family is preparing What's the matter with the court? Don't they know that this is a taboo in all corners of the world?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "The boundaries between the rivers and lakes are not so clear, as long as there are interests and benefits, why can't they be united?

Don't forget that Beiyan fought back Dongqi by joining forces with Beiyan Jianghu.

Besides, the Dongqi court now knows the benefits of joining forces with Jianghu people. Baihutang, one of the Four Spirits, has already joined forces with the Dongqi court. Don't you know? "

Mo Tianlin nodded, of course he knew this, but as a Jianghu person, he still had some rejection of the imperial court.

The Luo family was only competing to recruit relatives. Coupled with the current strength of the Luo family, Prince Lu Longji naturally didn't have to come in person.

But he sent his confidants and personal eunuchs, which is enough attention.

At this time, Luo Tianyang personally brought Li Yuan and Chen Dou into the seat, and Li Yuan smiled and said, "Luo Patriarch has a reputation for being a daughter of gold, but this competition attracted a lot of young heroes, and I don't seem to be too old. Big, I don't know if I can also participate?"

When Luo Tianyang heard the words, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

If Lu Longji said this, Luo Tianyang would definitely be willing to do so.

No matter what temples and rivers and lakes he is, if he can be a prince concubine, the Luo family will definitely want it.

But the problem is that this is what Li Yuan said now. He is only a confidant of the crown prince. His status is incomparable. Moreover, the Linguo Gongfu has been in decline. Among so many princes in the Eastern Qi, he can only be ranked in the middle.

Looking at Luo Tianyang's appearance, Li Yuan knew what he was thinking, which made Li Yuan sneer in his heart, and said lightly, "Don't mind Luo Tianyang, I was just joking."

Luo Tianyang also gave a haha ​​when he heard the words, and left after a few words of greetings with them.

In fact, it can be seen from this point that Luo Tianyang, the patriarch, is indeed not very good, both in terms of strength and ability.

Li Yuan just said that, don't care if he is really joking or a fake one, as long as Luo Tianyang pretends to flatter, just fooling around will be over.

As a result, Luo Tianyang acted like he didn't like Li Yuan, but he couldn't say much because of the identity of the other party. This completely offended Li Yuan.

After Luo Tianyang left, Li Yuan's expression turned gloomy.

Beside him, Chen Dou smiled and said in a slightly sharp voice, "Why, I feel that I'm being looked down upon and feel uncomfortable?"

Li Yuan sneered: "No wonder the Luo family has declined into such a state. With such an idiot head, how can this Luo family be good?"

Chen Dou waved his hand and said, "Young man, don't be so angry, a strong man once said, as the so-called 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, don't bully the poor.

If you are following His Royal Highness now, you have a promising future. Don't look at Luo Tianyang's disdain for your identity now, but maybe he will salute you in the future.

After the prince arrives at Dabao, he will directly put you in the military, and the last time you will have to start with a general or a general manager. At that time, there will only be a Luo family, let alone Luo Tianyang, I am afraid it is even the ancestor of the Luo family. , you don't have to pay attention. "

Li Yuan heard the words and said to Chen Dougong: "Thank you, Eunuch Chen, for your guidance, please rest assured, Eunuch Chen, since I have joined His Royal Highness, I should go through fire and water for His Royal Highness. The first day of the generation."

Hearing what Li Yuan said, Chen Dou nodded in satisfaction.

Li Yuan is one of the young confidants recruited by His Royal Highness, and he has more potential.

Although his current strength is not comparable to those of the young heroes on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, Li Yuan is bold and careful in his work, and he works steadily, so he is quite fond of His Royal Highness.

At this moment, Chen Dou inadvertently looked towards Chu Xiu, but he let out a light sigh.

Li Yuan said in surprise: "Eunuch Chen, what's wrong?"

Chen Dou sneered and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I ran into a guy that His Royal Highness often talks about. That guy made a miserable situation for His Royal Highness."

Li Yuan wondered: "Who is it that dares to go against His Royal Highness?"

Chen Dou pointed at Chu Xiu and said, "It's that guy, the sixth in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, Chu Xiu in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Originally, His Royal Highness the Prince of Anle cooperated well with Jiang Wenyuan, King of Anle, but this guy stabbed the news to the second prince, and then the second prince stabbed the matter to His Majesty. He scolded Smelly, which greatly reduced His Highness's power. "

Li Yuan wondered: "This fellow has done so much, doesn't His Royal Highness show any action?"

Chen Dou snorted coldly and said, "The incident in the Anle Palace last time made His Royal Highness's score in His Majesty's place greatly reduced, and of course I don't dare to make any further moves.

And this Chu Xiu was born in Guanzhong Xingtang, which is a bit tricky.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall, as you know, is not my Dongqi force, but in some places it cooperates a lot with my Dongqi, and this Chu Xiu is still a high-level officer of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

If His Highness shot him in Dongqi and let His Majesty know, it would definitely be another heavy punishment.

If you can't bear it, you will be in a mess. These little people will have the opportunity to teach a lesson at any time. They are not in a hurry. Besides, with the mind of His Highness, maybe they will forget about it after a while. "

Li Yuan looked at Chu Xiu, squinted his eyes and said, "Eunuch Chen, don't worry, if there is a chance, I will give this tone for His Highness."

At this moment, Chu Xiu also felt that someone was watching him, he turned his head, just met Li Yuan's gaze, and felt the meaning in that gaze, neither of them would let the other, in the momentum. On that, Li Yuanli could actually stand shoulder to shoulder with Chu Xiu, without flinching at all.

Aware of the maliciousness in Li Yuan's eyes, Chu Xiu guessed the other party's reason.

After all, in the incident of Qiu Zhensheng at Pegasus Ranch last time, he was on the side of the second prince, and he took the crown prince seriously.

It would be strange if the people of Crown Prince Lu Longji could still treat him well.

However, this Li Yuan does have the potential to become a big man in the future. At least he dares to compete with Chu Xiu in terms of momentum, and he does not lose the slightest.

In fact, don't look at Li Yuan as a prince, but he is not as good as Chu Xiu in terms of strength and status.

It was only in his thirties that he entered the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty. This strength was considered to be the best among warriors of the same rank, but looking around, almost none of the top ten on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking reached this realm.

As for his reputation in the arena, Chu Xiu is also bigger than him. At this time, Chu Xiu was the punishment officer in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, while Li Yuan was just a little official in the Eastern Qi court. If there was no prince The identity of Lu Longji's confidant is there, and he is not worth mentioning.

On the premise that he is inferior to Chu Xiu in every aspect, it is rare for him to be able to make his own momentum not lose to Chu Xiu.

After the two sides looked at each other, they each withdrew their gazes, but at this moment, the Luo family patriarch and Luo Tianyang both went out to meet them together. The person who can have this pomp is naturally the head of the nine great families. Shang Shui won the people.

Everyone looked at the gate, with Luo Tianyang and the ancestor of the Luo family leading the Three people walked in from the outside, but everyone present subconsciously looked at the person in the middle.

The person in the center is a young man with a handsome appearance, and the proportions of his facial features seem to be carved out of jade. They are perfect. Even the faint smile on his face has always been on his face. Nothing has changed, not even the slightest fluctuation.

He was wearing a black robe with white cloud patterns embroidered on it. As he walked, those white cloud patterns had some correlation with the surrounding power of heaven and earth, fluctuating like water patterns. Clothes are not ordinary things.

This person is the famous 'Unparalleled Young Master' who won Bailu, and he knows astrology, tactics, and martial arts secrets.

There are many people in Jianghu who are proficient in these things, and there are many who can surpass Bailu in a certain way, but no one can be proficient in so many things at the same time. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is unparalleled.

Behind Ying Bailu is a young man who looks slightly younger than Ying Bailu. Although his appearance is considered handsome, he is not as good as Ying Bailu, and his face has always been covered with a shadow. Compared with Ying Bailu, who always has a smile on his face, it forms a sharp contrast.

There was an old man behind the two of them. The old man deliberately stepped back from them, and his subconsciously hunched figure could be seen by anyone. This old man should be the role of a servant.

But the problem is that this old man who looks like a servant, the aura he exudes is extremely powerful and terrifying. Even Luo Jiunian is no worse than Luo Jiunian.


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