Meet The Leader

Chapter 460: routine

With the strength of Shang Shui Ying's clan, there is definitely no shortage of martial arts masters, and there are also powerhouses in the realm of real fire refining, which is not uncommon.

But what is really strange is that someone actually uses a martial arts master level powerhouse as a servant. This is no longer amazing, but terrifying.

The strong have the dignity of the strong, and no matter how weak the master of martial arts is still the master of martial arts, everyone really can't understand why there is a master of martial arts who is willing to be a servant, and Shang Shuiying even dares to use it.

But at this time, everyone could see that the ancestor of the Luo family was obviously a little embarrassed.

Although the Nine Great Families are in the same row as the Songs of Jianghu, the gap between them is not that big.

The ancestor of the Luo family can only be a servant at the level of Shangshui Yingshi. Do you think this is embarrassing?

Ying Bailu also seemed to see Luo Jiunian's embarrassment at this time, he smiled and said: "Senior Luo, everyone is from the nine great families, don't be too polite, what you do is what you do. That's it."

Luo Jiunian hurriedly said: "Then please come to the throne, Young Master Win, and the competition will begin. With your strength to win Young Master, you will be enough to be the leader."

The Luo family's so-called martial arts competition is actually just a show.

Under normal circumstances, either let their daughter be the leader in the ring, and whoever can beat Luo Feihong, Luo Feihong will marry whomever.

However, considering Luo Feihong's own strength and her current state, then forget it.

Not to mention that there are few men on the rivers and lakes who can beat Luo Feihong in the first place, even if there are, in the current state of Luo Feihong, let him enter the ring, it is estimated that Luo Feihong will definitely kill people.

When the time comes, let alone recruiting relatives by martial arts, it will directly turn into a **** case.

Therefore, the routine adopted by the Luo family is to let those who participate in the competition to recruit relatives go to the ring to compete on their own, choose a champion, and the final winner can marry Luo Feihong.

Of course, now that Bai Lu is coming, this competition is just a show, otherwise, who would be able to compete against Bai Lu?

But at this moment, Ying Bailu suddenly said: "I won't be on stage this time, although my brother Ying Baihu rarely sets foot in the arena, but with his strength, he is enough to enter the arena and compete with these people in the arena. Young Junjie has gone to fight."

As soon as Ying Bailu said this, everyone present was stunned.

A good competition to recruit relatives, almost everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that the Luo family's goal this time is to marry Ying's Ying Bailu, but now it is replaced by Ying Bailu's younger brother to win Baihu, what's the matter? ?

Ying's disciples are naturally not trash, and Ying Baihu is the younger brother of Ying Bailu, and this status is even more extraordinary.

However, no matter how extraordinary he is, he won't win against Bailu. This situation makes the Luo family's people a little unable to react.

Luo Jiunian wondered: "What do you mean, Young Master Ying? Don't you plan to go to the ring in person?"

Ying Bailu asked back: "Who said that I want to enter the ring in person? It was your Luo family who said before that they intended to marry my Ying clan, but did you say that you must marry me?

What, do you think my brother is not worthy of your Luo family, and underestimate my disciple of Shang Shuiying? "

As soon as these words came out, Luo Jiunian was immediately blocked there, making him not know what to say.

Could it be that he can still publicly say that he doesn't like winning Baihu? Wouldn't that have offended the entire Shang Shui Ying clan?

But the crux of the problem is that Luo Feihong's marriage to Ying Bailu and Ying Baihu are basically two concepts. One is the fifth on the Dragon and Tiger List, the future heir to the Shangshui Ying clan, while the other is just an ordinary Ying clan disciple. The gap is a little too big.

Below, Xie Xiaolou shook his head and said, "The Luo family was clever but was mistaken by cleverness, but in the end, it was calculated by Shang Shuiying's people."

Chu Xiu also said with a sneer: "There is no way that there is any chance of taking advantage of the world. The Luo family wants to use a daughter to bring the support and help of the Ying family. What can the Ying family get besides Luo Feihong? A half-dead. the Luo family?

Using a win Baihu to marry the Luo family, using a less important disciple to become the in-law of the Luo family, and earning a Luo Feihong who once entered the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger list, Shang Shui Ying's business, do It's not a loss either.

By the way, did you know about Winning the White Tiger? What is the strength of this man? How does it compare to winning the White Deer? "

Mo Tianlin shook his head and said, "The Shangshui Ying Clan has Ying Bailu, do you think other Ying Clan's disciples can make their mark? Although this Ying Baihu is not a nameless person among the Shangshui Ying Clan, at least he has all the brilliance of his body. Has been covered up by Ying Bailu, looking at his gloomy face now, it is obvious that he has a lot of opinion on his brother.

And do you know how Ying Baihu got its name? Ying Bailu is named Bailu because of the auspicious omens of Bailu, but Yingbaihu is called Yingbaihu, not because a white tiger appeared when he was born, it is purely because his brother is called Bailu. called White Tiger.

A person who even has his own name because of his brother, if there is no resentment in his heart, then it is abnormal.

By the way, what should we do with our plan? "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said: "Of course the plan is as usual, since Luo Feihong is sure, we will cooperate with her, no matter whether the winner is Bailu or Baihu, there is only one thing we have to do, and that is to delay. "

Mo Tianlin nodded, and he suddenly said: "This time I won't play Bailu myself, but let his younger brother enter the ring. I feel that it is not only because Ying's family wants to cheat the Luo family, but also because of the win. Bai Lu himself is reluctant to marry Feihong.

I once heard that Ying Bailu was interested in Yan Feiyan, the 'Fairy Yunjian' who came to the Yue Nv Palace, but everyone knows the rules of the Yue Nv Palace, so Yan Feiyan could only politely decline Ying Bailu's confession. But winning Bailu is always infatuated.

But this matter is just a rumor in the rivers and lakes, especially those women believe more, I don't know if it is true or false. "

Xie Xiaolou on the side couldn't help but said, "I said Mo Tianlin, do you still have the heart to study these gossips?"

Mo Tianlin retorted: "What is Jianghu gossip? If we know ourselves and know each other, we will be safe in a hundred battles. If we are going to fight against Bailu, we will know more at this time, and we will be more confident when we fight later. isn't it?"

Xie Xiaolou pouted, he didn't think these gossips would be of any help in the future.

Just when Xie Xiaolou was bickering with Mo Tianlin, Luo Jiunian had already made a decision.

He forced a smile and said, "Since you said so, Young Master Ying, then the competition will start normally."

For the entire Luo family, the first question is who to marry, not who the individual is marrying.

From winning the white deer to winning the white tiger, although the gap is huge, for the Luo family, they are all married to the Ying family anyway, and the other party is also the direct line of the Ying family. After arriving, Luo Jiunian had to nod and agree.

After Luo Jiunian left, Ying Bailu turned his head to Ying Baihu and said, "Are you satisfied with the marriage arranged for you by your brother? Although the Luo family in Wu Jun is not up to expectations, Luo Feihong is really good, it's a pity the Luo family The person who is blind is blind, and he buys a casket and returns a pearl. But just in time, I will give you this pearl, which is worthy of your identity and the glory of my Ying family. "

A sneer appeared on Ying Baihu's face, which made his already gloomy complexion even more gloomy at this time: "From childhood to adulthood, everything in the family has given priority to you, if you don't want it, give it to me. , but you still have to pretend to be a good brother, is it interesting?

I can see that the people of the Luo family despise me. Their previous marriage partner was you, but if you don't want it, this was given to me, even in the event of marriage.

If you are really a good brother, you can give Luo Feihong to me, why don't you give me Yan Feiyan too? "


A loud slap came, but Ying Bailu didn't even move. It was estimated that only the old servant of Shang Shui Ying could see Ying Bailu's movements clearly, but he didn't seem to see anything. generally.

Ying Baihu covered his face and looked at Ying Bailu with hatred in his eyes, but at this time he didn't dare to say another Ying Bailu still had that expression on his face. With an unchanging smile, he said in a gentle tone: "The things I gave you from childhood to adulthood are not alms, but giving, because you are my younger brother.

But just because you are my younger brother, you also need to know that there are some things that you should not think about, nor can you think about, otherwise, as a brother, I will be angry.

This slap is a lesson, I will have some memory in the future, and don't make me angry.

I reported to my father about the marriage with the Luo family, and he agreed. Now the arena is in front of you. "

Ying Baihu covered his face and said coldly: "Go! Why not go? Sooner or later, you will regret it!"

He is not Ying Bailu, he has the qualification to choose the woman he likes at will, and he doesn't even need to think about marriage at all, it is all about his mood. Even if Ying Bailu wants to marry an ordinary person, the Ying clan will not interfere with him. .

But he was different from Baihu. Since he couldn't get the power of the Ying family, after marrying Luo Feihong, he could instead use some of the power of the Luo family.

These things won't look down on Bai Lu, but sooner or later he will use these powers to get back what belongs to him!

Using internal force to remove the palm print on his face, Ying Baihu stepped out directly and stepped onto the arena, revealing the strength of his five Qi Chao Yuan realm, which immediately shocked everyone present.

The age of the white tiger won't look very old, and he has reached the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty.

Now this white tiger has not officially entered the arena, but as long as his attainments in martial arts can reach half of his brother's level, then the top ten of the dragon and tiger list is estimated to be impossible to escape. , which is terrifying.


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