Meet The Leader

Chapter 471: layout

Back in Daliang City, Lu Longguang asked Chu Xiu, "Is there really a change in the prince?"

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Eunuch Li and others have also seen the news. Your Highness can ask Eunuch Li directly."

Eunuch Li bowed to Lu Longguang with a somewhat ugly expression: "Your Highness, the old slave has neglected his duty, and the prince has indeed made a big move recently.

Since the last time the prince was punished by His Majesty to reflect at home, on the surface, the prince seemed to be very honest and low-key, but in fact, the prince sent people to secretly contact a group of reckless forces in the southwest, five schools, eight schools, eleven schools and twenty-three villages. , want to bring them all under his command.

Once successful, the prince will completely control the southwest, and even control most of the trade routes between the entire Western Chu and my Eastern Qi! "

The southwest area mentioned by Eunuch Li is an area near the west of Dongqi and close to the Shiwanda Mountain. Although the area is large, it is sparsely populated and appears desolate and barbaric. There are no prefectures and counties. In the southwest, there are only a few state capitals in it.

Originally, this place can be said to be despised by no one, but in the past few hundred years, it has become an important trade route between Western Chu and Eastern Qi. Although there are many barren mountains and dense forests, the road is difficult, but the distance It is very close, so there are a lot of business trips.

After this place was gradually heated up by some business trips, it naturally formed a force, which is what Li Gonggong said.

Don't look at the fact that these forces add up to nearly fifty, but their strength is not very strong. After all, the oldest of them is only a hundred years old.

But no matter whether these forces are strong or not, once they are under the prince's command, it will be a huge improvement for the prince's forces.

And because the prince has already controlled a powerful business route, his own income will also increase wildly, which is definitely not a good thing for Lu Longguang.

Lu Longguang sneered: "It didn't count for colluding with Jiang Wenyuan before, but now my eldest brother dares to collude with these martial arts forces in the southwest. I really don't know whether to live or die. This king will go to the father and sue him and keep him safe. No way to go!"

At this time, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Your Highness, let's calm down first, it's useless if you go, maybe you will be reprimanded by Your Majesty instead."

Lu Longguang frowned and said, "Why?"

Chu Xiu said: "This time, His Royal Highness's behavior is different from last time.

Jiang Wenyuan's status is special. It would be a taboo for the prince to cooperate with him, but now the prince recruits these rambunctious rivers and lakes, and the meaning is very different.

Although the rivers and lakes and Chaotang are antagonistic, it is not without the possibility of cooperation. Your Highness should not forget the battle between Beiyan and Dongqi in the past.

At the beginning, Beiyan was able to win, and it was precisely because the Beiyan royal family joined forces with Beiyan's martial arts forces that this could be achieved.

And now His Majesty has realized his previous mistakes, and started to join forces with the martial arts forces in Dongqi. Even the White Tiger Hall has been merged into Dongqi. You should know this, Your Highness.

So now the Prince's behavior is no longer a big deal in His Majesty's view, and he even praises the Prince for being flexible.

And if you, Your Highness, file a complaint about this matter at this time, I am afraid it is you who will be reprimanded, because you failed to understand what Your Majesty meant. "

Lu Longguang was not stupid, he understood after Chu Xiu explained it like this. Angrily, Lu Longguang smashed a teacup and said coldly, "This plan is definitely not something that my trashy brother can come up with. Someone must have given him an idea!"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Don't care if anyone has an idea for the prince, anyway, as long as the matter is done, the prince's power will definitely increase."

With a wave of his hand, Lu Longguang condensed Chu Xiu, and said solemnly: "What kind of power you want, I can give it to you here, there is only one premise, and that is to completely mess up the matter of the prince! "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "Of course it is the power of the elite, the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army under Master Fang, and Eunuch Li should also have a group of talents. If you lend them all to me, I promise to give your Highness a satisfaction. result."

This time, Lu Longguang didn't hesitate. He waved his hand and said solemnly, "Yes, from today onwards, the forces of Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li, including both of them, will obey your orders!"

After leaving the palace, Eunuch Li asked Chu Xiu, "Master Chu, what should I do now?"

In the matter of Fengmanlou, Eunuch Li made a mistake himself, and his attitude towards Chu Xiu was much lower at this time.

Fang Zhenqi, who was on the side, did not speak, and the Dragon Cavalry banned it. Since His Royal Highness has said, let him listen to Chu Xiu, then it is natural that Chu Xiu asks him to do what he does. As long as Chu Xiu does not threaten the interests of His Highness, he will There will be absolutely no objection.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Five gates, eight schools, eleven factions, twenty-three villages, these forces are plainly, a group of rabble and local chickens and dogs.

If the power of His Highness's subordinates is fully used, it is not difficult to strangle them.

It's just that one is that the movement is too big, and it is easy to be detected by the prince, and the other is that it will have some impact on His Highness's reputation. "

Eunuch Li frowned and said: "You also said that those dozens of forces do not have top factions, they are just a mob, what impact can it have on His Highness's reputation?

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't forget the identity of Your Highness. The imperial court's slaughter of Jianghu sects is a very sensitive matter, unless His Highness does not want to have any cooperation with Jianghu sects in the future, otherwise, this It's better to be cautious about things."

Eunuch Li was born in the imperial palace, and the training of eunuchs in Dongqi was done in batches. The main thing to teach them was how to serve the master, and the second was martial arts.

As for ability or something, no one is going to teach that thing, it all depends on one's own comprehension.

So even though Eunuch Li was much older than Chu Xiu, and he had stayed by Lv Longguang's side for so many years, he was really not as good as Chu Xiu in terms of the overall situation.

Hearing that Chu Xiu thought more than him, Eunuch Li simply stopped talking, and he said directly: "Since you have considered all of these Master Chu, then tell us about your plan, our family and Master Fang are on the sidelines. It is enough to assist Lord Chu."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Don't be in a hurry, five factions, eight schools, eleven factions, twenty-three villages, and dozens of forces cannot be of the same mind. Sometimes it is easier to break through the enemy from the inside than from the outside.

The information Feng Manlou gave us is very complete, and there is even general information on these dozens of forces. Let me pick a few targets, and then slowly lay out, there is no time. "

Chu Xiu's expression was a little gloomy at this time, and Eunuch Li, who had always been known for his feminine temperament, felt a chill in his heart.

In terms of murder, Eunuch Li, who was Lu Longguang's personal eunuch, did not necessarily kill fewer people than Chu Xiu.

But when it comes to the people who died indirectly in Chu Xiu's hands, Eunuch Li is no match for Chu Xiu.

Three days later, in the Cuiyu Pavilion, one of the largest brothels in Daliang City, Chu Xiu, Fang Zhenqi, and Eunuch Li were sitting in a private room drinking, but none of the girls asked for it.

Fang Zhenqi was fine, but Eunuch Li felt uncomfortable sitting here.

He is a eunuch, why did he come to such a place? If His Highness had not ordered him to listen to Chu Xiu, Eunuch Li must have thought that Chu Xiu was humiliating him.

Just when Eunuch Li felt extremely awkward and wanted to ask Chu Xiu what he was doing here, Chu Xiu tapped the table and made a silent gesture.

Closing his eyes slightly, Chu Xiu's whole body burst out with a powerful spirit, like silk threads, spreading out in all directions. This moment shocked Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li.

What a terrifying spiritual force!

Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li are both masters of the unity of nature and man, but even they can feel the power of Chu Xiu's spiritual power, which is so powerful that it makes people tremble. Come on, in the same rank, their mental power is not comparable to Chu Xiu!

In fact, although Chu Xiu's mental power was strong before, but it was not strong to this But after killing that Zhang Chufan, he got the orthodox inheritance of Moxintang "Heart Demon Wheel Dafa" and "Photography" After "Nine Great Forms of Soul", Chu Xiu's mental power can be said to have skyrocketed to a new level.

The martial arts of Moxintang can be called the coexistence of evil and miraculous. The Dafa of the Heart Demon Wheel is a method for specializing in spiritual power, while the nine types of soul capture are the fusion of spiritual power with martial arts and even martial arts in the line of Buddhism and Taoism. Existence is even more miraculous.

If Chu Xiu now fights against Xiahou Wujiang again, even if he only uses his mental power, he can completely crush Xiahou Wujiang.

At this time, Chu Xiu's mental power also underwent all strange changes. His mental power was like a coil of silk thread, extending to the rest of the Cuiyu Pavilion like a spider coil, light but tough, except for martial arts masters Or a master who specializes in the Mysterious Law of Harmony of Heaven and Man, no one can find this kind of change, and at this time, there is naturally no such person in the Cuiyu Pavilion.

This move is one of the nine ways to capture the soul. According to the inheritance of the practice, after the cultivation has reached the peak, if you use it with all your strength, everyone within a radius of hundreds of feet will be shrouded in this soul net. A single thread can entangle the spiritual essence of a warrior, and it can take a person's life in an instant.

Of course, the current Chu Xiu is still 108,000 miles away from this level. Right now, this type of exercise is only used by Chu Xiu for eavesdropping.

All the voices of the entire Cuiyu Pavilion were transmitted to Chu Xiu through the Silk Soul Net, reflected in Chu Xiu's mind, and Chu Xiu separated two spiritual powers, which were transmitted to Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li.

After shielding the messy voices, what appeared in the ears of Chu Xiu and the others again were two familiar voices, one was Eunuch Chen and the other was Li Yuan.


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