Meet The Leader

Chapter 472: Soul transfer

Eunuch Chen and Li Yuan were also in Cui Yugui's box, and they were not too far from the box where Chu Xiu and others were.

In the box, besides Eunuch Chen, there was also a young man in his twenties. His strength was not even in the innate realm.

Li Yuan looked at the young man with a hint of contempt in his eyes, but he still said politely, "Young Master Zheng is still having a good time in Daliang City? Tomorrow, Young Master Zheng will go back to the southwest, so he will invite Master Zheng at that time. Tell Sect Master Zheng what you have seen and heard in Daliang City, His Royal Highness is very sincere."

Then Mr. Zheng laughed and said: "It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk, His Royal Highness is so interesting, I will definitely tell my father when I go back, let me Tiejianmen follow His Royal Highness in a down-to-earth manner, and I will eat and drink spicy food in the future."

At this time, there was a wretched expression on the face of Zheng Gongzi: "Since I have to leave tomorrow, how can I have a good time today, my spending in this Jade Pavilion..."

There was a look of disgust in Li Yuan's eyes, but he still smiled and said, "Young Master Zheng is as happy as you can. I have already told the boss that all the expenses of Young Master Zheng here will be recorded on my account."

Then Mr. Zheng laughed and said: "Master Li is so interesting! Then I'm welcome!"

Having said that, Mr. Zheng pushed open the door and shouted, "Where's the maid? Find me girls, I want six, no! Ten! I want tall and big breasts!"

Cuiyu Pavilion is the top brothel in Daliang City. It is not an ordinary brothel. The people who come here are all high-ranking officials and people with status. It is as vulgar as this Zheng Gongzi. I really can't find a few. .

Some people wanted to say something angrily, but when they saw that Mr. Zheng came out of that box and was told who the box belonged to, everyone didn't dare to say more.

Although Li Yuan was not a figure in the entire Eastern Qi court, he was the confidant of His Highness the Crown Prince. If he offended Li Yuan, he offended the Crown Prince. Therefore, in Daliang City, anyone who dared to offend Li Yuan would also Really few.

After that Mr. Zheng went out, Li Yuan closed the door and sneered disdainfully: "Zheng Tiantu, the master of the Iron Sword Gate, is also a character. With a rotten iron sword, he started from scratch, established the Iron Sword Gate, and became the first of the five gates in the Southwest. , Who would have thought that his son is so unsatisfactory, drunk and wealthy, as if he has never seen the world, it is simply embarrassing to the extreme."

This time the prince is going to recruit people from the five schools, eight schools, eleven factions and twenty-three villages in the southwest. In fact, the prince has already made a move.

Five Gates, Eight Schools, Eleven Schools, and Twenty-Three Villages. The ranking is that the former is the most respected.

Among them, the Iron Sword Gate is the first of the five gates, and the gate owner Zheng Tiantu is a master of the half-step master realm. In the wild land full of dense forests in the southwest, he started from scratch with a broken iron sword and became the current five The head of the door is definitely a character, and he is also the one who is mainly taken care of by the prince. Now it is almost certain that he is going to take refuge with the prince.

Because of this, he sent his son Zheng Chengyong to let him see in Daliang City to see how the prince's final sincerity was.

These few days, Li Yuan and Eunuch Chen have been taking Zheng Chengyong to eat, drink, and have fun. They just want to win over the other party and understand it, so that Tiejianmen can sincerely belong to His Royal Highness.

It's just that this young master Zheng has never seen the market, and he is obsessed with wine, sex, wealth and temperament, like a ghost in color. Some of his actions in the past few days have made Li Yuan feel embarrassed to the extreme. Instructed, he didn't want to wander around with such a waste.

Eunuch Chen said slowly: "Calm down, His Royal Highness is only for his father Zheng Tiantu, the worst Zheng Chengyong is, the better, as long as he is captured, Tiejianmen will definitely stand on His Royal Highness's side.

Five gates, eight schools, eleven factions, and twenty-three villages. As long as most of these forces are on our side, His Royal Highness will be considered a success. Tiejianmen is the first of the five gates, and it is the target we must recruit. "

Li Yuan snorted softly: "I know, then let him stay here for another day, I have never seen a bumpkin in the market, such a bustling scene as Daliang City, he can't enjoy it in the southwest. ."

At this moment, Li Yuan suddenly thought of something, he took out a brocade box and handed it to Eunuch Chen: "Eunuch Chen, this is the black pearl from the South China Sea that His Highness asked me to collect last time. He said that it was to be handed over to Miss Qingqing. It's not suitable to enter Miss Qingqing's boudoir, so please ask Eunuch Chen to help hand it over."

Hearing what Li Yuan said, Eunuch Chen immediately frowned.

That girl Qingqing was the top oiran of the Cuiyu Pavilion, Han Qingqing. She was spotted by His Royal Highness the Prince earlier, and since then she has become the prohibition of His Royal Highness. She no longer entertains guests, but still lives in the Cuiyu Pavilion.

It's not that Lu Longji is stingy, but that he is a prince after all. Even if he takes a commoner as his concubine, it's easy to talk about it, but marrying a dusty woman is hard to talk about, so he can only go on secretly.

Eunuch Chen frowned and said: "His Royal Highness has many opponents. At this time, he should concentrate on developing his own strength. What's the matter with being infatuated with a dusty woman all day? Not to mention the influence of energy, it is easy to be caught, Li Yuan, this one. You have to find an opportunity to talk to His Royal Highness the Prince properly."

Li Yuan just smiled and didn't say much.

It wasn't the first day that he hung out in front of the prince. Naturally, he knew what to say and what not to say.

Regarding the private matter of His Royal Highness looking for a woman, others say he can't control it, but Li Yuan himself will definitely not say it anyway.

Eunuch Chen is also a cunning and cunning person. He glanced at Li Yuan's expression and knew what he meant, but he didn't say much, just snorted lightly, took the brocade box and turned away, and Li Yuan also followed. .

At this time, in the box of Chu Xiu and the others, Chu Xiu took back his soul net, and Eunuch Li said with a gloomy expression, "I didn't expect that the crown prince has already accomplished this step, Lord Chu, what should we do now? it is good?"

Chu Xiu didn't speak, but made a silent gesture to Eunuch Li.

At this time, both Li Yuan and Eunuch Chen had already left, and Zheng Chengyong was playing with women here, and they had no intention of watching.

Therefore, Chu Xiu appeared in the Cuiyu Pavilion swaggeringly.

He opened the door of Zheng Chengyong's box, and a flesh-colored wave rushed toward his face, towering and bumpy, and those who saw it were dizzy.

Zheng Chengyong is quite good at playing with one against ten, but Chu Xiu's heart is not disturbed.

Chu Xiu was someone who had seen the world before crossing the road. What movie did he not watch, and what gameplay did he not see? Zheng Chengyong can only be considered trivial.

Suddenly being interrupted, Zheng Chengyong was taken aback, but before he could scold him, he saw that Chu Xiu's eyes were like a deep pool, and he was completely pulled into it. The other women also fell into a deep sleep.

Using the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa to deal with a warrior who is not even in the innate realm is too childish. At this time, Zheng Chengyong is like a puppet in Chu Xiu's hands, and he has no sense of autonomy.

Putting on his clothes, Zheng Chengyong followed Chu Xiu nonchalantly, and went straight to the top floor of Cuiyu Pavilion, and the top floor was closed to the public for a long time, because it was the residence of Han Qingqing, the leading oiran.

The prince was very kind to Han Qingqing, and he even sent two innate warriors to guard here, but in the face of Chu Xiu, these two warriors didn't even say a word, and they were completely destroyed by the heaven and earth. Control, wash away this memory, they will not remember that someone has come to the top floor.

At this moment, in the house on the top floor, a beautiful woman was playing with the black pearls in the brocade box, with surprise in her eyes.

This woman is Han Qingqing. Although she is the top oiran of Cuiyu Pavilion, a prostitute is a prostitute. Han Qingqing never imagined that one day she would be favored by the prince.

Even at this time, Han Qingqing was still fantasizing about whether he would succeed in ascending the throne in the future and become that crown princess?

At this moment, the house was pushed away, and as soon as Han Qingqing raised her head, she met a pair of dark completely lost consciousness.

Chu Xiu patted Zheng Chengyong on the shoulder, then Zheng Chengyong immediately rushed towards Han Qingqing, while Chu Xiu turned around and went out, closing the door, and there were bursts of gasps from inside.

In just a few minutes, Chu Xiu opened the door when he heard the sound of breathing inside, and saw Zheng Chengyong still hugging the unconscious Han Qingqing with a confused expression, he thought he was doing it illusion.

As a bumpkin from the wild land in the southwest, where has Zheng Chengyong seen such prosperous places as Daliang City? Almost as soon as he came here, he was a little reluctant to think about it.

And when Li Yuan brought him to Cuiyu Pavilion, he also met Han Qingqing once. At that time, Zheng Chengyong wanted to sleep with this woman, but Li Yuan warned him severely, because this is the woman of His Royal Highness, who would touch this woman? , who died.

As the top oiran of the Cuiyu Pavilion, Han Qingqing's appearance is naturally the top one in the Cuiyu Pavilion. Since then, Zheng Chengyong has been thinking about it.

But although Zheng Chengyong is a waste, he is not an idiot. He knows what women can touch and what women cannot touch.

But who knew that when he woke up this time, the women around him were gone, and he was hugging Han Qingqing. Could it be that he was still having a spring dream?

At this moment, seeing Chu Xiu push the door in, Zheng Chengyong suddenly thought of something, just as he was about to exclaim, Chu Xiu directly revealed his aura of the unity of heaven and man, and the aura he had condensed. The powerful blood evil spirit lingered around him, and that murderous intent made Zheng Chengyong feel chills all over his body.

Looking at Zheng Chengyong, Chu Xiu said lightly: "The first thing, shut up.

Second thing, get dressed, I don't like talking to naked men.

If you can't do these two things, I'll kill you. "


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