Meet The Leader

Chapter 474: Poison

The Southwest Iron Sword Gate is located in the Cangyang Mansion in the southwest, and it can be regarded as one of the largest sects in the southwest.

Cangyang Mansion is a rare large state mansion in the southwest. The fact that Tiejianmen can establish a sect in this Cangyang Mansion is enough to prove the strength of Tiejianmen.

You must know that it is very difficult to have a martial arts master in a desolate place like the southwest. It is not easy for Tiejianmen to have a master like Zheng Tiantu who has stepped into the realm of a half-step martial arts master.

Moreover, even if there is a martial arts master in the southwest, most of them will not be able to keep them. Those martial arts masters either choose to go to the Central Plains, or they will move their sects to the Central Plains instead of staying in the remote areas of the Southwest. savage land.

Zheng Tiantu already has this idea now. He is in his prime at this time, and there is a certain possibility that he will step into the realm of martial arts masters in the future. Therefore, Zheng Tiantu chose to agree to the Prince's solicitation to prepare for the future.

If he can really step into the realm of martial arts masters in the future, he will be ready to move Tiejianmen into the Central Plains.

But he has no foundation in the Central Plains, and if he is unfamiliar with his life, it would be much simpler if he had the help of Crown Prince Lu Longji.

The Southwest is always too small, only the Central Plains is his goal!

At this moment, in the Iron Sword Gate, Zheng Tiantu was wiping a seemingly ordinary wide-bladed iron sword.

Zheng Tiantu is more than sixty years old this year. For his realm, he is still in his prime. In the past, he relied on this iron sword to lay the foundation of the current Iron Sword Sect. This ordinary iron sword was also continuously added by him. Good materials go to some refining masters to rebuild, and finally turn an ordinary soldier into a treasured soldier.

It's just that the only thing Zheng Tiantu is worried about now is his son.

Zheng Chengyong's own talent is not very good, and because Zheng Tiantu was still devoted to the foundation of Tiejianmen when Zheng Chengyong was young, he was a little neglected in discipline, which led to Zheng Chengyong's own bad problems.

Now that he looks like this, how can he rest assured that he will pass the Iron Sword Sect to him in the future? So this time Zheng Tiantu sent Zheng Chengyong to Daliang City, not only to see the sincerity of the prince, but also to let Zheng Chengyong get to know the prince, so that he would have a backer in the future.

At this moment, someone reported that Zheng Chengyong was back, and Zheng Tiantu immediately asked Zheng Chengyong to be brought in. He asked with a smile on his face, "How is the scenery of Daliang City? How does His Royal Highness feel about your senses?"

Zheng Chengyong grimaced and said in despair, "Father, I've made a big disaster!"

Zheng Tiantu's expression changed suddenly, and he said quickly, "What's the matter? What did you do?"

After Zheng Chengyong told Zheng Tiantu what had happened, Zheng Tiantu's face was already as black as ink, he slapped Zheng Chengyong's face directly, and scolded: "You are something that is more than enough to fail. !"

Zheng Tiantu has been very fond of Zheng Chengyong since he was a child, and he has rarely beaten him, but this time Zheng Tiantu really couldn't help it.

This idiot was obviously plotted, causing their Tiejianmen to be drawn into the struggle between the prince and the second prince.

And flies don't bite seamless eggs. Now that Zheng Chengyong has fallen into this field, it is entirely his own fault.

Zheng Tiantu asked him to go to Daliang City to see the sincerity of the prince, and he went to have a relationship with the prince by the way. As a result, he was so good, he even spent the whole day eating, drinking and sleeping in Daliang City!

Zheng Chengyong didn't dare to refute when he was beaten, he just covered his face and said pitifully: "Father, what should we do now? This matter is still revealed, if the prince finds out, we will be finished. It's gone!"

Zheng Tiantu pondered for a moment, then he said solemnly: "The person who calculated you said that he is the person of the second prince?"

Zheng Chengyong nodded again and again.

Zheng Tiantu snorted coldly and said: "Now we don't know whether that person is the second prince's person or someone else, he just wants to provoke the relationship between the second prince and the crown prince.

However, there is still room for recovery. People in the world say that His Royal Highness has a big heart. Let's be honest, His Royal Highness should not blame us for this matter. He also knows that you are also a victim. "

Zheng Chengyong said cautiously: "But Dad, what should we do if His Royal Highness is not open-minded in this matter?"

Although Zheng Chengyong is an idiot, he also knows the truth of saving others by himself.

Anyway, if it is him, whoever dares to give him a green hat, then he will definitely want to smash the other party's corpse into ten thousand pieces, and then he will care whether he is broad-minded or not?

Zheng Tiantu sneered: "Those who can achieve great things should be able to endure things that ordinary people can't bear, do you think His Royal Highness is you?

Moreover, in other words, if the Crown Prince really blames me Tie Jian Sect at this time, it will prove that I am wrong. The Crown Prince is a person with a small stomach and ignores the overall situation for the sake of women.

Such a person is not worth my Tiejianmen to take refuge in. When the time comes, we will find that person and the second prince will take refuge. "

But at this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

"Tsk tsk, Sect Master Zheng is worthy of being an old river and lake. He understands this matter, and is very shrewd. If the abacus is played on both sides, the other side will not suffer.

It's just a pity, Sect Master Zheng, you are a little too shrewd, but you don't know that such things as standing in line can't tolerate the two ends of the rat's head. "

Chu Xiu pushed open the door and appeared in the house aboveboard.

The moment Zheng Chengyong saw Chu Xiu, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he hurriedly shouted: "It's him! It's him!"

Zheng Tiantu's complexion changed slightly, his whole body burst with qi, and he suddenly held the iron sword beside him.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly took a step forward. This step happened to be right next to the place where Zheng Tiantu's qi machine was about to explode. If there was no Chu Xiu's step, Zheng Tiantu's sword should have been unsheathed towards that place. Chopping here!

Zheng Tiantu's brows suddenly wrinkled, the long sword in his hand had just moved a little bit, and he felt a strange air shroud him, as if no matter how he shot, he had completely fallen into the opponent's control. among!

In such a small place in the house, Chu Xiu's power of Wang Qi technique was almost exerted to the extreme. Even a master like Zheng Tiantu, who had reached the realm of a half-step master, was forced by Chu Xiu to the point where he did not dare to dare. The point of doing it without authorization.

Zheng Tiantu let out a long breath and said coldly, "Who the **** are you?"

The man in front of him was so young and had such strength. He broke into Tiejianmen alone, and his disciples didn't even report any abnormality. Zheng Tiantu believed that this man was definitely not an unknown person.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "My name is Chu Xiu. Sect Master Zheng should have heard of my name, but it's not important anymore. I'm only here on behalf of the Second Prince."

Hearing the words Chu Xiu, Zheng Tiantu's eyes suddenly showed a dignified color.

Unlike other old people in Jianghu who don't care about the younger generation, Zheng Tiantu thinks that he is still in his prime. Even though he is in a wild place like the southwest, he is very concerned about the news of some younger generation in Jianghu.

Chu Xiu is undoubtedly the one who has risen the fastest among the younger generation in the Jianghu in the past few years. Even though Chu Xiu only has five Qi Chaoyuan Realm, but there are not one or two warriors who died in his hands.

At least due to Chu Xiu's miraculous state just now, he was forced to dare not make a move rashly, and Zheng Tiantu had already regarded Chu Xiu as an opponent of the same level.

Taking a deep breath, Zheng Tiantu said coldly: "What exactly does the second prince want to do? My Tiejianmen has not officially joined the prince's command yet, so you all used these conspiracies to frame me, this is to push me completely. To the prince's side?"

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Sect Master Zheng, I've already appeared here, are you still talking about these illusory and condescending things?

Mingren don't speak secretly, I know your choice of Tiejianmen, just now, you are still planning on the two ends of the mouse's head, do you think I will believe what you say?

Now your precious son is the woman who moved the prince. Even if the prince is really broad-minded and forgives you, he will look at your Tiejianmen, especially your son, in the future, won't he feel uncomfortable?

I believe that except for some guys with special hobbies, being given a green hat is unbearable for any man.

Besides, it is useless even if the prince really endures it. Now only a few people know about this matter. If you Tiejianmen want to rely on the prince, then I will spread the news thoroughly. , you know the consequences. "

Zheng Tiantu looked at Chu Xiu with a strong murderous intent in his eyes, and spit out a sentence from between his teeth: "You are so cruel!"

If this news spreads out, Chu Xiu is forcing the prince to kill them!

It's not a glorious thing to be given a green hat, even if the prince temporarily endures it for the sake of the overall situation, but if this matter is spread with great fanfare, the prince will kill them even for his own reputation.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Sect Master Zheng, with all due respect, you chose to take refuge with the Crown Prince simply because you wanted to find a way out for Tiejianmen and a future for yourself.

If you only seek this, then there is not much difference between the prince and the second prince, the prince just occupies a righteous name.

But Sect Master Zheng thinks about it carefully. Even if the prince occupies the title of righteousness and the title of prince, the second prince can still be on an equal footing with the prince. From this, we can see the gap between the two. Go to such a person. , is it really promising?

Now the right to choose is in your hands, Sect Master Zheng, whether to rely on the Crown Prince or turn to the Second Prince, you can decide between these two choices, Sect Master Zheng. "

Zheng Tiantu narrowed his eyes and said, "Actually, I have a third choice."

"What choice?"

"Kill you!" Zheng Tiantu clenched the iron sword in his hand, and there was a ray of murderous intent on his body.

But Chu Xiu just smiled and said indifferently: "There are many people in this world who want to kill me, but unfortunately most of them fail to kill me. Now you, Zheng Clan, want to try?"


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