Meet The Leader

Chapter 475: drastic means

ps: Thanks to the book friend Jiguang Hugong for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

In the end, Zheng Tiantu did not choose to attack Chu Xiu.

One is that things have come to this point, and even killing Chu Xiu is meaningless. There must be other people on the Second Prince's side who are doing this.

In addition, Zheng Tiantu did not have much confidence in Chu Xiu.

Although it was said that his realm far surpassed that of Chu Xiu, Zheng Tiantu couldn't say for sure how much fighting power Chu Xiu, who had a great reputation in the world, would be able to exert.

He is cautious, and would rather believe the saying that there is no falsehood under the reputation.

Putting down the iron sword in his hand, Zheng Tiantu said slumped: "Now that it has reached this level, do I have any other choice? I just want to know, what exactly does the second prince want to do?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "The second prince's thinking is very simple, it's not what he wants to do, but what he doesn't want the prince to do.

In the southwest, there are five schools, eight schools, eleven factions, twenty-three villages, and they have all decided to defect to the prince? "

Zheng Tiantu shook his head and said, "That's not true, there are more people watching, but a force like mine, Tiejianmen, which ranks in the southwest, has already been contacted by the prince's people in advance, and almost all of them already have it. The meaning of being under the command of the prince.

After a month, the Prince's people will personally come to the Wangtian Cave on the Southwest Goddess Peak, and gather the leaders of the five schools, eight schools, eleven schools and twenty-three villages to participate in the alliance.

At that time, who will invest in the prince's side, and who will remain neutral, only then will we find out.

Having said that, Zheng Tiantu couldn't help but glance at Chu Xiu and said, "The prince has been planning this matter since a few months ago, and you have only started to block it now, it is already too late.

Among these sects in the front of the southwest, there may be many sects who have already made up their minds to stand on the side of the prince. Even if you calculate me at this time, it is useless, even if my Tiejianmen is openly opposed, but Among the dozens of forces in the entire southwest, the influence of my Tiejianmen is also limited, and the entire southwest will still belong to the prince. "

In fact, if there is no Chu Xiu's layout, Zheng Tiantu will not go to any second prince if he is good.

After all, the prince's people have been here many times before, and everything has been negotiated, and they will officially start to belong to the prince when they meet the alliance.

As a result, he was tricked by Chu Xiu once, and he no longer had the possibility of relying on the prince, so he could only helplessly stand on the side of the second prince.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "It's too late? Not too late, just right.

Your Tiejianmen is a major faction in the Southwest, and naturally you also know the detailed information of other forces.

Tell me everything you can know, and you don't have to worry about the rest. You only need to know which side you want to stand on when you are in the alliance, and that's enough. "

Zheng Tiantu couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to do?"

After Chu Xiu told his plan, Zheng Tiantu's face suddenly became horrified, and he couldn't help saying: "Mad! You do this, do you know how many people will die in the southwest? Why would you be willing to be loyal to the second prince?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "You also said that there is still a month before the meeting will start. If that's the case, then I can only choose to use this method. It's a big deal and it's not trivial. Anyway, the second prince can't get it. , the prince can't get the same."

After getting the news from Zheng Tiantu, Chu Xiu left directly.

He is not really a person of the second prince. Are these sect forces in the southwest really loyal to the second prince, and what does it have to do with him?

Chu Xiu's purpose was just to attack the prince and kill Li Yuan by the way. Other things were just incidental.

Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi had to avoid the prince's eyes because they were with their subordinates, so their speed was relatively slow, and they didn't rush over until three days later.

At this time, Chu Xiu was very leisurely. Although most of the southwest was wild and dense forest, it also produced a lot of good things.

Right now, Chu Xiu was drinking the Baiguo wine, a specialty of the Southwest, in a restaurant in Cangyang Mansion, and tasting the strange delicacies here.

For example, some ferocious beasts that are very difficult to see in the outside world, as well as some strange bugs and snakes, etc., these are the specialties of the Southwest.

Seeing Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi coming, Chu Xiu also greeted them and said, "Eunuch Li, Master Fang, come over and taste the deliciousness of these southwestern specialties. Although they don't look very good, they are worth eating. Well, it's still pretty good."

At this time, Eunuch Li was not in the mood to taste the delicious food. After seeing Chu Xiu, Eunuch Li hadn't even sat down yet, so he immediately asked, "Master Chu, what's the matter? Did Tiejianmen promise to stand on the second floor? The prince here?"

Chu Xiu poured a glass of wine for the two of them, and then said, "I have good news and bad news here. I don't know which Eunuch Li wants to hear?"

Eunuch Li frowned and said, "Okay."

Chu Xiu said: "The good news is that Tiejianmen has been settled, and they will stand firm on the side of the second prince, otherwise, the ending will only be death."

"What about the bad news?"

Chu Xiu spread his hands and said: "The bad news is that the prince's deployment in the southwest is longer than we thought, and even some of the top-ranking princes have been in contact with the Jianghu forces in the entire southwest, and it's less than a month. Later, the prince's side will send people to the southwest to participate in the alliance. At that time, five schools, eight schools, eleven factions, and twenty-three villages will come to participate, confirming that the entire southwest region is under the prince's command.

Since the prince is so confident, all the forces similar to Tiejianmen should be ready to join the prince's command.

People all have the mentality of blind obedience. When this group of people speaks together, the rest of the forces will follow. "

Hearing this, Eunuch Li immediately said anxiously: "Then you still have the heart to drink and eat here? Why don't you think about countermeasures sooner?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Eunuch Li, don't worry, the countermeasures have already been prepared, but they are a little intense. I am afraid that it will have some impact on the reputation of His Royal Highness."

Eunuch Li frowned, "What's the plan?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The strategy is actually very simple, pull a group, kill a group, and then let the forces in the northwest fight within themselves, plus the strength we bring, it is guaranteed that the crown prince's plan will be completely ruined.

But it's only less than a month away. We want to pull up a sect of the level of Tiejianmen to stand on our side within a month. One is fine, and both are a bit laborious. We don't have enough time to make the layout, so As for my methods, it may be a little more intense. Those forces that were forcibly pulled by my methods may not be loyal to the Second Prince with sincerity.

So whether to do this or not, it is up to Eunuch Li and Master Fang to make a decision. "

Fang Zhenqi didn't speak. In fact, under the command of the second prince, he only wanted to kill people and didn't touch anything else.

Eunuch Li was the second prince's personal eunuch, so he naturally had to make the decision.

Eunuch Li thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Since Mr. Chu is sure, then follow what you said, Mr. Chu, and Fang Zhenqi and I will help."

A smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face, what he wanted was Eunuch Li's words.

Since then, if something happens again in the future, then Chu Xiu won't be able to find him.

There are five schools, eight schools, eleven schools, twenty-three villages, and Chu Xiu cannot solve them one by one, so he only needs to find one. This time, Chu Xiu chose Liu Fenggu Liu, one of the eight schools. Family.

Falling Maple Valley is not small in the southwest. There are maple trees all over the place. When autumn comes every year, Falling Maple Valley is a maple red color.

But it was midsummer at this time, and Chu Xiu and others couldn't see this kind of beauty.

Chu Xiu brought Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi directly into Luofeng Valley, and asked to see the Liu family's patriarch by name, but he didn't even say who he was.

The disciples of the Liu family, who were originally guarding the gate, did not want to let Chu Xiu and others in, but as Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi released their aura of harmony between man and nature, the head of the Liu family came out to greet them in person, and politely greeted the three. Everyone was invited into the meeting room.

There are currently no martial arts masters in the southwest, so the warriors of the unity of heaven and man are considered masters, and the two warriors of the unity of nature and man should be treated with caution even by the Liu family.

In the Liu family council hall, Liu Ji, the head of the Liu family, is an old man in his 80s. They have not yet stepped down as the head of the family at such an old age. It is entirely because the next generation of the Liu family is a bit unsatisfactory, so he can only For the time being, I will continue to be the head of the family and see if I can find a suitable heir while I am still

Liu Ji smiled and said, "Dare to ask the three honorable names, why did you come to my Liu Family in Luofenggu?"

Chu Xiu pointed at Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi, and said with a smile on his face: "This is the personal **** supervisor of His Royal Highness, Eunuch Li, and this one is a general of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army's breaking front battalion, Fang Zhen Lord Qifang."

Originally, when Liu Ji saw that Chu Xiu, who was the lowest among the three, spoke first, he was a little strange, but after Chu Xiu revealed the identity of Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li, Liu Ji secretly said that it was not good.

He knew about the relationship between the prince and the second prince, but now the people of the second prince came to the door. Liu Ji didn't have to think about it, he knew that this was not a good thing.

So Liu Ji immediately forced a smile and said, "Three..."

However, Liu Ji was interrupted by Chu Xiu before he could finish speaking.

"Patriarch Liu doesn't need to say more, I know what you want to say."

With that said, Chu Xiu began to take things out of the secret box. Of course, it was not his own, but from Eunuch Li.

"This is the Taoist secret scripture of the six-turn exercise "Dao Yun Qingxin Jue", which can wash the marrow and cut the hair, and cultivate the foundation. I heard that the descendants of the Liu family are weak, this exercise is just right.

There are also ten bottles of six-turn elixir, five hundred taels of purple gold, and ten five-turn treasures produced by Shenbing Pavilion. "

After taking out these things, Chu Xiu stared at Liu Ji and said lightly: "Patriarch Liu, this is a gift from the second prince to you, accept it, your Liu family is the friend of the second prince.

If you refuse, I will slaughter your Liu family according to the value of these gifts. The Liu family master thinks that the lives of all your Liu family members are worth these gifts? Will there still be a living mouth? "


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