Meet The Leader

Chapter 476: kidnapping

Everyone has seen the threat person, whether it is Liu Ji, the head of the Liu family, or Eunuch Li or Fang Zhenqi, they are all old rivers and lakes, and they are no strangers to this kind of thing.

But they had never seen someone as fresh and refined as Chu Xiu threatened people.

And Chu Xiu is no longer a threat, it's almost like an ultimatum.

Liu Ji's old face turned red, of course, he was not excited, but angry.

What's the difference between Chu Xiu's actions and robbers? Is this a gift? Almost dead.

But at this time, Liu Ji really didn't know what to say, because this was a multiple-choice question.

Looking at the gifts placed on the table, if it was normal, Liu Ji must be ecstatic, but at this time, those things only made him feel hot, as hot as life!

He has already promised the prince, so is he going to betray now?

Of course, if he didn't betray, then these gifts that bought him would turn into deadly money.

Liu Ji has been fighting in this southwestern land for decades, and he is also someone who has experienced countless fights. He saw a killing intent in Chu Xiu's eyes, an indifferent killing intent.

People with such eyes will not take human life seriously. They are more terrifying than those who look fierce and threaten to kill this and that at every turn.

Therefore, Liu Ji believed that if he refused, the other party would really dare to slaughter his Liu family with someone now!

Facing Chu Xiu's indifferent gaze, Liu Ji smiled bitterly and put away those things one by one.

If the prince's people were in the southwest at this time, he still had the intention of asking for help.

But the prince's people will not arrive until a month later. At that time, it is estimated that the prince's people can only collect the body for him!

A smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face and said: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and you are Junjie, Master Liu. When you meet the alliance, you should know which side you are on."

After speaking, Chu Xiu left directly with Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi, leaving behind only Liu Ji with a complicated face.

After leaving the Liu family, Eunuch Li said with some doubts: "Master Chu, if the Liu family has received something, they will really stand by our side? What if they go back on their words?"

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Repent? He didn't dare, he betrayed the prince by taking our things. Even if he immediately went to explain to the prince, his impression of a betrayer was that he had stayed with the prince. Psychologically, even if the prince says he trusts him, does Liu Ji dare to fully believe that the prince believes him?"

What Chu Xiu said was the same as a tongue twister, but Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi were not stupid, they both understood immediately.

This is indeed the case. Now if Liu Ji takes their things and then betrays them, it will be unflattering on both sides, offending the prince and offending the second prince. As long as one of them is angry, no one can help him carry it.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Li also glanced at Chu Xiu subconsciously, and I have to say that this Chu Xiu really has a ruthless energy.

Without any hesitation, just go straight to the point, as long as the target is identified, a major force has been solved in one day, which is quite abundant for them in less than a month.

Although this process is indeed a bit difficult to talk about, now Liu Ji is definitely yelling at the three of them in his heart, but these are not important, the result is the most important.

Chu Xiu looked to the east and said solemnly: "The next family, order Cangshan Mountain and Cangjian Sect, but before you go, I have to trouble the two of you to make a cameo appearance as a kidnapper."

Eunuch Li frowned and said, "Who is tied?"

"The Sect Master of Diancangjian Sect, the three sons of 'Wind Chasing Divine Sword' Han Qianting, according to the information I got from Tiejianmen, all three of his sons are unwilling to cultivate in Diancang Mountain. Every month Going out for a day.

Seize the time of the day and kidnap these three people silently, without disturbing anyone, and only the two are the most reliable. "

For Chu Xiu's task, Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi both resisted.

After all, they are also well-known figures, but now they are going to guest-star as kidnappers, which is a bit pricey.

But now the matter of destroying the prince's side is the key.

Five days later, in Diancang Mountain Diancang Jianzong, Han Qianting, the head of Diancangjianzong, stood on the back cliff of Diancang Mountain, frowning tightly.

Although his three sons did not live up to their expectations, they also knew the importance. They usually went down the mountain to play, and they would come back in a day. As a result, it has been two days now, but they haven't even seen a shadow.

"Diancangshan is a famous mountain in the southwest, but I think with your mood, Sect Master Han, I don't think you have time to appreciate the scenery of Diancangshan. It's a pity."

The moment he heard this voice, Han Qianting was startled, looked at a young warrior who suddenly appeared behind him, and shouted: "How did you get in here?"

Diancang Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Except for a small road up the mountain, it is surrounded by cliffs.

This is the forbidden area in the back mountain of Cangjian Sect. Only the disciples of Cangjian Sect are qualified to enter. How did this stranger enter here through the investigation of so many Cangjian Sect disciples?

Chu Xiu walked forward step by step, like a sect of the level of the Cangjian Sect, it would be fine if there was no martial arts master to guard, not even a formation. With Chu Xiu's current spiritual cultivation, he entered this place. There is simply no difficulty in this kind of place.

Making a booing gesture at Han Qianting, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Sect Master Han, keep your voice down, and don't attract others. Could it be the lives of your three sons, don't you want them?"

Saying that, Chu Xiu took out three jade pendants, and the jade pendants turned out to be blood-red and looked very magnificent.

These three pieces of blood jade were gifts from Han Qianting to his three sons, which could nourish his blood. The shapes were all carved by him, so Han Qianting recognized it at a glance. It was exactly what belonged to his son.

Han Qianting's expression suddenly changed, and he whispered sharply: "What did you do to my three children?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "It's nothing, I just invited them to be guests, but what will happen to them in the future, then I can't guarantee it, it all depends on your attitude, Sect Master Han."

Han Qianting said angrily: "The rules of the rivers and lakes are not as bad as the family. Who are you?"

"Can't hurt your family?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Sect Master Han, you are wrong, and it affects your whole body. When you make certain decisions, you and your family have already been implicated, so what a human being. , it is better to be cautious.

As for who I am, it doesn't matter, you just need to know that I am the second prince's person, that's enough. "

Han Qianting understood all of this in an instant, and he said coldly: "Second prince, dignified prince, I didn't expect to act so despicable!"

Chu Xiu shrugged and didn't care. Anyway, Han Qianting was scolding the second prince, not him.

Looking at Han Qianting, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Sect Master Han calm down, some things are not bad.

As far as I know, the talents of the three sons of Sect Master Han are not that strong. In your lifetime, Sect Master Han, can the next generation of the Cangjian Sect let your three sons inherit it? This is an unknown.

The sect is not an aristocratic family, and the Cangjian Sect is not owned by Sect Master Han alone. For the benefit of the entire Cangjian Sect, is it worth noting your own son? "

Han Qianting gritted his teeth and said, "What does the second prince want?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "It's very simple, when the alliance will meet in a month's time, it's enough to point Cangjianzong to stand on the second prince's side.

Sect Master Han doesn't need to worry, the three young masters are all safe, and there are masters instructing their martial arts.

After the completion of the matter, the three sons will definitely return to Diancang Mountain safely, and if Sect Master Han needs it, the second prince will also support Sect Master Han in the future, so that one of your three sons can successfully inherit the Diancang Sword Sect. "

Han Qianting's face was cloudy and uncertain, Chu Xiu didn't say much, he just said lightly: "Now Sect Master Han doesn't have to worry about making any promises to me.

When it comes to the meeting, just look at Sect Master Han's performance. Anyway, as long as Sect Master Han you remember a little bit, that is the lives of your three sons, but they are all in your hands. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and went down the mountain without looking at Han Qianting's expression.

Chu Xiu had a 90% certainty that Han Qianting would choose to agree to his The difference between the sect and the aristocratic family was that the aristocratic family was a whole made up of blood.

The sect is biased towards individuals. Han Qianting is only the suzerain of the Cangjian Sect, and the Cangjian Sect does not represent Han Qianting. The future of his own son and the sect is more important, needless to say.

In the information Zheng Tiantu gave to Chu Xiu, this Sect Master Han was not the kind of hero who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the sect. On the contrary, he always wanted his son to take over the position of Sect Master.

After descending Cangshan, Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi were waiting for him below.

"Is it all right?" Eunuch Li asked.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Eunuch Li, without absolute certainty, I will not shoot.

There is only one left now, and you can just pick one from the Twenty-Three Villages. "

Eunuch Li looked a little depressed and said, "What are you going to do this time? Could it be that you want our family to kidnap the ticket again?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, this time it's very simple, just throw it in money.

Most of the bandits in Twenty-Three Villages are a mob, and what they want is very simple, that is, profit.

Moreover, the prince himself did not pay much attention to these bandits, and the effort he put into them was far less than that of Tie Jianmen and others.

Therefore, as long as we spend money, we can directly smash a cottage that belongs to the second prince. "

Eunuch Li frowned and said, "But people who use money to make money, are they reliable?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Of course it's reliable. Bandits are just greedy, not idiots. Since we can buy them with so much money, that means we can also spend so much money to slaughter them!"


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