Meet The Leader

Chapter 477: throw money

The martial arts forces in the southwest are generally not strong, and the bandits are even more rabble.

In fact, the existence of this gang of bandits in the southwest region is longer than those of the local martial arts forces. After all, this place was deserted at first, and it was not until the trade route was opened up that it became popular.

And where there are trade routes, there is an indispensable type of person, and that is bandits.

It's just that these bandits have no plans, and most of them have an attitude of passing by, and even they are still killing each other, so after so many years, there is no bandit force that can be taken out, and most of them are still just rabble.

But think about it, it's normal. Bandits are inherently insufficient. For example, the rise of the thirty-six giant bandits in the north has been a rare event for thousands of years. Bandits in other places can only be regarded as Small fights.

Chu Xiu and Eunuch Li chose Qingfengzhai, the stronger one among the twenty-three villages.

Song Qian, the bandit leader of Qingfengzhai, the "Scholar with Smiling Face", is also interesting. He not only looks like a scholar, but also because he is a scholar himself.

It is said that in his early years, Song Qian was only a landed scholar. He was poor and had no money to study, so he could only run as an accountant for the caravan, but he was robbed by bandits on the way, and he was taken away by the bandits and used as an accountant for the cottage. gentlemen.

Later, because he came up with a good idea for the cottage, the power of the cottage soared. Song Qian also changed from the accountant to the military advisor, and also got the opportunity to practice martial arts.

And Song Qian didn't expect that he, a weak scholar, had a good talent in martial arts, and it took only more than 20 years to reach the realm of unity between heaven and man, so he found an opportunity to directly kill the previous village owner. The cottage was renamed Qingfengzhai until today.

This time, Chu Xiu and others boarded Qingfengzhai and felt the strength of the three, so Song Qian came out to greet them in person.

Although he became the owner of the village, Song Qian was still wearing a scholar's uniform and his elegant appearance. At this time, he didn't seem like a bandit leader, but a teacher.

"I don't know why the three came to my Qingfeng Village? But the people under my command robbed the goods of the three by mistake? Don't worry, I will send them back, and I will send them back." Song Qian bowed his hands politely, Stance is very low.

Some caravans traveling to and from the southwest are active, and some are immobile.

For example, those caravans from major forces have a strong defense force. Not to mention whether they can move, even if they do, they will be retaliated by the other party in the future.

Therefore, the bandits in Twenty-Three Villages are changing very fast, and maybe one day someone else will directly destroy the cottage and destroy it.

Because of this, after Song Qian became the owner of the village, he set the rules, only robbing things and not killing people, and he must never do anything.

And after grabbing something, you can't use it right away, but store it first, wait for a few months, and see that no one comes to retaliate, then you can spend it.

If someone comes, then lower your stance, return the things, and then apologize.

Anyway, for these bandits, they can't eat such a thing as face, so what's the use of him?

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Master Song guessed wrong. We didn't come to ask for something, but to give it away."

With that said, Chu Xiu began to hold the purple gold piece by piece from the outside.

Not to mention, this scene is quite shocking, at least for a bandit leader like Song Lian, he has never seen so much Zijin in his life.

He has a lot of ordinary gold and silver things, but things like Zijin can be used to form formations, and can be used to refine weapons. It was quite shocking that Chu Xiu melted gold bricks one by one and placed them on the table.

And to be honest, even Chu Xiu himself was moved by these Zijin. Even his tax revenue in the Kansai region was not so much for a year. After all, the prince is the prince, especially the second prince who holds real power. The princes who have the opportunity to land on Dabao, their background is not ordinary deep.

After taking out ten purple gold bricks in a row, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Master Song, these are gifts from the second prince, I don't know, these things are enough for the master of Song to stand on the side of the second prince? Of course, Da Song If the boss said enough, I still have it here."

Song Lian swallowed, and his eyes were almost printed on the purple gold brick.

Song Lian was really surprised when he heard what happened to the second prince, but then he reacted. It doesn't matter whether he is the prince or the second prince, it is the most important thing that he can get the benefits.

And in fact, as Chu Xiu guessed, the prince did not spend too much effort on the bandits of the twenty-three villages.

Compared with some other forces, their twenty-three villages had the most bandits, but they were all rabble. Prince Lu Longji was born with a sense of disgust for these bandits.

And as long as the sects in the southwest land promised to join the prince's command, it doesn't matter whether these bandits surrender or not, they can't make any waves anyway.

So here in Twenty-Three Villages, the confidants of the princes like Eunuch Chen and Li Yuan did not even come in person, but sent a few ordinary subordinates, negotiated the conditions with them, and left after sending some things. .

Song Lian and other bandits from Twenty-Three Villages are useless even if they are dissatisfied. Once the other martial arts forces agree, if the bandits in the Twenty-Three Villages want to do something, I am afraid that the local martial arts forces will be enough to take them down before the prince takes action. All resolved.

So after Chu Xiu took out so many purple gold bricks, Song Lian almost didn't even have to think about it, and immediately leaned towards the second prince.

As for Chu Xiu asking him if he had enough, although Song Lian thought in his heart that he would not have too many purple gold bricks, Song Lian still forced his eyes away from those purple gold bricks and said with a dry smile, "Enough is enough, of course it is enough. ."

He's not an idiot and knows what's going on with insatiable greed.

One hundred purple gold bricks is enough to buy his entire Qingfeng Village. If he is more greedy and takes the opportunity to blackmail the second prince, it is estimated that the end will not be good.

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "Enough is enough. When the alliance will meet in a month's time, what should Master Song do? You know that."

Song Lian nodded hurriedly: "I know, please rest assured, the second prince is so generous, even though he is a bandit, but he also knows the word credit, I will definitely not disappoint His Highness."

Chu Xiu nodded and turned to leave.

Eunuch Li and Fang Zhenqi in the back looked at each other, and they couldn't believe it. It was so easy to get it done? This is also a bit too fast.

Fang Zhenqi was on the mission of killing people, so he was just a little surprised by the time it took Chu Xiu.

But Eunuch Li was different. He stayed by Lu Longguang’s side for so long. Although he was not the most capable of Lu Longguang’s men, he was the person he trusted the most. He participated in a lot of secret tasks and performed them. Not a lot.

The tricks Chu Xiu used made him come, and he could use it as well. Except for the time when he slapped Zheng Chengyong, the others were not very technical.

But what really scares Chu Xiu's methods is his grasp of people's hearts.

Facing different people, it is the most terrifying to use the most appropriate means to make them submit.

No one is invulnerable, as long as these people have a little loophole, they will be caught by Chu Xiu, and then use the most suitable method to break them one by one.

After getting these people, Chu Xiu, Eunuch Li and others went to hide directly in the southwest, and a month later, Li Yuan and Eunchen Chen also brought people to the southwest.

This time, a lot of people came under the prince's command. In addition to Li Yuan and Eunuch Chen, there were also three masters of the unity of nature and man, all of whom were recruited by the prince.

When he came to the southwest again, Li Yuan felt a little high-spirited.

The main people in charge of recruiting and conquering the Southwest are Li Yuan and Eunuch Chen.

This time the matter is done, his status with His Royal Highness the Prince will definitely rise a After arriving in the southwest, Li Yuan did not delay, and directly gave the five doors and eight families eleven He also sent people from Twenty-Three Villages to send invitations, asking them to come to Wangtian Cave on the Goddess Peak to participate in the meeting.

Goddess Peak is very famous in the southwest. According to legend, there was a goddess who ascended here in ancient times, so it was named Goddess Peak.

As for this Wangtian Cave, it is a cave in the Goddess Peak. Because there is a huge opening at the top, you can see the sky when you look up, so it is called Wangtian Cave.

At this time, in Wangtian Cave, the huge cave has been tidy up, and the leaders of the five schools, eight schools, eleven schools, and twenty-three villages are all gathered here, and they are ranked according to their respective forces.

Li Yuan, Eunuch Chen and others stood in the center, and after everyone had arrived, Li Yuan threw his hands at everyone present: "Everyone, although the southwestern land is desolate and barren, it is also my land in Daqi. territory.

You are all starting from scratch, and you have built these foundations in the southwest. It is not easy, and I admire it.

Now that His Royal Highness has been destined to return, he will surely come to the great treasure in the future, so I am ready to invite all the heroes from all corners of the world in the southwest to jointly promote my great state of Qi! "

What Li Yuan said was impassioned, and there was some applause from below, but Li Yuan always felt something was wrong.

Why did some people below react not so fiercely? Since they have already come to participate in the meeting, do they still have any doubts about this matter?

But at this moment, a sneering voice came from outside.

"People started from scratch and saved such a large family business, and the prince took all of them away with a single word, and he even called it a national prestige. Could it be that the prince is planning to take these warriors from the southwest to attack Beiyan?"


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