Meet The Leader

Chapter 478: humiliate oneself

When Chu Xiu appeared in front of Li Yuan, Li Yuan's complexion suddenly changed.

What shocked him was not that Chu Xiu appeared here, but that Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Chen were behind Chu Xiu!

It is self-evident that what this means, Chu Xiu, he actually took refuge in the second prince!

Li Yuan said coldly: "Chu Xiu, if I had known that you had already taken refuge with the second prince, the last time we were in the Luo family, even if Eunuch Chen and I chased and killed you for thousands of miles, we would definitely take your life!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "You have made a mistake about the cause and effect of something, if it wasn't for the trouble you asked me in the Luo family last time, I would not have chosen to help the second prince.

Everyone in the world knows what kind of character I am, Chu Xiu, but I have never been too big-hearted, and being slapped and held back is not my style. "

Seeing the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army and Eunuch Li's men brought by Chu Xiu, Li Yuan couldn't help sneering: "You want to come to trouble me just because of these people? It's just a nonsense! Chu Xiu, you chose the wrong place. !"

Li Yuan didn't know Chu Xiu's layout in the southwest, he thought that Chu Xiu was just following his whereabouts.

If in other places, these people with Chu Xiu suddenly attacked, it would really cause some trouble for him, but now, the warriors in this southwest land, they are all people of His Royal Highness the Prince!

Li Yuandang said solemnly: "Everyone, since you have already chosen to be under the command of His Royal Highness, you should show some sincerity, kill these people, and do it immediately!"

Li Yuan's actions can be considered decisive. In the current situation, only beheading Chu Xiu and killing all these people under the second prince is the most beneficial to His Royal Highness.

If it was in Daliang City, even if Li Yuan had this opportunity, he would not dare to do it, because it was Daliang City.

The Eastern Qi royal family does not prohibit internal fighting, but in the imperial capital, this internal fighting must be controlled within a certain scale. Like now, hundreds of thousands of people are fighting together, in Daliang City, there is no way. things that might happen.

With Li Yuan's angry shout, there were indeed many warriors belonging to the five schools, eight schools, and eleven sects rushing out.

Li Yuan is not only the Tiejianmen family, but those sects have already decided to fall to the prince's side at this time, so at this time, they also want to grab a head and add their own impression in the eyes of the prince. .

And these people are not worried that they will lose at all, their strength has completely crushed Chu Xiu's side.

On the Prince's side, there are four great masters of the unity of nature and man, plus the people from the southwest, there are as many as ten warriors of the unity of nature and man, and on the other hand, what about Chu Xiu? There are only two of them, Eunuch Chen and Fang Zhenqi. It is too simple to solve them.

However, they didn't find out at this time that the sects such as Tiejianmen who had to compete with them in the past, these people didn't even move at all, but a strange look appeared in their eyes.

At this time, Li Yuan also said solemnly to the three guests behind him: "You guys are also shooting!"

One of the three people wondered: "Just relying on the other party, do we still need us to take action? There are only two warriors in the unity of heaven and man, and the other is only in the five qi Chaoyuan realm. These guys from the southwest are not Do you want to grab the credit? Just leave it to them."

Li Yuan snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up! What do you know? That's Chu Xiu, who ranks sixth in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. The weaker martial artist of the unity of heaven and man has no chance of fighting back in front of him. Power, just relying on these stinky fish and rotten shrimps can't kill a master who ranks sixth in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking."

Although Li Yuan now wants to replace the prince to recruit these warriors from the southwest, in fact, Li Yuan really looks down on each other.

The strength of these warriors from the Southwest is not too strong. After all, most of them were born in the grass, and their own practice inheritance is limited. It can be said that the innate disadvantage is here, and no matter how strong they are, they can't be strong.

Li Yuan played against Chu Xiu, although he kept saying that he would teach Chu Xiu a lesson for the prince, but he was not stupid enough to take action himself.

Li Yuan estimated that if he went to fight against Chu Xiu himself, he wouldn't even be able to resist Chu Xiu's three moves.

Right now, God has given him a good opportunity. His strength can be called crushing, but he has the opportunity to completely solve this Chu Xiu!

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Eunuch Chen, Master Fang, let's do it."

When the voice fell, Chu Xiu was the first to rush out, and seeing this scene, some of the warriors in the southwest couldn't help but sneer.

To be honest, most of them really didn't know Chu Xiu's identity. Even if Li Yuan had already called out Chu Xiu's name, they still couldn't remember who Chu Xiu was.

In this wild southwestern land, far away from the Central Plains, for them, the disputes in the Central Plains have nothing to do with them, let alone a young hero like Chu Xiu on the Dragon and Tiger List, I am afraid that even Fuyushan is fighting against the devil. They don't care.

From their point of view, the second prince's subordinates are really unmanned. A warrior of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm jumps like this, and he dares to take the lead. It is simply courting death.

However, as soon as the two sides came into contact, the faces of the warriors in the southwest suddenly became extremely terrified.

The warriors from the southwest were the first to rush up to the patriarch of the Xu family, one of the eight families.

This family head Xu was so eager to make a contribution, and even directly used the secret technique of movement, and killed Chu Xiu first.

He was holding a machete like a full moon in his hand, and there were traces of black awn demonic energy on it, and it was very vicious looking at its appearance.


The patriarch of the Xu family slashed down with a knife, and the demonic energy lingered on the blade, and a dazzling demonic energy knife gang erupted.

It's just that at the moment when he slashed with the knife, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a mocking smile on the face of the young man opposite him.

How dare a warrior of the Five Qi Dynasty Yuanjing dare to mock him? Could this man be an idiot?

But then he realized that the real fool was himself!

At the moment when the head of the Xu family made the knife, Chu Xiu also shot. Facing the fierce magic knife, Chu Xiu squeezed the lion print in his hand, and in an instant, a thunderous roar of Buddha sound exploded. !

Under the thunderbolt of the Buddha's sound, the complexion of the patriarch of the Xu family suddenly changed, and the voice seemed to be resounding in his mind. His head was swelled, and even his blade began to tremble.

"The nine-transformation lion's roar! Is this fellow a lay disciple of the Daguang Temple?"

Some people who didn't know Chu Xiu exclaimed in surprise. After all, the nine-transformation lion's roar in Daguang Temple is very famous in the rivers and lakes, and Chu Xiu's outer lion seal is indeed very similar to the nine-transformation lion's roar, even 80% similar. , it is normal to be mistaken.

On the other hand, Zheng Tiantu, who knew the identity of Chu Xiu, looked a little weird. Is Chu Xiu a disciple of Daguang Temple? It is estimated that the disciples of Daguang Temple could not wait to kill him.

Just then, Chu Xiu's knife was also unsheathed.

The pitch-black Heavenly Demon Dance was drawn out by Chu Xiu, and in an instant, boundless demonic energy gathered on the long knife, and the scarlet blood demonic energy was like a sharp blade, smearing the black sword light with a touch of evil. Bloody Yinhong.

With Chu Xiu's slashing down, the demons cried and the devil roared. It was like a slash from **** that made everyone present change their expressions.

Compared with Chu Xiu's magic knife, the magic knife of the Xu family's patriarch is nothing compared to a great witch. No wonder Chu Xiu will show a mocking smile, use the knife in front of him, and use the magic knife in front of him to bring his own humiliation!

The patriarch of the Xu family also felt the horror of Chu Xiu's magic knife, and even a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. The knife in his hand was reversed, and he wanted to temporarily return to defense and avoid the edge, but it was already too late at this time. , Chu Xiu is no longer ready to give him this chance.

The moment he just changed his offensive, he felt as if he was caught in a big net. All the routes around him that could be avoided were blocked. He had no choice but to resist!


At the moment when the three swords fell from Chu Xiu's nose, the Xu family's patriarch's whole body was instantly engulfed with blood mist, and he chose to burn blood essence decisively.

For the warriors from the southwest, such as the patriarch of the Xu family, although their cultivation techniques are not very strong, but because of the cruel environment, almost everyone stands out from this kind of environment where they fight all day~www. The fighting style is decisive and fierce.

Seeing something wrong at this time, the Xu family patriarch immediately burned his blood essence, and the rich blood energy poured into his blade, causing the blood on his long blade to soar several feet.

But at this time, Chu Xiu's knife had already fallen, and in an instant, the loud noise of the collision of Astral Qi broke out, and the demonic energy and blood energy were scattered and intertwined.

Chu Xiu stood on the spot, but the head of the Xu family had been directly split into two by Chu Xiu!

A knife!

With just one knife, the Xu family's patriarch, who is quite famous in this southwest region, has been chopped in half, like killing a chicken. This kind of scene suddenly stuns the people who are about to rush up behind. .

To put it in a bad way, even killing chickens is not so enjoyable sometimes.

However, in the eyes of Zheng Tiantu, a martial artist who is equivalent to the unity of heaven and man, Chu Xiu actually used more than two tricks, and the same is true for the Xu family's patriarch. When the two sides fought back and forth many times in the last knife, this kind of secret The confrontation is not generally seen by the masters in the same realm.

Of course, for most of the warriors, they can only see these things in front of them. Chu Xiu beheaded the Xu family's patriarch with one stroke. It's as simple as that.


Li Yuan scolded secretly, and remembered the scene where Chu Xiu shocked the audience when he was in the Luo family.

In rivers and lakes, sometimes quantity does not necessarily equal quality, even in the military.

In particular, there are many experts in the Eastern Qi military. Those generals or generals like them most are the fighters in front of the battle. Among the millions of troops, the head of the enemy will be taken. This situation is a serious pressure on the enemy's morale.

Now Chu Xiu already has a bit of this feeling.


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