Meet The Leader

Chapter 481: holy monk

After being smashed by the unpredictable disaster, Prince Lu Longji was actually the most unlucky one.

Because he didn't know what was going on from the beginning, and suddenly his layout in the southwest was ruined by Chu Xiu, who did he ask for reason?

To seek revenge on Chu Xiu? Now Chu Xiu is mixing with the second prince, and his side is on grounding. He wants to use the power of the court to teach Chu Xiu a lesson. Once the matter becomes a big one, it is estimated that he himself will be unlucky.

And now Lu Longji can't do anything even if he wants to teach his subordinates a lesson.

Li Yuan was already dead, so he couldn't really dig him out and whip his body again.

And Eunuch Chen is Lu Longji's close friend, and it can even be said that he will never betray him. He is in control of all kinds of forces under Lu Longji, so Lu Longji shouldn't blame him too much.

So Lu Longji had no choice but to say angrily, "Okay, let's forget about this for the time being, but if you dare to do these things on your own again next time, then you can go to old age!"

Eunuch Chen nodded quickly and said, "Yes, this old slave dare not."

The prince was gloomy here, but the second prince was very proud at this time.

Almost all the warriors in the Southwest Land have already been put under the command of the Second Prince.

Of course, they can't choose to join the second prince. For example, Zheng Tiantu and others have chosen to be traitors. If they don't go to the second prince at this time, who will help them stop the prince's revenge?

And the other forces that chose to be neutral are completely following the crowd, and they also joined the Second Prince with them.

So after returning to Daliang City, the second prince personally called Chu Xiu and said sincerely, "Chu Xiu, are you really unwilling to join this king's command?

You have also seen the strength of this king. My eldest brother was only born a little earlier than me. In terms of strength and ability, how can he compare to me?

If you join this king's subordinate, this king will never treat you badly.

Eunuch Li is the king's confidant eunuch, and if the king is to board the great treasure in the future, he will be the chief of the internal affairs.

And if you, Chu Xiu, take refuge with this king, then this king will dare to grant you the position of a general! You can choose from the lords and the prime ministers! "

This time, Lu Longguang really saw Chu Xiu's strength and ability.

There are actually quite a few masters and strong men under his command, some who give him advice and some who specialize in killing people, but there is only one lack of talents like Chu Xiu, who are not bad in their scheming and calculations, and who are powerful enough to stand on their own. .

So this time, Lu Longguang was really trying to recruit Chu Xiu, and even Fenghou Bai said this kind of promise.

However, Chu Xiu still just shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I can't live up to the kindness of Hall Master Guan. Guanzhong Punishment Hall will not let me down, so naturally I can't bear Guanzhong Punishment Hall."

Chu Xiu said that he was high-sounding, but there was a sneer in his heart. It is impossible for him to go to any prince in Dongqi in his life.

Not to mention that Chu Xiu was not the kind of person who was willing to be subjugated all the time, mainly because he knew how long Lu Haochang, the Emperor of Eastern Qi, could live.

The only advantage of the most unremarkable emperor in the history of the Eastern Qi was that he lived a long time, and he almost boiled his two sons to death.

If Chu Xiu joins Lu Longguang's subordinates, he wants to wait until the day when he is appointed as a marquis and becomes prime minister, which year or month, unless he can assassinate Lu Haochang and send him back to the west as soon as possible.

Lu Longguang frowned and said, "I know that you want to repay the kindness of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but if a good bird chooses wood, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not a good choice.

Don't look at the scenery of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall now, that is because the Guanzhong Punishment Hall rarely encountered a peaceful period when the Three Kingdoms were temporarily free of disputes, so the Guanzhong Punishment Hall instead prospered and developed through the trade of the Three Kingdoms.

But if one day the Three Kingdoms go to war, let alone the Three Kingdoms go to war, even if two of them go to war together, Guanzhong Xingtang will not be able to hold it. "

After all, Lu Longguang was the second prince of Dongqi, so he didn't spend all day thinking about the infighting with the prince. He also knew the general trend of the world.

The same is true of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Someone in the arena has already seen it. The times create heroes, and it is also the time when heroes build momentum.

The Guanzhong Punishment Hall happened to produce such outstanding figures as Chu Kuangge and Guan Siyu one after another, and it happened to meet the armistice period of the Three Kingdoms, and this has grown to the current scale. However, if the next generation of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall's hall master is incompetent, unable to maintain such balance, Or if something happened between the Three Kingdoms, the location of the punishment hall in Guanzhong would be dangerous.

Chu Xiu still shook his head and said, "Thank you for the wrong love, Your Highness, but I may disappoint His Highness."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Lu Longguang sighed in disappointment, but he didn't force it.

The twisted melon is not sweet, and he is not so idiotic that he has to forcibly recruit Chu Xiu to his subordinates.

Lu Longguang waved his hand and said, "Since you don't want to join this king's command, then this king will not force it. In this way, this king has one more thing, and I want to ask you to do me a favor and visit Donghai County. "

Chu Xiu originally wanted to refuse, using the excuse that he was going back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

However, when he heard Lu Longguang say Donghai County, he suddenly moved in his heart, because in the original plot, the place where Li Yuan got the chance to inherit was in Donghai County, which made Chu Xiu somewhat associated.

"Oh, what's the matter? Please tell me, Your Highness."

Lu Longguang said: "That's right, Master Tanyuan, a holy monk from the East China Sea, is going to preach in the Central Plains today. In fact, Master Tanyuan is old and his life is about to expire, so he is ready to return to the Central Plains to return to the ruins.

Because Master Tanyuan's reputation is too great, when Master Tanyuan comes ashore, my Eastern Qi royal family and many people from all corners of the world will come forward to greet him. "

Having said this, Lu Longguang looked a little depressed and said: "The royal father will definitely not come forward, so I have to send a person of sufficient weight. My eldest brother has the identity of the prince, so it is naturally the first choice.

This kind of reputation thing is basically not difficult for him, but although the father did not let me go, he did not let me not send someone.

The people under this king's command are not easy to use, so I would like to trouble you to bring gifts to Master Tanyuan for this king. Anyway, just let this king reveal his name in front of Master Tanyuan and many people in Jianghu. "

Chu Xiu listened quietly, but a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Because the inheritance that Li Yuan got in the original plot belongs to this master Tan Yuan.

Speaking of which, the fame of this Master Tanyuan is really great, but not because of his strength, but because of what he has done. Of course, the strength of this Master Tanyuan is also extremely strong. At his peak, he was even a A powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining.

This Master Tanyuan was not from the Great Guangming Temple or the Subhuti Temple, but a monk from a small temple.

He was already in his fifties when he cultivated to the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, but from that time, Master Tanyuan decided to travel east alone to spread the Dharma.

There are many islands in the East China Sea. These islands are big and small. Some places are as big as state capitals. The big ones are even as big as a county, so there are also a lot of people. However, because of the harsh environment, there are often natural disasters such as storms and tsunamis. , so the warriors on these islands in the East China Sea are somewhat violent in nature.

It was in this environment that Master Tan Yuan traveled east alone, spreading the Dharma on every island, resolving hostility and resentment, during which he experienced countless dangers and great horrors between life and death, and his martial arts cultivation level turned out to be an advanced one. The realm was fast, and he quickly climbed to the realm of martial arts masters, becoming a famous master in the land of the East China Sea.

And if that's the case, Master Tanyuan's fame will not reach the Central Plains. What really made Master Tanyuan famous all over the world was that a few decades ago, a small island was engulfed by a tsunami, and a warrior asked Master Tanyuan to save him. From his island, Master Tan Yuan actually took action, fighting the mighty power of heaven and earth by himself, and even stepped into the realm of real fire refining under the pressure.

It's just that even if it is a real fire refining the gods, it is no match for the continuous power of heaven and earth. In the end, although Master Tanyuan saved the island, his own foundation was also damaged. Not only was he severely damaged, but he even fell back. In the realm of martial arts masters, it is impossible to make an inch in this life, so although he is a strong person in the realm of real fire refining, he only stayed in this realm for a day.

And as this matter spread and spread to the Central Plains, Master Tanyuan was also recognized by the entire Jianghu as a true Buddhist master, and even Daguang Temple and Subhuti Temple admired him very much.

It is not easy to go to the barren land of the East China Sea alone to spread the But Master Tanyuan would rather give up the powerful cultivation of the real fire and go to save the people on that island. Such a person deserves to be called a holy monk, a holy monk who truly cherishes the compassion of the world.

What a warrior pursues in his life is the ultimate power. Even if the monks in the Daguang Temple always talk about mercy, but Chu Xiu can also guarantee that none of the monks in the Daguang Temple are willing to give up their own. Cultivation to save the life of an island.

Chu Xiu has always had no fondness for monks, but this master Tan Yuan is a true master of Buddhism, and he cannot find any taint on his personal morality.

According to what the Second Prince said, this time Master Tan Yuan came to the Central Plains because Shouyuan was approaching, preparing to return to the roots in the Central Plains, but only Chu Xiu knew that this Master Tan Yuan was not only It was because he wanted the fallen leaves to return to their roots, and he also wanted to find a successor.

After all, Master Tanyuan is also a martial artist, and he must also have obsessions in the inheritance of martial arts.

When he was in the East China Sea, he only cared about spreading the Dharma and resolving the hostility and resentment of the East China Sea warriors. Where would he still have time to teach his disciples?

Therefore, when he came to the Central Plains this time, he also wanted to find a reliable heir for himself when he was dying.

It's just that Chu Xiu still doesn't understand why in the original plot, why Master Tan Yuan would ask Li Yuan to be the heir, at least Chu Xiu couldn't see that there was any similarity between Li Yuan and Master Tan Yuan.

But these are not important anymore, Li Yuan is dead, Chu Xiu wants to win Li Yuan's good luck inheritance, he only needs to do one thing and that is to try to rely on Li Yuan's side.

As for whether this trick works, it depends on luck.


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