Meet The Leader

Chapter 482: meet

Go to Donghai County to meet the famous master Tan Yuan, which is what Chu Xiu has already decided to go.

However, in the face of the second prince, Chu Xiu said calmly: "Based on my friendship with His Highness, this matter is not a problem.

But now I have offended the prince to death. If the prince comes to trouble me, what should I do? "

The second prince waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, since I asked you to go on my behalf, how could I not consider this kind of problem?

Although my eldest brother has enough status and status to meet Master Tanyuan, but the royal father is worried that he is too young to be able to hold the scene, so he specially sent another important martial arts master, Ji Xia Xue The Grand Palace sacrificed the wine to Lord Xiao Baiyu.

Lord Xiao Baiyu has never been involved in the struggle between princes, but there is a senior behind me who once made Lord Xiao Baiyu owe a favor. If you go, I will have someone give Lord Xiao Baiyu a word, as long as there is Sir Xiao Baiyu is here, my eldest brother would never dare to touch you. "

Chu Xiu nodded, but he believed that, given Xiao Baiyu's status in Dongqi, even the prince should be polite to him.

Don't look at Xiao Baiyu as a martial arts master, not in the realm of real fire refining, but he is more important to Dong Qi than a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining.

Jixia Academy provides a large number of potential masters for the Dongqi court every year. These people are the hope of the future for Dongqi, and Jixia Academy is for the future of Dongqi. The existence of a steady stream of blood.

Therefore, Xiao Baiyu's position in the Eastern Qi court is very special. Whether it is the Eastern Qi emperor or the general, it is necessary to be polite to Xiao Baiyu.

With this promise, Chu Xiu went directly to Donghai County with the second prince's gift.

The second prince was not afraid of Chu Xiu escaping with the gift, because this Master Tanyuan was already a dying person, and the second prince did not expect to get the support of Master Tanyuan just by giving a gift, so he this time He just asked Chu Xiu to bring his gift to build his reputation. This gift, of course, is not a valuable thing. It is just a string of Buddha beads left by a great monk in ancient times. Power, but it's not a big treasure.

Holding the things, Chu Xiu went all the way to Donghai County.

Donghai County is adjacent to the East China Sea. Originally, this place was not very prosperous. Only some fleets traveling to and from the East China Sea often rest here. Therefore, the warriors from the Eastern Qi and those on the islands of the East China Sea are relatively common here.

But with the news that Master Tanyuan is about to return to the Central Plains, many people came to Donghai County in person to get a glimpse of Master Tanyuan's demeanor, and most of them came from the Buddhist sect.

In recent years, Buddhism is still very powerful, but this power is only in force.

When it comes to the masters of Daguang Temple or Subhuti Temple, whether they are Xu Yun or Xu Ci, everyone will only say that they are masters of Buddhism, but the title of holy monk cannot be put on their heads no matter what. .

Even if they say something unpleasant, even if someone wants to put it on their head, they are embarrassed to admit it.

Therefore, Tanyuan is almost recognized as a Buddhist master, a great virtuous monk, and worthy of many Buddhist masters.

At this time, on the Yinglong Beach at the sea entrance of Donghai County, a dense crowd of warriors had already gathered, just waiting for the fleet carrying Master Tan Yuan to come.

Chu Xiu was also leaning on a boulder, holding a pot of yellow wine from a small town outside Yinglongtan, and drinking slowly.

In fact, Chu Xiu has been waiting here for two days. Of course, there is no fixed time for sailing at sea, so Chu Xiu is waiting patiently here, and by the way, think about his words after seeing Master Tan Yuan.

Of course, the most important thing is to rely on Li Yuan's state of mind.

God knows what he said at the beginning, and he was able to make a person like Master Tan Yuan at the level of a holy monk to give everything he had learned to a person like Li Yuan.

Although Chu Xiu's character is not qualified to say how Li Yuan is, but at least that fellow is not a good person.

Moreover, although he later became the king of Zhenbei in the Eastern Qi, a general, who once turned the tide and led the declining Dong Qi to repel Beiyan, and had a good reputation in the Eastern Qi, but his hero and my enemy, at that time Li Yuan is also worthy of the words ruthless, but what makes Beiyan's people hate is gnashing of teeth.

When Chu Xiu was thinking here, there was not even a single person around him, and the closest one was more than ten feet away from him.

As the sixth on the Dragon Tiger List, everyone present naturally knew Chu Xiu. In the Eastern Qi region, Chu Xiu's reputation was really not that good.

What happened in the southwest did not come out so quickly. After all, the southwest is a remote and wild land. Chu Xiu didn't say that he killed a few people there. Even if he killed a few sects, it would not be obvious. The mountain is watertight.

But when he appeared here at this time, some Jianghu wind media heard some news and spread the word about what Chu Xiu had done in the southwest. After all, no one else knew about this kind of thing. I know, but the people who spread the news should not be people who are full of wind. There are still some professional ethics of wind and wind media in the world, and they will not be so cheap.

So in this way, everyone also knew that this Chu Xiu was even involved in the struggle between the prince and the second prince, and started to do things in the southwest. This guy is really not the master of security, or leave him. Farther is better.

It's just that everyone is also a little curious about what Chu Xiu is doing here? He also came to greet Master Tan Yuan?

They all know that Chu Xiu and the scumbags of Daguang Temple have a lot of hatred with him in the Buddhist lineage. As a result, now Chu Xiu has come to meet the Buddhist monk Tan Yuan. How to look at this kind of thing is strange. .

In particular, there were also some Buddhist warriors from small temples who were secretly glaring at Chu Xiu.

Of course, it was only in the dark, but they didn't dare to stare at them. They were not from the Daguang Temple, but they didn't have the courage to provoke Chu Xiu.

At this moment, a person actually took the initiative to come to Chu Xiu's side, and said with a hint of doubt: "Hey, isn't this brother Chu, why are you here to greet Master Tan Yuan?

I just heard about your relationship with those monks, wait, I didn't hear it, it seems that this is a fact. "

As the figure of this person came, everyone present suddenly heard a low-pitched introduction.

It was Fang Qishao of Sword King City who came to Chu Xiu. At this time, he was straddling the long sword, his white clothes were stained with some wine stains, and his hair was a little messy, as if he had just been called from the bed. up in general.

Chu Xiu also looked at Fang Qishao with a little speechlessness, why is it him again? Chu Xiu was deeply impressed by this talkative swordsman.

However, Chu Xiu did not have any hostility to the other Qi Shao. Although his relationship with the Sword King City was not very good, this Fang Qi Shao was an alternative, and it was difficult for people to have real hostility.

And last time in the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Chu Xiu still used Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship to make a big progress in his cultivation of the emperor's qi technique, so theoretically, he still owes Fang Qishao half a favor. of.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The Buddhist sect is the Buddhist sect, and Master Tanyuan is the Master Tanyuan. I admire the man of Master Tanyuan, what does it have to do with the Buddhist sect?

A Buddha is a Buddha, and a person is a human being. Some people recite sutras and worship Buddha all their lives, but they don’t do much good deeds. Master Tanyuan is just Master Tanyuan, and it has nothing to do with whether he was born in the Buddhist sect. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, the martial artists of the Buddhist sect were all glaring at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu's words are simply referring to Sang and scolding Huai, no, they should be clearly saying that these disciples of Buddhism are hypocritical.

But these monks are not stupid. Although they were angry, no one really jumped out to find Chu Xiu's theory.

Chu Xiu also ignored them. He just looked at Fang Qishao in surprise and said, "What are you doing here? ?"

Fang Qishao spread his hands and made a helpless expression: "Master Tan Yuan is indeed But this kind of thing is fine, why bother to come here? What about the last time? I'm too lazy to do such a thing to make a name for yourself."

As soon as Fang Qishao said this, most of the people present turned black, because they really came with this idea.

However, Fang Qishao was also the group of people who directly ignored them, and continued: "I had a good time here in Dongqi, but with my handsome appearance, the girls in Jinfenglou are very enthusiastic towards me. In the end, before I could enjoy myself, I was called out by the disciples, insisting that I come to meet Master Tan Yuan and gain fame.

Although I know that my son Fengshen Junxiu is irreplaceable, they don't notify me in advance of this kind of thing. I am very passive. "

Having said this, Fang Qishao also showed a pity expression, shook his head and said: "When I left, the girls and the old lady from Jinfenglou were still chasing me, Dongqi deserves to be the Central Plains. In the hinterland, these girls are hot and enthusiastic, much more enthusiastic than the girls in my Western Regions."

Hearing this, Chu Xiu faintly felt that something was wrong, and he suddenly said, "Could it be that you didn't give money?"

Fang Qishao was stunned and said, "What kind of money do you give?"

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Don't you pay for visiting brothels?"

Fang Qishao said confidently: "When they pulled me in, they kept complimenting me. Like me, the unparalleled young master in the world, it's fine if they don't ask for money. How could they give them money?"

At this time, Chu Xiu was really startled. He didn't even know how to describe the Seventh Young Master Fang. Was this fellow acting stupid or really stupid?

No. 3 on the Dragon Tiger List, the future heir of Sword King City, Fang Qishao, a kendo genius, actually prostitutes a king chicken. Do you dare to believe such a thing?


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