Meet The Leader

Chapter 483: old grudge

Fang Qishao should be the first in history to be able to say that visiting brothels do not give money so fresh and refined.

Just based on Fang Qishao's appearance, he was a few levels away from visiting the brothel and not giving money. It was almost the same as Lu Fengxian's. Of course, according to what Chu Xiu knew, Lu Fengxian didn't seem to have such a hobby.

However, if Fang Qishao revealed his identity, he probably wouldn't need to give money, but unfortunately, the girls in the brothel wouldn't care what the strong men on the Dragon Tiger Ranking looked like.

A lot of people in the crowd were talking, maybe they didn't expect that Fang Qishao, who was famous in the world, was such a person.

However, there were a few sword-wielding warriors who did not discuss, but covered their faces in shame.


They were also from Sword King City, and they were accompanied by Fang Qishao.

In fact, Fang Qishao didn't really prostitute the bawang chicken. Afterwards, they had already given money to the prostitute in the brothel. They thought that this matter was the end of it. came out.

Even these people lamented in their hearts, what kind of evil did their Sword King City do to have such an unreliable heir as Fang Qishao?

Although Fang Qishao is indeed the number one in the younger generation in terms of kendo cultivation, the disciples of Sword King City would rather Fang Qishao be weaker than he is now.

However, Fang Qishao didn't care about this at this time, he was talking nonsense with Chu Leisure here, and he even drank half of Chu Xiu's wine.

Don't look at Fang Qishao as unreliable, but he also has his own pride.

With so many warriors present, Chu Xiu is the only one in the younger generation who can compare with him, so even if he is unreliable, he will only **** with Chu Xiu here, and will not say anything at random.

At this moment, another group of people came. There were still a lot of people, there were as many as a hundred people, and they were very ostentatious.

Chu Xiu squinted, and the people from the Eastern Qi court came, among them the Crown Prince Lu Longji and others.

This was the first time that Chu Xiu had seen Lu Longji. Compared with the second prince, Lu Longguang, this prince was much less sharp.

From the outside, Lu Longji's appearance is that of a gentle middle-aged man, with a touch of extravagance and a sense of grace.

Speaking of which, His Royal Highness is unlucky enough. He has an old father who is very able to live and does not want to be in the position. He has been a prince for decades.

In fact, although the emperors of the Eastern Qi Dynasty did not say that they were short-lived, they were not very long-lived.

Being an emperor is very labor-intensive. Before you ascend to the throne, you can find time to cultivate, but when you are in this position, you can also cultivate, but the premise is that you want to take this country Big and small things are properly managed, so that you can cultivate with peace of mind, otherwise, let alone outsiders, even the Eastern Qi royal family will consider changing to an emperor.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the emperors were when they ascended the throne, they basically worked too hard in the later stage, and even taking some elixir to prolong life would not be effective.

As a result, Lu Haochang's ability was so-so, just in line with the passing line of being an emperor. Although he didn't make a big contribution, he didn't bring down the country, and his ability was here, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to work hard, so since then, The relieved Lu Haochang actually lived a long life, but it was a bit miserable for his sons to be pitted.

Of course, in Chu Xiu's view, this Lu Longji is not only unlucky, but his own abilities are also limited.

For so many years, he has held the title of Prince in vain, but as a result, he has not distanced himself from the other princes, and even the second prince, Lu Longguang, is about to be on an equal footing with him. This kind of ability is obviously very problematic.

Lu Longji had never met Chu Xiu, but Eunuch Chen was 'impressed' with Chu Xiu. Seeing Chu Xiu, Eunuch Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiu! How dare he come here!"

Hearing what Eunuch Chen said, Lu Longji also looked at Chu Xiu with a gloomy look in his eyes.

In fact, for Lu Longji, although he resented Chu Xiu for handing over the evidence of his collusion with Jiang Wenyuan to the second prince, he was only angry at the time, and he almost forgot about it later.

But this time Chu Xiu destroyed his layout in the southwest, which made Lu Longji hated.

So this time, seeing Chu Xiu, Lu Longji walked over with a gloomy expression.

Everyone present looked at Chu Xiu with a look of excitement. Although the rivers and lakes and the court are opposed to each other most of the time, among the three-thirds of this acre of land in Dongqi, the representative of the prince of Dongqi No need to say more, this Chu Xiu, I am afraid that there will be trouble.

Fang Qishao didn't know what Chu Xiu was doing in the southwest. He just looked at Chu Xiu with a bewildered expression. What was the situation? This guy even offends the prince of Dongqi?

With a gloomy look on Lu Longji's face, he said, "Chu Xiu, the things you did last time are all gone, but I didn't come to trouble you.

But who would have thought that you are challenging the bottom line of Ben Gong again and again, do you really think that Ben Gong can't be deceived? "

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "His Royal Highness said this wrong, aren't Li Yuan and Eunuch Chen your subordinates? Why didn't you tell me when they were in trouble with me in the Luo family?

I, Chu Xiu, are not someone to be slaughtered. I have only believed in one truth in my life, that is, if someone slaps me once, I must return ten! "

Lu Longji sneered: "Okay, you Chu Xiu is tough, but I want to see how tough you are, Chu Xiu!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Longji wanted to let his subordinates do something to Chu Xiu.

If Chu Xiu was still on the second prince's side, or if he was out of Dongqi, Lu Longji would really not be able to deal with Chu Xiu.

But now Chu Xiu is alone, what else is Lu Longji afraid of?

Even if someone said afterwards that Lu Longji was stingy and deliberately retaliated, Lu Longji wanted to take a sigh of relief today.

But at this moment, a faint voice came from behind Lu Longji: "His Royal Highness, His Majesty let us come today to welcome Master Tanyuan, what are you doing here?

The personal grievances between you and Chu Xiu are left to be resolved elsewhere, but here today, His Highness cannot do anything. "

Xiao Baiyu, dressed in white, stood in the crowd on the Prince's side. As soon as he opened his mouth, those who were about to make a move all stopped there.

They knew Xiao Baiyu's status in Dongqi, but it was more useful than the prince's words.

Lu Longji's expression sank, and he frowned: "Master Xiao, I know it's not appropriate to meet Master Tan Yuan in blood, but I don't have to kill Chu Xiu today, I just want to teach him a lesson."

Xiao Baiyu shook his head and said, "No, no, if Your Highness insists on doing something, the old man will not stop him, but today's matter, the old man will report to His Majesty as it is."

Hearing this, Lu Longji immediately felt a little stunned.

Xiao Baiyu's position in the Eastern Qi is unusual. Because of this, he actually did not stand in line with the succession to the throne. Even if the second prince used his favor this time to ask Xiao Baiyu to help him temporarily, it was only a help, and he was with him. It doesn't matter where the throne is.

Therefore, Lu Haochang, Emperor of the Eastern Qi, trusted Xiao Baiyu very much. If Xiao Baiyu spoke ill of the crown prince in front of Lu Haochang, it would be more effective than others.

Lu Longji glared at Chu Xiu viciously, then turned around and left with the person.

With Xiao Baiyu coming forward to protect Chu Xiu, he did not dare to offend Xiao Baiyu because of this, it would not be worth the loss.

After the prince left, Chu Xiu cupped his hands to Xiao Baiyu and said, "Thank you for helping the big sacrifice wine."

Xiao Baiyu looked at Chu Xiu, shook his head and said, "No thanks, it's just a favor."

Xiao Baiyu was speechless when he looked at Chu Xiu. It was the first time he had seen such a murderous young man.

It is a miracle that someone like Chu Xiu can go all the way to the present without dying halfway and being killed.

Of course, Chu Xiu felt a little strange when he saw Xiao Baiyu at this time, because he found that this Jixia sacrifice wine seemed to owe favor everywhere.

The last time he saved Yan Tingting from was because he owed Yan Huainan a favor.

And this time, he helped himself because he owed the prince's favor to a martial arts master.

Human debt is the most difficult to repay, just like Xiao Baiyu now, as long as someone opens his mouth, unless he has decided to lose face, he must pay it back.

Therefore, in the arena, Chu Xiu rarely owes favor, and most of the time he makes others owe his favor.

Xiao Baiyu sighed: "I heard about the Luo family, how is Feihong now?"

Luo Feihong is not only a member of Wu Jun's Luo family, but also a disciple of his Jixia Academy. It can even be said that he is one of the most outstanding disciples Xiao Baiyu has seen over the years in charge of Jixia Academy.

Although Luo Feihong is a woman, Xiao Baiyu knows that as long as Luo Feihong is given time, she will be able to grow to a point that will shock everyone in the future.

It's a pity that the Luo family doesn't have Xiao Baiyu's vision, and they don't believe Xiao Baiyu's vision. They would rather take Luo Feihong out for marriage in exchange for the current interests, rather than try their best to train Luo Feihong and bet on a future.

Xiao Baiyu had the heart to save Luo Feihong, but unfortunately he was the grand sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy, and his every move had to represent Jixia Academy, and Jixia Academy belonged to the imperial court.

After all, the Luo family in Wu Jun is one of the nine great families, one in the rivers and lakes, one in the court. Xiao Baiyu came forward without authorization and was a little sensitive.

So Xiao Baiyu was still planning to wait until Luo Feihong married into the Ying clan before he asked Ying clan's people to let Luo Feihong come back. He also had some friendship with Shang Shui Ying clan, but he didn't expect Luo Feihong to be recruiting relatives by martial arts. That day, he slapped the Luo family in the face and killed them with Chu Xiu and others, which was somewhat unexpected.


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