Meet The Leader

Chapter 487: return

While everyone on the shore was anxiously waiting, the giant ship of the Whale Sky Club was about to dock. &1t;/

At this time, a well-dressed middle-aged man walked behind Master Tan Yuan and whispered, "Master, it's already coming."&1t;/

Master Tanyuan turned his head and smiled and said, "Long Huizhu, please trouble you."&1t;/

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Master, please don't say that, if you didn't take action in the past, my Whale Sky Club would have been annexed by the three evil islands in the East China Sea. Over the years, Master, you have sheltered the people of the East China Sea. The land, this can make the East China Sea a little less killing.&1t;/

It's a pity that good people don't live long. Now that you are leaving, Master, I'm afraid that in this land of the East China Sea, there won't be many peaceful days. ”&1t;/

Speaking of which, the middle-aged man even had red eyes and a sad look. &1t;/

This middle-aged man is Long Tianying, the head of the Whale Sky Club, and he is considered a figure in the East China Sea. However, after all, a businessman is a businessman. Even if he has some strength, it is quite difficult to show the Whale Sky Club to this level of strength. of. &1t;/

Thanks to the protection of Master Tanyuan in the past, the Whale Sky Club was able to expand to this scale, so now Long Tianying is also really sad that Master Tanyuan is about to pass away and return to the ruins. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan smiled and said: "Long Huizhu doesn't have to be like this, life and death have fate, this is the reincarnation of heaven and can't be changed, no matter whether it is a good person or a bad person, no one can escape this.&1t;/

However, the order of the land of the East China Sea has been initially established. As long as you can follow the rules and do not act rashly to kill innocent people, the East China Sea is still the East China Sea. Whether there are old monks or not is actually a matter of fact. ”&1t;/

Long Tianying nodded, but he knew that the East China Sea did not have Master Tan Yuan, a highly respected powerhouse, to maintain order, and it is estimated that there are not many stable days left. &1t;/

At this time, the giant ship of the Whale Sky Club had already docked, and Master Tanyuan stepped out directly, his feet were hanging in the air, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth gently supported Master Tanyuan's body, letting him gently land on the shore. &1t;/

Seeing this, everyone present rushed up and shouted loudly: "We welcome the holy monk to return to the homeland of the Central Plains!"&1t;/

At this moment, whether it was the Crown Prince and Xiao Baiyu representing the imperial court, the two martial arts masters of the Subhuti Temple, or the Ming King Zongxuan, they all bowed their heads. &1t;/

Whether it is true love or falsehood, the current Master Tan Yuan is worthy of their worship. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan waved his hand and said, "You don't have to do this, all saints and monks who are not saints are ordinary people. Who is qualified to become a **** and become a saint? At least I'm not worthy of the old monk.&1t;/

This time, when the old monk returned to the Central Plains, he just wanted to find a solitary grave in his hometown for burial. ”&1t;/

To be a monk to the level of Master Tan Yuan is considered to be the pinnacle. &1t;/

Warriors from other small temples are not qualified to be greeted by the people of Subhuti Temple and Daguang Temple. &1t;/

At this time, a master of martial arts from Subhuti Zen Temple stood up and said: "Senior Brother Tanyuan, the abbot gave instructions before he came, and wanted to invite Brother Tanyuan to come to Subhuti Zen Temple as a guest to preach, so I also asked Brother Tanyuan to move him. The Subhuti Zen Institute will surely welcome you.”&1t;/

He was also a little confused about who was the senior of the monk at the Subhuti Temple and Tan Yuan, but with Master Tan Yuan's current status, it would definitely not be wrong to call him a senior. &1t;/

Zongxuan also said: "Abbot Xuci also instructed you to invite Master Tanyuan to the Daguang Temple to preach."&1t;/

Master Tan Yuan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "The old monk of the wrong love between the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Zen Temple has learned from the heart, but this sermon is still forgot.&1t;/

In fact, where does the old monk speak? My Buddhist attainments are definitely not as good as those of the eminent monks at Daguangguang Temple and Subhuti Temple. &1t;/

The so-called spreading of Buddhism in the East China Sea is actually to teach them some superficial truths, and just recite some Buddhist scriptures to them casually. &1t;/

So most of the time, I don’t use Buddhism to resolve grievances, but force. If both sides want to fight, I beat them all to the ground, and I don’t have the strength to beat them, and then I recite Buddhist scriptures to them. Be patient, and the enmity between the two sides will naturally disappear. ”&1t;/

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, especially the old monks of the Subhuti Temple. How did they answer the question? &1t;/

Although it is said that in a place like the East China Sea, doing things is more effective than reasoning, but Master Tanyuan said it directly, which makes the warriors of the Subhuti Temple feel a little bit down, which is completely different from what they imagined. &1t;/

Chu Xiu in the back felt that Master Tan Yuan understood it quite clearly. &1t;/

Whether it’s a Buddha or a Dao, someone needs to listen to what you say before it can spread. &1t;/

If a powerless monk wants to spread the Dharma and resolve grievances, the most likely possibility is to be hacked to death by someone. &1t;/

In fact, the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple also know this. Otherwise, they wouldn't have put so much effort into the martial arts. Wouldn't it be ok to spend all that time studying Buddhism? &1t;/

It's just that although they know it, they don't want to admit it. They still have to say that they are monks, compassionate, and want to convince people with virtue, which is very hypocritical. &1t;/

Seeing that the expressions of the monks at Subhuti Temple were a bit wrong, Master Tanyuan smiled wryly and shook his head: "Everyone, it's not that I don't give face, but the old monk really can't walk.&1t;/

Before I came to the Central Plains, my longevity had already started to deplete. I am afraid that I will return directly to the ruins before I reach the Daguang Temple or the Subhuti Temple. &1t;/

So in the last period of time, I will not leave Dongqi, I just want to return to my roots in the land of Dongqi. ”&1t;/

Master Tan Yuan did not say that he wanted to find a disciple, because once this kind of thing was said, the young generation of heroes in the whole Jianghu would flock to him, and it might have some impact at that time. &1t;/

According to the divination given to him by Taoist Tianshu, this time when he returns to the Central Plains, he will definitely meet a suitable disciple for him, but there is no need to force it. &1t;/

The monks at the Subhuti Temple over there saw that Master Tanyuan refused, so they didn't say anything more. &1t;/

Since Master Tanyuan was unwilling, they naturally wouldn't force it. &1t;/

With Zongxuan's character, he wouldn't say much more. Anyway, what the abbot asked him to say, he said what the abbot told him. Zongxuan has already finished speaking, so at this time Zongxuan is like a sculpture. Standing aside, saying nothing. &1t;/

At this time, Prince Lu Longji walked over, asked his subordinates to take out several gifts, and cupped his hands: "Since Master Tanyuan is unwilling to go to Daguang Temple and Subhuti Temple, he can stay in my Daqi for a while longer. .&1t;/

The royal father once said that it is my great honor to have such characters as Master Tanyuan in my Daqi, so this time I must invite you to Daliang City, and the royal father will meet you in person. . &1t;/

And the father also said that he will build a temple for you in Daliang City, and erect monuments for you in other parts of Daqi. &1t;/

Master, you have spread the Dharma in the east, and promoted the prestige of my Central Plains. It can be said that you are a model for the people of my Daqi. My Daqi will never forget it! ”&1t;/

Lu Longji's words made some non-Dongqi warriors frown. What did he mean? Why did Master Tan Yuan represent the Eastern Qi? &1t;/

In fact, for Jianghu people, the boundaries of the country are not so heavy. &1t;/

The five major sword factions are still in the land of the Three Kingdoms, do they have to fight each other to kill each other's hostility? &1t;/

The imperial court and the rivers and lakes are inherently opposites, and for some aristocratic families, they have been passed down for thousands of years. At that time, there were no countries such as Dongqi and Beiyan. &1t;/

And Master Tan Yuan was also confused by Lu Longji's "enthusiasm" and didn't know what to say. &1t;/

In fact, when he returned to the Central Plains this time, he simply wanted to return to the roots and find a disciple to pass on martial arts, and all of this was complete. &1t;/

But unfortunately, people are in the rivers and lakes, and some things cannot but be faced. &1t;/

In the past, when he was alone in the east, he didn't even see a single person to see him off. Even his fellow apprentices thought he was crazy and thought he would never come back once he left. &1t;/

In the end, compared to when he left, when he returned, there were so many people that Grandmaster Tanyuan felt a little uncomfortable. &1t;/

But just when Master Tan Yuan was about to refuse, he suddenly remembered that the disciple he was looking for was from the imperial court, didn't he? &1t;/

This time, the Eastern Qi court sent so many people to greet him, which was quite in line with the comments that Tianshu Taoist gave him. &1t;/

Lv Longji brought a lot of people, nearly a hundred people, including a lot of warriors of the younger generation, but Master Tan Yuan saw that the jade slip in his arms did not This also makes Master Tan Yuan a little strange, isn't that person here? &1t;/

He never doubted the jade slip. This is the secret that his old friend Tianshu Taoist spent a mouthful of blood to condense. It is absolutely impossible to go wrong. &1t;/

But at this moment, Chu Xiu squeezed to the front, took out a box and handed it to Master Tan Yuan, saying: "Master Tan Yuan, under Chu Xiu, represents the second prince who came to greet Master Tan Yuan.&1t; /

The second prince couldn't come because of something, but he asked me to bring a gift, and I asked the master not to take offense. ”&1t;/

Seeing Chu Xiu suddenly intervening, Lu Longji's face suddenly turned gloomy to the extreme. &1t;/

He should have taught this Chu Xiu a lesson just now regardless of Xiao Baiyu's face! &1t;/

He really didn't think about why Chu Xiu appeared here, and it was only now that he realized that this Chu Xiu was actually helping his second brother to build his reputation. &1t;/

It was his crown prince's privilege to come to meet Master Tan Yuan this time. He didn't expect that his second younger brother would not even want to let go of this opportunity, so he specially sent someone to block him. &1t;/

But no one noticed at this time. Master Tan Yuan looked at Chu Xiu with a strange look, because the jade slip in his arms burst into a shimmer when Chu Xiu approached. It was just a very weak gleam, but it was indeed shining brightly because of Chu Xiu's approach! &1t;/


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