Meet The Leader

Chapter 488: impersonate

ps: Thank you book friends for the reward of 10,000 starting coins&1t;/

When the jade slips bloom, it means that Master Tanyuan has met the right person. &1t;/

It's just that Master Tan Yuan didn't say anything, because he still had some doubts, the brilliance of the jade slip was too weak, and it could only be called a shimmer, not a brilliance at all. &1t;/

Could it be that Taoist Tianshu used some wrong words, as long as the jade slip shines, it means that he has met the disciple he wants, rather than the splendor of the jade slip he imagined? &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan did not know at this time that the Taoist Tianshu said that the jade slip would shine when it encounters the existence of the disciple he had calculated. &1t;/

If Li Yuan is here, then the jade slip must be glorious, and there is no need to have the slightest doubt. &1t;/

But now that Li Yuan is dead, there will be no one in the world who can make Yujian Yujian shine. &1t;/

So who is the closest person related to Li Yuan in terms of cause and effect? Not even Li Yuan's parents, but Chu Xiu who once killed Li Yuan! &1t;/

In this way, the jade slip will burst into brilliance after encountering Chu Xiu, although it is only a very weak brilliance. &1t;/

Because the brilliance was too weak, Master Tan Yuan was also a little unsure about Chu Xiu. He took Chu Xiu's box and said solemnly, "I dare to ask where Chu Xiaoyou is an official under the second prince?"&1t;/

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Master Tan Yuan misunderstood. Although he came here in place of the second prince, he was not a member of the Eastern Qi court, but the Guanxi officer in charge of the punishment hall in Guanzhong."&1t;/

When Master Tan Yuan heard the words, he frowned slightly. Isn't he from the court? Could it be that there is something wrong with Yujian? &1t;/

Moreover, Master Tan Yuan has been away from the Central Plains for decades. His impression of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is still when Chu Kuangge first became famous in the Jianghu. At that time, although the Guanzhong Punishment Hall already had such outstanding figures as Chu Kuangge, the only famous ones were only Chu Kuangge. Chu Kuangge, not the entire Guanzhong execution hall. &1t;/

At this time, Long Tianying, the leader of the Whale Sky Club, also got off the boat and stood respectfully behind Master Tan Yuan. &1t;/

Long Tianying's Whale Sky will travel between the East China Sea and the Central Plains of Eastern Qi. During the trade, some news about the Central Plains is also very well-informed, almost no different from the Central Plains warriors. &1t;/

Therefore, Master Tan Yuan immediately sent a voice transmission in secret to inquire about some news about Guanzhong Punishment Hall and Chu Xiu. &1t;/

Long Tianying was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. Although he was a little puzzled why Master Tanyuan wanted Chu Xiu's news, but now that Master Tanyuan asked this question, Long Tianying immediately confirmed everything he knew. I told Master Tanyuan once again. &1t;/

After listening to it, Master Tan Yuan also frowned, thinking about it, Chu Xiu was somewhat similar to the image in the comments, but they were not similar, but after careful consideration, it made some sense. &1t;/

Lu Fenghua covered his mouth, it was an official word, and when he mentioned official, Master Tan Yuan subconsciously thought that the other party was a member of the imperial court. It should be said that this was the subconscious reaction of everyone. &1t;/

But now Master Tan Yuan has reacted. The comment is only a word for 'official', and it is not a word for the imperial court. It seems that he can be an official even if he is not in the imperial court. For example, Chu Xiu, now his position is Guanxi's criminal officer. , which corresponds exactly to the word 'official'. &1t;/

And Qianlong's rules of difficulty in Yuanxin are somewhat incompatible. Now Chu Xiu has ranked sixth on the Dragon and Tiger List. It is a bit inappropriate to say that he is Qianlong. &1t;/

However, if you scrutinize it more carefully, although Chu Xiu ranked sixth on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, there is still a big gap between him and the top five on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. &1t;/

Although Chu Xiu is the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, now neither outsiders nor Guan Siyu regard Chu Xiu as the heir of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but some people speculate that Chu Xiu has There is a certain possibility of inheriting the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. &1t;/

And what about people like Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan? Even from their childhood, their future destiny has been doomed, as long as they don't die, they will be the heirs of the headmaster or the abbot, and the future is destined to be a giant of the rivers and lakes. &1t;/

Therefore, if compared with them, the current Chu Xiu can be regarded as a hidden dragon with an uncertain future. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Little friend Chu, you are now the officer in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and you are ranked sixth on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. What do you think about your future?"&1t; /

Hearing Master Tan Yuan's question, everyone present was stunned. &1t;/

There are so many people here waiting to invite Master Tan Yuan, as well as the prince Lu Longji and Zong Xuan, a young man from the Buddhist sect. As a result, Master Tan Yuan dragged Chu Xiu to chat here. What's going on? &1t;/

They didn't see how this Chu Xiu could win the favor of Master Tan Yuan. &1t;/

Could it be because of the gift that Chu Xiu took? But there is something wrong. The box has never been opened, so how does Master Tan Yuan know what is inside? &1t;/

And even Chu Xiu was a little stunned at this time. &1t;/

He was going to seize Li Yuan's chance. That's right, so at the beginning, Chu Xiu planned to approach Master Tan Yuan first, and then he would make plans after talking to him, but he did not expect that Master Tan Yuan would take the initiative to talk to him. Could it be that he really had luck in his body and could replace him immediately after killing Li Yuan? &1t;/

However, after a brief period of shock, Chu Xiu immediately calmed down. &1t;/

He hasn't swollen enough to think that he is the son of luck, and he has the opportunity to smash down by standing still. Although he doesn't know why Master Tan Yuan asked this, Chu Xiu still subconsciously put himself to Li Yuan. The way of thinking depends on that. &1t;/

What should Li Yuan's future look like at this time? According to Chu Xiu's analysis, it can only be described in four words, the future is uncertain. &1t;/

Although he is the son of the prince and the confidant of the prince, in fact, the palace of the prince has fallen, and he is not the only confidant under the prince, and he is not the most trusted one. &1t;/

The most important thing is that the future of the prince himself is uncertain, with Lu Haochang on the top, and Lu Longguang on the bottom, so the future of Lu Longji, the prince, is very slim, let alone he who is attached to the prince. people. &1t;/

Therefore, Chu Xiu also sighed in this mood: "Master Tanyuan is joking, like a person like me, how can I have any opinions?&1t;/

I, Chu Xiu, was born in the grass, and I have mixed reputation and reputation in the arena. It's just a matter of taking one step at a time. ”&1t;/

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, everyone present frowned subconsciously, mixed in praise and praise? Does your Chu Xiu's reputation have a reputation in the arena? &1t;/

But when Chu Xiu said this, Master Tan Yuan's eyes lit up. &1t;/

This Chu Xiu's state of mind at this time is very consistent with the second sentence in the comment. Since what he lacks is inheritance, now he has given him inheritance. This is the finishing touch and brings together the situation. &1t;/

As for the last sentence predicting the future, Master Tan Yuan also found a reason. &1t;/

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is located in the land of the Three Kingdoms, and its location is extremely sensitive. &1t;/

In the past, Chu Kuangge was able to rival Wanjun, using force to stop the war, so that the armies of the two countries would temporarily stop. It will even do better, making the Three Kingdoms truce and saving countless people. &1t;/

It has to be said that coincidences sometimes come like this. Chu Xiu only has two similarities with the comments, but Master Tan Yuan abruptly deduced eight points based on these clues. &1t;/

Coupled with the jade slip, which was still blooming faintly, and searched all over the rivers and lakes, Li Yuan was dead, and no one was more in line with the requirements of Master Tan Yuan than Chu Xiu. &1t;/

However, Master Tan Yuan is a dying person after all. He only has one chance to choose his successor. Although Chu Xiu is now very 'meet' the requirements of jade slips and comments, but intuition tells Master Tan Yuan that he still needs to be more cautious. &1t;/

But at this moment, Master Tan Yuan felt a colicky pain in his inner organs. Although he appeared to be safe on the outside, his body had already begun to overturn the river. &1t;/

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Master Tanyuan's mouth, and it seemed that he didn't even have the chance to choose carefully. &1t;/

His secret injury was more severe than he imagined. Originally, Master Tanyuan thought he could last a few months, but now it seems that it is difficult for him to last even a few days. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan practiced the Buddhist practice. Although it was not as powerful as the body practice at Daguang Temple, it was not weak either. &1t;/

But over the years, Master Tan Yuan has been running around and fighting, causing the dark wounds in his body to become heavier and heavier. At this time, he is on the verge of collapse, and he can no longer survive. &1t;/

His body no longer gave Master Tan Yuan a chance to He glanced at the jade slip in his hand that was still glowing, and Master Tan Yuan said to Chu Xiu in a deep voice, "Young friend Chu, this The next time I came to the Central Plains, the fallen leaves returned to their roots, but I didn't want to bring my martial arts to the soil.&1t;/

So I wanted to find someone to pass on my martial arts, so that he could help the world and save people, and make it a martial art for saving people, not for killing people. &1t;/

Now I'm going to pass on all the skills I've learned and the last bit of power to you. I don't need you to be a teacher. You and I are just teaching careers, not preaching. Do you want to agree? ”&1t;/

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. No one expected that Master Tan Yuan would say such a thing. &1t;/

Everyone in the world knows that Master Tan Yuan has no apprentices. &1t;/

Even the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple are so sincere in inviting Master Tanyuan to preach in these two places. In addition to gaining fame and admiring Master Tanyuan, there are also some little Jiujiu in their hearts. &1t;/

Since Master Tanyuan has no disciples, would he leave his martial arts at Daguangwang Temple or Subhuti Temple while he is preaching? &1t;/

As a result, no one thought that Master Tanyuan did not leave his martial arts to the people of Subhuti Temple, nor to Zong Xuan, the first person of the younger generation of the entire Buddhist sect on the rivers and lakes. He actually wanted to leave it to him. Chu Xiu, who is not related to each other, is still notorious in the arena! &1t;/


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