Meet The Leader

Chapter 495: Quiet Return to the Ruins

With the words of Master Tan Yuan, Chu Xiu and Zong Xuan couldn't go on fighting.

After all, Master Tan Yuan was already dying. If Daguang Temple forced him to take back the exercises passed on to Chu Xiu, it would be too much.

So Ming Qi had to pinch his nose and said, "Zong Xuan, stop fighting and stop."

However, this time Zong Xuan did not immediately listen to Ming Qi's instructions to withdraw his hands, but the Buddha's light in his eyes flourished. It was not until a long while later that he stopped and retreated.

Fang Qishao at the back touched his chin. After Chu Xiu stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, his combat power was really not weak, and he was able to force Zong Xuandu to a serious realm.

However, it was obvious that Chu Xiu actually lost this game.

After Zong Xuan took his hand away, the radiance of Chu Xiu's whole body also dissipated, but his complexion was already pale.

The power of the Sun-changing Dafa is not something that Chu Xiu can use at will. Once the power of the Sun-changing Dafa is not well controlled, it can only be a situation of hurting others and hurting himself.

On the other hand, on Zong Xuan's side, he was only just beginning to be serious. If Master Tan Yuan did not appear, the last loser would still be Chu Xiu.

Ming Qi's face was a little ugly and he cupped his hands at Master Tanyuan: "Master Tanyuan, you are a recognized holy monk in my Buddhist lineage, and who do you want to pass on the practice to? Naturally, we can't control this. of.

It's just that Chu Xiu has a bad reputation. If he uses the exercises you taught him to do something evil in the future, the cause and effect will be counted on your head, and it will ruin your reputation in the future. Do it for your own good. "

Master Tan Yuan smiled and said: "The kind old monk of Daguang Temple has taken it in his heart, but we will talk about it later, cause and effect is so complicated, how can you and I be able to see through it now?

As for reputation, the name of the so-called holy monk is also what you love, and it is hard to add. If it is broken, it will be broken. At that time, I am afraid that the old monk himself will become a scum, so what is the use of reputation? "

Hearing Master Tan Yuan's words, Ming Qi had no choice but to put a gloomy face on his face, reluctantly handed over his farewell, turned around and left.

Seeing Ming Qi's attitude, Chu Xiu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

This Daguang Temple is really used to being domineering. To send such a person here is simply uncomfortable for himself.

Although Master Tanyuan is only alone, he is still known as a holy monk, not only a Buddhist monk, but a recognized holy monk in the entire martial arts.

Daguang Temple can be domineering to others, but to be so domineering to a dying man with such a great reputation as Master Tanyuan is simply ruining his own reputation.

This Mingqi was born in the Karma Chan Hall of the Daguang Temple, not to mention in the rivers and lakes, even in the Daguang Temple, the Karma Chan Hall has a very high status.

It can even be said that in the Daguang Temple, the Karma Chan Hall's combat power is not the strongest, but their status is transcendent.

If the Daguang Temple only sent a Mingqi to come, it would be fine. In the end, it also sent Zong Xuanlai, who was stubborn to the end, and let him do it.

After Zong Xuan and Ming Qi left, Master Tan Yuan walked over to Long Tianying and the others, sighing, "President Long, I've got you involved."

Long Tianying hurriedly shook his head and said, "Master, don't say that, it's a trivial matter, not to mention that we only suffered some minor injuries, even if it is the person who desperately stops the Great Bright Temple, it is worth it."

Master Tan Yuan shook his head and said, "Old monk, I have run out of oil, but President Long, you are still young, so don't say anything about dying.

Now my wish has been fulfilled, I am ready to return to my hometown and return to my roots. President Long, please come back too. "

Hearing this, Long Tianying quickly shook his head and said, "I will never forget the kindness of the former master, the development of the Whale Sky Club has entered a formal period, I'm fine if I'm not there for a while, and I forgot that the master can let me send you Last ride."

Hearing what Long Tianying said, Master Tanyuan did not stop him either. He just turned his head to look at Chu Xiu and said, "Chu Xiaoyou, I haven't been to the Central Plains for a long time. Could you please send me back to my hometown?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "It should be."

Although the practice method was deceived, Master Tan Yuan was also his preacher after all. Chu Xiu naturally would not refuse this request.

Just when Master Tan Yuan was about to leave, he suddenly saw Fang Qishao who was also about to leave with a wine jug.

"This little friend, walk slowly, dare to ask that little friend is from Sword King City?" Master Tan Yuan suddenly asked.

Fang Qishao was a little depressed and said: "Yes, what is the master's order?"

Just now, he represented the Sword King City in the crowd and gave this Master Tanyuan a gift, but now that I look at it, it is clear that this Master Tanyuan doesn't remember anything. Maybe he didn't pay attention to it from the beginning. on him.

It's not so good to think that Fang Qishao, the head of his dignified swordsman, would have been ignored one day.

Master Tan Yuan seemed to see what Fang Qishao was thinking, he smiled and said: "This little friend, don't be surprised, when the old monk went ashore before, he always thought about inheriting his martial arts, because time is running out. , so I was a little anxious and didn't care about other things."

Hearing what Master Tanyuan said, Fang Qishao felt a little embarrassed. He waved his hand and said, "I don't mean to blame you, Master."

Master Tan Yuan smiled, took out a jade slip from his pocket and handed it to Fang Qishao: "This is a kendo secret book that I accidentally got, it was a kendo sect in the East China Sea thousands of years ago. There are only some scattered sword skills, but no complete sword skills, but more of them are the insights left by many strong men in the kendo sect. I believe this thing is very important to you. It is very useful.”

Fang Qishao took the jade slip with a surprised look on his face.

This thing is more than useful to him, it is simply a treasure.

For Fang Qishao, who was born in the Sword King City, in fact, he is not lacking in swordsmanship, and his karma swordsmanship does not require those messy swordsmanship.

But the stone of other mountains can attack jade, and things like the sword practice skills left by the ancient powerhouses are the most precious. After reading this, it will definitely bring another level of understanding to his entire swordsmanship. .

Fang Qishao hesitated: "Master, why did you give me this?"

Master Tan Yuan smiled freely and said: "I have obtained a lot of good things in the East China Sea over the years, and I have already given them to others. Now I am about to pass away and return to the ruins. , it is useless for me to keep it myself.

Little friend, you are from the Sword King City. If you put this thing on you, it will definitely be more valuable than going to the ground with an old guy like me. "

Like other warriors who regard their own martial arts inheritance as extremely important, even if they die, they have to bring them down to the ground in their entirety. Master Tan Yuan's view of martial arts is much more open-minded, and he even regards it as an outsider. thing.

Fang Qishao said in surprise: "Master, aren't you afraid that after I get this thing, I will do something bad and damage your name in the end?"

Saying that, Fang Qishao also cast a glance at Chu Xiu. He didn't think that Chu Xiu was a good person. What Ming Qi just said was actually quite reasonable.

Master Tan Yuan shook his head and said: "I said before, good and evil things cannot be seen on the surface. If a person wants to do evil things, even if he has no strength at all, he can slaughter thousands of people with just one mouth. people.

Similarly, some people seem to kill a lot of people, but they can save more people, so the old monk might as well take a gamble, and bet the little friend that you will not disappoint the old monk. It is definitely more cost-effective than following the old monk into the soil. "

There are so many strong people in the rivers and lakes, but there are very few who can be as open-minded as Master Tan Yuan.

This means that Master Tan Yuan really has no time. Otherwise, he will definitely find the right person to hand over everything on his body.

Fang Qishao was also very serious at this time. He put the long sword back on his back and bowed to Master Tanyuan: "Thank you, Master."

After a pause, Fang Qishao said again: "I don't dare to forget the grace of teaching, and I will also go to send the master for the last ride."

Master Tan Yuan didn't stop him either, he just nodded and said, "Alright, there are so many people, I didn't expect that when the old monk was dying, there were so many people sending him off."

Master Tanyuan's hometown is Songping House in Changyang County, Dongqi, in the hinterland of Dongqi, more than ten days away from Donghai County.

Moreover, the body of Master Tan Yuan is about to rot, not to mention more than ten even more than ten hours may not be able to hold it.

But perhaps Master Tanyuan still had his obsession to take a look at his hometown again, so Master Tanyuan endured for more than ten days, and finally came to a dilapidated temple outside Songping Mansion, among the Xuanji Temple. .

Xuanji Temple is just a small temple. Even when Master Tanyuan was there in the past, there were only a dozen monks in Xuanji Temple, but now it is already empty of monks, and there is not even a single person, or it is destroyed. , or the temple has no successor and has completely withered, but looking at the well-preserved appearance of the temple, it should be the latter.

Touching the dusty Buddha statue in Xuanji Temple, Master Tanyuan let out a long sigh.

Middle-aged Dongdu, returning home on the deathbed, experienced countless ups and downs. For Master Tanyuan himself, he has experienced hardships and confusion in his life, but he has never regretted it.

In the past, when he first came to the East China Sea, maybe it was just to spread the Buddhadharma and promote the name of Buddhism, but in the end, those superficial meanings disappeared, and everything Master Tanyuan did had nothing to do with Buddha, it was just his belief. .

Sitting cross-legged on the dirty futon in front of the Buddha statue, Master Tanyuan closed his eyes. In an instant, the seven-color Buddha light shrouded Master Tanyuan's body, and a majestic power bloomed and drifted into the heavens and the earth. In between, it seems that Master Tanyuan really became a Buddha on the spot.

But at this time, Long Tianying's eyes were flushed, and Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu were silent. This was not Buddhahood, but returning to the ruins.

The warrior was born between heaven and earth, refining the energy of heaven and earth in himself, and now returning to the ruins in silence, this power will naturally be returned to heaven and earth.

In the sixty-ninth year of Yonghe in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, the holy monk Tan Yuan passed away in the Xuanji Temple of Songping Prefecture. He was born in Sri Lanka and finally here.


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