Meet The Leader

Chapter 496: Why live?

After Master Tan Yuan passed away and returned to the ruins, it was Master Tan Yuan who was buried by Chu Xiu and others.

Generally speaking, for the warriors of the Daguang Temple, they are used to leaving the relics after passing away, not only to be worshipped by future generations, but also to integrate their own strength into the relics, so as to do their last bit of strength for the disciples of later generations. .

Tanyuan had no disciples. Although Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao both took Master Tanyuan's exercises, they were only teaching, not preaching, so Master Tanyuan did not leave any relics or anything, but directly The strength of this body is directly dissipated, and the return to the ruins is between heaven and earth.

After Long Tianying finished the burial in grief, he bowed to Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao: "Fang Shaoxia, Chu Gongzi, I have completed the task of sending the master home, and then I will go back to the East China Sea, the two of you. Farewell."

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "President Long walk slowly. If there is a need to use my Chu Xiu in the future, you can speak up. If you can help, I will definitely not refuse."

Long Tianying is very affectionate, Chu Xiu can see that.

Of course, Chu Xiu's desire to befriend Long Tianying is not only because he values ​​friendship, but because Long Tianying has the ability and may be able to use it in the future.

Although the Whale Sky Club is far overseas, it also has to trade with the Central Plains. Let's not talk about its strength, but its financial resources are really not weak.

Long Tianying thanked Chu Xiu and left. He had a good sense of Chu Xiu, at least Chu Xiu didn't turn his face away after getting the power of inheritance, but he wasn't as unbearable as the legends of Jianghu. .

But even so, Long Tianying would only befriend Chu Xiu, and would not do anything for free like he did for Master Tanyuan.

Chu Xiu was only a descendant of Master Tan Yuan's practice, not a disciple of Master Tan Yuan, so once Master Tan Yuan died, the old favor would naturally end, and it would not be possible to pass it on to Chu Xiu again.

After Long Tianying left, looking at the tomb of Grandmaster Tanyuan in front of him, Fang Qishao suddenly sighed and said with a rare serious expression: "Brother Chu, what do you think this person is living for? I always feel that Master Tanyuan is alive. It's a bit of a loss to live.

It is not a problem for a strong person to live in the real fire for more than 400 years. As a result, Master Tan Yuan has already entered the ground when he is only 100 years old. Is it worth it to exchange his life essence for more than 300 years for those lives? If he didn't die, maybe he could save more people. "

Chu Xiu looked ahead, narrowed his eyes and said, "Sometimes the account is not calculated like this. If you have thoughts in your heart, you can achieve something. Ten thousand years is too long, and some people would rather just fight for the day and night.

For Master Tan Yuan, what he has done in the past 100 years has no regrets, it is worth it. You ask people what is the purpose of life, everyone's answer is different, but if you die without regret, That's worth it.

How about you? Do you want to know what you are living for in this life? "

Fang Qishao was stunned by Chu Xiu's question. He looked at the sword in his hand without blinking. He, who was usually talkative, was silent for a while.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Fang Qishao said quietly: "Why do you live? It should be to live to live.

Do you feel that I talk too much? "

Chu Xiu didn't speak, Fang Qishao didn't talk a lot, but a lot.

But Fang Qishao didn't wait for Chu Xiu to answer, he continued: "I talk so much every day, even the brothers in Sword King City are impatient, that's because I'm afraid, afraid that one day I will When he died, he couldn't say so much.

In fact, I was very miserable when I was young, so miserable that I almost lost the opportunity to speak.

You know that in the Western Regions, big countries are fighting, small countries are fighting, and there are horses, bandits and robbers everywhere.

When I was five years old, my village was slaughtered by robbers, and I escaped by hiding in a water tank.

After the robber left, I still didn't dare to get out of the water tank. After three days, I was so hungry that I couldn't take it anymore, so I climbed out, but in the whole village, no one could speak anymore.

It was the first time that I was so close to death, so since then, I didn't like darkness or silence. As long as I could bathe in sunshine every day and live, I would actually be content. "

Chu Xiu looked at Fang Qishao with a surprised look. If Fang Qishao didn't say these secrets himself, it is estimated that few people in the whole world would know that his background was so miserable, and Fang Qishao's request was also the same. generally low.

Most of the martial artists in Jianghu are fighting for fame and fortune, but since Chu Xiu met Fang Qishao, he really didn't pay much attention to such things as fame and fortune.

But now Chu Xiu knew that it wasn't that Fang Qishao didn't value fame and fortune, but that in his heart, nothing was more important than life.

Only those who have experienced death know how precious life is. In the horror between life and death, some things are not so important.

There was no sadness in Fang Qishao's tone when he said these things, as if he was just telling a simple story.

After finishing speaking, Fang Qishao smiled at Chu Xiu: "Brother Chu, you asked me this just now, but I told you all my privacy, how about you? What are you living for in this life? ?"

After pondering for a moment, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "If someone told you from the beginning that your fate is already doomed, would you accept it or resist?"

Fang Qishao was stunned and said, "What are you kidding? Nothing in this world is doomed from the very beginning. If fate can't be changed, what are the masters of that sect and Buddhist sect who study the way of divination and divination? ? Anyway, you have to die anyway, so follow the destiny.

Even including us warriors, if everything is really destined, then what else is there to cultivate? Find a fortune-telling master to calculate for yourself, if you have no future prospects, no matter how much you cultivate, it will be a waste of time. "

Chu Xiu said softly: "Yes, nothing in this world is doomed from the beginning, the saying that people are better than heaven is very cliché, although no one shouted it out, everyone is still doing it.

You ask me why I live in this life, even I can't tell myself clearly, I just want to not be imprisoned by fate, and by the way, I want to stand on the top of the peak and see the scenery below. "

Fang Qishao raised his eyebrows and said, "How high is the peak?"

Chu Xiu stared at Fang Qishao and said solemnly: "It's very high, so high that no one can stand taller than me!"

Fang Qishao was also staring at Chu Xiu. He finally realized that he and Chu Xiu were really two different people. His ambitions were bigger than others imagined!

But at this moment, Fang Qishao showed a smile, breaking the solemn atmosphere, he smiled and said: "Brother Chu, the higher you stand, the worse you will fall, you have to think about this. already."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It's not terrible to fall from the peak. What's terrible is that you don't even have the qualifications to fall from the peak."

Fang Qishao shrugged. Although he has more words than Chu Xiu, it is a pity that he doesn't know how to answer Chu Xiu's words now.

"By the way, Brother Chu, after the burial of Master Tan Yuan, are you going to go back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?" Fang Qishao asked off topic.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "There is nothing to do in Guanzhong Punishment Hall for now, I have already come out, and I am not in a hurry to go back at this time.

I am going to visit a friend in the land of Western Chu, and then go back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. "

The plan to go to Western Chu was considered by Chu Xiu on the way here. In short, he went to Western Chu for Lu Fengxian.

But Chu Xiu went to find Lu Fengxian at this time, not just because he wanted to reminisce with Lu Fengxian, but he wanted to help Lu Fengxian get the inheritance of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou!

In the original plot, the place where Lu Fengxian got his inheritance was in Western Chu, around this time period.

And now despite Chu Xiu's interference, Lu Fengxian still returned to Western Chu, but whether he will come or not is still a variable.

That's why Chu Xiu, who just said that man will conquer the sky or something, is hope at this time, and the future has not changed.

Of course, even if it changes, it's not a big deal. With the power that Chu Xiu can control now, in the previous life, Lu Fengxian was able to win the inheritance of Lu Wenhou by himself. Now with Chu Xiu's help, the odds are undoubtedly greater.

Those famous people in later They either climbed up one step at a time, or they got some kind of opportunity to soar into the sky and rise into dragons.

The opportunity for Lu Fengxian to transform into a dragon lies in the inheritance of Lu Wenhou. Of course, even if Lu Fengxian does not have this inheritance, his strength is still not weak, and he can compete with the disciples of those major factions.

It's just that the cultivation technique is an innate factor. The later stage, the gap will widen. If Lu Fengxian can get the biography of Lu Wenhou, then the gap will be completely leveled.

There are very few people who use the Fangtianhua halberd as a weapon in the rivers and lakes, and even fewer can use the Fangtianhua halberd in the transformation realm. It can be said that the inheritance of Lu Wenhou is basically prepared for Lu Fengxian. It is obtained, but it cannot play its role to the fullest.

When Fang Qishao heard what Chu Xiu said, he suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Chu, how about I go with you? You go to Xichu to see your friends, and I will also go to Xichu to visit the mountain-opening ceremony of Dong's family in Gaoling. join in the fun."

Chu Xiu's eyes were strange when he heard the words. The inheritance of Lu Wenhou was discovered during the opening ceremony.

The so-called mountain opening ceremony is a tradition of some forces in the Western Chu region that are close to the 100,000-strong mountain.

Most of the land of Western Chu is surrounded by wild jungles, so some sects or noble families who live near the mountains will organize manpower every once in a while to open up mountains and forests to develop that part of the dense forests.

In the wild land of the 100,000 Dashan Mountains in Western Chu, there may be some crisis when opening mountains and forests, ferocious beasts, and even some unexpected things. Sacrificial ceremonies will be held, commonly known as Kaishan Festival, which is also a feature of Western Chu.


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