Meet The Leader

Chapter 498: Enter Western Chu

Ying Bailu's love for Yan Feiyan is known to all Jianghu people, but Jianghu people don't know if this is true or a rumor, but in Shangshui Ying clan, everyone knows it is true, because of this In fact, Ying Bailu had even quarreled with his father several times.

In fact, in terms of family background, strength, etc. of the two sides, Yan Feiyan and Ying Bailu can be regarded as talented and talented.

But the difficulty in this matter was that Yan Feiyan was a disciple of Yuenv Palace, and he was also the future successor of Yuenv Palace, and was destined to become the master of Yuenv Palace in the future.

Originally, the rule of the Yue Nu Palace was that women should not marry outside, let alone the palace owner, even if the object was Shang Shui Ying's Ying Bailu, it would not be the same.

Therefore, in the Shang Shui Ying clan, whether it is Ying Bailu's father or other elders, they are persuading Ying Bailu to change his partner, even if Ying Bailu wants to marry a saint from the Moon Worship Cult It's easier than marrying Yan Feiyan, and it's more unnecessary to waste time and energy on her.

But who knows that Ying Bailu, who has always acted very rationally, is extremely stubborn in the matter of Yan Feiyan. No one persuades him.

Uncle Fu hesitated: "Young Master, it's really impossible for you and Miss Yan, even if the owner agrees, but what does the Yuenu Palace say? Not to mention Miss Yan herself has rejected you several times. already."

Ying Bailu waved his hand indifferently and said, "There must be a way for the car to the front of the mountain. Anyway, there will always be a solution. Uncle Fu, I'll go first, and I will trouble you to inform my father."

When the words fell, Ying Bailu turned around and left without giving Fu Bo a chance to speak.

Looking at Ying Bailu's back, Fu Bo also shook his head.

Perhaps there is nothing perfect in this world, the eldest son is good at everything, but he can't see through the word "love", and it is also good fortune.

At this time, in the territory of Western Chu, Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao came directly to Western Chu through the small road in the southwest.

As for why he went to the Southwest, it was purely Chu Xiu who wanted to see what the current Southwest had become.

The result was not as Chu Xiu expected. The Second Prince still had some capable people, but he managed the Southwest in an orderly manner. As for what the martial arts sects in the Southwest thought, I don't know, but Anyway, no matter how miserable it is, it's still better than destroying the family, right?

After arriving in Western Chu, Fang Qishao casually bowed to Chu Xiu and said, "Brother Chu has said goodbye, you can go to your friend, I will go directly to Gaoling Dong's house to have a meal."

What Fang Qishao said was to eat a meal, but it was really a meal, because the Gao Ling Dong family did not invite Sword King City to go.

However, there is no enmity between Sword King City and Gao Ling Dong's family. With Sword King City's strength and Fang Qishao's identity, even if he doesn't get an invitation, he will definitely get preferential treatment when he goes to Gao Ling Dong's family.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "It's okay, I believe we will meet soon."

Fang Qishao was stunned, Chu Xiu is also going to come to the Dong family in Gaoling to participate in the opening ceremony? But before he could ask any more questions, Chu Xiu had already left, which made Fang Qishao shake his head, and then turned around and left after muttering a few words.

Chu Xiu would go to the opening ceremony of Dong's family in Gaoling, but before going, he had to find Lu Fengxian.

Speaking of which, Chu Xiu, a member of the Dong family in Gaoling, has also been in contact with him, that is, Dong Xiangyi, the second eldest of the Five Heroes of Jiangdong.

Although theoretically speaking, Dong Xiangyi was not killed by Chu Xiu, but died in the infighting of the five heroes of Jiangdong, but it is right that he has nothing to do with Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu only hoped that he would go to Gao Ling Dong's house this time and not get into trouble because of this matter.

However, according to Chu Xiu's analysis, there should be no trouble.

At the beginning, Dong Xiangyi left Gaoling Dong's family because of the failure of the family struggle, so he left in despair. Now in the Dong family, it is estimated that there are not many who remember Dong Xiangyi, let alone who will come to Chu Xiu because of him. trouble.

At this time, Lu Fengxian should have been in the world where the **** doctor of Jianghu in Western Chu was 'Angry to Death Yama'. This person's medical clinic was opened in a valley in Danyang County of Western Chu, and he was quite famous in Jianghu. Find out where to go.

It was the first time for Chu Xiu to come to the land of Western Chu. Among the three kingdoms in the world, the Eastern Qi occupies the land of the Central Plains and is the most prosperous and prosperous. Although Beiyan is close to the extremely cold land in the north, it is not bad, and the folk customs are strong and martial arts. It is prevalent enough to compete with the Eastern Qi, and it will indeed be the case in the future.

As for Western Chu, it is the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, and has the smallest population. Even most of the entire Western Chu region is shrouded in barren mountains and dense forests, and there are few large-scale prefectures, counties and counties.

In the days of Dongqi and Beiyan, Chu Xiu could go to a certain place quickly by walking directly on the main road, but now in Xichu, it is very laborious to travel back and forth among the small roads, and some places even have a serious road. There are no roads.

No wonder so many forces in Western Chu have the habit of opening up mountains and forests. For them, the surrounding mountains and forests are not only resources, but also an obstacle.

It is estimated that only the forces like Miaojiang Moon Worship Cult or Longhu Mountain Tianshifu have the courage to start a sect in the remote mountains and forests, and they are not afraid of any danger from beasts, it should be said that even if it is a beast , that is to avoid them.

The medical center where Feng Buping is located is in the Valley of the Dead in Danyang County, and its name is very unlucky.

This Valley of the Dead is said to be where a small family used to be, but that family was slaughtered by the entire family, and blood was sprinkled all over the valley, so this place is conveniently called the Valley of the Dead.

Later, this valley of the dead was shrouded in miasma all day long, and it was almost difficult for ordinary people and animals to get out of it.

However, ten years ago, he came here with turbulence, but he relied on his medical skills to plant all kinds of exotic flowers and herbs here, not only to make the miasma disappear, but also to directly play his own reputation, making The title of Angry Yama has resounded on the rivers and lakes.

When Chu Xiu came to the Valley of the Dead, the place didn't look desolate at all, but it was very lively. Most of the warriors who came and went came to seek treatment from Feng Jiping, and some simply came to buy medicine. .

Before Chu Xiu entered the valley, a short and thin warrior squeezed over and said with a smile: "This son is also here to seek Fengshen Healer for treatment? But Fengshen Doctor's reputation in the arena is so great, these Everyone came to him for treatment, and the longest one had been lined up for a year.

It's just a small one, but I've stayed outside the Valley of the Dead for several years, and I'm familiar with the character of Fengshenyi. If this young man can give me a little reward, I will tell him your preference of Fengshenyi, and I will make sure that you get the diagnosis. Jin was able to obtain the approval of Fengshenyi. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Guaranteed to get me treated immediately?"

The martial artist immediately shook his head and said, "Of course it's impossible, you have to queue up, but if the things you take out don't meet Fengshenyi's wishes, then you don't even have the qualifications to line up."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, this injustice is really so hot that even the queue depends on his mood.

Thinking like this, Chu Xiu ignored the warrior and went directly into the Valley of the Dead.

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, the warrior couldn't help sneering behind him: "It turned out to be a poor ghost, and you will regret it after you eat it!"

There are many people outside the valley of the dead, but there are actually more people in the valley of the dead, and most of them are the kind of people who have been seriously injured to a certain extent.

The price of Feng Buping is not low, and the conditions are harsh, so most martial artists will not come to him as long as there is still some hope.

At the end of the Valley of the Dead are several thatched huts, surrounded by all kinds of exotic flowers and plants. One of them is thin and has only five Qi Chaoyuan Realm cultivation base. He has a mustache and dresses up. The sloppy middle-aged man is sitting in front of the thatched hut. When someone comes, he will check the other person carefully. If it is time to do something, or take medicine, he will directly prescribe a few and throw them aside for the miscellaneous The boy asked them to deal with it. Although his attitude was not very good, his movements were very quick.

This person is the genius doctor who is mad at Yama and who claims to be able to steal people from King Yama.

Feng Buping's strength is not very strong. Chu Xiu knows that, in fact, for Feng Buping, he doesn't need much strength in his line of work. At least they need to use strength.

Of course, don't look at Feng Buping's strength, but his status is here. Among the warriors who came to heal, there are also many warriors from the great faction or the unity of nature and man, but they were still reprimanded by Feng Buping. Like Sun Tzu, he didn't even dare to refute.

Just when Chu Xiu wanted to walk directly in front of Feng Buping, some warriors looked at Chu Xiu with unkind eyes.

They have been queuing up here for so long, and some of them have even lived outside the Valley of the Dead, waiting for their turn in order. As a result, this kid actually wants to cut the line, which is a broken rule.

Therefore, a martial artist with a temperament of the unity of nature and man couldn't help but stand up and said: "Hey, boy, do you know what rules are?"

Chu Xiu cast a glance at him, and the aura of the unity of heaven and man slowly bloomed, rising step by step, getting stronger and stronger, and finally the devilish energy and murderous intent seemed to condense into essence, which was extremely terrifying. people.

The martial artist of the unity of heaven and man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned and returned to his position, not even daring to let go.

Not to mention the terrifying aura, although he didn't know Chu Xiu, such a young man of the unity of heaven and man knows how amazing his background is, and to find trouble with such a person is purely seeking death.


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