Meet The Leader

Chapter 499: trouble with wind

Chu Xiu walked straight to Feng Buping, which made Feng Buping frown and snorted coldly, "Boy, no matter which school you are from, when you come to me, you must obey my rules, and if you want to rule I'm sick, take out the consultation fee that satisfies me, and then get out of the queue!"

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Don't be so excited about Fengshen doctor, you look like I'm sick? I'm here to find someone."

Feng Buping glanced at Chu Xiu, and with this glance, Chu Xiu felt as if his entire body was seen through.

This was a very miraculous feeling, and there was no danger, so Chu Xiu didn't even have a subconscious resistance defense, but when Chu Xiu wanted to mobilize the true energy in his body, the feeling disappeared instantly.

Feng Buping nodded his head clearly and said, "That's right, you have strong qi and blood, and your true qi is deep. You are as strong as a dragon. There's really nothing wrong with you. Who are you looking for?"

At this moment, Lu Fengxian came out from behind and saw that Chu Xiu was here, he was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Chu, why did you come here?"

Feng Buping looked at Chu Xiu in surprise and said, "Are you Chu Xiu?"

Feng Buping and Lu Fengxian were inseparable, and he naturally knew the existence of Chu Xiu.

In the top ten of the Dragon Tiger List, there are not many warriors from the bottom of the grass, and Chu Xiu can be ranked fifth, which is legendary enough.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands at Feng Buping and said: "Exactly, I came to visit rashly, and I hope Feng Shenyi doesn't take offense."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu said to Lu Fengxian, "Of course it is a good thing to find you, and it is a great good thing."

Feng Buping knew that the two of them might have something to say, so he waved his hands directly and said, "You two go inside and talk, I'm very busy here, don't worry about me."

Following Lu Fengxian to the back room, Lu Fengxian smiled and said, "Brother Chu, is there anything good for me? Could it be that brother Chu, you have become the heir of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and are you going to hire me to be the judge?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Emperor Chen Qing wants to admit you to the World Alliance, but you don't agree, how can you like Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

I came to you to get together to seize a chance. There is a practice method that is very suitable for you. It should be said that it is prepared for you. "

Lu Fengxian asked directly, "When?"

Lu Fengxian is a character who easily trusts other people, but he is not a fool, even if he trusts, there are degrees.

If it was someone else, Lu Fengxian would not refuse, but he would ask in detail what the opportunity was, how dangerous it was, how the other party knew about it, etc.

But facing Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian knew that Chu Xiu would not harm him, so he only needed time to prepare.

And Chu Xiu didn't make any excuses because he knew Lu Fengxian's character, because he knew that Lu Fengxian wouldn't ask more questions.

"It's too late. A month later, at the opening ceremony of the Dong family in Gao Ling, we can enter with the Dong family. By the way, Brother Lu, are you recovering?"

Lu Fengxian moved his body and said, "The Fengshen doctor has a wonderful hand to rejuvenate. I can only rely on time to recuperate from this injury in other places, but in the hands of the Fengshen doctor, I have recovered within a month."

Chu Xiu said strangely: "Then why are you still here?"

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "I'm here just to protect Fengshenyi. Fengshenyi has been a little uneasy during this time. I can help him stop some of the nights here."

Chu Xiu said strangely: "Is there anyone else who is looking for trouble with Feng Buping?"

In general rivers and lakes, people like Feng Buping, a genius doctor who can save your life, or a fortune-telling master, an artifact refiner, etc., although they are very weak, are also very few people who will come to them for trouble. Because it's not worth it.

As a martial artist, such existence is not a threat to them, and he may still be able to use each other when he is, so treat such people, even some disciples of the great faction, politely, not to mention asking for trouble, Not even to please.

Lu Fengxian smiled bitterly and said, "It's natural for other people, but you can also see the character of Fengshenyi, even if it is to cure diseases and save people, his attitude is still the same, and it often offends people, so this has also led to many people. Some of them dislike Feng Shenyi, and the injury is cured, but I am not grateful to Feng Shenyi in my heart, but hold a grudge against him."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and he could see that. The doctor who can yell at people to get fucked, naturally his temper is not much better.

Of course, this can only be said to be due to nature. Like Mo Yezi, his temper is also rather eccentric, but at least he won't offend people, but he has made enough contacts, even if he offends the Luo family for this, he is not afraid at all.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, which made Lu Fengxian frowned and sighed, "It's here again."

Chu Xiu wondered, "Who?"

Lu Fengxian said helplessly, "The troublemaker."

"You can't figure it out?"

Chu Xiu knows Lu Fengxian's strength. Although Lu Fengxian only has five Qi Dynasty Yuan Realm, but with his strength, he is enough to rival most of the Martial Artists in the Heaven and Humanity Realm. Could it be that the Martial Dao Grandmaster is the one who came to trouble him?

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "I can handle it, but that guy's background is a bit big."

"People from the top forces in Jianghu?" Chu Xiu asked.

"It's not a top force, but his master is a loose martial arts master, and he is the youngest disciple."

Hearing what Lu Fengxian said, Chu Xiu immediately understood where the trouble was.

If the other party is a disciple of the top forces, it can also be solved through various contacts or various methods.

But the disciples of the Master of Loose Cultivation Martial Arts are very difficult, because such people usually mean that his master must be a very protective existence.

Lu Fengxian sighed and said, "Even if it's a difficult matter, I have to take care of it. Feng Shenyi has saved me twice, so I can't leave him alone."

With that said, Lu Fengxian walked out of the gate directly, and Chu Xiu followed behind him.

At this time, outside the door, the herbs around Feng Buping that he deliberately planted have been trampled and destroyed. Feng Buping's face is gloomy, and he is shivering with anger.

A warrior in his thirties, with a cultivation base in the Outer Astral Realm, and wearing a brocade clothes, was looking at Feng Buping with a sneer and said, "Damn Fengshen doctor, I think you are a liar!

Back then, I paid so much for you to help me sort out the messy infuriating energy in my body, but you said that you would guarantee me that I would be safe and sound and recover to the peak. What happened? In the end, I still fell into a dark disease!

Feng is not flat, if you don't give me an explanation of this matter, I will come to smash your dead man's valley every few days, making your hospital completely unable to open! "

Feng Buping said with a gloomy face: "How did I tell you back then? You can't be close to a woman for a month after you sort out your anger. It's because you can't control that thing in your crotch, and you still blame me now?

Back then, I was also blind, coveting the purple golden scrophularia ginseng that your master gave me, and it took me two whole days to help you sort out your true qi, but I didn't expect you to be here to avenge your revenge!

Alright, alright, I don't want that purple gold scrophularia, you get out of here! "

The martial artist sneered: "No more? What about the dark disease on my body? If the dark disease on my body is not cured, this matter will never end!"

Feng Buping roared: "I said at the time that if you relapse and become a woman after sorting out your true qi, you will be at your own risk. Now your true qi has completely torn apart a piece of dantian, and the gods are hard to save. How can you let me cure it?"

The martial artist said indifferently: "If you can't cure it, then use something to pay for it! Isn't you Feng Ji Ping known as a genius doctor in the rivers and lakes? Give me your medical scriptures, and I will let others study the usage so that you can treat yourself."

As soon as this statement came out, Feng Buping's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and the others also suddenly realized that the target of this warrior turned out to be the medical scripture in Feng Buping's hands.

The medical scriptures in the hands of a miraculous doctor must be of great value, and to the physicians, this is the same as the martial arts secrets of the martial artist, how could it be handed over casually? This martial artist is simply taking advantage of it.

Among the people in the Valley of the Dead, some people want to stand out. After all, this warrior is making trouble here, and it is their time that is wasted.

But they didn't wait for them to take action, but they were immediately held down by others, and told them the identity of this person in This person is a strong Xichu Sanxiu, "floating blood" God Knife' Qiao Liandong's young disciple Zhou Baiyi, and Qiao Liandong is notoriously short-sighted in the land of Western Chu. In the early years, he even went to Tianshifu to seek justice because of his disciple's grievance with Longhushan Tianshifu.

Everyone present is going to come forward, and what they have to face is not Zhou Baiyi, but Qiao Liandong, a martial arts master who protects the shortcoming.

Zhou Baiyi looked at Feng Wuping with all his time, as if he had settled for him, because he knew that few people in Western Chu would help Feng Qiping.

This person's temper is so stinky, and sometimes even if he helps people heal their injuries, most people won't accept his favor.

Some loose cultivators who wanted to help did not dare to do anything after knowing his identity, while some disciples of the great faction did not want to offend Qiao Liandong because of an injustice after knowing his identity. .

Feng Buping is only a genius doctor in the rivers and lakes, and he is not the only genius doctor in the whole world. It is not worth it to offend a martial arts master for him.

At this moment, Lu Fengxian came out and said coldly: "Zhou Baiyi, you are going too far, if you don't have a Fengshen doctor, let alone a secret injury, you are already a crippled person, and you don't want Zijin Xuanshen Fengshen doctor, you What else do you want?"

Zhou Baiyi sneered: "'Little Wenhou' Lu Fengxian? You are now ranked in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger list, but you are very beautiful and have a promising future. I advise you not to get involved in this matter, otherwise you will not want to know the consequences. ."

Zhou Baiyi knew this, but he was not afraid of Lu Fengxian's gratitude.

Lu Fengxian was born in a loose cultivator, and has no background, and he was hunted down in Beiyan for offending Juyi Village, which is nothing to worry about.


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