Meet The Leader

Chapter 506: camouflage

The large tomb that suppressed the demon **** Lu Wenhou was full of formations, but the outside world was only reinforced with ordinary materials, and it was not too difficult to crush it.

Dong Qikun and other three martial arts masters shot together, but they quickly blasted the big tomb into a pothole.

In an instant, a strong and pungent **** smell came from the pothole, and the breath was extremely cold, making people shudder.

The three of them looked at each other, but no one went in first. On the contrary, some warriors who were born in loose cultivators saw that these martial arts masters did not respond, but they tried to enter it first.

The rules of the Kaishan Festival are that as long as you can take it, you can take it away, and the Dong family will never care.

So when these people saw that Dong Qikun didn't move, they wanted to go ahead and take the lead.

Chu Xiu watched coldly from the side. Some of the people who came to participate in the opening ceremony were sensible people, and some were idiots who did not care about other people's interests.

Seizing the opportunity is good, yes, but the martial arts master is not an idiot, and can watch you seize the opportunity.

Dong Qikun and the three of them clearly felt that the aura in this place was wrong, and they were afraid that it was a little dangerous, so they deliberately did not take action, just wanting to wait for other people to enter it to explore the way.

After half a quarter of an hour, there was no abnormality. Dong Qikun and others entered it, as did the warriors of the Dong family.

At this time, Yan Feiyan also came with people from Yue Nu Palace, Ying Bailu followed her closely. These people were stunned when they saw the big tomb, but they also entered it. .

Chu Xiu said to Lu Fengxian and the others, "So many people have gone in, so let's go in and join in the fun."

Everyone nodded and followed Chu Xiu into the tomb.

Among these people, the Seventh Young Master of China is not very interested in the contents of the tomb, but he is very interested in the tomb itself. He wants to know what is buried in it.

As soon as everyone entered through the void, there was a biting coolness.

Inside the pothole is a long corridor, twisted and crooked, and there are runes all over the corridor.

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "The formation in this tomb is suppressing perception."

Lu Fengxian and the others also nodded, and they also felt it. In this big tomb, their perception was suppressed to zero. It can even be said that now their perception is no different from that of ordinary people. Relying on the natural six senses such as eyes and ears to distinguish everything.

A few people carefully explored the corridor in front of them. At this time, Fang Qishao suddenly whispered: "This corridor itself is built according to runes."

The corridor in front of everyone was twisting and twisting like a labyrinth. At this time, listening to Fang Qishao's words, they also reacted. The route they walked really looked like a rune.

"What rune?" Chu Xiu asked.

Fang Qishao spread his hands and said, "How do I know? I have only occasionally seen similar formations in Sword King City's formations. I have no research on this kind of thing."

In the Sword King City, Fang Qishao was not interested in anything other than swordsmanship. It was a good thing for him to recognize this corridor as a rune.

The crowd kept walking along the twisted corridor, the corridor seemed to be endless, Fang Qishao couldn't help muttering: "Damn it, isn't this place really a big labyrinth? Did the person who built this thing have a hole in his head, and built this labyrinth to trap a person?"

Chu Xiu and the others didn't talk to each other, so Fang Qishao was talking to himself here, only Xie Xiaolou was a little surprised, why is this 'Gao Leng' swordsman Fang Qishao so much?

At this moment, the corridor in front of everyone finally disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was a cold pool of water.

Chu Xiu's Emperor Wang Qi burst out, and the divine light in his eyes bloomed, but it dimmed again in an instant.

The formation in this place will not only suppress the perception, but also suppress his spiritual power, and even the emperor's qi technique cannot be used.

Xie Xiaolou said from the side: "I'll try it out."

Saying that, Xie Xiaolou took out a seed and threw it into the pool. In an instant, the seed was in full bloom, and a small white flower bloomed.

Xie Xiaolou said: "This is a spirit wood flower. It is very sensitive to dangerous things. If there is an abnormality in the water, it will not bloom."

Everyone also looked at it carefully, but they did not find anything unusual, so they all stepped into the river and continued to move forward.

The water pool was not deep, it only reached the waist of everyone, and after walking for half a quarter of an hour, they had already crossed the pool, but a corridor appeared in front of everyone.

Chu Xiu frowned, but kept walking forward.

There are already quite a few ancient ruins that Chu Xiu has explored, but there are really few such as the tomb that suppressed Lu Wenhou.

There is not much danger, let alone something like a beast, not even a formation trap.

The only thing that is wrong is that this formation is suppressing the perception and mental power of himself and others, but it is only suppression, not erosion, which is no big deal.

Continuing to walk for another hour, Chu Xiu suddenly felt a wrong feeling from the bottom of his heart, which was unusually awkward.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when Chu Xiu opened his eyes again, he suddenly shot, squeezed the big diamond wheel mark with both hands, and blasted directly at Fang Qishao beside him!

And Fang Qishao seemed to have noticed something in advance. His body was like catkins, and he hid beside him. Chu Xiu's big diamond wheel slammed on the wall of the corridor, making a loud noise, and instantly the gravel flew. .

Fang Qishao said with a look of anger: "Brother Chu, why did you suddenly shoot at me, why are you so nervous?"

Lu Fengxian and Xie Xiaolou on the side also looked at Chu Xiu and said, "Yeah, Brother Chu, what happened? Why did you suddenly attack the other brother?"

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "It's pretty similar, I didn't even notice it at the beginning.

It's just that it's hard to draw a tiger's skin and a bone. You guys are indeed perfect in disguise, especially when this kind of mental power is suppressed, even I can't see anything abnormal.

But it's a pity, you can pretend to be your appearance, but you can't disguise a person's character!

Just like Fang Qishao's kind of talkative, you let him walk in a corridor for an hour without saying a word, is it possible?

And I just shot you, if the person beside me was really Lu Fengxian, he would not have any doubts about me, but would stand directly on my side and shot you together.

And Xie Xiaolou has fought side by side with me several times, and he has enough trust in me. I will take action against you, and he will also not stand on your side of the "sword head" who only has a one-sided relationship.

Tell me, what are you guys? "

At the beginning, Chu Xiu did not find anything wrong, but later he felt that Fang Qishao had not said a word, and he began to have doubts.

So this time, it was also thanks to Chu Xiu who came in with Fang Qishao. If Chu Xiu only entered with people who didn't talk much like Lu Fengxian and Xie Xiaolou, then it is estimated that Chu Xiu wouldn't be able to find anything unusual by now.

And Chu Xiu also roughly guessed when the three people lost their bags. It should be when they passed by the water pool, and the water pool was really wrong.

If Chu Xiu guessed correctly, there are also three disguised 'things' around Fang Qishao and others now, and even the corridors they walk are not the same.

Because both perception and mental power are suppressed, God knows how many tunnels there are in front of them. Without perception, it is still very easy to fool Chu Xiu and others with some simple blindness.

At this time, the three things suddenly did not say a word, but their bodies had already begun to change.

The clothes on their bodies dissolved and turned into humanoid objects composed entirely of black water, with no facial features on their faces, and they looked unusually evil.

"I didn't expect that you were discovered so quickly, and it was discovered for such a funny reason. It's terrifying later."

The three human-shaped things spoke at the same time, and their voices were dull, as if they came from a large vat, and they looked very evil.

"What are you?" Chu Xiu frowned. UU reading www.


The three humanoids laughed at the same time and said, "I don't know how many years have passed, and the younger generations no longer know our name? Well, under the command of Lord Wen Hou, we are just nameless people."

The laughter fell, the existence of the three humanoids actually combined to form a figure wearing a battle armor, but the battle armor on the figure was still made of water, and his face still had no facial features, only The ripples on the surface of the water looked extremely evil.

"My name is Shui Wuxiang. In the past, Lord Wenhou was only a small soldier. Today, you and other juniors enter this place and can be the reborn body of Lord Wenhou. You should feel honored.

Those old guys are too old, the boy with the sword is good, the boy with the blood of the black dragon is also good, and you are also very good, of course, the best boy is the boy who uses Fang Tian to draw a halberd, if it weren't for Lord Wen Hou The true spirit is still there, and I suspect that he is the reincarnation of Wen Houda.

Obediently, you will be captured. When the true spirit of Lord Wenhou is reborn, if you are chosen to be the body of Lord Wenhou's rebirth, I will help you retain the true spirit with the water of no phase, and find a body for you in the future. , and follow Lord Wen Hou across the world, and you can live up to this life. "

What Shui Wuxiang said should be Fang Qishao who used the sword, and Lu Fengxian who used the Fang Tianhua halberd, but who is the bloodline of the black dragon referring to? Xie Xiaolou still wins Bailu or is it someone else?

But these are no longer important, Chu Xiu sneered directly: "Why do people who are already dead still have to struggle to continue to live? Your Lord Wen Hou was played to death as early as ten thousand years ago. Now you still want to conquer the world? It is estimated that he will be suppressed by the Taoist priests of Tianshifu before he climbs out of the tomb!"


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