Meet The Leader

Chapter 507: Wenhou Resurrection Project

No one knows which martial arts of ancient times are stronger than today's martial arts, but the predecessors may not be stronger than today's, that's for sure, there is no strongest martial arts in this world, only the strongest people.

There were countless strong people in ancient times, and now there are also Dugu Weiyi, who is swallowing the sky with devilish flames, and Ning Xuanji, who is known as an immortal.

In ancient times, the exercises were powerful, and now some people in this era have created amazing exercises, such as the Heart Sutra of Heaven Repairing by Ye Shaonan, the leader of worshiping the moon.

But the only certainty is that some secret techniques in the ancient times were indeed very strange, and it was unclear what the principle was.

Just like the water in front of him has no form, Chu Xiu couldn't figure out whether he was a human or a ghost.

He kept claiming that he was a **** under the command of Marquis Lu Wen in the past, but now it seems that his status under Marquis Lu Wen should not be low, but Chu Xiu is also not afraid.

It is now ten thousand years later, and everything in the ancient times has disappeared. No matter how strong this water Wuxiang was in the ancient times, he is definitely not stronger now.

Guessing in the stupidest way can tell, this Shui Wuxiang really has a very strong strength, and he doesn't need to deliberately pretend to be Fang Qishao and others to follow Chu Xiu, wanting to lead Chu Xiu to a certain place. The place is right, and it's good to shoot directly.

He is already a weak chicken, but he is still breathing here. It seems that this fellow has been suppressed for too long, and he has not yet figured out the situation.

At this time, when Shui Wuxiang heard that Chu Xiu dared to insult Lord Wen Hou, he couldn't help showing his anger: "The younger generation will dare to say nonsense and court death!"

The voice fell, and the water Wuxiang's hands moved, and it turned into a sword and a sword, with a deep chill towards Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, squeezed his wisdom fist mark in his hand, and laid out the realm of Astral Qi, and the ground net was sky-high, directly shrouding the water Wuxiang in it.

With a single blow of the Donkey Kong wheel mark, the sword shattered and water droplets splashed all over the place.

Another seal fell, directly smashing the waterless head.

Shui Wuxiang, who was in the realm of Zhiquan Yin Gangqi, wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't escape. He couldn't help shouting angrily: "You..."

But he just spit out a word, Chu Xiu's third big diamond wheel mark has fallen, directly smashing his body into a ball of water.

The black water droplets penetrated into the ground and disappeared completely, but this guy should not be dead.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and guessed right from him, this guy is very weak, probably equivalent to a martial artist of the Five Qi Dynasty, and he is still relatively weak.

In this way, Fang Qishao and Lu Fengxian are definitely not in danger, Xie Xiaolou should not be, of course, the premise is that they can find out in time, because Chu Xiu doesn't know where this guy wants to take them.

Looking around, Chu Xiu realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

Although his perception and spiritual power were severely suppressed in this tomb, his power did not change much.

This large tomb was used to suppress Marquis Lu Wen. Hearing that Shui Wuxiang said earlier, Marquis Lu should have really died, but it was only his body that died, not his true spirit. Marquis Lu should be able to borrow them. The body of one of them was resurrected again.

Because of this, the formation in this big tomb is extremely powerful, but the actual material is not too strong, and Chu Xiu has just smashed it with a big diamond wheel mark.

Therefore, Chu Xiu simply stopped spinning back and forth in those twisted corridors. He directly chose to smash the wall and walk towards the central area.

In fact, Chu Xiu was not the first to find out about the situation. It was Fang Qishao who first found out that something was wrong.

Shui Wuxiang can perfectly simulate a person's appearance and even disguise according to their dialogue, but a person's character cannot be disguised.

Fang Qishao was chatting for a long time by himself, and even Shui Wuxiang was already annoyed by what he said. He didn't know how to respond. It was because he was slow to respond. When Fang Qishao noticed something was wrong, he immediately responded. hanged.

And Xie Xiaolou found out that something was wrong simply because he felt something was wrong with 'Chu Xiu'.

Xie Xiaolou didn't say much, but he asked Chu Xiu if he knew about Luo Feihong's recent situation.

Shui Wuxiang can only simulate the shape, but he cannot simulate the memory, so in the face of Xie Xiaolou's inquiry, Shui Wuxiang can only perfunctorily say that it's okay, but Xie Xiaolou caught the loophole.

With Chu Xiu's character, either he knew or he didn't know, this kind of perfunctory tone was definitely not Chu Xiu's habit.

Xie Xiaolou has also stepped into the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm now, but after all, he has just stepped into this realm, and his strength is still a little weak, but he has successfully solved Shui Wuxiang.

And Lu Fengxian was the last to find out.

It's not that Lu Fengxian is slow, but that he is not too familiar with Fang Qishao, so he didn't notice what was wrong with Fang Qishao.

Xie Xiaolou himself spoke little, and Chu Xiu didn't speak too much. It wasn't until he was about to be taken into the trap by Shui Wuxiang that he felt that Chu Xiu and the three of them kept the same pace, as if these three Personal tacit understanding is natural, and it is like a person at all, which is very unusual.

So Lu Fengxian opened his mouth to try, and finally found something wrong.

Just when Lu Fengxian was about to use the halberd to kill Shui Wuxiang completely, Shui Wuxiang suddenly said: "It is useless for you to kill me, in this sealed land, as long as the black water is not exhausted, I will not die.

Your title is Little Wenhou, and your destiny is destined to have a relationship with Lord Wenhou. In the future, Lord Wenhou will borrow your body to be reborn, and I can also help you reshape your body, and let Lord Wenhou accept you as a disciple.

From then on, you are not a little Wenhou, but a descendant of the devil, and you will be warm again! "

The Fang Tianhua halberd in Lu Fengxian's hand slashed straight out, and the scarlet qi was like a full moon, directly cutting the Shui Wuxiang into two pieces.

"Sorry, I already have a master, and my master is very good to me, and I don't want to worship another person."

Shui Wuxiang, who was cut in two, did not resist. He hated iron for not being steel and said, "Confused! Who is your teacher? Who is Lord Wenhou? How can ants be compared with giant dragons?"

This time, Lu Fengxian didn't speak, he just stepped up and stepped on Shui Wuxiang, making it turn into black water and flow into the ground.

Looking at the surrounding corridor walls, Lu Fengxian frowned slightly and paused. He chose the same method as Chu Xiu, forcibly demolished!

Since there is no way forward, find a way by yourself!

Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu were both stronger than him, so Lu Fengxian was not worried.

Although Xie Xiaolou's strength is slightly weaker, he is a disciple of Emperor Chen Qing after all, and there are a lot of treasures in the bottom of the box, so he is not too worried.

At this time, except for Chu Xiu and the others, everyone else has already fallen into the trap of the waterless phase, but of course the martial arts masters did not.

Dong Qikun's martial arts masters are very powerful and are not easy to imitate, and what Master Wen Hou needs to be reborn is a young body. Although those martial arts masters are strong, they are too old and do not meet the requirements, so Shui Wuxiang Didn't work on them at all.

Except for the few martial arts masters, the rest of the people who entered the tomb did not take the same passage, but were blocked by the blinds at the water pool, and their companions were stolen.

Those who reacted in time either found a new way like Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian did, directly choosing to smash the tunnel and make a way, or guessing that there was a trap ahead, they went back the same way to find another way.

But there are still some who didn't react. They were all tricked into a secret room. In the secret room, a blood-colored coffin suppressed a mummified corpse in battle armor. Anyone who entered this secret room, They were all shrouded in boundless blood-colored threads, and the mummified corpse sucked up all the blood and turned into a mummified corpse.

After the corpse was full of blood, the figure did not change. Instead, he condensed the blood into pearl-like blood beads and placed them under the blood coffin.

The mummy said in a hoarse voice: "Shui Wuxiang, you are so skilled that you can deceive this person, and there is no one who is slightly stronger. If this goes on, when will you be able to accumulate enough blood to resurrect Lord Wenhou?

Among the four of us, don't you claim to be the most resourceful and cunning under the command of Lord Wen Hou? What's the matter now? Being suppressed for tens of thousands of Stupid? "

The figure that Shui Wuxiang turned into angrily said: "The corpse and the nine spirits, you are the one who is suppressed and stupid!

You and those two idiots have been suppressed for so many years, and the true spirit almost died out. If I hadn't changed the old bull-nosed soul-soothing spell to the soul-soothing spell, don't call it true spirit. Destroyed, I am afraid I have already been reincarnated!

Now, among the four, I am the only one who can act arbitrarily. If it is not for me to plan all this, you will continue to wait for another 10,000 years! "

The corpse nine spirits smiled and said: "Don't be excited, after waiting for so long, I finally saw a living person, this opportunity is not easy, water has no appearance, in the past, Lord Wenhou valued you the most. Still lost.

Now that there is finally a ray of vitality, things still have to be handed over to you to plan, I just hope you don't mess things up this time. "

Shui Wuxiang said coldly: "Don't worry, this time is a good opportunity from heaven, these young people who came in were considered geniuses with extraordinary aptitude even ten thousand years ago.

Among them, there is a person who is natural in swordsmanship, one has the blood of a black dragon, and another is so powerful in body and spirit that even I can't tell the details.

And the most amazing thing is that there is a young man who is in a state similar to that of Lord Wen Hou when he was young. If Lord Wen Hou's true spirit is still alive, I simply suspect that he is Lord Wen Hou's reincarnation.

These young people can be used as a spare body for Lord Wen Hou, as for the others, they are regarded as blood nourishment.

One of my clones is leading a female doll. The female doll is not weak, and swallowing her blood can be worth hundreds of people. Don't make a mistake here! "


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