Meet The Leader

Chapter 508: Fengxian saves beauty

Shui Wuxiang routine is very simple, but if you want to see through it, you don't rely on strength, but carefulness.

Ying Bailu saw through Shui Wuxiang's routine faster than Chu Xiu and others, because his heart was on Yan Feiyan.

Shui Wuxiang's ability to imitate is very strong. From the time everyone entered this large tomb, Shui Wuxiang observed in secret, imitating the actions, words and details of those people.

But in a short period of time, Shui Wuxiang still has to manipulate so many clones. His imitation is definitely not perfect. Shi Jiuling accused Shui Wuxiang of being stupid for being suppressed, and he really wronged him.

Therefore, some inconsistencies in details were quickly discovered by Ying Bailu, and Ying Bailu was quite ruthless. He didn't give Shui Wuxiang a chance to speak at all, so he blew it up.

For him, Yan Feiyan is the person he admires, the fairy in his heart, and no one is allowed to blaspheme, this thing dares to pretend to be Yan Feiyan to deceive him, it is simply courting death.

However, Ying Bailu did not choose to smash through the wall like Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian did. He felt that something was wrong with the water pool, so he went back to study the water pool, wanting to see what Yan Feiyan had gone. that direction.

Ying Bailu found out that something was wrong, but Yan Feiyan didn't.

Apart from winning Bailu, the only ones who followed Yan Feiyan along the way were those female disciples who were also members of the Yue Nu Palace.

It is very easy for Shui Wuxiang to imitate Ying Bailu. Although Ying Bailu loves Yan Feiyan, he is not a talkative person, so Shui Wuxiang only needs to imitate Ying Bailu and watch Yan Feiyan with affectionate eyes all the time. Non-smoking, that's it.

As for other female disciples, it is better to imitate.

Yan Feiyan's prestige among the female disciples of the Yue Nu Palace was quite high, and everyone else followed her lead. Naturally, what Yan Feiyan said, others did what they did, so it wasn't too much trouble.

Therefore, Yan Feiyan followed the corridor and led him directly into the secret room where the corpse and the nine spirits were located in the obscuring method of water and no phase.

The moment he stepped into the secret room, Yan Feiyan felt that something was wrong.

She was just about to say something, but the more than ten female disciples of Yue Nu Palace and Ying Bailu behind her all turned into the appearance of Shui Wuxiang. More than ten clones shot together and attacked Yan Feiyan behind her!

The strength of these clones of Shui Wuxiang is actually very weak. The cold light above the Yuenu sword in Yan Feiyan's hand is cold, and the clones are all chopped up between the sword light.

But at this moment, the blood coffin was opened, the withered hands of the corpse nine spirits danced, and the boundless blood line shrouded it, and he rushed towards Yan Feiyan.

Those blood lines were extremely tough, and Yan Feiyan's strength could not smash them.

And don't look at the corpse Jiuling is just a mummified corpse now, his movements are stiff and slow, but his whole body seems to be a diamond that is not broken, and the Yue female sword that is hard against Yan Feiyan ignores it.

After fighting more than ten moves, Yan Feiyan was already in danger.

In the corridor not far from the secret room, Lu Fengxian was swinging his Fang Tianhua halberd and smashing it wildly in one direction.

But all of a sudden, Lu Fengxian moved his ears, as if there was the sound of fighting between gold and iron coming from one direction.

In this big tomb, the perception of the warrior was suppressed, but the six senses were still there, and Lu Fengxian's hearing was fine.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Fengxian changed direction and smashed in the direction of the voice.

In this tomb, apart from Qiao Liandong, Lu Fengxian had no enemies, so no matter who was fighting in front of him, Lu Fengxian was ready to save him.

But if the person in front was really Qiao Liandong, Lu Fengxian wouldn't mind making a sneak attack.

Although Lu Fengxian is a kind person with a big heart, he is not the kind of person who repays grievances with virtue.

Qiao Liandong instructed his apprentice to threaten Feng Bupo, but at the time, he hated Lu Fengxian so much that if it wasn't for Chu Xiu's toughness in the end, he still didn't know how to resolve the matter.

After Lu Fengxian smashed the wall, what he saw was the scene where the corpse nine spirits were about to push Yan Feiyan to the extreme.

Lu Fengxian did not have any grudges with the Yue Nu Palace. Although Chu Xiu had some friction with the Yue Nu Palace, in Lu Fengxian's opinion, there was still some meaning that the enemy should be resolved rather than knotted.

Since the person in front of him is not Qiao Liandong, Lu Fengxian didn't think too much about it, and directly shot to save people.

A dazzling crimson edge erupted from the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, and the halberd fell, like a red moon in the sky, with amazing power.

There was a loud bang. Although Lu Fengxian's Fang Tianhuaji failed to defeat the corpse and nine spirits, it left a thick white mark on his body, and even sent the corpse and nine spirits flying, causing it to smash. On the wall, the powerful force almost knocked down the entire wall.

At this time, Ji Jiuling saw Lu Fengxian's appearance before he had time to curse, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "Lord Wenhou!"

However, as soon as he said the words, he knew something was wrong. The person in front of him was not Lord Wen Hou, but the one who Shui Wuxiang said, a young man who is 80% similar to Lord Wen Hou when he was young.

Shi Jiuling just wanted to say something, but Lu Fengxian rushed up with his Fang Tianhua halberd, immeasurably powerful and unparalleled.

The corpse Jiuling's blood net could stop Yan Feiyan, but it shattered every inch under Lu Fengxian's Fang Tianhua halberd. , but it was blasted away again and again. In the end, even the corpse and the nine spirits couldn't stand it. If it continued to blast, his bones would be blasted to pieces!

"Shui Wuxiang! Are you going to continue watching?" Zhi Jiuling shouted angrily.

At this moment, a black water suddenly appeared in the secret room, and Shui Wuxiang's body emerged from it, and he said helplessly: "My clone is not there, what's the use of shooting? Forget it, if you can't stop it, Get out first."

The voice fell, and the black water incarnated by Shui Wuxiang directly included the corpse nine spirits and his blood coffin, and the black water unexpectedly sank to the ground with the two.

The corpse Jiuling is still in a state of being suppressed. Only around the blood coffin can he move at will. Without the blood coffin, he will become a corpse completely.

Lu Fengxian still wanted to take action, but he found that the two guys had completely disappeared. Lu Fengxian then stopped and asked Yan Feiyan, "Miss Yan, are you alright?"

Yan Feiyan shook his head and said, "It's fine, thank you Master Lu for helping me."

Looking at Lu Fengxian, Yan Feiyan also sighed in her heart, she felt right, she was indeed inferior to Lu Fengxian.

Even if she was ranked above Lu Fengxian on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, part of the reason she could be on the list was because of her fame. In terms of combat power, she was far worse than Lu Fengxian.

Throwing away those useless emotions, Yan Feiyan asked Lu Fengxian, "Young Master Lu, do you know what these two are?"

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I killed a clone of the black water that condensed into a human form before. Listening to his words, it should be the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou who was suppressed in this tomb, so they should be from the past. Lu Wenhou's men.

As for why they haven't died after 10,000 years, and even lived from the ancient catastrophe to the present, then I don't know.

However, this place is very dangerous. Since we entered here, we are afraid that we have already been targeted. These people even want to use our body to resurrect Lu Wenhou, but they have no idea what malicious plan they have.

Brother Chu and I are also separated. Looking at you now, Miss Yan, it should be the same, right? "

Yan Feiyan nodded and said with a somewhat ugly expression: "I and the other junior sisters are also separated."

Although she is safe now, the other female disciples of the Yue Nu Palace are still alive and dead, which makes Yan Feiyan a little worried.

You must know that there are not many disciples of Yue Nu Palace. If more than a dozen people fell here, it would definitely be a big blow to Yue Nu Palace.

Lu Fengxian comforted: "The car must have a way to the front of the mountain. Miss Yan doesn't have to be careful. Maybe they found out in advance?"

Yan Feiyan nodded, worrying is useless now, but fortunately he ran into Lu Fengxian, so at this time he just followed Lu Fengxian in one direction, and still led the way in front of Lu At this time On Chu Xiu's side, he demolished dozens of walls in a row, and finally passed through the corridor and came to a large bronze palace.

However, at the very center of the palace at this time, there was a very terrifying existence locked up.

It was a skeleton with flames burning all over his body. He was still wearing black armor, but the armor was tattered and stained with blood. I don't know why, but the armor was still in the flames. It looked cold and cold.

The skeleton's limbs and waist were all imprisoned by huge iron chains, but the iron chains on his limbs had been broken free, but they were still wrapped around his wrists and legs. Only the iron chains on his waist were still tightly imprisoned on him. body, so that he could not take a step.

At this time, there are already dozens of people in the palace, most of them are warriors of the Dong family, and some of them are loose cultivators.

At this moment, two thick iron chains that were burning with flames were circling rapidly around them, imprisoning them like a cage.

The two iron chains were exactly the two at the feet of the skeleton. Seeing Chu Xiu come in, the chains danced, and Chu Xiu was also shrouded in them.

Chu Xiu frowned, the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand raised, and he slashed down with a fierce and demonic slash, but there was no trace left on the chain, and it was thrown away.

One of the Dong family's Heaven and Human Unity Realm martial artist smiled bitterly: "Master Chu, don't try, it's useless, this chain was used by the ancient powerhouses to imprison this monster, but now it has become that monster. Weapons, it is estimated that no one can cut apart from the magic weapon.

If we want to go out, we can only work **** the monster itself. As long as we can get close and disrupt the inertia of its waving iron chains, we have hope of escaping. "


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