Meet The Leader

Chapter 509: unexpected

In the past, there were countless masters and strong men under the command of the demon **** Lu Wenhou. In this tomb, in addition to suppressing Lu Wenhou, it also suppressed those men who used to be Lu Wenhou.

That water has no phase, and so is the skeleton burning with flames in front of him.

However, compared with that Shui Wu, the strength of this skeleton is very powerful, and the combat power it shows is enough to combine heaven and man, and coupled with the chains at his hand, the strength it exerts has even reached the level of heaven and man. The peak of a realm is extremely difficult to deal with.

Looking at the flaming skeleton, Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "You are also Lu Wenhou's subordinate, do you know Shui Wuxiang?"

The flaming skeleton laughed loudly in the sky, his voice hoarse, but it was like a thunderous roar.

"You still know that guy Shui Wuxiang? Since you can appear here, it proves that Shui Wuxiang, the idiot who claims to be a genius, failed.

But it doesn't matter if he fails, and I am here!

I am Yan Chixiao, the first general under the command of Lord Wenhou, junior, your body is very suitable for Lord Wenhou, and I don't want to break your body. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Why are you all saying this, you guys are really like this, you have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, and you are all stupid?"

"court death!"

The iron chains on Yan Chixiao's arms danced, blazing flames and blasting towards Chu Xiu, with immense power.

In Chu Xiu's hands, the sword gang above the demon dance was vertical and horizontal, and under the continuous slash, the iron chain was directly blown away, but it was also unable to do anything to the other party.

At this time, the martial artist from the Dong family who was in the unity of heaven and man said loudly behind Chu Xiu: "Master Chu, you are the strongest among us right now, and now we will cover you and try to keep you close to that monster. , so there is a way to break the game!"

Among those present, the Dong family's warriors had no opinion because they took the lead, but other non-Dong family warriors were a little hesitant.

The power of the monster's shot is very powerful, and being swept away by the iron chain is simply dead or injured.

But if they don't do this now, they will be slowly grinded to death by this monster, so these people also agreed with gritted teeth, scattered on both sides of Chu Xiu, helping Chu Xiu resist the chain, while Chu Xiu Holding the magic knife, he rushed towards the Yan Chixiao, Abi Dao slashed out with three swords, the monstrous demonic energy erupted, and the dark and deep demonic energy blade light directly enveloped the Yan Chixiao.

Yan Chixiao didn't dodge at all, he laughed loudly and said, "How dare you call yourself a magic sword with just this little bit of devilish energy? In the past, I was able to resist the Seven Great Devil Swordsmanship with my fleshly body, just like you. A little power, not even a scratch!

Chu Xiu's Abi Dao slashed on Yan Chixiao's body with three swords, and although it knocked him back a few steps, it only left a shallow trace on his skeleton, and it was impossible to defeat him at all. .

When Yan Chixiao was at his peak, he was a supreme powerhouse who had practiced the Body Refinement Technique. He had already tempered his body to the point where it was comparable to a divine weapon. Even now his body was already rotten, and there was only one left. Bone frame, but the defense is still there.

And after Chu Xiu's knife fell in the air, flames condensed around Yan Chixiao's body, and a giant flaming blade slashed towards Chu Xiu, with the same extraordinary power.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, squeezed the Dugu Seal in his hand, and the qi shield rose, motionless like a mountain, a loud bang came, and the flames flew, but Chu Xiu was unscathed.

Stepping forward, Chu Xiu squeezed the big diamond wheel seal and slammed it down, one seal after another, as the Buddha's light shone, the flames were smashed, and Yan Chixiao's figure stepped back step by step.

Yan Chixiao said angrily, "Buddhist martial arts! You turned out to be a double cultivator of the devil and the Buddha!"

For Lu Wenhou's subordinates, Chu Xiu seemed to have discovered that the Buddhist practice seemed to be more effective for them.

At this time, under Chu Xiu's madness, Yan Chixiao was also unable to take into account the control of those chains. The speed of the two chains on his legs that was used to imprison everyone had slowed down a bit.

Just when everyone thought that they would definitely be able to take down this monster in one fell swoop this time, the Dong family warrior who had been leading everyone to cover Chu Xiu, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand slammed. Suddenly, a dazzling edge erupted, stabbing towards Chu Xiu's back!

This scene was not expected by everyone present, including the people who belonged to the Dong family.

However, at this critical moment, Chu Xiu's body suddenly erupted with qi. He seemed to have expected this scene long ago. He squeezed the inner seal, and his body speed instantly increased to the extreme. He dodged to the side, making the The Dong family martial artist's sword fell in vain.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was able to dodge at such a critical moment, a look of disbelief appeared in the eyes of the Dong family martial artist.

Could it be that Chu Xiu has been guarding against him all the time? He obviously did not reveal any flaws, how did he see that it was wrong?

In fact, the Dong family martial artist thought wrong, Chu Xiu did not guard against him, but Chu Xiu never believed them strangers at all.

Right now, there are very few people who can make Chu Xiu hand over his back with confidence, but when he joins forces with other strangers to fight against the enemy, Chu Xiu will subconsciously leave two points of energy to defend the opponent.

Doing so may be a little suspicious, unable to maximize its own strength in battle, but it is also the safest, just like it is now.

With the sneak attack of the Dong family martial artist, Chu Xiu's offensive was also interrupted, which finally made Yan Chixiao heave a sigh of relief and stood aside to watch the show with a sneer.

Chu Xiu calmly looked at the Dong family martial artist, and said lightly: "Tell me, who are you? I have no grudge against the Dong family."

Chu Xiu can see that the current Dong family martial artist is definitely not disguised by Shui Wuxiang, and what he uses is also the Dong family's cultivation technique.

The Dong family martial artist sneered: "You don't have any grudges with the Dong family, but you and I have grudges! My name is Dong Xiangping, do you remember who is here?"

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Dong Xiangyi among the Five Heroes of Jiangdong?"

Dong Xiangping gritted his teeth and said, "It's him! Dong Xiangyi is my younger brother, but compared to me, my older brother, who has no ambitions and mediocre, my younger brother is still young, and he also wants to fight for the heir of the family head. , and left with anger after the result failed.

The rest of the Dong family don't care about him as a loser, only my brother knows that he has been in Dongqi all the time, safe and sound, and has become one of the five heroes of Jiangdong, and has a strong reputation in Dongqi martial arts.

Originally, I thought I would bring him back when I found an opportunity, when he was older, but I didn't expect that my brother would die in your hands! "

Chu Xiu rubbed his head, what he really wanted.

He was still thinking before that he didn't seem to have any grudges with the Dong family. The only one who had a connection was that Dong Xiangyi, but Dong Xiangyi had already left home, and he didn't die directly in his hands. It's the right thing to come to trouble him, but now it seems that it is really a good spirit and not a bad spirit.

"There is one thing you need to make clear. Dong Xiangyi didn't die in my hands." Chu Xiu said lightly.

Dong Xiangping waved his hand directly and said coldly: "It's okay for you to fool others, do you still want to lie to me? It was you, Chu Xiu, who used your inferior means to provoke the infighting of the five heroes of Jiangdong, which made them kill each other.

I have known about this for a long time, but I never pretended that anyone had said it, nor did I show any intention of revenge.

You are the judge in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and you are a famous hero in the Dragon and Tiger List, and I am just an ordinary martial artist in the Dong family who has survived by relying on my age and qualifications. If I want to kill you, it is as difficult as going to the sky.

But who would have thought that this time, you were self-inflicted and took the initiative to come to my Dong's house to participate in the opening ceremony. This is obviously because God is trying to avenge me! "

Chu Xiu stretched out a finger and shook it: "Unfortunately, you have misunderstood the meaning of God, God is not to help you with revenge, but to let you know what despair is, so that you can go out. The thought of revenge, but unfortunately you have not grasped it.

Just relying on you, no matter where you want to kill me, it is as difficult as reaching the sky. "

Dong Xiangping sneered: "It's not me, it's us!"

Dong Xiangping turned to the Dong family's warriors and said coldly: "This Chu Xiu killed my Dong family This matter must be repaid with blood! Don't worry, if something happens, I will be alone after the opening ceremony. Carry it!"

The Dong family warriors looked at each other, and they all stood behind Dong Xiangping.

They are all a family, and Dong Xiangping has some status in the Dong family, so they have no reason to stand on Chu Xiu's side.

And Dong Xiangping looked at the loose cultivators who did not express their position, took out a token and said solemnly: "Everyone, do you really want to escape? Help me kill Chu Xiu, without him Chu Xiu, I will also There are also trump cards to lead you to escape!

My Dong family has held the Mountain Opening Ceremony for so many years, and of course they are fully prepared. With this token, I can contact the Patriarch to save us. Although it can only be used once, it is enough for the Patriarch to find our location.

As long as I kill Chu Xiu, I will use this token to ask the owner for help.

If not, if you are watching the show here, then it's a big deal that I and Chu Xiu will lose both in a fight, and both of you will be taken advantage of by this monster, and you don't even want to go out alive! "

Hearing what Dong Xiangping said, looking at how many people there are in the Dong family, and then seeing that Chu Xiu is alone, those loose cultivators hesitated for a while, and they all stood behind Dong Xiangping.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Dong Xiangping sneered: "I can't kill you alone, but with so many people, can I kill you?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "The chicken and the dog are vulnerable!

Don't use your poor state to try to figure out my strength.

Also, you are still in crisis right now, but you are still desperate to kill me, and you are completely overwhelmed by hatred.

The people behind you are the same idiots. You actually follow a guy who has no sense of reason. Do you think your life is too long and you are tired of living? "


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