Meet The Leader

Chapter 510: beheaded

Chu Xiu and Dong Xiangping changed from teaming up to infighting, but that made Yan Chixiao watch the excitement.

Before Shui Wuxiang, a clone came to tell him that this group of young people was a bit difficult to deal with, but Yan Chixiao didn't care.

But he really saw the series of fights with Chu Xiu just now. He didn't know anything else, but the person in front of him was really difficult to deal with.

So at this time, he did not rush to take action, but watched from the side to see what direction things would develop.

Dong Xiangping really hated Chu Xiu very much, but he didn't think he was swayed by hatred.

In fact, if Chu Xiu didn't come, Dong Xiangping was ready to use the token to get the help of the Dong family's patriarch.

But after seeing Chu Xiu coming, Dong Xiangping planned all this in a very short period of time. This time, he must kill this Chu Xiu without a burial place!

With a wave of Dong Xiangping's hand, the Dong family's warriors immediately surrounded Chu Xiu, and the other scattered warriors hesitated, but they also followed.

Chu Xiu squinted and looked around, he suddenly said to Yan Chixiao, "How about you and I make a deal?"

Yan Chixiao laughed and said: "You wait for these juniors to fight with each other, and now you still want to pull me into the water?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I didn't want you to help me, I can solve these idiots by myself.

You know my strength, even if I am alone, you can't keep me.

I don't know why you killed them, but obviously you need their lives.

You don't need to do anything to kill them. I'll do it. You just don't need to let them escape. As for whether you can keep me after these idiots are dead, then you can fight. "

With the current strength of Chu Xiu, he is not inflated, but he really didn't take Dong Xiangping in his eyes.

It's just that if the Dong family escaped, it would be a problem.

For an aristocratic family like the Dong family, protecting their shortcomings is a 100% matter. They wouldn't ask whether it was Chu Xiu who provoked the Dong family first, or whether the Dong family provoked Chu Xiu first.

They only know that Chu Xiu killed the Dong family, it's that simple.

So in order to avoid trouble, Chu Xiu didn't want to let go of any Dong family warriors or those who knew them.

Anyway, there are many dangers in this big tomb, and it is enough to push it all directly to Yan Chixiao.

The eyes of Yan Chixiao's skull were full of fire, and he laughed loudly: "This is not easy? Even if you don't say it, I don't plan to let anyone go!"

Dong Xiangping's complexion changed, and he snorted coldly, "Chu Xiu, you are still acting like this, and you are actually going to cooperate with this monster!"

Tianmowu was slowly pulled out by Chu Xiu, and he said lightly: "The next move? If you sneak attacked me from behind, you will not be able to make another move? The crow stands on the pig, and no one is black.

Tsk, this metaphor seems a bit inappropriate, but it doesn't matter, you can't do anything to avenge your brother, but I can send you to see him. "

As soon as the words fell, Chu Xiu's figure swept across directly and quickly, rushing towards Dong Xiangping.

On the Tianmowu in his hand, there was a shrill demonic sword light, and with Chu Xiu's knife, it was like the gate of **** opened, and the incomparably violent demonic energy surged directly!

"Let's do it together!"

Dong Xiangping gave a stern shout. He and dozens of Dong family martial artists behind him shot together. The qi of the same source condensed together, and the power was unparalleled. It even directly converged into a huge qi long sword, with a powerful qi. Ji Ying stabbed at Chu Xiu.

There was a loud bang, and the long sword of Astral Qi shattered, but Chu Xiu's turbulent sword was also chopped to pieces.

Dong Xiangping's eyes suddenly lit up, and he knew that even if this Chu Xiu was the top five on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, and no matter how strong his combat effectiveness was, he was not a master of martial arts, and he would still be at a disadvantage with one enemy.

But when the demonic energy dissipated, what came oncoming was a dazzling Buddha light!

Chu Xiu held the Fearless Seal, the Buddha's light all over his body was dazzling, and the Dharma was solemn.

A phantom figure of the Great Sun Tathagata behind him matched Chu Xiu's figure, and when a palm fell, the Buddha's light was dazzling, illuminating all worlds!

Change the day!

In fact, Chu Xiu still lied to Master Tan Yuan.

He promised Master Tan Yuan that he wouldn't need to change Dafa to kill people, but since it's martial arts, how can there be people who don't kill people?

Under the great law of changing the sun, Chu Xiu's palm directly slammed dozens of Dong family's warriors back a step, and the weaker even vomited blood, even if they were shocked.

The battle that Dong Xiangping formed just now was instantly defeated by Chu Xiu, his eyes showed horror, and it was not until this moment that he understood how terrifying the young Junjie on the Dragon Tiger Ranking was.

Chu Xiu's strength does not lie in a certain point, but in that you are obviously in the same realm as him, but Chu Xiu is strong enough to make you despair!

The Sun-changing Dafa has the power of stealing the sky and changing the sun, but that state seems to be burning. Chu Xiu can't fully grasp it now, so he only took a palm and did not continue to use the Sun-changing Dafa.

Holding the inner binding seal in his hand, Chu Xiu's speed exploded to the extreme in an instant. As he slashed with one sword, Abidao three swords fell on the head. It shattered suddenly, and he was also injured by the knife light, leaving a huge knife mark on his chest, and blood couldn't stop gushing out.

Before Dong Xiangping could utter a word, Chu Xiu cut him down again.

This time the other Dong family warriors wanted to stop, but Chu Xiu squeezed the wisdom fist mark with his left hand. As his qi domain bloomed, those Dong family warriors seemed to be in slow motion. They were imprisoned in it and could only Watching Chu Xiu completely chop off Dong Xiangping's head with one knife!

The headless corpse fell to the ground, and Dong Xiangping's head also fell to the ground, making a soft sound of 'dong', there was still unwillingness in his eyes, and he wanted to say something, but unfortunately he never had a chance.

In fact, this Dong Xiangping is definitely a character. When he first met Chu Xiu, he clearly knew that the person in front of him was the murderer of his younger brother, but he still held back and made plans, as if he cooperated with Chu Xiu very rationally. Hugh defeated Yan Chixiao.

To be honest, even Chu Xiu didn't suspect him at that time, but his strength was always Dong Xiangping's hard injury. Even if it was a sneak attack, Dong Xiangping couldn't hurt Chu Xiu.

At this time, Chu Xiu also turned his attention to the other Dong family warriors, and those warriors who saw him suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

In fact, Dong Xiangping is not very famous in the Dong family. He is not old but not too young. His strength is just entering the realm of harmony between nature and man. Chu Xiu killed him when he said he would kill him, would it be possible to keep them?

This Chu Xiu, I am afraid that he has already conceived the intention to kill and silence!

Those Dong family warriors deserved to be from an aristocratic family, but they didn't panic and scattered, but shouted: "Let's kill this Chu Xiu together, otherwise we won't be able to live!"

The words fell, and a group of Dong family warriors swarmed towards Chu Xiu, but what greeted them... was a massacre! One-sided slaughter!

Stepping out one step, Chu Xiu has entered the realm of selfless killing.

The blood refining divine gang was pushed to the extreme by Chu Xiu, and the magic knife was stained with a wicked blood red.

With a single slash, the demonic energy and the **** energy were intertwined. Under the powerful force, Chu Xiu had almost no one enemy.

And he is still in the state of ecstasy killing. Although his perception is suppressed, in the ecstasy killing, what Chu Xiu has improved is the five senses. There are almost no opponents in the group battle, and Chu Xiu's figure is like Like a blood-colored storm, wherever it passed, countless broken limbs were thrown up!

Yan Chixiao at the back did not intervene. At this time, the two holes in his skeleton were burning with cyan flames, beating regularly, as if he was looking at Chu Xiu.

To be honest, Chu Xiu's murderousness surprised even him. This young man's murderousness is strong, but it is not inferior to them.

Back in the ancient times, Marquis Lu Wen roamed the world. It wasn't considered upright, but it wasn't a pure demon. It was more appropriate to use evil. In short, these people have followed Marquis Lu Wen for so long, and they have offended many people. At one point, they had both the righteous and the devil, and the dynasties in the world joined forces to strangle During that time, they could not remember how many people they had killed, and the name of Lu Wenhou's demon **** was spread all over the world from that time. .

But now Chu Xiu's state is very similar to theirs at that time, and the murderousness has penetrated into the bone marrow!

In Chu Xiu's eyes, Yan Chixiao could only see a look of indifference, not fierce, but only in this way was the most terrifying.

In Chu Xiu's eyes, there is no right or wrong, only the people he can kill and those who can't, so indifferently harvesting people's lives, there will be no emotional fluctuations, this state is even better than some people who take pleasure in killing The devil is even scarier.

Because some devils take pleasure in killing people, but at least they know that they are killing people, and what about Chu Xiu? For him now, murder is just a tool, a means.

At this time, the Dong family martial artist without Dong Xiangping's leadership was even more vulnerable. Chu Xiu had already killed him in less than half an hour. Not even a single corpse in the entire field was complete, it seemed Extraordinarily terrifying.

At this time, the other loose cultivators were already terrified.

They wanted to escape, but Yan Chixiao's two huge iron chains that were burning with raging flames were spinning rapidly around the periphery, and with their strength, they couldn't break out at all.

Seeing Chu Xiu looking at them with blood-red eyes, those Loose Cultivators completely collapsed.

Those warriors couldn't help begging: "Master Chu, let us go, we are also forced to help you, so we will take action against you. We swear today's matter, we will never say it!"

Chu Xiu glanced at those people and put away the long knife in his hand. Just when those people were just relieved, Chu Xiu had already punched out with a punch, and the heavens and the earth were destroyed!


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