Meet The Leader

Chapter 511: Land of Suppression of Demons

Secrets are difficult to guarantee, even if it is a dumb person, there is a possibility of leaking secrets.

Therefore, Chu Xiu only believed one thing, and only the dead were able to keep secrets.

So let's not say that this group of loose cultivators once stood on the Dong family's side before, even if they remained neutral, in order to solve the trouble, Chu Xiu would choose to cut the grass.

Of course, there is another witness, that is Yan Chixiao, but this guy doesn't seem to be a 'person' now. Will anyone believe what he says?

Therefore, under Chu Xiu's selfless killing fist, those Loose Cultivators were all killed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire hall was already full of corpses and flesh and blood, and Chu Xiu calmly exited the self-absorbed killing realm without much consumption.

Yan Chixiao gave Chu Xiu a deep look. Of course, the two burning holes in his skull couldn't see any eyes.

If it is placed in the ancient times, based on Chu Xiu's character, I believe that Lord Wen Hou will be very interested in him, maybe there will be one more general of the four wars under Wen Hou's account.

Looking at Yan Chixiao, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Okay, now it's your turn, I want to see if I can break your bones first, or you can kill me first. ."

Yan Chixiao said in a muffled voice, "Stop fighting, let's go."

Saying that, Yan Chixiao immediately stopped his two fast-rotating iron chains.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't fight anymore?"

Yan Chixiao snorted: "Your body should be the strongest among these young people who entered the land of repression, but you are not the most suitable body for the rebirth of Lord Wenhou.

It is too difficult to deal with you, so it is better to kill some other people and collect blood. "

Yan Chixiao was telling the truth. With so many people entering this grave, it was obviously not worthwhile to fight with Chu Xiu here.

Since he wasn't sure about killing Chu Xiu, he might as well let Chu Xiu get out of the way, and then wait for others to enter and kill people to steal their blood.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and immediately turned around and left.

Yan Chixiao was not sure to kill him, in fact, he was also not sure to deal with this Yan Chixiao.

After tens of thousands of years of suppression, the strength of this Yan Chixiao has fallen below that of the martial arts master. In terms of strength, Chu Xiu is not afraid of him.

But the other party has refined the bones of his body to the point where it is comparable to a magic weapon. Even if Chu Xiu takes a shot, it is extremely difficult to hurt him, and he can only be suppressed through Buddhist practice.

Rather than wasting time with this guy, Chu Xiu might as well find the inheritance of Lu Wenhou as soon as possible.

After half a quarter of an hour after Chu Xiu left, black water emerged in the hall, and Shui Wuxiang's figure appeared from it. Looking at the corpses everywhere, Shui Wuxiang said in surprise: "It's very easy to start."

Yan Chixiao shook his head and said, "I didn't do it."

Having said that, Yan Chixiao told Shui Wuxiang what happened.

Shui Wuxiang raised his brows and said, "That kid again? Among the young people who came in, that guy can be said to be the most difficult one, why didn't you kill him by the way? If you let him affect Wen Waiting for the resurrection plan of the Lord, isn't it bad?"

Yan Chixiao snorted coldly: "I really want to kill him, but you don't look at my current state, my body is already dead, how do you ask me to kill? It's better to save some energy to kill. Others, collect some blood."

Shui Wuxiang shook his head and said: "Okay, let's put this matter aside for the time being, the three warriors of the true core are about to enter the burial place of Lord Wenhou, I have to join forces with Xuan Jiuyou to arrange the layout, The three martial arts masters were killed.

Only in the place where Lord Wenhou was buried, could Xuan Jiuyou be able to use a trace of the breath left by Lord Wenhou in the past to kill the enemy.

After refining their qi and blood, it is estimated that the qi and blood needed to resurrect Lord Wenhou can be gathered. "

"Wait, take these corpses first to condense the Qi and blood of the corpse nine spirits." Yan Chixiao pointed at the broken corpses on the ground.

Shui Wuxiang frowned and said, "How did you get so embarrassed?"

Yan Chixiao snorted: "It's not the one I killed, it's because the kid's shot was too ruthless, anyway, they are all condensed blood, what's the difference between a corpse and a corpse?"

Shui Wuxiang grumbled in dissatisfaction, but he still turned into black water, wrapped all the corpses in it, and disappeared.

At this time, in a palace in the center of the big tomb, Dong Qikun and other three martial arts masters and dozens of other martial artists were in it, but the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

The layout of the entire hall is extremely simple, all made of bronze, and the ground is covered with dense runes.

There is no decoration in the hall, but in the most central area is a huge bronze coffin. The top of the coffin is nailed into it with thirty-six long swords, as if to guard against the things inside.

But even so, wisps of black mist continued to emerge from the bronze coffin, and the breath was cold and terrifying.

After all, Dong Qikun and the others are masters of martial arts, and their knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary martial artists. The three of them have already recognized them. Those thirty-six long swords are the treasures of the true martial arts, the true sword of killing evil!

The Zhenwu Zhuxie Sword is an existence between the treasure soldiers and the **** soldiers. Its material and power are still treasure soldiers, but the Zhenwu Zhuxie Sword is to be refined with the painstaking efforts of a Zhenwu martial arts master. When slaughtering demons, there are some powers comparable to divine soldiers.

It is an irreversible damage to the martial artist to sacrifice and refine the treasures with hard work, so even in the current Zhenwu Sect, not many people are willing to sacrifice and refine this Zhenwu Sword of Punishment.

But there are thirty-six Zhenwu Execution Swords nailed to the coffin, one can imagine what kind of ruthless people are suppressed here!

In addition to the bronze coffin, there is also a huge Fangtian painted halberd hanging in the hall.

That Fang Tianhua halberd was extremely fierce in shape, the body of the halberd was pitch-black, and the shape of a ferocious glass dragon was carved on it.

And although the crescent blade is silver-white, the edge of the blade is scarlet, as if it was dyed red by fresh blood.

The entire Fang Tianhuaji exudes an extremely ferocious aura, which is extremely terrifying, and even it does not feel like a weapon to everyone, but a fierce beast!

At this moment, the Fang Tianhua Halberd was hanging in the air, but it was not a rope, but a string of Buddha beads.

The Buddha beads were engraved with Sanskrit characters, and a ray of Buddha light burst out to suppress the fierceness of Fang Tianhua's halberd, but even so, it was very reluctant. There are a total of 108 Buddha beads, but among them The ten of them have been damaged, and the Sanskrit charms on them are extremely dim.

Such an obvious hint no longer needs to be guessed. Dong Qikun and others have already guessed who is suppressing in this large tomb almost instantly. It turned out to be the demon **** Lu Wenhou, who roamed the world in ancient times!

This discovery made Dong Qikun tremble, which was exciting.

Lv Wenhou is a legendary existence. Although Dong Qikun and others don't know what exactly is in this place, it is clear that even an object that Lv Wenhou carries with him may be a treasure.

Not to mention anything else, the thirty-six Zhenwu Execution Swords that suppressed Lu Wenhou's bronze coffin, although most of its power has been wiped out, it still retains extremely powerful power.

There is also the Buddha bead that imprisoned Fang Tianhua halberd. Although it is also damaged, it is a treasure if you take it out alone.

And the most precious thing is that Fang Tianhuaji, which was the 'unparalleled' weapon of the former demon **** Lu Wenhou. The existence of the magic weapon level is definitely a treasure among the treasures.

Dong Qikun and the other three looked at each other with a hint of confusion in their eyes.

The rules of the Kaishan Festival are that outsiders can take anything that can be taken away, and what cannot be taken away must be left to the Dong family.

In the past, the Dong family held a mountain-opening festival, and they could choose any direction to mine. Most of the discoveries were only mineral deposits, and there were only a few relics. Even if there were some relics, the things that outsiders took away were limited, and the majority belonged to the Dong family, so Dong Home is not distressed.

But what about this time? This is the place where the demon **** Lu Wenhou is suppressed. Just take out one of them and it is a Every thing is something the Dong family can't bear!

The same is true for the other two. Although it is said that this is the opening ceremony of the Dong family, they are also here to help, and there are two of them, but there is only one in the Dong family. Shouldn't they take more things?

Dong Qikun took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Qiao Liandong, Xu Tingyi, you and I are old acquaintances who have known each other for several years, and now the treasure is in front of me, but I don't want to turn my back on it.

Besides, this is the place of suppression by the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou. After coming here for so long, you should have noticed that something is wrong. There are still living creatures in this large tomb!

Although they didn't do anything to us, the other junior warriors have suffered a lot. When the crisis will fall on us, no one knows.

Instead of killing each other in front of the treasures, we might as well join forces temporarily, divide the things here equally and take them out, and then discuss other things, what do you think? "

Qiao Liandong and Xu Tingyi are both veteran martial arts masters, with rich experience in the arena, and this is indeed not the place to do hands-on, so both of them nodded and agreed with Dong Qikun.

Dong Qikun said solemnly, "If that's the case, let's get the magic weapon 'Wu Shuang' first, the bronze coffin must be suppressing Lu Wenhou, and after pulling out the thirty-six swords of Zhenwu, we don't know what the consequences will be. Anyway, we'd better be safe."

Just when Dong Qikun's voice fell, a black fog filled the hall. The black fog seemed to have spirituality, but they actually condensed together and turned into a hazy human figure standing in the air, with scarlet eyes.

"Just because you wait for these native chickens and dogs to be worthy of the idea of ​​​​playing Lord Wenhou's magic weapon, it is simply not knowing whether to live or die!"


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