Meet The Leader

Chapter 512: chaos

The aura of the human figure condensed by the black mist itself is not very powerful. Maybe he was extremely powerful in his lifetime, but in the eyes of Dong Qikun and other three martial arts masters, it is not enough to be afraid of.

Dong Qikun frowned and said, "What kind of monster are you?"


The human figure formed by the black mist let out a strange laugh, the laughter was hoarse and harsh.

"I am Xuan Jiuyou, one of the four generals under the command of Lord Wenhou, I seem to be waiting for these ants, and I can crush them to death when I am at the peak!"

Dong Qikun said lightly: "It's a pity that you are not at the peak now, and you don't even have a body of evil spirits. How dare you be presumptuous?"

Dong Qikun and the other three are also martial arts masters who have experienced strong winds and waves. How can they be frightened by a guy who doesn't even have a body?

Even if what this guy said is true, he could really kill himself at his peak, but it was back then, and now is now.

Xuan Jiuyou's eyes flashed a deep red glow, and he said coldly: "The battle of words is useless, you are all the blood of Lord Wenhou's resurrection today, and you can witness the resurrection of Lord Wenhou with your own eyes. You should feel honored!"

When the voice fell, the demonic energy around Xuan Jiuyou scattered, and a ray of breath penetrated into the magic weapon.

In an instant, there was a dazzling red light on the Fang Tianhua halberd, and the glass dragon on the halberd seemed to be resurrected.

Xuan Jiuyou waved casually, and a Fang Tianhua halberd, which was completely condensed by demonic energy, was already in his hands.

Although this Fangtian painted halberd is entirely made of demonic energy, the fierce energy on it is extremely powerful and terrifying. Xuan Jiuyou slashed it out with a halberd, and there was already a divine weapon that shattered the sky. Earthshattering power!

The long sword in Dong Qikun's hand slashed out, and the boundless edge turned into a little bit of stars. In an instant, the stars were full of stars, completely shrouding everything in the hall.

And Qiao Liandong is not slow, the blood-colored seedling knife in his hand slashed out, the scarlet blood-colored edge seemed to tear the sky and the ground, and the knife gang of dozens of feet broke out. Dense, terrifying.

Another martial arts master, Xu Tingyi, did not have a weapon. Thunder flashed all over his body, and his qi turned into a boundless thunderous roar. When a punch fell, the thunder exploded, like a **** and demon, and the momentum was also powerful and terrifying.

The three martial arts masters shot at the same time, and the power is really extraordinary.

However, under the Fang Tianhua halberd in Xuan Jiuyou's hands, the three of them were blasted away in unison, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Dong Qikun gritted his teeth and said, "No! This Fang Tianhua halberd is definitely not that strong. This monster borrowed the breath mark left by Lu Wenhou on Fang Tianhua halberd!"

No one knows what level of existence Lu Wenhou's former divine soldier Wushuang was.

However, according to everyone's guess, Lu Wenhou's Fang Tianhuaji should be the pinnacle divine weapon of rank nine, but it has not yet reached the level of the peerless divine weapon.

The reason is very simple. If Fang Tianhuaji is truly a peerless weapon, it can't be suppressed with a string of Buddha beads.

But even rank nine divine weapons can't be so strong, they just borrowed some aura to suppress them to such a degree.

But up to now, no matter what Xuan Jiuyou is holding in his hands, they are not as confident as before. With three enemies and one, they were beaten by the opponent and retreated step by step, and they had no power to fight back.

At this time, Dong Qikun suddenly looked at the disciples of the Dong family, and he shouted directly: "Find a way to get the Buddha beads on the Fang Tianhua halberd, and get the Zhenwu Evil Sword on the bronze coffin!"

Hearing this, the Dong family's warriors immediately reacted and swarmed up.

The other loose cultivators were stunned for a moment, but they also reacted and rushed up.

Right now, the three martial arts masters are entangled in the monster. At this time, if they don't capture the treasure, when will they wait?

However, Qiao Liandong and Xu Tingyi, who were fighting, glared at Dong Qikun fiercely, this fellow is not following the rules!

They didn't bring so many disciples, especially Xu Tingyi, he didn't even have any disciples.

After the Dong family's warriors got those treasures, they quit in time. It doesn't matter even if the seal is broken. Anyway, they get the treasures first, and then the Dong family has a lot of time to solve these things. Anyway, the place of suppression is here. , it can't fly either.

But Qiao Liandong and Xu Tingyi are different. They only have one chance to enter here. If they want to enter here next time, I am afraid they will have to force their way.

Dong Qikun said indifferently, "Don't misunderstand me two, this is my way of defeating the enemy, don't they want to resurrect Lu Wenhou? If my Dong family disciples destroy the corpse in the bronze coffin in advance, wouldn't the matter be resolved? already?"

Qiao Liandong and Xu Ting scolded secretly, only an idiot would believe what Dong Qikun said.

If Lu Wenhou's body was so easily destroyed, would there still be such a large tomb? It's not that they haven't heard of the legend of Lu Wenhou.

But right now Xuan Jiuyou is really anxious, not because they moved Lu Wenhou's coffin, but because they moved Fang Tianhuaji.

Lv Wenhou's coffin is not so active, but the Fang Tianhua halberd 'Wu Shuang' was suppressed by the Buddhist beads, but it was precisely because of the Buddhist beads that the aura that belonged to Lu Wenhou on Fang Tianhua halberd did not dissipate. , can be borrowed by Xuan Jiuyou.

Once the Buddha beads are gone, although Fang Tianhuaji's fierceness is completely released, Lu Wenhou's breath will definitely dissipate along with it.

At that time, this 'unparalleled' will be a godless soldier, and no one can use it except Lu Wenhou!

At this moment, black water appeared on the ground, and a blood coffin emerged along with the black water. The corpse nine spirits climbed out of the blood coffin, and the figure of Shui Wuxiang also condensed.

Seeing this, Xuan Jiuyou couldn't help but scolded: "Why did you come here?"

The corpse nine spirits smiled and said: "Don't worry, I still need to refine enough blood for the use of the warm-hearted adults, otherwise it is not enough to rely on these three old guys."

Three of the four generals under Wen Hou's command have already come. Except for one, Yan Chixiao, who was imprisoned in the hall and couldn't move, the other three had already gathered.

Shi Jiuling and Shui Wuxiang joined forces, even if there are only two of them left, they can still rival dozens of Dong family warriors and some loose cultivators.

Just after the scene was deadlocked for a moment, there were a few loud noises in the hall, Chu Xiu smashed the wall, and what he saw was the scene in front of him.

Seeing Chu Xiu, Shui Wuxiang's complexion suddenly changed, how did this kid come so fast?

He had seen Chu Xiu's strength before, and even he couldn't see it through.

At this time, the other side of the wall was also shattered, and the figures of Lu Fengxian and Yan Feiyan also appeared.

Seeing these two people, Shui Wuxiang suddenly had a headache, and the development of things was beyond his expectations. Chu Xiu and others came too quickly.

Originally, Shui Wu and others were going to deal with Dong Qikun and the other three, and after accumulating enough qi and blood, they would kill Chu Xiu and the others, and then choose a suitable body to serve as the resurrection container for Lord Wen Hou. is to get together.

When Chu Xiu saw Lu Fengxian and Yan Feiyan together, he was also slightly taken aback. How did these two get together?

Lu Fengxian walked over and said, "I happened to see Miss Yan being besieged by the monster in the blood coffin, so I rescued her."

Yan Feiyan nodded to Chu Xiu with a cold attitude.

After all, Chu Xiu and Yue Nv Palace had conflicts. Although the grievance is over now, Yan Feiyan will definitely not be so enthusiastic about Chu Xiu.

Lu Fengxian looked at the people who were fighting fiercely, and asked, "What's going on?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "While wanting to win treasure, at the same time wanting to kill someone to steal qi and blood, it's that simple, but it's time for us to take action.

Brother Lu, did you see that Fang Tian painted a halberd? That is the former nine-turn magic soldier of Lu Wenhou, "Wushuang". I will protect you and **** Wushuang. This magic weapon is destined to be prepared for you. "

Yan Feiyan also saw the powerful divine weapon Wushuang at this time, and she couldn't help but ask Chu Xiu, "This is the nine-turn divine weapon belonging to the demon **** Lu Wenhou, are you so willing to let it go?"

It's not that Yan Feiyan thinks people too dark, but she feels that Chu Xiu is a little too generous.

That is a legendary rank nine magic weapon, and it is definitely a treasure-level For it, even brothers can kill each other, let alone Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "What about the Nine-Rank Divine Weapon? I use a saber, not Fang Tianhuaji. My martial arts have already been fixed. At this time, if I want to change my martial arts for a weapon, wouldn't it be a waste of money to chase the bottom? ?

And I believe that if it was not Fang Tianhuaji but a knife that appeared here this time, Brother Lu would have given it to me. "

Yan Feiyan frowned, still feeling that something was wrong.

She didn't have much contact with Chu Xiu, but her intuition told her that Chu Xiu was not such a noble person.

In fact, Yan Feiyan's guess was not wrong, and Chu Xiu was indeed not so generous.

But the most suitable person to inherit Lu Wenhou's inheritance is Lu Fengxian.

On the contrary, he gave Fang Tianhuaji Wushuang to Lu Fengxian. With the relationship between the two of them, as long as Chu Xiu asked Lu Fengxian to help, Lu Fengxian would definitely not refuse.

An effective dead object and a powerful friend who is willing to go through fire and water for you is a good deal, needless to say.

Chu Xiu is not the Nie Dongliu in the original plot. For the sake of his illusory reputation, he lost a friend who was destined to become a strong man in the future. Chu Xiu could not do such a thing of picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelons.

Lu Fengxian also knew Chu Xiu's character, so he didn't show much courtesy to Chu Xiu, he just cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you brother Chu, I'll treat you to a drink when you go out."

Of course, a nine-turn magic weapon is not as simple as a meal of wine, but if Chu Xiu needs him in the future, even if he doesn't even have wine, Lu Fengxian will come to help.


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