Meet The Leader

Chapter 514: fierce battle

Among the top five masters on the Dragon Tiger list, Chu Xiu has played against Fang Qishao and Zong Xuan.

If Chu Xiu was to use his current feeling, he would now face the top seven young masters, and the outcome would be unknown.

Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship is very strong. Last time, Chu Xiu tried to fight against Fang Qishao in the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain. At that time, Fang Qishao definitely didn't use his full strength.

And with Fang Qishao's strength, Chu Xiu believed that his real trump card was definitely more than a simple karma swordsmanship.

As for Zongxuan, with Chu Xiu's current strength, he also admitted that he is indeed no match for Zongxuan.

As for the winning Bailu in front of him, his reputation in the arena is not inferior to Zong Xuan and Fang Qishao. The reason why he ranks behind Zong Xuan and Fang Qishao is only because he has made fewer shots.

Chu Xiu did not underestimate the enemy. In his eyes, Ying Bailu was definitely the kind of enemy that must be treated with care.

The Heavenly Demon Dance was slowly drawn out by Chu Xiu, pointed at by the long knife, and the surging demonic energy was surging. Chu Xiu's eyes had turned crimson for some unknown time, and he stepped into the realm of selfless killing.

With one knife slashed, the demonic energy was the base, and the suffocating energy was the front. The powerful air burst out, and the demonic energy was scattered throughout the hall, causing the faces of those warriors who were still competing with Chu Xiu for Fang Tianhuaji to suddenly change.

Now is the state where Chu Xiu is really going all out. If Chu Xiu also used this state just now, they would hardly be able to keep a few alive under Chu Xiu's hands.

Seeing Chu Xiu's knife, Ying Bailu's eyes suddenly burst into a strange look.

Since Ying Bailu stepped into the realm of the unity of man and nature, he has rarely fought with people, and it is because of this that he was lowered by Feng Manlou on the Dragon Tiger List and gave way to Chu Xiu.

Winning Bailu is also a martial artist, although he doesn't have the will to be competitive, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it.

Winning Bailu didn't do it before because it was unnecessary.

At that time, Ying Bailu was already the fifth place on the Dragon Tiger list, and the four in front of him were not the same generation. Ying Bailu didn't value reputation to such an extent, so he didn't choose to do anything. Go challenge the ones in front of you.

But it's different now. Since there is still a reason for the unparalleled magic weapon, Ying Bailu doesn't mind the last match with Chu Truce. Let's see if this Chu Xiu, who can push him off the Dragon Tiger list, has any Feng Manlou thought it was as strong!

The black dragon roared, raging waves.

Ying Bailu's qi was so deep that it was terrifying. The black qi around him condensed like a giant wave, and it was not inferior to Chu Xiu's powerful demonic and evil spirits.

In the black dragon's roar, the qi tore apart Chu Xiu's demonic qi, and the dragon-shaped true qi transformed into giant dragon claws that fell directly towards Chu Xiu's head, more than ten feet in size, as if to crush Chu Xiu.

Looking up, the magic knife in Chu Xiu's hand burst out with boundless ferocity. Abi Dao slashed out three knives, and the three knives merged into one. The dragon claws did not crush Chu Xiu, but were smashed by Chu Xiu. ripped apart by a knife.

But at this moment, Ying Bailu was bullying him. His whole body shone with a layer of incomparably rich ink-colored infuriating qi. His body was like a blue dragon.

The dragon fights in the wild, fighting the rivers and lakes.

Ying Bailu himself has no weapons, but once he makes a move, his entire body is as terrifying as a sword!

Shang Shuiying's Emperor Tianbaolu's reputation on the rivers and lakes is not too big, because most people can't say what kind of exercise this is, and even his characteristics are everywhere. Not sure.

But now with the win against Bailu and Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu almost understood the characteristics of this Emperor Tianbaolu.

The characteristic of Emperor Tianbaolu is that it has no characteristics, but you can't find any flaws in this exercise.

The magic knives in Chu Xiu's hands were slashed one after another, and the blade was extremely sharp, but Ying Bailu dared to use his own strength to fight against the treasure soldiers, and he didn't lose the slightest. The quality of this strength was simply condensed to the extreme.

The two have already fought dozens of tricks in a short period of time, and almost no one on the two sides can do anything about it.

Although Chu Xiu's magic sword was domineering and fierce, the qi that defeated Bai Lu was extremely powerful, and he could completely challenge Chu Xiu and him.

Chu Xiu frowned slightly, and withdrew the knife.

But Ying Bailu did not give in at all at this time. The black qi around him condensed into a black dragon, but his body was straight, like a dragon spear.

A spear stabbed out, and the boundless sharpness gathered on the dragon head, and the situation was easy!

Winning Bailu doesn't need weapons, but under the control of Huangtian Baolu's astral qi, his gun actually used a powerful aura that one husband is the one who is the master, even the masters who use guns in the army, They may not have the momentum to win Bailu.

Chu Xiu squeezed the Dugu seal in his hand, and the qi shield rose in an instant, motionless like a mountain, and no way to invade.

Duguyin's attack and defense for the Gang Qi attribute is very powerful. It stands to reason that when Duguyin defends against Bailu's attack, its effect should be better than that of a martial artist with strong physical strength like Zongxuan.

But the shot of winning Bailu was extremely weird. The dragon spear slammed on the Dugu Yin, but a strange force was constantly rotating, quickly consuming the strength of the Dugu Yin, to break the face, and even then Destroy Duguyin!

Chu Xiu's complexion changed, he squeezed the wisdom fist mark in his hand, and the sky-high net-like field of qi was laid down. Although the speed of the dragon spear, which was less than ten feet away from Chu Xiu, slowed down a little, it still did not stop. He stabbed towards Chu Xiu's chest.

Ying Bailu has no grudge against Chu Xiu, even if he feels uncomfortable with Lu Fengxian, he will not anger Chu Xiu because of this. Although Ying Bailu's heart is not big, it is not so small. .

Now Ying Bailu didn't keep his hands because he knew that Chu Xiu's strength was here, and he was definitely an existence that could truly fight him.

In the face of such an opponent, keeping his hands means he will lose, so Bai Lu won't keep his hands if he wins, but instead must make a full shot. Besides, he doesn't think Chu Xiu will be so weak.

If he couldn't even catch his shot, Chu Xiu would be too sorry for the ranking Feng Manlou gave him. For the top five on the Dragon and Tiger List, Feng Manlou placed as much importance on it as the Fengyun List.

In fact, this is the case. Although the shot to win Bailu was only a little slower under the realm of Astral Qi of Wisdom Fist Seal, this time was enough.

The boundless murderous aura condensed, Chu Xiu fell with a punch, the scarlet edge burst out, and the heaven and earth were destroyed!

There was a loud explosion of qi, and under the selfless killing fist, the dragon spear shattered, and even Ying Bailu was startled by that murderous intent.

However, Ying Bailu still did not retreat at this time. The ink-colored qi in his left hand condensed again, coiling in the shape of a dragon, but this time it was not condensed into a dragon spear, but a long sword.

This time, the dragon's head is the handle, and the long and narrow dragon's tail is condensed into the shape of the blade.

Slashing with a knife, it is like opening the sky, moving forward!

The sword is domineering, and the first is the momentum.

Chu Xiu used a knife, and he could naturally feel the true meaning and momentum contained in Ying Bailu's knife, which was not inferior to his attainments in knife skills, but Chu Xiu took the same route as Ying Bailu. Deer are different.

Looking at this knife, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes with a solemn look in his eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that Chu Xiu knew why Ying Bailu was called the unparalleled son. The person who gave Ying Bailu this nickname might just be because Ying Bailu knew too many miscellaneous things, but in fact Ying Bailu was in martial arts. above as well.

The spear just now was placed among the powerhouses who really used spears, such as the generals of Beiyan and Dongqi. It was neither amazing nor too strong.

But among warriors of the same rank, even some weak martial masters, there are not many who can compare to Win Bailu.

And now the swordsmanship of winning Bailu is the same, although it is not astonishing, but at least it can rank at the top of the same rank.

No wonder Ying Bailu doesn't use weapons. With his accomplishments, he can use any weapon skillfully in his hands. It is better to use his Emperor Tianbaolu to transform the shape of Gangqi into a Shang If other members of the Shui Ying Clan also have the strength to defeat Bailu, this Fang Tianhuaji is really useful for Shang Shui Ying Clan.

At this time, Chu Xiu did not retreat when faced with the sword that won Bai Lu, but used a fierce way to force it!

The right hand was placed on the chest, showing a fearless mark, the murderous intent in Chu Xiu's eyes subsided, and it was replaced by a majestic and dazzling Buddha light, which set off Chu Xiu's dharma appearance at this time.

In the boundless Buddha light, a phantom figure of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind Chu Xiu and merged with Chu Xiu. In an instant, Chu Xiu felt that his whole body seemed to be on fire, and a powerful force filled his whole body.

A palm fell, and the day was stolen!

Under the change of day, the big dragon knife in Ying Bailu's hand shattered, and the powerful force made Ying Bailu's complexion change slightly.

And it wasn't over even after shattering Ying Bailu's big dragon sword, the power of the Great Law of the Day was directly crushing Ying Bailu, and the boundless and majestic Buddha light enveloped Ying Bailu.

As the core technique of the former master Tan Yuan, the real fire refining spirit powerhouse, the power of changing the sun is unquestionable, and even all-out efforts, without considering their own consumption, Chu Xiu and Zong Xuan can both Shake hard to the point of being evenly matched.

Ying Bailu looked solemn, but he did not choose to retreat temporarily, but suddenly there was a strange change in his eyes, his dark eyes suddenly turned golden yellow, and his pupils stood upright, like some kind of snake. generally.

At the same time, a deafening dragon roar sounded around him, and the boundless black qi shrouded Ying Bailu, turning into nine black dragon phantoms that circled around Ying Bailu, roaring, and following Chu Hugh's day-changing Dafa fights hard!


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