Meet The Leader

Chapter 515: sneak attack

The fight between Chu Xiu and Ying Bailu can be said to be dazzling for everyone.

It's just that even at this moment, the two sides are still evenly matched.

The last time Chu Xiu was in such a stalemate with Zong Xuan, but at that time, Chu Xiu could feel that if he continued to stalemate, he would definitely lose.

Because Zong Xuan's power background is really too strong, so strong to the end of the battle, the first to use up his power must be himself.

This time, although Chu Xiu was not sure of winning against Ying Bailu, he also felt no loss.

If they really fight with all their strength, the outcome of the two sides is still unknown. Chu Xiu still has a lot of useless cards, and I believe that winning Bailu is also.

However, when Chu Xiu and Ying Bailu were still in a stalemate, Dong Qikun and others had already changed.

Xuan Jiuyou has been suppressed for ten thousand years, and his own strength is actually similar to Zill Jiuling and others.

It was only because he attracted the mark left by Marquis Lu Wen in the past that he was able to burst out this level of power.

But at this time, because the seal of Fang Tianhuaji has been lifted, the mark left by Lu Wenhou has completely disappeared, and Xuan Jiuyou has no way to borrow power, so it can be said that he is getting weaker and weaker, suppressing Dong Qikunsan from the very beginning. People, and later it turned into Dong Qikun and three people suppressing him.

When the pressure was gone, Qiao Liandong looked at the side where Chu Xiu and Ying Bailu fought, but there was a hint of haze in his eyes.

The last time he was scared away by Chu Xiu in the Valley of the Dead was shameful enough. This time, Chu Xiu relied on Fang Qishao and Xie Xiaolou by his side, and he dared to go mad with himself. Qiao Liandong was a little dissatisfied.

During the opening ceremony before, if Dong Qikun didn't give him a step down, and Xie Xiaolou and Fang Qishao were on the side, maybe Qiao Liandong would have already started at that time.

And now that Xie Xiaolou and Fang Qishao are not there, this Chu Xiu is still posing as if he is going to compete for the magic weapon. It is estimated that Dong Qikun will not speak for him again. He will not let this Chu Xiu continue this time. Arrogant!

But Qiao Liandong didn't do it first. Although he was not big-hearted, he didn't want others to say that he was not big-hearted.

Therefore, Qiao Liandong secretly transmitted a voice transmission to his eldest disciple and asked him to attack Chu Xiu first.

He is no different from Xu Tingyi's disciples. Qiao Liandong has many disciples. He brought several disciples to the opening ceremony this time.

His eldest disciple, Fang Ting, already had the cultivation of the unity of nature and man. Although he was no match for Chu Xiu, a sneak attack was enough.

If the sneak attack was successful, it would be easy to cooperate with Bailu to kill Chu Xiu.

It doesn't matter if he fails, when Fang Ting pretends to be injured, it will be his turn, Qiao Liandong.

Although Qiao Liandong would also be said to be short-sighted, his reputation for protecting short-sightedness has long been out, and he is not afraid of people saying that anyway, it is much better than being narrow-minded and taking the initiative to trouble the juniors.

At this time, when he heard Qiao Liandong's voice transmission, a strange color suddenly appeared in Fang Ting's eyes. He quietly withdrew from the fight with other warriors. Seeing that Lu Fengxian didn't notice his movements, he just walked around. Behind Chu Xiu.

Fang Ting only stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature when he was nearly fifty years old. In fact, he was not much younger than Qiao Liandong.

If he was asked to confront Chu Xiu head-on, Fang Ting would not dare even if it was ordered by his master Qiao Liandong, but now he is only making a sneak attack, which is not a problem.

A slender Miao Dao was held in Fang Ting's hand, and a fierce light suddenly burst out in his eyes, and the **** aura condensed on the blade, and slashed towards Chu Xiu's back!

Even when he was playing against Ying Bailu, Chu Xiu still did not relax his vigilance in other places.

Before Fang Ting stabbed, Chu Xiu had already sensed the killing intent on him.

For a martial artist like Fang Ting, not to mention that Chu Xiu has now reached the level of harmony between heaven and man, even when he was in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, it would be easy to kill him.

It's just that now Chu Xiu is fighting against Bailu with the method of changing the sun, so Fang Ting's sneak attack really found the right time.

Perceiving the slashing attack, Chu Xiu did not retreat to defend, and there was no panic in his eyes. A ray of Buddha light suddenly bloomed behind him, and a thunderous explosion sounded like a thunderous roar of Buddha's sound. Shaking Fang Ting's knife away, he couldn't help but turn pale and was directly shaken back.

Outer lion print!

The display of the nine-character art of speed and slowness requires the formation of handprints, but Chu Xiu has already used these nine-style seals quite proficiently, and has even reached the point where he can form different seals with both hands at the same time. I believe that soon one of them will be Chu Xiu. You can combine the nine seals of the speed and slow nine-character formula into one, and the strongest power will burst out.

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't have a seal and just used his true energy to urge the outer lion seal. This was also a manifestation of Chu Xiu's understanding of the nine-character formula of speed and slowness.

Although its power is incomparable with the display of the seal, it is enough to deal with an opponent of Fang Ting's level.

And Ying Bailu over there saw that there was someone sneaking up on Chu Xiu, he couldn't help frowning, and began to slowly shrink his strength, and the Nine Dragons bodyguard disappeared.

He wanted a truce with Chu last match, but he just wanted a simple battle, not because of his reputation on the Dragon Tiger Ranking.

Although he was not so noble when he defeated Bailu, his pride was still there.

If he wins because someone sneaks up on Chu Xiu, even if he ranks fifth on the Dragon Tiger list again, he won't be embarrassed to accept this ranking.

And after Ying Bailu took the initiative to withdraw, Chu Xiu naturally also withdrew the Dafa of Changing the Sun and turned behind him. In an instant, Fang Ting felt a great pressure hit him, as if he was being targeted by an ancient beast. Same!

In an instant, Fang Ting felt a sense of panic rising in his heart. Just as he was about to say something, he saw that Chu Xiu's eyes were already red, and a punch fell, boundless killing intent condensed, and the suffocating aura stirred the vitality of the world. In an instant, Fang Ting's whole body stood up!

Heaven and Earth Destroy Forget Me Killing Fist!

Under this punch with boundless killing intent, Fang Ting didn't even have time to say a word, his body erupted with qi, the long knife in his hand slashed, and his figure quickly dodged to the side.

But all of this was useless under Chu Xiu's self-defeating killing fist. A punch fell, and the scarlet killing intent seemed to condense into reality. There was a loud noise, and Fang Ting's figure was directly in Chu Xiu's place. He was blasted into a blood mist with one punch, and there was no bones left!

"Chu Xiu!"

Seeing this scene, Qiao Liandong roared angrily, with boundless murderous intent flashing in his eyes, as if he was crazy.

This series of changes is so fast that even Qiao Liandong has no time to stop it.

Qiao Liandong thought that even if Fang Ting failed in the sneak attack, it was no big deal, after all, Chu Xiu was fighting with Ying Bailu.

But he never thought that Ying Bailu would take the initiative to withdraw at this time, giving Chu Xiu the opportunity to kill his eldest disciple Fang Ting in one move.

In fact, Qiao Liandong is so angry now, not because Chu Xiu killed his disciple, but because he will not have a good helper in the future.

Among Qiao Liandong's disciples, although Fang Ting is the eldest disciple, he is not the one with the best talent, nor is he the most favored one, but he is the one who helps Qiao Liandong the most.

Among his disciples, Fang Ting has been following Qiao Liandong for the longest time, and he is also the one who can understand Qiao Liandong's meaning the most. Therefore, when Qiao Liandong has something to do, most of the time he instructs Fang Ting to do it.

The result is good now, Fang Ting died in Chu Xiu's hands, which is equivalent to breaking his arm, how can this make Qiao Liandong not angry?

Here, Qiao Liandong directly gave up the fight against Xuan Jiuyou, and went straight to Chu Xiu, with a terrifying murderous intent already flashing on the floating blood sword in his hand.

"Chu Xiu! You have abolished my younger disciple, and now you have killed my eldest disciple. If I don't kill you today, what face will I have to stand in the land of Western Chu? Give me death!"

Angrily Qiao Liandong went straight to Chu Xiu, and a powerful sword beam of dozens of meters suddenly erupted from the blood-floating sword, slashing towards Chu Xiu, and Qiao Liandong's blade seemed to be continuous. Unusually, hundreds of knives were already cut out in an instant, and the strength of the martial arts master was revealed in an instant.

Even if Qiao Liandong is a loose cultivator, even if he belongs to the kind of existence that is not too strong among the martial arts masters, he is still a master-level powerhouse who has condensed the martial arts real pill. The difference in strength is not comparable to the Martial Artist of the Unity of Heaven and Man.

Chu Xiu took a deep breath, and the same powerful demonic energy and suffocating energy erupted from the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand.

After all, the martial arts master was a martial arts master, and a casual blow from the opponent was enough for Chu Xiu to do his best to resist.

Dong Qikun and Xu Ting, who were fighting against Xuan Jiuyou over there, looked at each other, but neither of them shot.

At this time, Xuan Jiuyou was nothing to worry about, even if there was no Qiao Liandong, the two of them could solve it.

And just like what Qiao Liandong thought before, the Dong family has nothing to do with Chu Xiu. At this moment, Dong Qikun is too lazy to care about the personal grievances between Chu Xiu and Qiao Liandong.

Ying Bailu also stood by and did not respond. He and Chu Xiu were not friends. At this time, it was considered kind for him not to fall into trouble. It was basically impossible for him to help Chu Xiu.

There was only Lu Fengxian who wanted to help Chu Xiu, but he was in the Yuan realm with five energies.

After all, it was two big realms away, Chu Xiu could barely resist Qiao Liandong's shot, but Lu Fengxian struggled to even reluctantly resist.


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